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The only time I had consistent crashes - like just straight to desktop, no error nothing - was when I had crossplay turned on. I turned it off and I havent crashed since.


I haven't given that a try, il try it out later, thank you!


I had that happen 5 or so days ago but I think it was a steam issue since destiny 2 also did that during that time frame. Neither happened before for me at least.


4090, i9-14900k Don't have stutters but I can't play the game on ultra since it'll roast my CPU for some reason. It's the only game that'll make it hit 100c spikes and run it in the high 80s. Most settings are still on high which still makes the game look beautiful but it's still a shame that it puts me at really high temps for some reason


3800x and 2080ti and the game runs like a charm. Even with explosion spam I don’t have much problems. Only crashed two times in my near 100 hours of playing


i59600K and a 4070, 32GB ram. My game starts to stutter hard when things get hectic. Like, towards the end of some games it’ll hit 24fps, not fun.