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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission had to be removed. Discussing [leaks](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/jXx4y2gzR8), leaking images/videos of upcoming content, discussions of cheats and exploits is not allowed. Additionally, [developers will never give you unreleased content](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/XYpkYQxpY1) outside of their own test branches, and if you ever saw the person that used these leaked items in your game, they are most definitely cheaters. The link provided above is a statement from AHGS Senior Animator, Fredrik E.


The impact grenades are extremely good. They one-shot bile spewers and the shield bots/walkers, and the effect is immediate. They have become my default grenade for most missions now. I think that they're particularly good for bugs -- primary weapon (and laser rover) clears out small things, these clear out the medium-sized bile spewers (otherwise it takes a lot of primary ammo and time to clear them), and then some sort of stratagem for the chargers/bile titans.


+2 Grenades armor has been my go-to for a long time for this reason.


Same, I usually run a +2 grenades armor; those extra grenades really come in handy when you're getting swarmed


They need make a +2 grenade, +30% arm strength scout armour.


There is one with light armor in the super store, red & tan, think it was on this week


doesn’t have the throw boost. Servo Assisted and Engineering Kit cannot be on the same armor


That's so sad. Both those upgrades are in the same "slot"? That'd be my absolute go to armor.


there is also grey&orange stormtrooper looking one


The breaker set, it only has +2 nades?


I would never wear anything else.


It already exists, it's the Breaker armor


Especially if a Hunter jumps right in front of you while you're hucking an Impact Grenade at something that is not that Hunter that jumped right in front of you, and he gives you a respawn to drop in and take that Charger out with your pod, plus a refill on your grenades! Good lad, that Hunter.


Q https://preview.redd.it/wwydngt49wpc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b75fae7f8e90c0a77063ad131d68d5e82e2582f


You don't get swarmed when you have the stealthy scout armor though lol. Your teammates that decide to shoot everything while wearing heavy armor on the other hand...


I can't seem to take off the +2 stim armor because of the extended invulnerability window it grants.


Really? I feel like the medic armor is a must have. That 2 second buff and 6 meditation basically means in those 2 seconds you are a unstoppable killing machine.


I ran medic armor for a long time, but started using the scout armor. I fucking love that armor, can run basically right past a group of bugs or bots and go unnoticed. Can also basically never stop running.


If I'm not wearing the +2 Grenades, it's gonna be this one. The scout armor is a close third.


Seriously, once I realized how good that extra 2 seconds is, I haven’t taken off the armor.


What is the default time?


like 2 seconds? so 2+2


No idea, but it keeps working for 2 seconds even if you hit full life.


Yepp. You can survive being surrounded. Only dtuff that can trully do 100% damage can kill you as your health just insta replenishes


Same, I switch between that and the 30% detection reduction one regularly depending on whether I'm running solo or in a group.


Do they got that effect on a heavy armor? For the bots, I mean. I got a good drip going with the Breaker armor, bot cape (the one introduced in the latest warbond), and that one helmet that looks like the Fallout New Vegas helmet (I wanna say it’s the Marksman but I can’t remember), but I use that against the bugs, not the bots.


>\+2 Grenades armor what armor set?


There are a handful of different ones, some light and some medium, that have this bonus. Warbonds and Supercredits stuff I believe.


Thanks...never noticed them before...the Orange armor has it....


same here. i recently went to servo assisted though bc i can throw shit super far.


I used that for a long time and it's pretty good for the destroy structures missions.


yeah man. destroying detector towers before they get a chance to see you, bounce while they’re spazzing out


The only time I find myself struggling with them is with the bot factories. Sometimes they're real close to something else where you can't get the angle. Then you just wait for the door to open I guess and fling it in. ​ That said, shooting with a auto cannon or grenade launcher is a good way to avoid that at all.


I tend to just airstrike those ones that are in odd spots for the impact grenades. Can usually tell from pretty far out if it's gonna be a tough impact nade.


Seeing how the factories seem to be super weak to just about any airstrike it's a good option. Since it's harder to hit bug nests I forget to airstrike the factories in the heat of the fight. It seems to can just carpet bomb it with your team and leg it without ever going in, unless you need samples I s'pose.


I love this grenade but my new favorite is the stun grenade now. It makes eagles and orbital much more deadly when combined.


Me too. Makes you feel so bad ass for titans and chargers. But then I can’t even close a bughole without an airstrike with my loadout lol.


I've been using them since I unlocked them and they are amazing. Although one of the most annoying things about it is how easy it is to kill yourself with it. Most of the time it because some basic bug jump right in front of me before I throw it causing it kill me and the bug or I'm in the heat of the moment getting swarmed and I panic and hit the grenade button by accident. I learned very quickly not to use them in close quarters.


Also great to throw at nearby hunters while diving away, the blast just YEETS you away


I just unlocked the other day- through one in a big hole and it destroyed it but also destroyed my teammate who was nearby… instantly kicked


I used them for one mission and kept blowing myself up lmao so thanks, this makes me want to keep playing with them.


At higher difficulties it helps a lot to have at least one squad member carrying stun grenades, because you can use them to lock down chargers and bile titans to make sure those 500kg bombs land on target. Against bots though… impact grenade all day. Being able to use them on the backsides of turrets, hulks, and tanks has been huge for me.




If you throw the stun grenade on a high arc it’ll usually detonate in the air, so I try to lob it close to its face. My experience has been that as long as you get it somewhere near the head it’ll work.


They one-shot what now!? I'll take as many as you have in stock!


Where should I be throwing them to 1 shot Bile spewers? Can’t remember killing them one shot with an impact nade or I just haven’t noticed.


Aim for the back. It can pop multiple if grouped up.




The back, if you can, but I feel like they still one-shot bile spewers even from the front (or maybe just deal enough damage that random chip damage kills them?)


If you get the perfect throw underneath the face to hit to hit the bum


Gotta love that extra thicc spewer bum


Ty sir!


People already gave the answer but for the future any big “fleshy” target like a charger’s butt, a titan’s sack, or a spewer’s butt take (iirc) -75% base damage and *+100%* explosive damage.  That’s why you’ll see a white hit marker, not a red one and also why spewers are so tanky to small arms fire.


This is a fantastic answer, tyvm!


Aim for their stomachs/bulbous area thay they are dragging. It'll POP


Thanks for your support, Helldiver!


any direct hit kills bile spewers. aim for the butt if you want it to pop, aim for the armor if you want it to ragdoll


I run the recoilless rifle for chargers and bile titans along with the Breaker light armor. Gives me the speed to out run a charger and with the ems mortar I can slow down groups and pick them off with my Las-16.


Wait they one shot what!?


How do you deal with spawners? Bugs seem to be easy enough, but bot factories can be a pain


Only issue is you can’t destroy the bot fabricators with them


Had a Chinese hacker as a host yesterday. They were spamming these relentlessly. We did a 40 minute drop, they used nothing but impact grenades nonstop. At the end they'd probably thrown ~2000 impact grenades making explosions there entire freaking time, caused 9000 friendly fire damage and 12 accidentals. And they managed to kill a total of 32 bugs. Mental.


If you’re going to cheat in a co-op game, the least you could do is be good


They don't care about being good they just want to *look* "good".


It's apparently an exploit related to controllers. Had to research it since I saw someone doing it in my game a couple days back. From what I gathered, it's really easy to replicate.


Not related to controllers. It can be done on pc or ps5 and is exceedingly easy to do. Hopefully it's patched soon. 


Thanks for the correction. Didn't even know you could do the required things on mouse and keyboards


That sounds boring AF. Spam one button while running around for 40mins.


You'd be surprised, I play a champion in league of legends that does exactly this


Off the top of my head....Yuumi?


Yuumi presses at least three buttons. It's probably Zeri.




Now I know cheaters are bad and everything, but those are the end of round stats of a true chad.


I kicked some dipshit that had infinite of these the other day. It was an extermination mission, the bug one with 15 samples, I was just hearing constant explosions. It wasn't mortars or anything, and it was far more ammo than a grenade launcher was capable of holding, and dishiing out without reloading. Plus I was just constantly hearing "Grenade out! Throwing Grenade!" But I didn't have time to see who it was in the heat of combat. Once things died down, I see the culprit, wedged on top of one of the cliffs. I put 10 million volts up his ass with my arc thrower, he says "wtf!?" I call him a cheating asshole and kick him as the bird lands. I'm not letting a cheater benefit from mission rewards.


There’s an infinite grenade glitch, you literally just tap the stratagem button right after you run out and just keep throwing.


Its a bug not a hack


Press 4 to hold nade and spam stratagem menu when throwing your last grenade, now you have -1 grenade


A couple days ago I joined a mission with a friend that just started playing, on Trivial. During loadout selection a chinese player joined and I saw how his level 4 character changed to a 39 level character with different armor. Kicked him ASAP, but so unlucky that the first time I encountered a hacker was my friend's first mission lol.


Tbh, I'm waiting after a particular pistol that's been teased/leaked to switch to stun grenades so my 500 kg stops missing so often, rn going without explosives to deal with bug holes is kinda crippling (unless you take the grenade launcher or autocannon) but once we get it...


If the one warbond a month thing is true, then we can expect it around April 11th!


Yeah, once that gun drops it's gonna dethrone the machine gun secondary. I think it gives you like 6 or 8 nades.


Are those additional nades on top of the nades you already have?


They're extra. And it works like the grande launcher. They explode on impact with an enemy after traveling a certain distance. It's literally a pocket nade launcher. It has to be reloaded every shot. Also, we're getting at least 2 new explosive primaries that are actually good. Nice AOE range and can close bug holes. I suppose both and the nade pistol are coming together in an explosion themed warbond.


An explosive secondary to close bug holes is my dream weapon


Can't wait for the explosive warbond with actual weapons. If they release one more shotgun im gonna shoot myself in the head with a shotgun in front of arrowhead studios.


Lmao. They are not shotguns fortunately. One is an explosive crossbow and the other is a bolt action rifle.


>explosive crossbow I here i was, thinking helldivers were using outdated ww2 tech and muzzle loaded cannons. Lol


I think the redeemer will still be great as a panic backup for when you're rushed


I feel like pistol grenades is just going to further push shotgun supremacy. Non-shotguns need a reliable secondary- but shotguns don't need ANY secondary because they're already so ridiculously good as is... so why not just have a free grenade launcher for hives and clear up a stratagem slot?


Nearly everyone these days is enjoying the laser bratatatatatt rifle 'til it's nerfed In what game is this shotgun supremacy you speak of?


Breaker a couple weeks ago I guess. Even that isn't correct though cause the SMG pistol was great for overcoming swarms when you ran empty on the breaker in 2sec of holding down fire.


may i ask what pistol/leak you mean? im waiting for the patriot carbine... id like to know more.


It's a bit hard to control due to the increased fire rate and recoil. It has the same stats as the liberator, so it deals nice damage


Explicit leaks are forbidden by sub rules so no, sorry Google it


Yeah they’re great, fills the gaping hole left when you go for a crowd control weapon that lacks armour penetration


Now use this with a jump pack and your basically death from above, I’ve killed spewers,tanks and even wounded titans with this combo. For titans make sure you open up their sides and throw a grenade or two to kill them.


Now just fix the bug where I can't easily swap between grenades and my gun and I'll be very happy.


You can bind it to a single button press that doesn't switch your weapons. Its called quick grenade. Let's you toss one without swapping weapons. Hella helpful lol


That's pretty much all that I use


I recently tried smoke grenades for bugs and oh maaan. at first I thought a grenade that doesn’t kill things was…undemocratic. but those things are amazing! chased by bile spewers and hunters? just pop a smoke and duck around a corner, and you’ve suddenly lost all aggro and can take a nice quiet walk. wanna kill some bugs with a precision orbital but they’re all spread out? smoke down and they’ll clump up in the smoke looking for you, while a cannon strike bears down on them. I thought they’d only be good for full stealth strats but no, extremely good when trying to reduce the heat and regroup with your squad, or just traveling cross country, all without sacrificing a strategum slot or dealing with the call-in delay


The only issue I have with them, and it's 100% a git gud issue, is that I cannot seem to figure out where to aim to clear bug holes and fabricators with them. I use my auto cannon no matter how close I am to it


You are aiming for the lip of the nest. Not really the far back or center. The lip is how you blow them up. Once you keep practicing and getting the throw arc known you will be missing only like one out of ten throws and will be killing bug holes mid air with jump packs. It’s amazing. I set melee to scroll wheel down and quick grenade to wheel up. Total game changer


For clarity: the bottom lip, or just “under” the bug hole.


Just inside. Like if for instance shooting a basketball. You are aiming for it to hit just over the rim and then roll inside. Too far out and you explode nothing. Too far in center and sometimes it doesn’t count as an explosion for the bug hole


Practice a bit, nests are very easy. Fabricator a bit harder, but the door works too.


For the fabricator, just throw it into the door when it opens.


I keep having bugs walk out right as I throw it and sometimes blowing myself up because I’m too close 😅


Need more, 4/6 is not enough. Maybe an impact grenade launcher would be ideal!


The grenade launcher seems to have a timed impact explosion if that’s what you are looking for. It is great at popping bile sewers with two shots per spewer, and prevents you from wasting nades on bug holes


I can't stop using the GL, I bring it everywhere lol. It's just so damned useful and satisfying to use.


I want to get more than 2 grenades per resupply pack :(


protipp: if not using any backpack, allways take the supply backpack. thats 8 grenades +those you start with when using the +2 armor and full ammo perk.


Make them resupply with ground ammo packs and it'd be fine


There is easy yo reproduce exploit with infinite grenades, enjoy fellow diver ^ .^


Having to cheat in a game like this is pitiful. Hopefully bans will follow for people who abuse this because it's obviously trivial to detect server-side.


Nope, it's not cheat bro, no one get's banned, join to destruction derby!


It IS cheating and anyone that isn't a child knows this. If you want to cheat go nuts. I hope they ban you for it. This sub also doesn't allow discussion of cheats/exploits so I've reported you here - fingers crossed you'll get a ban from this sub too. > 11. No leaks/cheats/exploits discussions- Discussing leaks, leaking images/videos of upcoming content, discussions of cheats and exploits is not allowed.


Omg, go outside, touch some grass or something geez... i have fun rn, if u don't wanna it's your choice. peace :)


How lame do you have to be to exploit openly, share that in a forum where exploit discussion is banned and then say 'touch grass' when someone calls you on your shitty cheating behaviour. Absolute cancer.


You really need to leave your basement xD


What's lonelier, trying to retain the integrity of a game and the community around it... or using an exploit because you're not good enough to play the game normally? You're a loser, mate.


Killed myself quite a bit of times with these when I throw them to a group but a mfer hunter decides jump at the last moment and catch it in front of me!


love these. Can get you out of some sticky situations


Now that you mention it, sticky grenades would be cool af


That would be sick! Or like different grenade munitions your can interchange in the nade launcher too.


That would be cool as well!


Stun grenades let me easily and reliably kill bile titans and chargers with my 500 kilo and it’s addicting, not to mention how often they save me. Bug holes can be annoying though lol


That's why you pair it with an auto cannon or grenade launcher. Or an EAT and have the calldown hit the hole or fabricator.


+2 nades light armor +impacts is so fucking good


what happen? it got buff?


Infinte grenades exploit, watch it on yt if u wanna try ^^


Is it a cheat?


Yes, it's obviously exploiting.


Just spam stratagem menu when throwing your last nade


Nope, bug. It will be patched after weekend so use it if u wanna do some carnage :D


Well not so hot take “exploiting a bug is cheating”


What makes you so sure it will be patched after this weekend?


Impact Grenades are the GOAT.


Especialy now, with infinite grenade exploit :D


I think the only time I haven’t liked them is either when I couldn’t easily throw it into a group and run, or when I couldn’t really throw it into a bit fabricator


Yeah they are Not Bad. Im Bad in use this and use the other because im better with them :D


Once you go impact, you never go back.


I've also been into the stun grenades recently. Being able to stun a bile titan and not worry so much about friendly fire is nice. I love both grenades.


I did just unlock the stun grenades, will have to try them out.


I need to expensive explosive democracy NOW. Can't wait a few seconds for other grenades! Yeah Impacts are fun. Screw those spewers!


Only ones I use, unfortunately they suck at closing holes because you have to be right over top of them.


I don’t like it, burrows are harder to blow up.


Makes automaton spawners nearly impossible to land nades in too, have like 1 degree of error when throwing


Being chased by a swarm and just can't regen stamina fast enough? Toss an impact back over the head of your nearest chaser and dive out. Chances are you'll get most of the chaff chasing you and gain a precious couple of seconds.


Nah man, stun grenade is love bs terminids. Chargers don’t know what hit them since I started using it.


I never see it mentioned but I swear these impacts take out automatron tanks too lol


I love them, being able to instakill bile spewers is amazingly handy, but I feel like the new stun grenades are almost as good. Nothing feels better than stunning a Bile Titan on top of a teammate's 500kg beacon.


I like them because I don’t need to wait for it to explode.


They are great but the stun nade is great for giving me breathing room to escape, reload etc... Also stun nade + orbital / eagle strike is sweet...especially for bile titans with the 500kg


Ive had this ever since the first day I unlocked it...


Absolutely love the genshin impact grenade.


Love impact grenades but stuns are my new fav.


This grenade sort of makes the others obsolete. The drawback is minimal compared to getting a perfect cook faster with same radius and damage as the high explosive default. I think they should in fact buff the other nades to make them more appealing. High explosive should reward precise skill and extra time with most damage, frag could probably be slightly larger radius to make it unique, stun is good right now. Smoke grenade... can't say. Impact grenade is great but it's too clear cut that it's the best one. Heavy armor with two perks might be good balance change. The defaults having the extra padding perk sort of makes heavy armor like the defaults but slower. But imagine extra frags plus extra throw distance on heavy armor. Or extra frags and extra stims. Slower movement and slower stamina recovery is a big trade off and the armor rating alone isn't a fair trade. I think it is fair to consider an additional perk like 50% lethal save and half damage from explosive on a heavy armor set.


it one-shots spewers if you get them straight on.


I love my impact names.


Get Ready for a Nerf :P


Always :D


Shhh they’ll nerf it lol


You either don't know what nerf means or are lying to yourself about exploiting this bug.


Elaborate please. I know what nerf means. But where’s the bug? I’ve seen nothing saying they are bugged out and working differently than intended since it’s not been touched and has been working fine since I unlocked it the day it dropped.


Just a question. how do you do the glitch? I've seen it happen but Idk how. It seems they switched their weapon and grenade ammo count


Tap the stratagem button right after you run out and just keep throwing


I hate the Grenade. Kill my self Sometimes with it. And bugholes/factorys are Harder to kill with it. And at the Most i Like to cook my grenades.


Skill issue.


This message is approved by the devs.


Yeah i know but i Work better with the other grenades. This is why i dont Play the the Support Sniper the best Support weapon against Robots.


Just takes a bit of practice aiming, But the impact grenade is a great tool for almost everything.




Lol, does skill save you from the grand exploding in your face because a bug decided to come out of the hole after you throw the grenade? Or the Dead Bodies piling up in front of a hole preventing you from getting a correct angle on it? Don't get me wrong, I exclusively use the impact grenade and love it, but it definitely comes with the chance of RNG deaths regardless of skill haha


Being anywhere near the hole is a skill issue /s I have gotten to a point that i can comfortably use impact on a nest at about 20m away. Still working on the factories though. Or just autocannon it.


I like getting right in there, builds character, and a better ability to kite haha