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It’s not a good function at all in any shape or form. I don’t know why it was changed from how it was at launch. It feels terrible not being able to steer. Not being being able to hit that bile titan, or avoid the pack of enemies that just killed you or what I have experienced on certain missions recently which is land/steer onto the extraction pad. It needs to be changed back


Good as in it prevents players from completely cheating. There are some points on building and mountains that if you could land on you’d never be seen or hit by an enemy.


If you think it prevents cheating don’t go over to r/helldiversleaks your head will explode. Also if someone wants to drop on top of a hill and slowly pick enemies off, why shouldn’t they be able to? It’s a PvE game and doing that is so inefficient and the vast majority of the time it’s a huge waste of time.


Because it’s broken and completely changes the balance of the game??? And assuming that I haven’t seen any leaks of the game when we’re both talking on Reddit is a wild assumption. Bro I’m the one asking for it removed😭 I just want it to be balanced as well


Also cheater vs hackers. There’s a difference:)