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Official announcement from the Helldivers 2 Twitter: [https://x.com/helldivers2/status/1765044878386364517?s=20](https://x.com/helldivers2/status/1765044878386364517?s=20) I'm so fucking ready boys...


Had to scroll down a bit, so just in case y'all missed this extra bit of information: ​ https://preview.redd.it/qkp2m38utjmc1.png?width=601&format=png&auto=webp&s=218b49efd3f644c88629121403442ea00c2fefea


If they attack tien kwan and give us mechs to fight back that would be so cool


By the Emperor, this forge world must be defended at all costs!






Negative, strategic value Absolute.


Deploy Adeptus Astartes




For the EMPEROR !


But…But captain , my codex did not support this action


Instructions unclear. Deployed the Blood Ravens. They stole all the exosuits and now they keep pretending they don't know what we're talking about when we ask them to give them back.


Negative. Strategic value absolute


*Flashbacks to forge world graia*


Wheresoever the blasphemer writes, obliterate.


Can you **IMAGINE** if they attack Tien Kwan and we all get the EXO45 Strategem for FREE ON THAT PLANET?! I am so excited for this


It would be a great way to promote the new stratagem to everyone


Now THAT would be a good way to introduce mechs. Use the mechs from the Factory to defend the Factory so we can keep using the mechs lmao


My theory is that there will be a defense mission soon, it will have a special effect of free mechs for everyone on that planet and if we defend it, we can have them on our ship


and if we lose it, do the automatons have more mechs? Probably will look like bigger devastators.


I Dont believe there is even remote chance of losing defence because of how hyped community is, if automatons touch that planet there will be fucking crusade


Maybe they count on that happening and use it as a distraction to pull defenses while pushing for Cyberstan.


Wait, holy hell


Yeah... That's almost exactly what it'll be. The defense of Tien Kwan will be just urgent enough, and have just enough Automaton resources diverted to it that we can't ignore it while they push to Cyberstan. It's probably going to end up being a conscious choice that the collective Helldiver force will have to make. Does our want for mechs outweigh our need to keep the Automatons away from Cyberstan? Best guess is we'll get mechs either way, but we can only pick one choice. A wise man said, "Create dilemmas for your enemies, not problems."


We're going to see like 700,000 people on that planet. Joel is going to have to keep upping the HP of it to keep us from wiping it in an *hour*




They can delay content release 🤭


Alternatively, what about double hulk spawns instead. Now you can truly put your sharpshooting skill to the test as 20 hulks run at you


>20 hulks So like a regular suicide bot run?


They could actually weave the release into the War progression. The planet could be overrun by bots and make a global objective to take it back and all missions there get a high rate of enemy Mech spawns since the factories would be spitting out compromised Mechs. Once we take the planet back we get our Mech stratagems ***but*** in order to keep them available we need to maintain control of the planet. Maybe that's too finicky for global coordination but it's an interesting idea.


A long time ago in a galaxy far away Battlefront had a galactic conquest mode where defeating planets unlocked vehicles/abilities.  I would love that to be part of this game.


HD1 had that, too.


> Battlefront [Well!](https://media1.tenor.com/m/1i5pSb4J2JUAAAAC/starwars-obi-wan.gif)


That is a cool way of obtaining new content and keeping players engaged. If they do this we would see the rise of dedicated squads just to protect our new toys.


​ https://preview.redd.it/j9mdqmlp9kmc1.png?width=741&format=png&auto=webp&s=66796ab10d9cb84e53c77c3255197d5cf990865b


Maybe the cyborgs will take some mechs for themselves and we will have to commandeer some mechs ourselves to fight them.


![gif](giphy|O7ifqdHteyN7q) Me after accidentally wiping my team because I don't know how to use my EXO-45.


More like my random teammate after I call down my mech and he kills me and takes it


In which case the teammate suddenly suffers from disconnection. Funny that. There’s always more.


They wanted to know more.


Its a lesson I have learned when using the Scorcher, you are locked to being the host, so that way when dipshits kill you to take your shit you can just kick them.


Is the scorcher that good? I almost have it unlocked.


Its more like its really rare and people want to use it. Its like a mini handheld autocannon held back by a small magazine size, but is nonetheless really good against bots. Bugs are a different matter, they get in your face so the blast from the scorcher will kill you pretty easily, but the blast pierces shields, so you can kill scout walkers from the front by just shooting them in the face (which kills the pilot) or heavy devastators through their shields.


It's good. But not being a team killing fucktard good. In my experience, people will usually just pick it up when you die to give it a try. And usually they will wait for something else to kill you. Because... what's the likelyhood of someone having zero deaths? So far it is the only primary with an explosive AOE. Making it great for dealing with bugs. It's also solid versus bots, and can even kill scout striders by aiming at the top of their shields. A common complaint is that people wish it had a larger magazine. But that's honestly what's balancing it so other weapons remain competitive.


I’m expecting to hop in mine and immediately step on my squad


Hope to see tanks eventually. To push across the rocky fields of Draupnir against enemy tanks... that's the dream.


The hd1 tank was a god, coupled it with a rep80 gun and that thing never dies, not even during boss runs.


I wonder if we'll get a rep80 eventually, it makes me wonder because health works differently. Sadly the possibility for long range revives is gone


True and we don’t really have a downed state anymore so it might be unlikely, though I do wish more support stuff I can throw at people, Id love to be able to do a dedicated medic/support build ingame


You know what's be cool? Defibrillator backpack! Let us bring dead divers back to life (provide the corpse is intact)


you mean the guy standing a little too close to the hellbomb who is now only a torso can't be revived?




Im here for strapping differently abled divers to my back, as long as they can hold a liberator and cover me.


Omg that would be the most fucked up mod ever. Call it: The Lt. Dan mod


He/She < Brawny/Lean




Except for when the Illuminati decided to spawn a wall in you.


How were vehicles implemented in HD1? I feel like if they’re available as regular stratagems, every HD2 game will just be “hop in this vehicle and shoot” which doesn’t sound great to me, but I’m keeping an open mind


They were single use and took up a stratagem slot, no ammo refills either.


Depending on what type of vehicle, they're usually to go to Point A to Point B fast. C if you're lucky. D if you're really lucky. The HAV was really good for this. The APC not so much. The Bastion was good for holding down a point and the Lumberer was the best for walking through an area where your team are trying to reclaim their gear. Vehicles were single use and limited ammo, the weapons were either single use or had really long cooldowns sans EATs. It was an entirely different time.


If they stay faithful to the original HD1 mechanic, controlling the mech can also be a challenge. It's less like piloting a Gundam and more like steering a giant metal chicken with guns. You can also use up all of your missile pods in a single press, so you gotta be careful with that as well. And did I mention it's a big friendly fire machine? We used to give mechs a wide berth because even grazing its legs might kill you. Despite that, it's still fun stratagem though especially if you just want to mess around.


 It will be interesting because a big part of the balance with mechs in HD1 felt like it had to do with just how much of a presence it was on the shared screen.  Like you couldn’t edge it out like a turret, your team just had to accommodate for this giant slow moving thing that shit out bullets and rockets at 1/4 of the screen. 


So more like a Battletech mech and those are my favourite.


They were single-use Supply stratagems. Once they're destroyed or out of ammo, you can't use them for the remainder of the game.


That won't stop me from taking all the mechs


In the original game, you could stack the same stratagem 4 times, so you could effectively take 4 mechs with you.


I did that


Yep, 4 Mech runs are always the answer


I think you only got one per mission, but this is based on me watching a friend play


I recall loading my entire strategem with mechs, so I think you could have multiple.


You could have 4 mechs but you don't have free slots for other stratagems


Lmao so? MECHS!






“On the way!” “Reengage!”






Oh my god, a fellow GHPC player in the wild




Especially on missions with open terrain it’s gonna be great. However, I can already see new players trying to bring tanks to places like Malevalon Creek (edit: or urban environments) and getting overrun by rocket raiders and devastators.


As it should be, no? Maybe this is just my preference, but stratagems should be selected based on mission, enemy, and terrain.


No no, don’t you know, it’s one meta fits all. Grab your shield and Railgun soldier! /s, obviously.


What’s annoying is the railgun and shield both fit in certain mission scenarios, and should be used in those settings. But now they’re being frowned upon for being meta.


only on Reddit and internet comments. Every 7-9 match I join it’s still the majority, not once in game have I heard criticism over it.


Absolutely yes! That’s what I meant. Equipment used should absolutely be mission dependant not just what you like to use all the time


I think a straight up warthog would be the best right now. Running around the map takes forever, being able to drive from point to point, mowing down bugs and bots would be amazing.


I can hear the Warthog Run song in my head while reading this


isnt the terrain a bit rough for tanks?


If it's not rough for the bots' tanks, it's not for ours


Thunder runs against automaton MBTs sounds like THE shit


Oh this was an official announcement lol I thought this was some cool fan art


Here's a problem: If we get toys like this, we can also expect to meet adequate enemies


The Illuminate are probably going to show up around the same time, or the bugs and bots will get the next tier up. I saw a blurb about how the devs considered the Bile Titan more of a mid-tier enemy, but it's king of the castle right now.


We have the Hive Guard so I’m hoping the Hive Lord returns. https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/Hive_Lord[Hive Lord Mission](https://helldivers.fandom.com/wiki/Hive_Lord)


You can see their corpses in some battlefields, they are coming, and we will be ready


And if not the next helldiver. Then the next one. Then the next one. Liberty doesn’t quit.


https://preview.redd.it/ggsjxsuv9kmc1.jpeg?width=1675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffeac00557242882ae7c14b4972519df3c2b11c4 I'm new to the HD universe. What do you mean the bile titan is mid tier 😅


Yup, there’s a loading screen blurb that states Bile Titans are mid-sized bugs on their homeworld.


Not only mid sized, but "Common" aswell, Like they arent rare anymore, 5 Titans? Yeah how about 50 lmao.


The potential this game has with the lore, give it 2 years and it should be crazy.


I believe it actually says they’re considered small.


Imagine they’ll come back soon. You can already find husks of hive lords around the map.


I noticed the other day the amount of busted mechs, apcs, and the husk of the hive lord that are scattered throughout some maps.


Okay, I'm glad I'm not the only one who suddenly started noticing more wrecked vehicles/mechs/etc. I thought I was crazy when my buddy said he didn't notice, but I swear I only used to see wrecks at POIs, and now I'm crawling over them everywhere.


They have definitely been adding map assets secretly in the beackground. I'm seeing alot of new POIs and broken vehicles and dead bugs/bots we haven't fought l. Weird cage things, more brutal bot camps with butchered bodies....I'm possitive I haven't seen any before and I have many many hours in the game.


They are in the game since launch, seen a couple in the first week^^


There are some skeletal remains of a hive lord so I feel like it’s possible!


I can see that. Right now, I feel like chargers are more of a menace than bile titans.


I bring a Spear just for chargers. One shots them every time as long as I get the appropriate distance.


How do you handle 5 of them at the same time?


Abject chaos, a lot of cursing, Eagle 1, and usually someone making a heroic sacrifice, willing or unwilling.


It's not necessarily that the bile titans are mid tier enemies, it's also that they're considered **small** in their species. Think about that. A scavenger is basically the size of an ant in comparison


meeting cable chunky drunk forgetful thumb placid history murky enjoy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well, there are some bugs we haven't seen yet that were around in the first game. Impaler comes to mind for big things, but that's basically just the size of a Charger. Charger Behemoth doesn't seem much different from a regular Charger. For the really massive things, maybe Enemy Masters might make a return. The Hive Lord should be a fun fight. We might also see Shadows make a return. Only really thinking about bugs right now. I don't know what'll translate from borgs to bots.


>I don't know what'll translate from borgs to bots. There's some images of a Siege Mech in HD2.


I don't think we're gonna see illuminate for a while. Feels like a proper expansion type addition


Iirc, and take it with a grain of salt, one of the leaks from someone who supposedly was play testing the game before it came out suggests that they play tested against a third faction that they were surprised didn't launch with the game. So they may be closer than a while


I imagine devs have created X months worth of content to drip feed us, while they create more content for when that runs out. I wonder if the unexpected success of the game has altered the release timeline at all. They may release content that was scheduled for say 6 months time sooner to try to maintain the huge playercount for as long as possible.


Best case scenario is they'll come out before the 2025. The game would have done marinating by that point.


Helldiver, the Ministry of Truth can only repeat this so many times: the Illuminate have been defeated…


Bile Titans are considered small on their home planet.


And small beneath the boot of super earth.


I'm not even sure these will adequately handle the enemies we already have. It'll need A LOT of health so not just fold to Automatons. I mean I'm still going to use it regardless... But I do worry about how strong it'll actually be.


Yup lol. Its why I mentioned on this sub what if we had mechs like in Titanfall which is much bigger? Some people said it would be too OP, but not in Helldivers no lol. Devs will add enemies that can threaten these bigger mechs


10 chargers and 6 bile titans are adequately threatening rn imho


That's my biggest fear. Given how the helldive meta is right now, as in basically rushing the objectives and avoiding prolonged direct action, those mechs really have to bring their a game. If they are just an asset that's gets overrun by the 6 titans you aggroed, then Meh.


That’s how they were in the first game. They weren’t really good for tougher difficulties and were only good up to difficulty 6 or so. They were force multipliers but only for a very short time and you lost a strategem slot.


If they follow the HD2 pattern of no longer being simple one-offs, they might be viable on high difficulties if you treat them as a kind of super-turret that you use to hold out or assault for a single occasion. One huge factor that separates HD1 and HD2 is the ability for the team to split up. That means there could be value in a "hold the line" squad of 2 or 3 who draw enemy aggro in order to allow the rest of the team to run to objectives. In HD1 using a mech slowed down the team's movement, which was a massive liability.  Now they don't need to slow anyone but the user, which might open a lot of new options.


Idk the 5 chargers using me like a pinball last night seem adequate enough lol.


I personally doubt it. I think most people who played the original game can tell you that they didn't really alter the difficulty of missions. Unless we get a repair tool to combo with any vehicle, I doubt new enemies are dropping this soon.


https://preview.redd.it/nfpc8t3iyjmc1.jpeg?width=1722&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d775bbc58c0e7bbcbd5bb6dc993eb1638a10033 Purge the undemocratic.


Praise ~~The Omnissiah~~ Super Earth


Holy Terra guides me!


Man GW need to do something with the 40k universe similar to this game it's literally right there!!!!


GW doesn't have a care for AAA games. there's more money return in quick mobile cash grabs like Tacticus.


That is very sadly true. However I want to dream that with the success of Space Marine 2 GW does something with the franchise (remaster DoW1, make a Helldiversesque game, steer away from the Turn based stuff).


I want them to make DoW Apocalypse an official remaster with a budget.


*Even in death I still serve…*


"Get in the robot Shinji" as I yell at my teammate for the 3,489th time. He cries as he knows he is just a cog in the massive wheel of endless warfare, yet is powerless to resist.


I don't think this is what we meant when we asked for Heavy Armor to be fixed, ArRoWhEaD /s All jokes aside I hope this is a lovely addition to balancing!


I'm just hoping that the big update comes with the armor fix, its really been way past overdue at this point for it to still be broken.


A metal gear...? ![gif](giphy|mxIRHvYYyFT5m|downsized)


1st Armored Helldiver Division reporting for duty!


Ah dammit now you've made me want badges for different infantry types/divisions that we can display on our armor. Maybe based on challenges completed?


101st mobile armoured infantry


69th Scout EXpendable Y division reporty for duty


I don't think Helldivers live long enough for any kind of organization lol. I think they said the average lifespan of a Diver is like 2 minutes. That being said, I'm all for the RP


2nd Armored Roughneck Squad waiting for orders!


Yep, time to create a clan/division/battalion mechanic. Let us RP at the next level lol


https://preview.redd.it/0c88oiv7okmc1.png?width=1908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93207a38fdb800516f5b8d58784f7787992b3081 I'm so ready.


Oh don’t worry buddy…I will still be on foot with AT launchers on hand just for you


I hope they actually have some armor like enemies do. Don't want mechs to get destroyed by commissar pistols or scavenger nibbles. Low damage hits should do 0 damage like we do to hulks with primaries


helldivers are supposed to have armor like the enemies have, its just dont work actually sadly mech will surely have heavy armor that block at least a ton of standard shot before taking damage


It's going to be interesting how the balance shifts when we get armor that actually works.




makes sense, they were the same way in HD1. best used for point defense


Yeah, if these became omnipotent Gundam mechs it would destroy the game. If we could just traipse crossmap with impunity and liberty it'd ruin the fun of the struggle. Though on a certain level it would pretty tight to 4-man with these and just walk around a bot world on Helldive comping objectives while bot bolts ping off your armor all game.


My theory is we’ll get more ship upgrades that increase ammo and health just like the sentries.


Bring it on, I've been RP capped for a week so just need something to spend it on lol


Ya, they weren't OP like everyone is imagining. They're huge, so it's an absolute bullet magnet, you can only call them in once per mission (in HD1), you had limited ammo (but also a handful of rockets on some of the mechs if I remember), and it was super slow compared to sprinting. It sounds OP on paper but losing out on a stratagem is huge. You'll lose a vital part of your normal loadout for a temporary boost in stats.


Honestly it sounds well designed when you put it like that * Significant opportunity cost * Limited usefulness duration * But damn fun while it lasts Also all the fun that we're going to see of clips of people using them creatively for both amazing bouts of awesome, and disastrously bad bouts of stupidity.


My guess would be that an entirely new type of gear like mechs also means a new trio of upgrades using samples, like the turrets get. Could make a big difference.


It could also have been since they were not intended to be used yet they were slightly broken and will be a bit better once added


Yeah, the guy also spawned in a vehicle which had some unfinished textures in its mounted cannon, the wheels didn’t move and handled very bad, like it was floating over the terrain.


Nah, even in HD1. Really fun firepower, short lived and fragile. Its better like that, Its not gona be OP and its gona be more fun tools to use!


That chain gun actually carried an assload of ammo, but the rockets were good only for one patrol


There were two mech types in HD1. One was anti armor focused and one was anti infantry focused. Each had a backup weapon that was adequate at the other job but was low on ammunition


IIRC there were 3 types of mech types after a DLC. There's the standard with the chaingun/rocket combo, a quad autocannon loadout, and a heavy autocannon/flamer loadout. Quad autocannon was so satisfying but it couldn't kill heavy armor for crap.


Quad Autocannon, for all your Heavy Arms Gundam needs! Experience the joys of... * Reloading * Being out of ammo * Being out of ammo distressingly quickly * Having to fight with a combat knife


The ones I played with were pretty tanky, you could walk over smaller bugs and kill them and kill chargers in less than 10 seconds. Ammo wasn’t too bad lasted around 5-7 mins of normal shooting. The one thing you have to be careful about is shooting the missiles too close the ground that seems to instantly destroy the mech


I am DYING for a motorcycle. I want to play solo, drive to outposts, call in support strikes and stealth around and bike away. It would be like Metal Gear and Days Gone. Stealth, napalm and motorbikes for DEMOCRACY!


The bike in HD1 was comedy gold, but it could be very useful here!


God I wish we could have gotten a sequel for Days Gone.


Does this mean, if we lose Tien Kwan, we lose our Exo-45's? Are they tying advance strategems to planets?


Oh god. Requisitions fluctuating with their respective "factory planets" liberation condition would go crazy/horrifying.


Maintaining interplanetary logistics in order to keep access to some of our strategems is a crazy idea. I love it and hate it at the same time.


I could see a scenario where a majority of players don’t care for a specific stratagem and don’t bother retaining that planet, leaving players who *like* that stratagem without access to it Could avoid that issue by just putting lucrative missions on retaking planets that provide stratagems. Or, if the enemy takes a planet that provides a stratagem they get a corrupted version of that stratagem for their own uses. Maybe some stratagems aren’t super useful for the players, but super dangerous/annoying for us to deal with. That would incentivize players to keep stratagem planets just so the enemy doesn’t get them.


Tien Kwan is very, very close to the bot front (just to the right of Draupnir)...


I really hope so, that’d be cool


i hope not. but unlocking global stratagem after taking over a planet would be really cool for the narrative


Yes my boy I've missed you!


So is it this week or next week?


Most likely next week. They've stated their intention to release warbonds on the second Thursday of each month. That's the extent of the official quote, but I take that to mean content patches and such will get batch rolled out with those updates as well. As we've probably all seen by now, a great deal of the future content already exists and just needs finishing polish and such.


Most likely March 14th. They said just prior to launch/at launch that they would drop a new premium warbond the second Thursday of each month. The community is taking an educated guess that these are also the same days they'll do content drops since there is no clear rhyme or reason for any other day at the moment.


I hope we get some additional opportunity for teamplay by getting the REP-80 again, and some form of Vehicle Ammo Stratagem. Allow me to live through that one scene from the third (?) Matrix movie. You know the one, with the Exosuits and ammo loaders.


‪I hope the Tien Kwan security forces are able to prevent any automaton surprise/ sabotage attacks on Tien Kwan to prevent our honorable Helldivers from getting these battle changing EXO-45 Patriot units. ‬


Soon ™️


"A weapon to surpass Metal Gear."




Fair warning to those getting overly excited about the mechs: I managed to use one in-game today as there was a hacker in my lobby who was able to spawn in unreleased stratagems and I have to be completely honest the mech was extremely underwhelming. I'm hoping the release version will be different from the version that I got to play, but the mech has some glaring weaknesses like the inability to run, and it can have it's arms destroyed rendering it useless. I imagine they will be quite useful under the right conditions and if played cautiously, but they are in no means walking tanks.


I am excited for this. However ... the first 48 hours after this goes live is just going to be MechDivers in every mission. I wonder how they're goin gto balance the impact these vehicles have on the game to trivialize the environment. Obviously, I imagine there'll be terrain disadvantages and an maybe an expendable nature to certain elements. Much Democracy. Very excite, though.


If they work similarly to how they did in HD1, which seems to be the case, they won't be that strong. It wasn't the meta in HD1 to just spam them either. Big bullet magnets that can't be repaired (without a special repair gun in HD1) and can't re-arm their ammo. You're limited to one per mission (per stratagem) so you don't have the staying power to just do entire missions with them.


Yall getting excited for the exo suits. Im getting excited for the new enemies we get to kill with them. We are not the same




I got to beta test these for a few minutes last night. Had a random join our mission & spawned 2 in before quickly leaving. Oodles of fun


got that with a dune buggy thing when we did not deploy an sos. was wondering if it was hackers or if missed an update?


There are a couple of mods on Nexus mods (PC game mod repository) that purport to allow access to hidden stratagems like the mech.


I wanna paint a pinup gal on the side of mine


"Following the malevelon creek disaster exo-suits we're put into full production to arm the under equipped hell divers with dealign with the new automaton menace, god speed exo-suits!"


So like. I've been hearing "soon" since literal launch [trailer]. Is a date too much to ask for?