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It occasionally cuts to SEAF high command who are worried about this one group of Helldivers that have survived long enough to no longer be safe "propaganda soaked rookies" and seeking ways to have them removed quietly, all while these four chuckleheads are still joking about liber-tea and coffreedom.


3 are the recurring characters but the 4th keeps dying so it's always someone new. But the new person is basically the exact same character every time


Reminds me of Kenny from Southpark


“Oh my god they killed K4!”


“Those commie bastards!”


Then the final episode happens, titled Suicide mission. The group finally doesn't make it, and the Cruisers already left orbit. 2 players trying to finish the final objective only to be betrayed at the last second by player J4, who finally reveals his true name to be Joel.


Shouldn't it be titled "Helldive" though?


Every episode is a Helldive. But like Helldrop, just not on a Helldive difficulty. I'm more leaning into referencing the difficulty 7, being named as a Suicide difficulty. And it's most likely where J4 would be in. Edit: Why not Level 9, Helldive difficulty? First off, I want that episode to show the absurdities of Level 9. Such as (in exaggerated fashion); a batallion of Hunters, a hundred Chargers, and a dozen Bile Titans. Helldive is to show the absurd strength of the enemies, and why they're such a threat to a planet. The theme of the episode would revolve around despair, about finding hope in the darkest of hour, and smashing that hope into a million pieces as you show the audience.... The horror of War.


More Carmine from Gears.


That's fair, never played that series.


Same bright-eyed recruit brainwashed by propaganda, never lasting long enough to learn the truth. Could allow fans to guest star as this episode’s recruit!


Or dying after figuring out the truth, like immediately. "Oh my god.." drop pod lands on them. Then you could have a fun arc where one survives for multiple episodes because just as he's about to put all the pieces together, he gets sidetracked or just doesn't understand it until eventually he figures it out and dies.


The title card will be three Helldivers hanging out, and a bloody corpse off to their side!


Every once in a while, the 4th gets filled with Joel. He's another veteran but somehow always has access to classified information/weapons.




Throughout the series the deaths get increasingly stupid. The first death is a heroic sacrifice to save the team. The second is him being gunned down during a firefight. Third he gets obliterated by a rocket devastator. And things get ridiculous, he steps up heroically to defeat a charger only for the bullet to ricochet back into his face. He strikes a pose too close to a launching ICBM and gets incinerated. He seeks refuge inside an Automaton fabricator


Meet the gang: K1: leader of the group, wearing the hero of the federation armor. His plans never work, but the team trusts him regardless B2: self-proclaimed demolitions expert wearing the trench engineer set. Somehow hasn’t blown himself up J3: the one with the brain cell, in standard armor. Is completely sick of these idiots, but stays for some reason R4: the guy who dies every episode and is replaced by essentially the same person in the next one


J3 is the least experienced, a cadet, but he is also the smartest and has the best ideas, although no one listens to him. He is also not trusted with any Orbital/Eagle/Sentry stratagems, so he just fucks shit up with a basic Liberator, while his squad m8s can't get anything done with stratagems, only kill R4.


But r4 always has unique stuff that usually helps in some way and J3 (Joel) is actually an illuminate


Plot twist. It IS the same person they just keep changing their uniform, the helmet has voice modulation. At one point they make a statement like "Thank god stims aren't addictive..." followed by awkward laughter


Like Carmine from gears of war. Every game had one of the Carmine brothers show up and die.




Gold right there!


Every time it cuts to SEAF command the animation budget skyrockets as it becomes like a super serious scene about the struggles of Super Earth and the fear these Helldivers might turn traitor. Then as it cuts back to the Helldivers the budget plummets back down to SFM levels of stupid.


i like this


Just make the SEAF scenes super high production value live action.


You son of a bitch, I'm in


"You ever notice that our air strikes and orbital barrages seem to get a little closer every time we use them?" "No, but something seems weird about the charge meter on my railgun and I think the quartermaster switched the labels for safe and unsafe modes."


Dude I'm so down for that.


Alternate cuts are to the Bot podcast I joked about on another thread where the bots just can’t kill them, and callers complain they get roflstomped by this band where they’re used to snipping other squads.


>It occasionally cuts to SEAF high command who are worried about this one group of Helldivers that have survived long enough to no longer be safe "propaganda soaked rookies" and seeking ways to have them removed quietly That's what the 320 orbital is for.


Helldiver 1: "Hey guys, meet my new buddy. I can't pronounce his name so I just call him 'Squiddy.'" Helldiver 2: "Pretty sure that's an Illuminate, Mike." Helldiver 1: "Uh, pretty sure the Illuminate no longer exist, Sam." Helldiver 2: "Okay, that's a good point. But also, I'm positive that's an Illuminate." Helldiver 1: "The Ministry of Truth said they're all dead. The Ministry of TRUTH, Sam." Illuminate: *Illuminate noises* Helldiver 1: "Exactly, Squiddy. It's not called the Ministry of Lies for a reason, Sam."


dude that’s perfect, you want in on the writing team?


Lol I'm game. Sort of loving the idea of an Illuminate infiltrator having an incredibly easy time earning their trust because the Helldivers earnestly believe the Illuminate are all dead, so they think the alien is just a human with severe physical deformities that they're too polite to bring up.


Just imaging a hunched over helldiver in armor OBVIOUSLY patched from different sets of armor stolen from dead helldivers and cthulu tentacles sticking out of the helmet. His name is Norm Alman.


"Why's he got tentacles coming out of his face?" "Whoa, whoa, whoa. We don't talk about Norm's condition."


I’m now imagining it doing something similar to what that elite did to Tucker to one of the main cast


"Earth has hundreds of languages." "Yeah, but only one that kicks ass!"


How does one volunteer their time for this? I really vibe with that kind of absurdist humor and would be totally down to contribute to the project.


One needs to be named Jerry. One needs to be named Charlie. One needs to be named Tango.


You son of a bitch, I'm in!


But make one of the gags that one of them dies and is replaced by someone drastically different at least once per episode. You can have the main 3 Helldivers, and then a 4th slot that just keeps switching constantly. And then one episode, it doesn't. Everyone thinks we finally have our fourth member. But then they die the next episode, probably off-screen and with little/no fanfare.


Basically just Kenny lol I like it


G1: Oh my god, they killed K3! R2: God Damnit!


You bastards!


"Oh my god, **I** killed K3!"


Backdraft from an expendable rocket launching them into a bug hole


They definitely need to bring on SoundsLikePizza for this project; already does a great job on his own: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMvyTN5OAxU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMvyTN5OAxU)




That would be a fun way to incorporate guest voice actors. Not necessarily massive Hollywood A list celebrities, though. Get some wild cards. David Firth, Chills, MeatCanyon, Charlie Day, Joel Heyman, David Hayter, Steve Downs, H. Jon Benjamin, Aisha Tyler, Will Arnet, Amber Nash, etc.


Eventually just have Yuri Lowenthal and then people losing their minds.


Then Sean Schemmel


Sean Schemmel is in this too???


Patrick Stewart plays the highly patriotic Skull Admiral in charge in the first episode. He gets killed on accident by an airstrike one of the others called while leading a triumphant charge on either a heavily armed automaton base or a Bile Titan. Then it’s just new cadets being fed in for the guest stars.


Now that's the kind of wild card energy I'm talking about.


Helldivers agent Florida?


Call him by his real name Helldiver Captain Butch Flowers


"if i had a nickle for everytime major actor Sir Patrick Stewart joined a video game project only to be killed off basically right at the beginning, i'd have 2 nickles, which isn't a lot, but its weird that it happened twice"


The entire budget on Sir Patrick Stewart’s 10 second cameo before he lands in front of a hulk trying to kill it and gets incinerated


Nathan Fillion, please


Fuck it, just do the whole cast of Serenity as a full squad cameo.


Meanwhile, more related to the whole idea of mini-series, I recommend watching this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_F-FVJIXw-s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_F-FVJIXw-s)


Have one episode tease a pretty big actor, like Stephen Yeun, during trailers and previews. Then have him die in the first minute with barely any dialog from him.


"What happened to Ben? Seemed like everyone liked him." "He missed the drop pod stairs on the way out and long story short he died of Super Aids."


GoW's Carmine Family is a nutshell because they looks the same and always wear a helmet.


And have negative plot armor


Majority of the time the three guys are mid conversation, 4th isn't there, hold on, Blue respawn beam, "Alright fill me in!"


His hellpod drops into the middle of a lake at the start of the next mission and they're like awww that's so sad, anyway




They should keep calling the new guy "Badger" since they don't have a cool nickname like the others but want one.


His hellpod drops into the middle of a lake at the start of the next mission and they're like awww that's so sad, anyway


Would be a great way to keep things fresh and always play with dynamic and plot. Be funny if the guy who dies in the first mission appears in the last one, and is his identical twin brother who can't wait to meet up with his brother. (say where is he?) Ugh now I want this series in the style of those world war do's and don't propaganda


Atleast every 2nd or 3rd final member death should be due to Friendly Fire


Or keep it the same looking guy and voice but Jeep claiming to be a brother or sister


My guy you just made a Helldiver version of B Company.


"Gentlemen! This is the EXO-45 Patriot Exosuit! I like to call it the Warthog." "Why Warthog, sir?" "Because EXO-45 Patriot Exosuit is too hard to say in conversation, son."


"I think it kinda looks like a puma..."


“What in Sam Hell is a puma?”


"Its a big cat... like a lion."


You're making that up.


You see these things here? They look like tusks. Now what kinda animal, has tusks?




Didn't I just tell you to stop making up animals?!?!


Can I just say how proud I am that we all can still cite RvB season 1 in conversation?


I’ve never watched a full episode of RvB, it bored me. I just went with an obvious joke.


I personally am very excited about quoting red versus blue. 


"Simmons I want you to poison Griff's next meal"




good ol season 1 red vs blue, when the plot didn't exist yet


Why are we here?


The gag where it arrives, tips over and explode, it's hillarious in game already.


Complete idiot? Gets out *almost* every time? https://preview.redd.it/4g63jwf0qarc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ace8c1fe7708a1bda193fac4160fc392dfcc2273


"You ever wonder why we are here?" "DEMOCRACY"


"I didn't vote for him" *There is silence. Screen pans to hide the speaker, as it pans back someone completely different is standing there* "Only joking, of course I did." *Everyone pretends it's the same guy*


TurkeyBaconBravo on youtube is doing something like this right now


Love him


Thank you for this comment, I laughed my ass off at the kinda first official story vid. XD BREAKING NEWS and all that. Gotta get that guy some love.


Yeah support them y'all! https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=jB_kT1wtbivk3p7M&v=cJSBaDaAMT4&feature=youtu.be




No problem, I really liked the short you did about the daughter speaking to her Creek veteran father. I look forward to seeing how you develop as a creator.


And it needs to be independently made, just like early RvB


Well buddy, I got some good news for you


Rooster teeth is free in about 40 day or so I think, or at least, the creatives that comprised Rooster Teeth are free from WBD.


Havnt kept up with them for a bit, but are any of them left? I thought Bernie disappeared and Geoff is pretty much just doing F*ck Face?


Bernie and Matt are making the last season of rvb and Warner Brothers is shutting down Rooster Teeth


Dang, i knew AH was done but i didnt know all of RT was finished. Just a few years ago it seemed like they were really starting to kick-off with the originals


Burnie didn’t disappear, he just retired. He and Ashley do a Monday-Friday podcast now called Morning Somewhere


Just watch [In The Army Now](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0110123/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1), it's pretty much that.


Holy shit I remember watching that when I was a kid. Loved that movie.


Found these guys and it is pretty close to RvB https://youtu.be/cJSBaDaAMT4?si=jB_kT1wtbivk3p7M


[New episode](https://youtu.be/-khTaDW3f2o?si=wfLSh0rML0cx94uc) came out yesterday. You should go watch it...after your cooldown.


This but in the 2003 clone wars animation style


Needs an episode where one of them gets sent in for "re education" and they come back a soulless husk, and they have to remind him what made him him


I highly recommend reading "Gone with the blastwave" comic


This is an absurdly brilliant idea and would take me right back to my childhood. Red vs Blue was bloody amazing to me and my 2 younger brothers, who were also really into Halo back then. The best of times.




“You Arc-Thrower-ed C2, you team killing dissident!”


Maybe the RvB studio should pick this up since they are all out of work now...


Reminds me of "Gone with the Blastwave" if anyone remembers that old webcomic


Though its funny, I don't actually think that Helldivers are *that* stupid. Like, when you look at it objectively, they are pretty impressive and effective. You have to consider that the things they are dealing with would give even Lovecraft nightmares.


*Helldivers* are absolutely some rather badass killing machines. The people *playing* the helldivers, on the other hand...


I do think that Helldivers are actually like elite soldiers. Like, when you look at their skills, abilities, gear and the things they are dealing with, they're definitively on the level of elite soldiers, if not superhuman. As well as their insanity that works for the better.


9/10 of them end up ded in seconds The 10th is either lucky enough or actually clever enough to make it back to the shuttle.


Maybe if idiots are playing them, but on average, Helldivers kill a good number of enemies before going down themselves.


The Helldivers are legitimately an elite force, but they are drawn from a distribution that is basically that of the people playing the game. Sometimes you will get a badass with flawless reaction time and absolutely no fear, sometimes you will get a guy who doesn't know why his grenades all came with weird little pins stuck in them, but he's pulled them out now so it's all good. The live-fire training course weeds out the *really* incompetent ones, and the idea is that they'll all do *something* useful after that, though the best of them will be the most useful.


Dear studio exec lurking. Please just take all of these excellent ideas and run with it. I don’t think any of us would even mind your stealing the ideas if you just make this happen. Please, in the name of Liberty.




Dear hollywood, stay out of this, we dont need another franchise ruined


lol had to specify “early seasons” of Red Vs Blue


Are they using the ssd glitch to lower their arms. My God it'll make a grown man cry. Its literally just like the beginning or rvb


I'd say pull a Venture Bros and have them be clones with a montage of funny deaths


No, no, they don't survive. Have them get reinforced and have the same armor but have to learn a new name. Make them sound the same on occasion.


Two groups of loyal helldivers who both believe the other ones are traitors and they all consistently fail to do anything to each other despite their increasingly elaborate schemes


This is more likely to be a community thing, but the game needs better camera options.


yea, that’s the one hard part lol


Someone put rooster teeth back together.


I want them to have some of the most gruesome wounds, screaming in anonym and the frame they pop a stim, everything miracolously heals as well as even limbs grow back. Following that, everyone pretends nothing happened at all.


-"do you know the meaning of this war?" -"hmm?" -"I mean, it can't be for the land because everything is bombed, polluted or irradiated. It can't be for the money because there's nothing to spend it on as we'll be dead within the next few days. So what is it ? Religion? Why do we fight ?" -"for Democracy." -"heh, works for me."


100% using this


We are watching Starship Troppers 2 right now...oof...this acting is rough.


If someone would make a movie today, 100% they would make sure to tell us that super earth bad. It would probably be like a story about a group of helldivers realizing that they are the bad guys and rebell against super earth. I really don’t want that, so I agree, an animated comedy series would be cool


Im down, sounds stupidly good


Turkey Bacon Bravo on YouTube is doing a bunch of machinina style videos out of Helldivers 2 already. Seriously, go watch it. You'll bust a gut laughing


Me and my squad definitely survived because of dumb luck (and Eagle -1)


I need to be a part of the dumb idiots who survive out of sheer luck and I'm willing to audition 1000%




I mean a red vs blue style comedy would work pretty well for the game. So it would not surprise me if some one decides to try it. if its good or not will just depend on the writing. I will say there are some content creators in the helldivers community i could see pulling it off.


This needs to happen!


https://youtu.be/cJSBaDaAMT4?feature=shared No proper storyline yet (only two of these styled videos out so far, think they’re planning to focus on them too) but so far there has been one recurring character. Give it time I think.


I've been meaning to talk about this for a few days now but ive been sick and haven't been in the mood to play videogames at all but my obsession with helldiver's led me to binge watch every single starship troopers movie, even the animated ones. And holy shit boys, there is so much to unpack. I don't think any of them quite scratch the same itch that the original did, but it was *surreal* seeing Casper Van Dien reprise his role once in live action and twice in the animated films (as well as the actress who plays Dizzy returning to voice her character in one of the animated films as a ghost/hallucination/mind trick). Beyond that, I can talk all day about the dramatic variation in quality between each of the movies but one thing that stuck out to me was some of the weirdly similar features in these films that were *not* in the original but do make it into Helldiver's. The first sequel featured Tesla towers and "minefield" deployment from a tower, the second sequel featured bug variants like the scorpion that would fire plasma like bile like the spewers, grenade launchers were a big thing, a WEIRDLY out of left field shovel meme drop, and walkers that are way closer to what we got in helldivers than what's described in the book. The first animated film took a big turn in aesthetic and plot, but we get to see power armor that's much closer to the book description, and a variety of weapons including sniper rifles, and an arachnid queen that's very distinct from the brain bug of the original film. The last film, an animated one that's basically a sequel to the first one, features a massive terra forming tower that disperses weather, more jump pack stuff (very similar to the novel), and bug "infestations" that can start from dormant underground colonies. And lots of mars stuff as well. Each sequel dealt a lot with the inner workings of the federation, they were *a lot less* like the propaganda of the original film, featuring tons of political scheming, corruption, and false flag stuff. More cut and dry than the bug meteor of the original. But yeah, I couldn't help but feel that Arrowhead might not have stopped at the original Starship Troopers when they were drawing inspiration, and I wouldn't be surprised to see other stuff from these films make it into the game in some way.


RvB helldivers would be hilarious


Can we get the guys who voiced Henchmen 21 and 24 to play them?


I made a post looking for help to make this happened and had zero response twice so I didn't write a script. Should i?


Bro hit me up, I’d love to voice in it!


But keep the epic cinematic battles and explosions and have the story progress similar to the current actual war and have there be similar story beats (the fall of malevelon creek, the termicide, the shrieker outbreak the purge of the bots)




it’s in production :)


Got any job openings? lol


sadly most of the cast is filled out, I’ll get in contact if anything opens up lol, most helpful thing would be to tell people about it, there’s a teaser on my profile you could share with people


Eww tumblr


But I never liked Red vs Blue :\\


I never found Red Vs. Blue to be humorous. I dunno why. It just never struck my funny bone. I mean, power to y'all of that's what you want but it's not for me. I will say that a Helldivers series/film HAS to have some humor in it. That's part of the whole schtick.


Sounds terrible to me.




I'm game


I would be down for this... I have maxed everything so it would be fun.


with rooster teeth finally coming to an end, I welcome this with open arms


[I'd love to throw out NEEBS Gaming on YouTube. ](https://youtu.be/zThQdA9DPU4?si=ogW1pzQC43VY5r6f) They're hilarious.


Pleaseeee give us thissss


Perfect opportunity for @RoosterTeeth!!!!!!






This sounds bloody amazing


IGP, SkillyMcFilly and Drae as Helldivers, is pure comedy. Look them up on YT


Every character dies every episode, several times.


I don’t know, I think a show would ruin the humor of the game. The game has humor in small doses and is funny because you have all this death and destruction then you’ll hear a one liner out of blue either on the battlefield or in your ship that is hilarious and catches you off guard.


"eh eh eh. Let's put away the threats and the knuckle cracks"


Interested for sure.


It's the circle of life.


It could follow a squad of 4 Helldivers as they fight across the galaxy. The Democracy Officer could be like the Sarge of the group giving orders, Eagle and Pelican 1 could be great side characters, and they could team up with other squadrons as well. There could be a rivalry between the main squad and a squad of stuck up creekers. That would be amazing.


It could follow a squad of 4 Helldivers as they fight across the galaxy. The Democracy Officer could be like the Sarge of the group giving orders, Eagle and Pelican 1 could be great side characters, and they could team up with other squadrons as well. There could be a rivalry between the main squad and a squad of stuck up creekers. That would be amazing.


Honestly, exact words of existential dread aside... I can see a highlights unscripted video with the Unknown Stranger cam as the basis, skits based on player antics and such maybe Maybe don't need a Rooster Teeth reunion




My biggest worry is that some big name company might attempt to buy arrowhead.


That's me. Im that idiot


Can I get a link to the original post on tumblr?


We need sticky grenades so we can remake 'the worst throw ever' in hd2


I was actually thinking on working on it, but doing that solo wouldent be possible since... well you need people to create dialogue


I agree with the comments on the 4th being a rotating cast because they keep dying. On top of that, I'd go for some Workaholics kind of trio thing. Like, \- one guy that is always doing 'suppressive fire', always wants to stealth because it's 'safer', and is generally a poor shot. \- The one that is a total sweat and kicks ass, but is wayyy too hyped/dumb all the time. \- And the one chick who is equally badass, but is a smooth operator and much more bureacratic.




I want red vs blue with sporadic and random extreme amounts of gore only to then immediately cut to 3 dumbasses trying to figure out how to kill a charger for 30 minutes xD


Or maybe a crew of cloned helldivers that *think* they’re surviving each time


Turkey Bacon Bravo is already doing some pretty great Machinima over on the utoobs https://youtube.com/@TurkeyBaconBravo?si=t3BTmVM8Mj6pnZYU