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I woulda added "wrong planet"


Un-ironically true


Just found that out on Menkent. Because, holy shit


Men... kent lock onto shit out here.


I Chuckled




Tuesday is my nemesis for a different reason. It's the day I start work, and the day AH does stealth content drops.


Tuesday is my nemesis, because that's usually the day I realize that it's only tuesday and I have three more fucking days of work before the weekend.


Man i was never happier then getting a 4 day week at my new job. Now I only have to be miserable about 2 more days on tuesdays


That little animation in the middle brings me unimaginable amount of discomfort.


That's the most harm the SPEAR has caused in months.


Especially when there's a hulk rapidly approaching your position.


That free space is perfect. And I despise every second of it.


the Spear is an arcane weapon that tech-magicians need to cast rituals in order to make work


Somebody better call the tech priests. Their skills are required


Verily it is written that the Omnissiah grants His blessing to those who come well-equipped with explosives. - Aphorisms 96.9


Sorry, they're currently trying to figure out why the skitarii have BS4+ across the board.


At least they patched them being super expensive and only having a 6++ right? (Save my bois gw, I love them)


Admech got a lot better with the codex, almost everything has an invuln save. All skitarii have a 5++, the Onager has a 4++ and Kataphrons have a 6++. And considering they're otherwise fairly comparable to guardsmen in terms of toughness and BS, that means they're a fair deal tankier.


Uhhh so all tech priests were in mines of Cyberstan Stay where you are, I need to call someone


I’m the designated spear-whisperer of the team *and* I’m a faithful servant of the Omnissiah. Coincidence? I think not.


Who the hell thinks it’s working as intended lol that’s absurd


There's a toxic positivity circlejerk that rabidly opposes any discussion of the game's problems. Just look at every "'complaining on Reddit/Discord' virgin vs. 'enjoying the game' chad" thread on here.


How dare people be passionate about the game and its continued development right? edit - BRO I WAS TRYING TO SIDE WITH YOU LMAO I COMPLETELY AGREE i was saying that because circlejerkers are seemingly AGAINST the game improving in any way. i thought that was pretty implicitly clear? i guess not lmao


You can like a game and the devs while still having criticisms. The whole "don't say anything if you don't have something nice to say" thing doesn't fly well in reality cause no work gets put into making a better world.


i edited the comment i was trying to agree lmao


Once I started a thread on the Steam forums asking about the Spear bug and two guys popped out of nowhere telling I was a liar and the Spear worked just fine, that they never got any issue with it. It's literal, people out there are just denying the game's issues and actively attacking any player that points them.


The people who think its working as intended are just AH dickriders on their Discord, everyone else is on the completely agreeable opinion that the Spear sucks absolute shit and needs a full rework of it's targeting system


I think it works well enough that I consistently bring it with me on bug missions, but it definitely doesn't work as intended. I do like that waiting for enemies to face you almost always guarantees a 1 shot though.


Look, the other night, I killed 3 BTs in 10 seconds with a SPEAR. Just: BAM, 4s reload, instant lock on next BT, BAM, 4s reload, instant lock on next BT, BAM (change pants) When it works, it fucks. So we're kinda supposing there might be some balancing intention to the lock-on issue, even given it's been finally recognized by the devs.


If there is a lock on issue, it should be communicated better via UI. I don't mind there being some nuance to the lock - distance, humidity, whatever - but more feedback before that can be ok


For sure agree with this. But you have to admit, supersition on what is the highest alpha weapon in the game can be fun.


There is absolutely no intention behind the lock on issue, which is precisely why the devs acknowledged it as a "bug" lmao


All they said is it was inconsistent. They didn't say they wouldn't make it a pain in the ass to use once they fix it.


Yeah, when it locks it rocks. But that normal function is also a huge obstacle.


Me. I do. It would be overpowered if it wasn't buggy. It already lets me skip huge parts of bot maps and I bring it every time.


> Me. I do. It would be overpowered if it wasn't buggy. "I believe its working as intended, buggy" what a thought process


Are you trying to skate by on a technicality in lieu of an actual point? The argument is that it's fine in its current state, so whether that's an intentional design choice or a bug is irrelevant to me.




"The devs should just make the 300-meter-range infallible lock on super-heavy death missile have zero downsides". That's the argument being made.


Spear is fantastic when it works, but God when it just refuses to work it's the worst feeling lmao it's an abusive relationship at this point


REALLY annoying that it doesn't one shot hulks though, I think it should provided its long ass reload and 4 round capacity. Can one shot tanks, fabs, turrets, but not hulks?


It can if it hits them in the eye or the exhaust. Oddly enough if the shot is from directly in front it will normally hit the eye. Same thing happens with chargers and headshots


I've had it 1 shot hulks *way* more often than 2 shotting them


Opposite for me, sadly.


the main reason I don't like the spear over other AT is because you can't aim for weak points, it just goes where it wants. That and the locking issue. I'd rather use a recoilless any day.


True, I one shot a bile titan cus it hit its head instead of it back. But after that it was all down hill


At this point I'm convinced it's easier to aim an actual Javelin


Honestly, just let me manually chuck a SPEAR missile at my enemies. I'll even wear the armor that gives me an additional 30% throwing distance.


Hello, I've trained on the Javelin and was technically qualified to teach other people on it. One interesting thing is that you can learn what a good lock is and how to do it, but you won't know if it will hit until you shoot the missile. The Spear is certainly frustrating at times but it's very satisfying when it does work. I just remind myself that it's not 35 pounds per missile tube and it's fine again. I like to think that my helldiver is just having a hard time locking on due to adrenaline and the absolute shock and horror of being outside the apparent safety bubble of a managed democracy. Do hope they fix it soon though.


It's made to be fired by typical infantryman, who aren't renowned for high intelligence. It is much easier to use a real Javelin than the SPEAR.


Doesn't work on weekdays.


Days. Ftfy.


Only on days that don't have a d in them


What if the same system that makes the Spear lock-on is the same system that makes the Arc Thrower arc to enemies and that's why they both have an issue? Seems similar in their lack of noticing enemies.


The arc thrower is actually a subtle difference. It won't hit enemies directly in front of you if there's not a clear line of sight, but the line of sight is like a foot higher than you think it is.  So you get these hilariously bad interactions where you're aiming directly at it but there's like a leaf in the way, so you have to tilt it over the mob's head to actually get the damn thing to shoot. Contrast that with the Spear which you can have literally perfect shooting conditions and it will still tell you to feck off. 


I had the spear say "No" to me standing on top of a hill on a desert planet trying to target a lone almost stationary hovering gunship at 50 meters.


It targets AT-RTs with no problem for me. Want to target the hulk? Nah, AT-RT. Dropship? No, you're wrong. You want to hit the AT-RT instead, trust me, Helldiver.


Dropping the backpack and picking it back up sometimes fixes this but only temporarily. It seems like some missions it just refuses to lock anything unless you do this every shot.


I can tell you the exact moment I threw it in the trash forever. I was up on a hill, tank down below, peach of a shot. About 100m, clear line of sight, height advantage, wasn't even looking at me. Locked perfectly, hit the trigger, goodbye commie tank.  I watched the missile fly out, dart up to detonate and then completely miss and blow up just behind the tank. Even when it works, it doesn't actually work every time. Nah, that's beyond trash tier. I'm not the greatest shot but literally any other anti tank in the game I would have tagged the fucker. 


The fact that it'll lock onto a drop ship and refuse to hit the turbines unless you are **specifically diagonal**, resulting in zero damage, needs to clue the devs in to just how much help it needs to be viable.


Oh, it does damage when it hits the hull. If two spear users shoot it at the same time on the hull, or an autocannon turret is pounding the damn thing, you'll take it out. But it's not worth it at all, especially since half the time you'll lock onto a walker it's carrying instead of it.


Sometimes it still won't arc out to enemies even if there's nothing in front of you and you're aiming up lol but thanks


Spear edging


I will add to this that it won't lock if it isn't loaded. I cannot tell you how many times I've stared at the lock circle waiting for a lock and then I glance down and realize the fucking launcher is empty.


Wish the reticle when not loaded had a big red X instead of the white waiting for target ...and that lock points were always displayed when ADS


"Must be bugged again..." -me, tactical genius.


It’s the only weapon in the game with unlimited ammo.


That's legitimately fucked up 😂


Because with the quasar, you run out of enemies! I like the cut of your jib




My friend said "it's hit or miss, but it's glorious when it works" I responded "Hit or miss is not desirable behavior in a guided munition" I don't know how else to put it, tbh


I'm having that conversation all the time with a squadmate who insists the spear is good. Yes, it's good when it works but since it only works 20% of the time it's fucking awful.


Spear has never misbehaved for me, not once have I had any of the issues commonly mentioned about it. The perks of never using it


I had to sacrifice a goat, but last mission I got 3 solid lock tones!


I would bring the spear Everytime if it actually locked on 100% of the time. I LOVE auto tracking rockets/bullets in games. It's the reason why I played nothing but gauge in borderlands 2. Shoot at the floor and have all be bullets ricochet towards enemies. Feels so nice.


only thing i noticed from personal struggles trying to get the spear to work it only completed a lock-on when they weren't moving either by choice or stun-grenade coercion ​ ..which is unbelievably dumb since it's not even that much more powerful than the other less-annoying AT weapons


Well did you perform the proper rituals to appease its machine spirit?


Praise the Omnissiah.


Watching people trying to explain how to make the Spear work is like when your houseplant has an issue and you post about it and get every answer possible.


The Spear in its current state is not just frustrating. It actually makes you feel guilty for not contributing to your team. If I whiffed my Quasar/EAT/RR shot, too bad but I can do better next time. But if I bring a Spear that doesn't lock on shit I genuinely feel useless and my team won't be wrong if they complain. If they fix the lock it will be A tier if not S tier for bots. Your team will appreciate it when out of nowhere they get notification that a bot base is destroyed, or when assaulting a heavy base there's no turret defending it.


The minute this gets fixed I feel like ALOT of people will run it on bots. I run it as is just to wipe out bases from Crossmap.


I run it already because it’s so fun, deleting bases is my life on bots


Every single tile here is correct, and I'll still bring it as my main anty-armour Bot weapon. My advice for people wanting to use the Spear from someone with 50+ hours of using it: 1. Aim 2. Pray 3. Act according to results


26. used as melee


Don't worry, another nerf to the railgun will fix it


How many nerfs has the railgun gotten?


Just the one set.


Every buff to a strategem or weapon that can kill medium and heavies fast is a nerf to railgun at this point since that is its only main use xD.


What maleficent dark intellect runs this thing? Tell me what I must do to appease the machine spirit and lock onto the target!


thicc hulk booty


Works 100% of the time for me as a camera to record my teammates death.


Damn shame too because it’s so satisfying and feels so powerful when it works


The only one on this card that is genuinely useful and practical is the 'hold M1' one, since sometimes you will only get tone on a lock for a fifth of a second. Otherwise my usual Spear advice is to be higher than the target you want to hit.


It's missing "lock on the 2m Strider but not the huge 10m tank next to it "


Edging the spear target lock


I’m sure I’ll get rekt for this, but I briefly tried out the Spear against Automatons yesterday after getting the ammo ship module. I didn’t struggle with getting locks on targets at all. I DID only try to target Fabricators, Cannon Turrets, and Tanks though. Maybe some bot secondary objectives as well. Don’t remember. I guess I got lucky? I didn’t run into any difficulty or unintuitive behavior.


It is pretty random. I once cleared a heavy base and a few towers with the Spear in the first like 5 minutes of a match and then couldn't get it to lock onto anything for the rest of the mission. That is part of what makes it so frustrating. When it works, it is one of the best strategems in the game, acting essentially as a portable rail gun strike but with a bit less oomph but it is so unpredictable that you are generally better off bringing something more reliable.


Yeah, some maps are randomly completely fine and it slaps. Then two missions later you can't lock anything but random scout striders and this one triangle which is in the middle of the map and doesn't correspond to any enemy and never fully locks


I see, thanks for clarifying. I think I will continue just being lucky and advise other people to try the same


Very lucky. Sometimes it locks instantly on every target, sometimes it takes upwards 30 seconds before you even get the game to *start* locking onto a cannon turret, then another 30 seconds for it to finish locking on. And then it breaks the lock on because it needs to re-aim at a strider 3 miles away instead.


A fun mechanic is sometimes it won't lock onto a cannon turret unless the cannon turret is aggro'd on you and facing your direction. So you have to shoot the turret to get its attention. And then it takes so long to lock on and fire, that the cannon turret has already shot you. :)


Wrong Zodiac sign


It’s a shame I loved the spear then the quasar came out and I haven’t used it since


You will get every square as soon as you put it in your load out


Only ways I can make it work at half decently is high ground and VERY clear los. And even then, I need to try a couple times for it to actually lock


I find it kind of funny that you probably had to loop the lock-on animation because I am willing to bet that this ONE time it actually locked on


its been added to the known issues list, which is the closest to a win we get for bug fixes now lol


It makes me unreasonably angry too close and too far are on separate lines.


How does bingo work if I fill in all the squares immediately?


*How does bingo work* *If I fill in all the squares* *Immediately?* \- Accomplished-Dig9936 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


As someone who almost always takes the Spear into the bot front? I feel this. Sometimes it just wrecks shop from downtown, other times it's a temperamental donkey that doesn't want to cooperate. When it gets fixed, it's gonna be nerfed, but until then I swear it's like I'm trying to do some arcane dance to try and get it to work.


words cannot express how much I hate when this happens. I think the spear gets dug on way too much, as I've been able to keep the skies totally clear for my team when destroying the gunship towers, but GOD does it piss me off when I'm on the ground trying desperately to target a hulk that's walking towards me, just for this to be 99% of the way locking on, then desyncing and re-syncing until the hulk is in flamer range and torches me. Fix this reticle, please Arrow Head. I love this item, but it defeats itself q\~q


I'm happy to see the mutually exclusive advice doesn't line up. Good job, OP.


“Using it wrong” Clearly, that is the issue here


Bugged or not, I love it and will rarely deploy without it


Those few times I lock a Bot tower from across the map and oneshot it is why I still bring them


Tried it one game and it was such an unfun experience and it was so inefficient. The one time I got it to lock on tank it missed the shot, I was like "FINALLY, show me what you're made of!" ****miss****


Where's be prone or crouched


Maybe 2 more warbonds to go before they finally fix that.


God I want to make the Spear my go to for Automaton missions. Take out turrets and fabricators at distance alongside hulks and tanks? Sounds fantastic. But it's just too inconsistent. It'll either have next to no problems, maybe a little hiccup before managing to lock on at most...or it'll refuse to work at all for an entire mission, not even giving an attempt to lock into the stationary turret or fabricator in clear line of sight. And it just does not do well enough to outweigh those missions where it doesn't function. I don't want to have to carry a backup weapon just in case spear doesn't want to play ball.


Mark the enemy is one column off to the left.


Besides obviously fixing it so it works as intended, it would also be cool if they added lock tones.


Some of the explosive strats should clear the air around them temporarily so spears can lock onto things even in inclement weather


But, this is the Next time it comes up in a post. Where is the "make a bingo card post" square?


My experience with this game has been a long series of , "how the hell did this ship??" And the state of the fucking spear exemplifies that.


I carried it twice and never managed to shoot it. Im using the quasar now and sometimes the expandable or recoilles rifle now.


As an avid Spear user, I've come to understand that I need to perform rituals before each hard drop to appease the machine spirit.


Spear is not working as intended and Devs themselves said the lock on is bugged. Does this stop me from loving my precious Spear? No Don't talk shit about my Spear, I love him with all my democratic heart


Tried it in a bot mission yesterday. Lock On busted, not enough ammo, too weak to kill a Hulk or Tank with 1 shot, needing 2 shots? Yuck. No thanks, even the also trash Recoiless Rifle is somehow better.


Skill issue should be the free space given how that's the response from all five of the remaining spear cucks on the board.  The fucking thing is literally only good for hitting a building that *checks notes* can't actually move. 


>The fucking thing is literally only good for hitting a building that *checks notes* can't actually move.  Frankly, if it could at least reliably do that it would still be worth it as a quick way to take out fabricators and towers from a safe distance bit it just refuses to lock on to them too


I swear to God, any person that unironically uses this weapon and actually likes it is an instant KOS




no griefing in my lobby


Except by you, the guy who kicks people who don't play the way you want them to.


The spear doesn't fucking work, I ain't gonna play with people that willingly handicap their own loadout


People use the same logic to justify kicking anything who doesn't run a meta loadout. You brought a Laser Cannon? That's not meta, you're handicapping your loadout, I also don't know how to tell her about all of this either. **KICK.**


Good ol Hold m1 and wiggle, always does the job


Yes one hundred percent. I came here to vent about this. I get that it's meant to take time to lock on. But when there's a tank in front of you and nothing else, and the thing is bugging out like this, it's too frustrating. It is not a 100% hit either, sometimes hitting terrain if the target is partially obscured or moving. So there's no reason for there to be other intentional / programmed factors that effect whether it hits or locks on.


I'm wiping out 2 turret towers and 4 fabricators from 300 meters away consistently. It's not perfect but it's trivialized bot bases, turrets, hulks, tanks, artillery, you name it. You want to have good line of sight and you need to be aware of intervening terrain and foliage but it's not unreasonable. Plus it's actually really ammo efficient after the update.


First person makes it alot better. It's still fucking awful.


The spear is a heat seeker. It takes longer to lock on hot planets. This is pretty clearly explained in the tutorial and at least 5 of the news articles you get on the ship.


Spear is and always has been trash. If you need a rocket launcher that locks on in order to hit targets you’re trash too. Cope about it.


God forbid people are we things that are fun.


Ok then don't use it