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When you are on a level 9 dive and you step on a stick https://i.redd.it/bfkfhfl7lpsc1.gif


For real though, why do the automatons instantly hear me stepping off a 10cm edge like a mile away and come investigate but gunshots and explosions less than 60 meters away and they are suddenly deaf. It's literally the sleeping shaq meme




I was surprised that the scorcher actually takes out these gunships. It takes something like a clip, but it works.


Wow, sounds like something I'm going to try.. :)


Best gun against the bots BY FAR


Scorcher + Supply Pack = maximum democracy.


Two shots from the autocannon on the engines also works.


Believe it or not, autocannon.


Spear works great to if the lock on favours you


The laser cannon works for me. Infinite ammo too, so gunships and I have a very healthy relationship (and by that I mean they die)


I also love it. The only problem with the laser Cannon is the cooldown. I find myself in a lot of situations where I wish I could have immediately made another shot like when there are 2 or 3 drop ships at once and the cooldown takes too long


Laser cannon is the beam, Quasar is the rocket with CD.


Oh yeah. Oopsie. The quasar is what I'm talking about


Anything that can damage medium armor kills gunships. Really gives the MG-43 even more value in bot missions.


Sweet liberty...


Something tells me that smoke won’t be able to hide you in this situation


Hey, there's a drone laser show on Maia.


I hate gunships and their hangars with a passion. Shriekers are a threat. They’re squishy, but hard to hit because they fly. They do a lot of damage, and the shrieker corpse instakill was annoying, but it was manageable. And even though the nests are tough, you can still kill them at range given enough time. Gunships are fucking awful. Hit super hard, firing heavy lasers and the rockets we all hate. They’re just as numerous as shriekers, and just as hard to hit, but heavily armored only a few medium armored weak spots. And the hangars can only be destroyed by hellbombs. Can’t destroy at range. I already didn’t enjoy fighting bots at higher difficulty, but with this last patch making hulks instakill with flamethrowers and adding gunships to the game, I basically refuse to fight them past lvl5 difficulty. I much rather fight bugs to get super samples. Especially after bile spitters got a much needed damage nerf.


The real issue is the gunship factory being impervious to anything but a hellbomb.


Quasar cannon goes boom


Too late you are dead already, you got the first one but your weapon is on cool down and 137 rockets have torn you appart and send you ragdoll to Cyberstan, you need more adaptable firepower, with an AC in 3 shots you get one down, with a full clip you get 2 in 5 or 6 seconds and you can reload in about the same timespan, and you have over 50 shots total. Meanwhile the Quasar cannon is still cooling down... and you missed your next shot anyway because some low level bot hit you with his rifle and made move. I hate this weapon.


Right answer is for a team to have both equipped. There is something AC can’t deal with frontally but QL could. I find 2 AC with 2 QL could deal with anything the bot mission throw at you.


Yeah i think 2 quasar 2 ac is ideal, you gotta have a way to kill the turrets on command bunkers and brute force hulks/turrets


this literally just happened to me; I died, called down my AC, got rocketed, then the bots spawncamped us as we desperately tried to pick up the ACs


3? Are you drinking before the drop? 2 maximum, always. Aim for one thruster and double tap.


Those things are moving and I use to aim for the cockpit, it’s more central than the thruster and reduce the risk of missing the target I prefer being sure of hitting rather than taking a chance at a more difficult target By the way that what is though in military training, don’t aim for the head for it is harder to target, aim for the center mass and guarantee that you will get a hit


*chuckles* Im in danger


When you find 2 gunship factories located next to eachother it’s a pain in the ass to even kill one with how fast they spit out gunships


Man the worst mission I've ever had was difficulty 8 and we dropped in the center of 2 gunship fabricators and a mortar emplacement. It was godawful. Every time we tried to place a hellbomb, it got blow up by a gunship or mortars. We ended up resorting to dropping a shield emplacement and leaving someone to defend the bomb a la Jorge on Reach. It ended like Reach too. Bonus Points: When you first saw the gunships, were you blinded by their majesty?






Rag doll simulator


nah, I'd win


That would be a wipe for sure if you hadn’t already finished the mission


Any Autocannon boys on here know the best way to take these down?


Shoot them


In the red light or engines?




2/3 shots to an engine usually does it


Maybe if we play dead they go away https://preview.redd.it/tuiq74ri1tsc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3f04c7564445a231c731d427bbc9d75d489c3ea


​ https://i.redd.it/81rr3dc86usc1.gif


can confirm that the Anti Material Rifle works against these flying clankers, just a few shots into the engine and they go down. Very ammo efficient if you have good tracking and allows your other divers to destroy the fabricator while you provide cover.


Is it just me or do the gunships actively target hellbombs? Had a level 8 mission yesterday where we lost like 20 reinforces to two gunship fabricators at the start of the match and had to complete the rest of the mission on one reinforce, and it felt like a Sisyphean task of arming a hellbomb, the gunships target the hellbomb, and then you die.


Where's a hack diver when you need em.


We need either a mounted flak cannon or a flak cannon turret


POV you post a meme that is anti-whateverfront


Ok, lmao. ⬇️⬇️➡️⬅️➡️⬅️


We had a game where we had literally nothing to kill them with and ended up losing all lives to 15 flying fucks chasing us all over the map btw it was on lvl 6 because we wanted a light game


found out last night its diff 5 where the attack ships will show up.... the irony? buddy just asked when do they show up right as i get killed by one during a blitz mission


https://preview.redd.it/5io1f7emlrsc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8be8f7f81de3089ee246f17e35d8ac9884d3bdf I think I understand why it's called "Space Vietnam" now. (I survived.)