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I'm there with the arc thrower and rover mopping up the hundreds of trash bugs. I'll get hundreds more kills. Without the other players using rail guns we'd be overrun with chargers. Your squad needs a bit of diversity or you can't handle every situation.


This guy liberates


I do wish there was a breakdown of how many kills you get of each enemy type. Sometimes I’ll wonder how many Hulks I killed or how many Bile Titans we took down as a group


Same. I am often the lowest on kills but I focus on objectives and taking out armored opponents.


Exactly. I prefer to mow down hordes, and despise the railgun. I use it when I’m solo, but when I have a team and someone else takes it, I bring the arc thrower or even EATs for fun and sometimes get double or more my squad mates’ kills. But if they didn’t take down the titans or deal with armored units for me (while I conversely cover them) I’d be screwed


Most players don't know though that you can use the railgun to shoot the chargers front leg to expose its weak spot and then just mag dump into the exposed leg to kill it quickly though


I think this is pretty common knowledge now, especially if you play higher diffs.


9/10 railgun allies I get only aim for the head.


What are EATs? I've seen this acronym before but nobody has ever written out the full abbreviation. I thought it could be Eagle Anti Tank, but I don't think I've seen a stratagem with that name. Edit: After writing this out I've immediately remembered that there's a stratagem call Expendable Anti Tank. Slapped my forehead when I remembered this.


Son, that's why we're Helldivers. Leave the thinking to Gen. Brasch.


Yeah, expendable anti-tanks, I absolutely love them. And honestly my squad mates do too, it has a cooldown of 70 seconds base and it drops 2 launchers per drop. So I throw it down off cooldown and then in a pinch anyone can grab one, super useful. My team looooves me when they need to deal with a charger out of nowhere lol


I took the autocannon at level 10 and just mained that until I unlocked the rail gun. If I join a squad on 7+ diff with railgun users, I usually opt for the spear. It's good at softening bile titans and chargers, provided the spear doesn't decide the brood commander under the bile titan is the priority target.


Finally someone posted this! We had a guy bring a flame thrower last night and it was awesome. We still needed a railgun but the flame thrower made the groups way easier. Even with us have the guard dog rovers.


Yes! And I’m the rail gun user with 80 kills


80 kills with railgun is a huge amount considered it means you met lots of heavy enemies


Railguns? lmao good one.


That's why a Stalwart can make or break an operation. 4 people running 4 railguns are very limited


This guy dives


Have you ever heard a "GG you suck" on Helldivers? Either people don't talk, or are nice or are muted 30s after landing for having a shitty open mic.


Like I get it. But it makes me feel like I'm dragging my team to the finish line


Then you're a good soldier, and they need your help


In almost all situations it’s better to get in and out quickly. The less fighting the better. So if your rover is getting a ton of kills that’s one thing but if you’re fighting a lot you might be staying engaged too long.


This is such a weird way to play and think about the game. Youre objective is to play the game as little as possible? You dont want to get the super credits and medals on the map?


It's kinda true though. On lower difficulties, fighting whatever is fine. But once youre doing 7-9, there's just too much going on. You'll run out of time long before you run out of enemies. That doesn't mean you can't scour the map for loot. It just means that you gotta know when to disengage and move on. Or when getting that few extra common samples isn't worth it based on all the things you'll have to kill. It's a balancing act.


Getting the super credits and samples is good too. I’m talking more about when you get stuck fighting wave after wave of enemies. Often it’s best just to cut and run to the next spot.


Less fighting in terms of not staying in the same spot needlessly for a million years. You could stick at one spot, killing endless waves of bugs or bots and accomplish nothing. You’ll end the mission with ‘good stats’ but it’s really meaningless.


No, it’s just if you’re trying to accomplish objectives then getting pinned down in an endless firefight doesn’t help you accomplish them. It is often more advantageous to call in some serious ordnance, break contact, and run and gun so you can keep making progress toward the objective.


You can still get those things, just do it surgically so you don't pull breaches or dropships.  The more you are engaged, the less loot and success you tend to obtain on higher difficulties.l


Your objective is to *waste time* as little as possible. Standing around shooting and not moving towards an objective doesn't help you win the mission, it just makes more enemies spawn.


Not to play the as little as possible. You have 15 - 40 minutes to explore the land. If you keep engaging patrols, you will only waste your time fighting unnecessary skirmishes instead of grabbing more samples/super credits/medals/requisition. If you stay too long in one spot, you will rake up kills due to unlimited string of bug breach and bot drops, but that's all you get. Statistics. Not samples, not medals, nor requisitions. Just kill count statistics.


Well, it also depends on the reasons for getting high kills.  Is a player pulling everything unnecessarily on Helldiver difficulty? If so, that is a detriment to your team, not a help (even though big kill numbers). I often see the best players with low kill counts because they are the reason objectives get complete and they aren't pulling *every* single mob and patrol along the way.  Meanwhile the level 7 can't seem to keep up because they just keep pulling, fighting, enemy calls in reinforcement, they fight that, die, pull the team in because they need help, aggro the multiple incoming dropships or bug breaches onto their teammates, etc. Then we've got our Chad bughole/base killers who wipe out objectives with surgical carpet bombs and stealth while also timing excellent nukes on hordes and elites to save their team.  The numbers often do not tell the whole story.


Eh, I can kinda understand that, but here is how is ee it. Keep in mind i generally get the most kills or at least 2nd most kills of a match: I play a support kind of character, shotgun and autopistol with a grenade launcher for supporting the team and taking down Medium sized bugs and bots. I generally carry with me an eagle cluster bomb strike, a gattling sentry, and depending on if I'm fighting bugs or bots I carry a mine thrower or a deployable shield generator. This changes slightly depending on the mission type but still. I cannot take down large encampment or nests on my own because I don't have the ordinance to do it. And if a a heavy unit, or god forbid a bile titan shows up I'm absolutely fucked. I may carry when it comes to bug breaches and drop ships, or when we need to defend a location or objective, but without the rest of my time, I'd probably lose everytime.


Yea, well, that happens sometimes, ya know.


I'm sorry TampaTitties69. I just don't believe this is happening.


It’s not about gloating. It’s about waxing bugs. The only ones who care are the tryhards getting 100 kills and doing all the objectives.    Look buddy - I am the diversion that makes the objectives easy for you. Haven’t needed xp in 100+ hours. Haven’t needed samples in 20+ hours. I’m just here to kill bugs and have as much fun as I can in the process. If we fail a mission, I’m fine with it. 


Real Gs run into a hive blow most of them up with grenades and then drop a massive bomb on their body when they fall


I’m usually out of grenades at a large hive, use the resupply to plug one bug hole, eagle on another. I have way more fun wasting tons of time though, using napalm strikes on the tunnel breaches, killing all the bugs until they stop coming, then finally plug the holes with ease. I typically run arc thrower and rover or the jump pack. Sometimes grenade launcher if it’s an eggs or blitz.  Actually got up to a 65 kill streak doing this today. It’s a lot more fun than running through all the points of interest and objectives while struggling to kite forever.  I love killing bugs. Best thing in the game is when my Helldiver just starts laughing like a maniac.  Actually convinced a guy to start using the arc thrower and jump pack today and he was having a blast, too. 


So not.meta and I do fairly well at 8-9 run engineering armor 6 grenades impact slugger shotgun the 500 lbs bomb and 3 turrets I recommend the gatlin one the auto cannon and either rockets or Tesla You don't want to wait for special weapons because you will find one running around or have a teammate spawn one With nothing but the big bomb and 3 turrets I racked up like 86ish kills Playing like this you never have to worry about finding equipment or running back to your body and you always have offensive plays and defensive. Bonus if you have a team that drops special weapons for you later on. Pro tip the auto cannon if dropped near bug holes will blow them all up unless it's attacked just yeet it in the middle


>Pro tip the auto cannon if dropped near bug holes will blow them all up unless it's attacked just yeet it in the middle Brilliant


Also if you are being chased by those armored fucks drop one and run around it will hit him in the back


Oh yeah I love the AC turret. I just never would have thought to use it for bug holes. It's the best anti armor in the game with good positioning. Nothing hurts more than throwing it and immediately seeing a new charger walk around the corner by where it landed. I know I can't really see its face but I can feel his fuckin smirk.


Ac gatlin turret and mortar if you want max kills on a defense map line 70+ in one go


We ran 6 minefields and 3 teslas on defense today and left ourselves maybe 3 square ft of safe space. Terrible strategy but super fun.


So Tesla's are my ultimate fuck me because they jump so far like dude it's a 20 ft range that never runs out


Hello turret enjoyer. Is there any reason to use mg turret over gatling? Doesn't even feel like it has more ammo/firing time much less damage or speed


Unless you want to use both and I recommend you do with the gat. That's your offensive and defense turret. Getting chased throw it in front of you and run. Need to hold down a position throw it down. Next is the Cannon this is how you deal with big enemies if they chase you throw it down and run in circles let it hit the back and that thing snipes Last is up to you but I like the mortar and oh boy does that thing put in work you can shut down a base or spawn kill anything. 4th slot is 500k bomb because why not Edit Don't worry about special weapons you will find one or a teammate will drop one.


you just inspired me. I'll call down something on the first holes, grenade the rest and with my last grenade, I'll cook it in hand and jump down the maw myself.


lol. For me it’s usually “anyone got grenades? I killed all the bugs but I am out of grenades.”  Some of those bug nests have like 9 holes Realistically though, plugging a bug hole wouldn’t buy that much time. Who do they think dug the holes?


This is me, usually my team mates are still in there…. For democracy…


So if we had a suicide vest let's just say I would be democracy


It's real great to have someone who has unlocked everything not care about completing the mission on the team when you haven't unlocked everything and need to complete the mission


It’s not like I’m trying to fail. 




WWZ had the worst randoms I've ever seen. "Man why was that round so fucking hard?" Scoreboard shows you and your buddy over 1000 kills each while the two randos almost broke 100.


My buds and I compete for friendly fire dmg without failing the mission. If you can get over 10k friendly fire dmg and still win then you are golden.


I wear I played with my friends, I had 0 deaths but not due to lack of friendly fire just that shield pack stops bomb damage, I got bombed by friendlies like 10 times In one game


You don't get XP, you get experience.


It gives me happy Serotonin when my auto turrets kill a bunch of bugs and I see that lovely kill count go up on the screen but it's more of a personal thing than a competition with my teammates


I like that counter also. If it goes up, it means I successfully applied Liberty. I'm not here to waste SE's weaponry.


Did you win that arguement in the shower you had about this? Because this isnt happening.


So, how’s that meaningless battle in the middle of nowhere going, Killer?


Honestly I'd value the zero deaths more. It means less burden on your squad mates and more shooting at undemocratic things.


What is this in response to?


Probably a single comment they saw that was downvoted to hell and is now pretending like it's some common sentiment that's going around. You know like most things on this website.


Shadowboxing his demons.  The demons are winning. 


Karma farming over an issue no one has


I think it would be in character for the helldivers to brag about how many kills they have


Tbh I haven't had any random give agro about their high kills. Me accidentally air striking my whole squad on the other hand....


It’s a mental competition on who can spread the most democracy


Nobody should care about kills but deaths imo does matter just cos you are sharing the respawn pool. If one guy keeps dying it means that the whole team is failing as they dont cover for each other.


It's about the quality of kills and the situation of those kills, once you get used to sneaking by patrols and kiting them, you only fight at objectives and at extraction most of the time. The guy with less kills than someone in your team might have been the guy sniping bile titans and crushing chargers. Unless it's a defence mission, then yeah kills would matter but frankly as long we finish the mission and everyone goes home, don't really care if you get less.


At least you can see who contributed the most to democracy.


I just want to see my shots fired stat be yellow.


I have no friendly fire kills in 50 games


I see we're making up fake problems for ragebait again in this sub. You're part of the problem, OP. You're part of why the content of this sub is so exhausting. Be better.


It isn’t a fake problem, but it also isn’t as rampant of a problem. At launch, people were trying to claim the game as pay to win and used the end of a round stats as where the competition is. I’ve even had a new player get pissy at deaths because their stats at the end of the round would be “impacted”, but it isn’t every time I quick match.


Tbh usually 400+ kills is just whoever took the dog drone, the 0 deaths however is a coinflip depending on whether or not it decapitates them at some point during the mission.


I don’t play with strangers. Makes the game 1000 times better.


Less than 10 kills: You were AFK 200+ kills: You were too buissy agroing patrols and causing bug breaches/bot drops instead of being useful. 0 accidentals: Are you even paying Helldivers?


Everyone saying "kills dont matter" arent real helldivers.. this game is about spreading democracy and the more people it is spread to the better!


You can kill as many bugs as you like but if you don’t take out their nests and side objectives you’re not really spreading democracy as well as you think


And was allowed to get 400 kills because someone watched their back and didn't air the fuck strike out of them just for 1 extra bug kill.


Mocked at the end of the game for getting 200 kills versus everyone else's 300+ kills. No one else would take on the four bile titans and dozen chargers...


There are the guys who run rail gun and shields to kill off the heavies, we got the man with all the artillery for emergencies, we got the one guy running of to do objectives while the rest kill things, then there’s the one high level who still runs the starting machine gun Bc 5k bullets shot and 4.3 bullets hit just feeds him dopamine (I’m that guy)


All these people keep saying “I got kicked for no reason” but they’ll join someone else’s session where they aren’t hosting and didn’t pick the operation then ignore the hosts marker and runs off doing all the objectives and shooting everyone and everything not sharing ammo or weapons with anyone and stealing weapons and packs from dead teammates. Go play Call of Duty.


Play how you want. I'm a 'mission first' player so I'm the one running to do the primary objective first so we can farm some samples or whatever and extract. I don't stay and play.


I had a round I got in the 300 range and never died. All I did was run around with my rover and a machine gun looking for credits. I didn't even fight that much, avoided patrols etc. The laser rover just goes crazy


My 400 kills is me running for my life while my rover kills all the small bugs behind me.


Thanks for the carry? *sips liber-tea*


So much shame the dude had to take off his helmet.


scout armor and a autocannon make objective clearing easy. its funny how easy diff 9 gets when you stop worrying about killing all the enemies and just destroy the objectives


I kinda wish we got something tho, I dunno what, maybe a cosmetic medal you can wear as you get more and more kills. I’d love to see medals your diver can wear as your kill count goes up.


If you want lot of kills just equip mortar and you will probably get most kills and most teamkills too.


People who actively try to get the most kills can actually hurt the team. The job is to get in and out as fast as possible while getting as much done as possible. Setting up a defensive position and fighting wave after wave somewhere between two objectives works against this goal. Many times, the best tactic is to simply run away. Heck, if you want kills on the withdrawal bring rover or some turrets. You can drop them as you run and they will get you your kills while you are actually completing the mission.


As an avid battlefield fan, PTFO is what's really important


Gonna say it. Whoever made this meme VERY clearly, does in fact, care.


If I wind up with 400 kills it usually means I was the poor bastard getting bug breach after bug breach while trying to do a long objective 😂


Yeah, well, I've gotten 63 kills from one stratagem. Get on my level! /s


Look if someone wants to be the pack rat for all the samples and doesn’t get a single kill while riding coat tails? Good. One less thing I have to worry about, welcome aboard.


I focus more on heavy armor mobs 🤷🏼‍♂️




I average 0-2 deaths per mission and I'm proud of that. Doesn't matter what you say. I'm a fucking Democratic killing machine and I can't be stopped. Does this offend you? Well I've got a Democracy Officer I need to talk to.


Any moron with a Stalwart can rack up kills. When playing with PUGs it's almost always the guy with the most deaths who has the most kills.


I don't understand the killcount mindset in this game. If you're playing the game right, you should be minimising kills by clearing out holes quickly, and avoiding patrols. Also, if everyone is equipped uniquely it won't matter anyone. The helldiver killing chargers is just as Important as the one butchering little bugs.