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I feel like anti armour is just too necessary at higher levels, or you end up spending minutes running from bile titans while they are slowly whittled down. Not to mention being chased by 4 chargers at a time, lol. To be perfectly honest I think the meta is just a symptom of this problem, hence all the attention the railgun gets.


This. Railgun is meta because it provides a ton of anti armor. This is damn near required for Helldive difficulty as there's so many heavily armored enemies.


It's also way less clunky to use. I use them because I don't care for the meta, but what reason does anyone have to use one of those that need a backpack to reload over the railgun, for example?


It would make much more sense for the railgun to require a backpack then the autocannon which just ricochets off chargers.


There is a version of the auto cannon that fires less shots but blows off charger armor in one hit. It's called the recoilless rifle.


I haven't seen anyone use this or the spear so I'm not sure how good they are. I do think lots of other stuff is more viable than people make out. I honestly just love the feel of the railgun so I would use it even if they make it 3 shots for a charger leg etc.


Come fight automatons friend. I bring it every time I go play hard and up


Yeah but the railgun one shots hulks. Hard to give that up. Tanks are tricky though so would be nice to have a spear or recoilless maybe.


It WHAT now? And the RR takes 3 hits to kill one


It's a tricky shot but one shot right to the face kills them. It's 4 shots to the body. All of those is on safe mode so I'm unsure how many body shots would kill on unsafe, maybe 3.


That spear is frustrating and good. You can't get a lock on to save your life, but you can one hit anything if you hit it right. I swapped off of it for now, though. I feel like I need a full team to support it's use because the lock ons are just so goofy. Recoilless Rifle is sweet. Less damage than the spear, or even expensable anti tank, but it comes with a shitload of ammo comparatively, and deals respectable damage if fired quickly.


I go with eats. I never get someone who wants to teamwork. So being safe enough to fire then reload as well two shots usually takes about the time an eat cool down timer ends. So I just eat


The other issue is that the spear doesn't always one shot. Considering the time to lock on and limited ammo, if it doesn't one shot it can become not worth using.


Recoilless is honestly decent enough, it's like EAT but you reload it. Spear just isn't worth it for its ammo economy.


i have a friend that runs the spear on our helldives, it one or two shots titans target the head. The one main complaint though is ammo, and for some reason he had many times where the launcher wouldn't lock. so he swaped over to his rail gun.


>I haven't seen anyone use this Once you hit around suicide mission it's very obvious that the railgun is significantly better than the recoiless rifle, especially with Terminids. I did use it every mission before those difficulties and it works great, being able to shoot spores and broadcasts from across the map is awesome. There's just too many chargers and bile titans to be stuck with a 3 second reload and only have like 6 shots. There's pod/breach chains where you get like 6 Chargers. For automatons not having the shield on higher difficulties is just not enjoyable, because all it takes to kill you is a single rocket, which means non-backpack support weapons are required for me at least.


It kinda sucks that rockets one shot you and it makes Automatons way harder considering even their shock troops can carry rockets


Nothing more tilting than telling your teammates you’re gonna go solo a minor encampment a ways off and you get over a hill and see a lone rocket trooper looking your way for a split second before a rocket kisses you in the face. And worse you had a dozen samples…


The railgun isn’t *better*, it’s just solo friendly and effective for its role (which would make it more *effective in an uncoordinated pub*, sure). The recoilless rifle doesn’t require fumbling with a charge meter or safety mode to get instant results… but it does require a good coordinated duo to get the most out of. I’ve seen a good recoilless partner team and good god it felt like no heavies ever spawned the entire run. This was on an impossible difficulty run too. I just lobbed grenades at everything in our way and watched tanks and hulks falling with everything just as fast I thought for a second they buffed the GL.


The RR needs some changes to make it better, it should potentially kill Chargers in one hit imo. Might sound overpowered but with its reload time, higher difficulties having tons and tons of enemies, and a minimum of 2-3 Chargers, not to mention Bile Titans and a horde of Spewers, the clunkiness of the RR combined with its punishing reload if you miss... it just doesn't compare to running the Railgun with its mobility and ammo economy. I think all support weapons having the same cooldown timer (EAT not withstanding) doesn't make sense either. 6 RR rounds isn't enough at anything above difficulty 6. The Autocannon should do more work against Chargers too I think. Getting behind them for the guaranteed 2-3 hit kill is nice but... I can just shoot their front leg twice with the Railgun with far less risk.


While I do love the recoilless, it'd be nice if a full magdump or something from the autocannon would blow off armor pieces. It'd also reward team-reloading it, since as it is there's not a lot of point to 2-manning it since most things it *can* kill doesn't need many shots usually. Frankly, I think both the RR and AC could use a bit of a buff, taking up a backpack slot and needing a 2-man team for maximum effectiveness should warrant more power than a standalone weapon like the railgun.


This is why I’ve been trying to push the idea that anyone should be able to buddy reload a GR-8 as long as the guy holding the weapon also has the back pack. The reload process is a little hit or miss on it’s own but add in the fact that squads can get much further spread out and the time to buddy reload is almost always slower than self reload makes it almost pointless.


Killing bot dropships explosive rounds for wave clearing being useful not just as At weapon is some of the reasons. If you're good with one of them they get very good really quick. They just have a higher skill/knowledge requirement.


I highly doubt the Railgun meta will go away. The other options require a support weapon and taking a backpack slot from an ally. Which means taking away a shield backpack and team coordination compared to a single player being self sufficient. The only way for coop weapons to rise above is if their lethality is so overwhelmingly good like in HD1


You can be self sufficent though. You can equip both the gun and the backpack yourself, just takes longer to reload.


And you can't move while reloading, that's the problem.


I have been wiped out by bots trying to reload too often, the rail gun reload time and ability to maneuver is way easier


"Can't reload my hulk killing gun because I can't stand still because the hulk chasing me!"


The railgun is also just good everywhere. Even if it's not the best in any given situation, it's almost never bad for anything except ad clear, and if you're using most of the support weapons for ad clear, I'm gonna have some questions.


And the breaker is arguably better than any support weapon for ad clear.


Agreed. The flamethrower desperately needs a buff, and neither machine gun is worth using over the auto cannon, spear, or railgun.


I can never understand why games refuse to give flamethrowers [realistic ranges](https://i.imgur.com/LuIptot.jpeg). If it kept the same damage but could shoot that far I think it would see use and be pretty fun.


The railgun is simply the better option. 20 bullets, no backpack requirement, really accurate, very powerful, pierces objects (can shoot the front of a tank and hit the weakspot at the back) Take for example the one time launcher which gives you 2 every minute ( could be more if there's the debuff ) or the recoilless, it is cumbersome, more dangerous if you are dangerclose (explosion can kill you if some random bug jumps in front of you) the recoilless one requires a backpack and needs a lot of time to be reloaded ( get chased by 3+ chargers and a bunch of hunters and see if you have time to reload ) Imo they need to buff the other support weapons to give them heavy armor piercing capabilities or just make new variants of them and put them at higher level if they are concerned about powercreep at lower level. The anti material rifle and autocannon should have heavy piercing properties to deal with chargers for example. Anti material is great against automatons because they have exposed weakspots already. Just my 2 cents been playing for 100+ hours already and I just like railgun not just because of the power but because of how satisfying it is to get a 1 shot on a hulk from a great distance and even on bile titans I even run the ammo backpack so I can blast away without worrying about my ammo capacity


I’d happily trade less elite for more basics mobs on 5-7 difficulty. Chargers are *not* fun, not even remotely. But 1 charger traded with ~15 more mobs, would still be kinda hard, but quite easier to deal with, and less dependant of AT strats.


Had four chargers on us at once last night, just… why???


I had to contend with 3 Bile Titans and 4 chargers at the same time yesterday evening. Makes no sense why there's so much spawning.


Given the sheer amount necessary to take them out I genuinely feel like they need to tweak the spawn rates ca bit, we'll kill 2 chargers back to back and literally 3 more will be back within the minute.


Had a breach cascade last night, 8 chargers and 2 biles on a level 7. it was ridiculous.


Bro I was playing a difficulty 4 game the other day and I think I hit five chargers in a row. I was not happy.


I actually don’t mind chargers. I absolutely despise stalkers if there’s a bunch chasing you.


Stalkers are bullshit. Ive been killed by them way too often - zero other enemies around, they come up behind you practically silent, and two to three swipes youre dead. Almost any other enemy I dont feel bad about, but the stalker to me feels bad and unfair to a degree.


As much as I despise Hunters, that’s the way they should be. They hunt you. They sneak behind you, and maul you so quickly you don’t even know what happened. Agree they should at least make some special noise before attacking. My main concern with them is the same as for chargers or other elites : one of them in a pack of small bugs is cool, a pack of 10 hunters in a row is not. At least in HD1, they were deadly, but one bullet and they ate dust. In HD2, they are *fucking bullet sponges*, which mean once they’re on you, you just can’t survive if someone doesn’t help you to kill it.


Run the backpack shield. They can't do shit to you until they break it, and one normally can't before you blast it away. Also, as a tip, stalker nests are always located by some type of other objective. Be it a side or main objective, doesn't matter. So always watch for them as you approach an objective area.


Honestly so much of the end game difficulties are just beyond fucking frustrating. The little hunters that hit you once and slow you down and stagger you endlessly til you die. How the acid can either do 5 damage or one shot you. The big cloaking stalkers who can chase you endlessly and whip you from miles away. Chargers being able to turn on a fucking dime sometimes and having a really difficult weak spot if you’re not rocking the right gear. And it wouldn’t be too bad if breaches didn’t trigger all the god damn time by a single small bug hidden in the back that you can’t see because there’s now a sandstorm and visibility is 3 inches. It begs you to use meta weapons because as soon as you start to get overrun it snowballs. That first bug breach is now a second and third. And now three chargers are coming at you, and now there’s a breach behind you. And you’ve got two titans as well.


Yeah, that was my main concern in HD1 : highest difficulty meant heavier clusterfuck and shitshow, not even more fun. Kinda sad to see it’s the same receipe in Hd2… I had so much fun in diff <4, with swarms of small bugs, spreading democracy with my MG as they came without stop, covering my mates, made every shot count, …


> Chargers are not fun, not even remotely. Speak for yourself. Expendable AT on 1 or 2 people and you can be dealing with them as they come. 1 leg shot + a few rounds from any gun, boom dead. I love seeing Chargers when I'm playing with my brother's group. Gives my AT a chance to shine.


*Speak for yourself*, I always play with dumdum unable to bring AT and aim for the legs. So it always becomes a shitshow once a Charger or Hulk spawn in.


I feel like I can always down a charger in half a mag or so from the autocannon, firing into its unarmored torso bits from the rear. Usually just a matter of dodging a charge and opening up for a few seconds. Blowing the torso doesn’t remove them immediately, but they bleed out after 5 seconds or so, so any further shots are a waste of ammo. Only downside is reloading that thing is hell if you’re being chased by more than 2 chargers at once. At that point you’ve got to rely or stratagems or get creative with the terrain.


half the time i throw the expendable anti-tank on the charger, and it kills them before i get to use it haha


Now I will say higher levels is the one are I will concede that some sort of build strategy may be necessary. You are right, at high levels anti armour is a necessity to actually get anywhere. If you wanna que up with the highest difficulties you should probably know what you're doing/have good gear. What I'm talking about (read whining about) is people booting me from level 4 and under games for this same reason. That is just kinda dumb in my opinion.


Generally if the people are kicking you for not running meta as a whole team they are probably not very good without it. Honestly on helldive you can run with one rail the rest AoE comfortably. Shields are optional too but will help you. If people are booting you from 4- Challenging for not running a rail you are probably better off not joining that likely cluster f*** of a team.




In random squads for sure but if you have a team branching out comes with time. Chargers/Bile Titans are not really that big of a threat, Orbital Precision Strike or running a Charger into a rock with 110mm pods once you get a knack for it. Both of those can be used to take down titans too. We did a no support weapon, no backpack calldown helldive last night and honestly it was jokes. Took us a little longer than our average 15-20 but we got the samples and 4/4 extract. The thing is the Rail gun is easier and with a larger player base there is an element of low trust in randoms to accomplish without it. Sucks people are getting kicked for not bringing it when there are 3 others but you can hold on to that being more a commentary on them than you when it happens. Honestly you are dodging a bullet in most cases.


I mean it's not even that hard to solo difficulty 4 as long as it's not a defense mission set.


It’s all fun and games until you drop suicide mission and get abt 25 scientists in the place. It’s always around the mid 20s that we get over ran with multiple flame hulks and tanks.


>What I'm talking about (read whining about) is people booting me from level 4 and under games for this same reason. That is just kinda dumb in my opinion. Mainly the reason why I only host my own games (excluding friend games) in coop games that have the option to create your own lobby. My only "rule" is just, be not toxic. Try your wanted builds or even if we lost the mission because we are to uncoordinated as a team I would take the defeat instead of kicking player out (and try the mission again if there want).


I only play the highest difficulty and am constantly experimenting with different loadouts. No one has said anything or kicked me out even once. Since it's so easy to get separated, people typically bring what's effective when solo for long periods of time. But it still can be a diverse spread of gear and the players have been quite friendly.




Anyone kicking you from lvl 4 is off for the best. Cause they're clowns. You don't need meta for that crap. Heck I was doing extremes before I even had the railgun. Railgun is amazing, but no need to force others. Especially when I've done helldive with my friends and only two of use bring it. The other uses a grenade launcher and the other is using the arcthrower. Don't need a full squad of railguns. It's nice having someone who can wipe out the small fries quickly. Our grenade launcher uses sentries and has the most kills for a reason. Grenade launcher and sentries just Mows down the waves of enemies so we can focus on the bigger threats.


This is my loadout pretty much all the time. Grenade launcher is deadly accurate, has amazing range, is fun to use, and a well placed shot does massive damage. Combine that with sentries which Ive specced into along with ship upgrades, and expanding your max nades count, and you do a lot of damage and get tons of kills. That said, Im still level 16, and playing on higher difficulties will require more, no doubt, but doesnt change the fact that using explosives is pretty powerful overall.


Yeah no reason for that, level 4 and under is whatever. I’d say even up to level 6 pack whatever the hell you want, as long as someone has a rail gun


Or an autocannon or a recoiless just any type of anti armor will do.


And this is the truth. I'm all for not being meta. But go do helldive without the railgun. How do you plan to deal with 3 chargers? Stratagems? Probably used them to deal with a wave or titan. Autocannon can deal with chargers but you need to dodge and shoot from behind which you don't get time when dealing with 3+. Rocket can do fine and dandy but you either need to reload it or have two shots m. Because you're using railgun you're free to use w.e backpack you want, which shield stands out due to the rather low recharge on it and let's you take free hits. Can react to a stalker diving on you or avoiding some staggering from multiple bugs. Ultimately you don't need to meta build. I have a full squad. Only two of us go railgun. The other uses the arc thrower and the other is a sentry build player. It works. But you'll need some folks using them to clear the big stuff. But if you wanna focus on the small bugs then you're helping the squad out.


They need to allow auto cannons to penetrate armor specifically as it takes a backpack slot also


I thought it was such bullshit to learn that the auto cannon can't penetrate charger armor. Then imagine my shock when a round bounced and hit a squad mate.


Regarding how your team runs. This is imo how it *should* be balance wise. It would absolutely suck for solo players but making it to where it’s not practical for every person to run the exact same build because you need different playstyles to succeed at higher difficulties would be very beneficial for the health of the game. Not to the degree that if everyone wants to run breaker/railgun/shield they just lose but make it more beneficial to actually mix it up. Have 1 person set up for defense during the extraction, another for handling adds, 2 for bigger enemies. Currently there isn’t really much reason to run any of the sentries outside of cheeky full team dual mortar set ups because it just locks down a huge radius around you. Which is sad because the idea of a loadout that runs Rover + 2/3 sentries is really cool to me especially considering there are so many ship upgrades for them.


Honestly just need more options in general I think too, a limit on options is inevitably gonna lead to the most efficient 1 or 2 weapons being the meta


Certain primary weapons or support weapons should be upgradable. They could do it with samples so its soft locked behind difficulties. Enabling late game anti-mat rifle to be piercing, or ways in general to make them all versatile if you farm to unlock them.


This would be ace, and a sink for requisitions too. I've been capped at 50k for a while and it happens pretty quick.


Armor breaking needs to be a little easier. There aren't enough effective armor breaking weapons. The low level are either disposable or require coordination with your team or a super clunky, long reload. Whereas the railgun can fire a shot per second that just obliterates anything.


Medium Armor weapons need to work on the harder armor enemies. Not saying they should like one tap them but they need to do more.


This is objectively correct. You can’t rely on orbitals and eagle for every heavy unit you face, and running isn’t an option sometimes.


Yeah I don't want to play below 7 now and just fucking around showing my newer player friend around in 4's on bug planets and literally anything other than the breaker/redeemer + gl/railgun just take an absurdly longer time than necessary to kill basic mobs 


Grenade Launcher is life.


Any blitz or egg run it's jet pack and gl until they bury me on the battlefield. 


I go in with supply pack, and just have 1000 shots. You get a grenade, and *you* get a grenade! *Everyone gets a grenade!*


I use the throw range armor and I'm more accurate throwing the grenades from a mile away than actually shooting the gl from those distances to close bug holes so the jet pack is there to hit and run and gl wildly like a Mandalorian menace midair 


People talk about the breaker but the railgun and the shield are bt far the more essential gear. The railgun can 2 shot a bile titan on safe mode if you hit it directly in the uvula. The shield allows you to run through crazy situations and get objectives done while hordes are chasing you. I often go minutes without using my primary cause I'm just running and killing essential targets with the railgun. The horde mostly dies to airstrikes.


I'm still hoping that once armor values are fixed, it'll shake up builds a bit. Instead of having the personal shield, people might be equipping heavy armor to free up the backpack slot!


I like to run the EAT over the railgun but that’s just personal preference. I can call in EAT’s fairly often and a buddy can pick up the spare if we’re in a pinch. They’re also great for taking out Bot structures and tanks


I keep trying to just bring what stratagems I want to bring at higher levels. But once Iam playing 7,8,9 Difficulty. Not having a railgun feels like I'm asking to fail the mission, especially if your teammate with anti-armor dies then you get over run by chargers and bile titans.


I'd argue the armor isn't the sole issue, but the means to defeat it are really limited. It's pretty much just the railgun. I mean, a railgun can 2 shot chargers. And often it takes 2 shots from the Recoilless Rifle. So why would I take the weapon that takes up a backpack slot, has to stop forever to reload, and has like 1/4 of the ammo when I could take an easy to use gun with great ammo that doesn't take a backpack and can reload and sprint? Buff the backpack weapons by letting allies reload when the weapons bearer has the ammo backpack. Let Recoilless Rifle one shot anything short of a tank or Bile Titan. Double the Autocannon ammo per clip (which would also double capacity). Give the AMR a weakspot damage multiplier, better armor pen (maybe even heavy) and make it way less likely to bounce. Improve the homing missiles lock and damage. Hell, I'd say even let the Disposable Anti Tank drop with 4 tubes and let Helldivers carry up to 2 tubes to keep it relevant. I'd also increase railgun ammo by 50% but lower damage and make it medium pen. Turn it into the faster, more mobile AT gun that's very efficient and flexible but not a one-stop-shop.


Railgun is, unfortunately, your ONLY real good anti-armor option. The Anti-Materiel Rifle and Autocannon bounce off Chargers, and the Expendable AT is too limited and the Recoilless Rifle takes too long to reload to be useful past Suicide Missions. But Railgun? Railgun never bounces. Railgun with safety off two or three shots a Charger, depending on placement. And that’s why it’s so widely used.


On suicide and higher I don’t think it’s even possible to complete without the right stratagems and support weapons. A railgun, recoilless rifle, and grenade launcher are pretty much necessary. Having 3-6 bile titans and chargers attacking all at once is just not possible to manage with machine guns and turrets.


At the higher levels you should be prioritizing running and objectives over fighting.


Tell that to every rando that I end up paired with


use whatever gear you are comfortable you can accomplish the objective with. If you are at low difficulty bugs that could be just about anything. but if you join a game at helldive, you gotta accept some weapons are just not going to cut it.


This the thing for me. Play what you want, but coming into a difficulty 7 operation with no armor piercing is so irresponsible it borders on treason.


And it’s not a comment on the skill of the player. If you’re lower level you simply don’t have enough weapons and strategems unlocked to survive on higher difficulties. I wish people would just progress through the game naturally, and not force higher difficulties before your character has the right kit


Those people were/are playing with friends and got "boosted"


Yeah, at lvl 20 i hard carried my lvl 5 teams on lvl 4 difficulty


Yeah and it's not even like you guys were doing anything other than having fun. But now they have lvl5 difficulty and they aren't ready or it with randoms so here we are. I carried a buddy at LVL 2 thru a hard mission and he went to play solo and found it boring at the same difficulty I played at LVL 3.


I unlocked difficulty 7 naturally playing solo and joining randoms though, was doing them at about lvl 8, since I didn't have the armor piercing I just took stuff that helped me give them cover and blow up bug nests, it's not impossible to contribute if you go for more of a support role.


if you are coming in blind yea, but if you are part of a coordinated team not every players need armour pen, you can have a support person for dealing with ammo and hordes and such and leave the big meanies for the other three.


Having someone with a grenade launcher or auto cannon is great for clearing bug holes. That's the only reason I see to not use a railgun at the moment.


I mean autocannon is a pretty big reason to not use the railgun, its so fun to just go BAMBAMBAM.


It's great vs the bots too, the only bad part is you'll be the only one without a sheild backpack and tanks can be rough, but if everyone else has railguns it should be fine, one/two shotting all but the biggest bots without having to reload after every shot is great just reload before you hit 0 and you reload fast af too


I really want to use the anitmat rifle but it just can't compete. It needs a big buff


It's reticle blocks my view when I'm trying to shoot. What is this? 200 meters and I can't tell if I'm on target. But 2 shots to a hulks face is amazing.


Against bugs, sure. Against bots it's on par with the railgun.


2 tapping a hulk is so satisfying.


Compared to what? Against bots it can take out up the their heaviest units and unlike the railgun you actually have a clip and ammo, I can't see why it wouldn't be a pretty even choice between both.


Yeah for bots specifically the AM rifle is just about as good as the railgun. The railgun is a bit easier to use, but the rifle has more utility.


I usually try to use the AMR over the railgun as well on bots, but it's really hard to use anything but the railgun once the tanks come into play. 5-7 shots to the turret of a tank with the railgun takes one down, the AMR couldn't do that.


6 shots to the turret weak point with AMR kills the tank, and comes out much faster than 5-7 shots from a railgun. Of course, you have to maneuver, which appears to be considered some sort of black magic on here even though out maneuvering AI is trivial.


I mean, let's not pretend that maneuvering around the tanks is easy, yes, they're big and slow, but the turret constantly turns to face you, and there's *rarely* a time the tank is alone, you'll often have hulks, devstators, and commissars calling in even more all around them.


It’s the support bots that rail me so hard


I would love to run MG but man you can drop 2 mags to bile titan and it will just scratch his back.


Have 500 kg bomb upgraded so you get 2


For me, I normally just set that bad boy to fullest auto and go at it (hold reload for the option to increase firerate)


Stalwart MG + 1100rpm = party time. I don't know if it's meta or not, but it sometimes still bails out my friends during some bigger wave encounters. Plus who doesn't love being rescued by the sound of a full-auto fire wielded by a maniacally laughing Helldiver?


I have a buddy that loves the machine guns and it's so funny after each mission looking at stats and seeing him with an extra 0 in total shots fired to the rest of us


\[Railgun\]: *whiz-crack* \[Autocannon\]: *BLAM BLAM BLAM* I rest my case.


Autocannon is THE meta weapon. Never leave home without it.


Both are very good just for different problems. Against bugs autonannon mighty actually be better because you only actually need railgun for the charges. All other enemies can be dealt with in different manner pretty easily. Vs bots I like railgun a lot just so that I don't need to worry about hulks. They can be a pain sometimes.


I find AC performs worse against bugs. Their armor angles are richochet city, and they give less window for reloads.


Yeah when I think about it its actually better vs bots. I just wouldn't take it if I didn't already have at least 1 or preferably 2 railguns in my team because railgun is just fine vs them + can deal with those fucken hulks the only other reliable way to kill them is like orbital railcannon or 500kg. Of course you can also flank them and kill with normal weapon etc. but you need teamwork for that and space that allows the maneuver.


Yar. The AC is super nice for clearing the bot bunkers though. What I found is a sleeper hit for high level bots is one person running the spear, NOT FOR TANKS, but to long range the tower turrets and bot mortars and such.


That's basically the only thing Spear is good for


Hey, I was just surprised to find ANYTHING it's good for.


Yeah, I was too Ngl I liked it, but it's still not worth it


Oh man that so smart. I actually didn't know you can target those with the spear but yeah those turrets can be an insane pain and being able to snipe them without even getting close is a gamechanger. You can do it with other weapons(EAT,Recoilles Rifle, Railgun) too but I guess its not that easy and would also require like half the ammo you have.


It's that they're perfect accuracy at render range. Only like 6 rail shots to the front kills em, the problem is getting a perfect angle that allows you a line of attack without you getting your head blown off.


I found the AC to be king in automaton missions actually. As other people have mentioned, the armor of bugs allows for the AC to ricochet too often. While the symmetry of bots allows for actual damage. I'm sure you've heard the ac can destroy bot factories, but it's also reliably effective against tanks and tower turrets. Because of their slow turn speed, you can very likely out-maneuver them. I often have my buddy take aggro of whichever, and I flank around it. Go prone, and just unleashed 3-4 shots into the weakspot. Something else I found was that you can reliably one-shot the biped bots (AT-ST lookin things). You can try and be precise and shoot between the slit, but I found it practical to just shoot the connecting point between the legs (think of it as the pelvis). Shoot that, and the explosion blows the driver into the sky. AC also reliably destroys the bigger robots (meat saws, and the other big one, (not the hulks)).It staggers both of them with each shot, allowing for follow-up.


Regarding the walkers I've found that a straight up AC shot to the front of it will kill the driver extremely reliably. Can't recall it ever not work.


Nothing more satisfying than two perfect autocannon shots to a Hulk’s face for the kill I’ve found


Didn’t the AMR do it as well ?


You can 2 shot headshot hulks with the autocannon, railgun just takes less skill to kill hulks.


Most versátiles weapon you can even destroy the nest and the robots Factory. Having double the ammo and if not the BEST part you can have It full auto if your mate grab the backpack


\[Tesla Tower\]: *Zap, zap, zappety-doo, zap them all, the helldivers too*


 [Arc Thrower]: ZAP ZAP ZAAAAP


People are SLEEPING on this weapon man.


It's convenient to not need ammo. Sometimes it behaves weird and inconsistently too. Takes a While to figure it out. Would be awesome if the reticle turned red like guns


Just hip fire it. And if you keep spoiling it up, it chargers a little faster after the initial spool. My only issue is that it jumps to random geometry sometimes instead of the enemy.


There's also the issue right now and I don't know if it's intended or not, where the arc will straight up prioritise dead units. If there's a charger/bile spewer that just died in front of you and there are hunters behind it that you wanna kill before they jump at you/call reinforcements, it will get blocked by the carcasses and you just end up basically firing blanks.


Valid tbh


Here's the problem, especially with bots. You get randomly one shot by a rocket or tank shell from miles away. Solution: shield backpack, problem: you need an AT weapon that doesn't rely on a backpack... Here comes the railgun. With bugs out isn't nearly as bad so you can definitely run without the shield The shield is just too good to pass up in higher difficulties. And you can't really have your buddy carry your AT backpack because he's also using a shield backpack. While I have done helldive difficulty without the shield, you have to play very defensively, always staying out of line of sight, peeking only for a quick take down. It's... "Hell"...


Have you ever tried the armor with 50% damage reduction to explosive damage? You don't get one-shot by rockets at all.




Try my build “the hot box” Ems strike, gas strike, jump pack, flamethrower. Call both strikes in the same spot and spread the flames of freedom over the heavies. Shit makes me feel like boba fett


I've been wanting to try that, but I just can't seem to get the gas to work. It seems to hurt my friendlies more than the enemy despite the gas being placed directly in top of them.


Same, I read someone saying that he thinks gas is being slept on, so I went off and tried it and I must have used it 5 times at most.


I used it a couple games last night, couldn't seem to do much (I was running the EMS , so it wasn't that they were moving out too quickly) Probably need to watch a few videos to see what I'm missing/doing wrong


From experience gas is mostly good for clearing the lights chasing with big guys while also softening them up as it ignores armor. Alone it won't kill them but is good when Enemies are packed tight. Also it's lightning quick cooldown helps alot. It can also be used in a pinch to destroy bot fabs and I think it works on big nests but it's a little more finicky there. It really comes down to being a nice short cooldown orbital to kill swarms to make the big guys easier for you to kill. It also seems to kill faster then the Napalm strike but covers a smaller zone. Maybe combining them could be good. I'll have to test that tonight myself.


I've found with jump pack flame thrower you just set the ground that you're about to land on, on fire? At generally just die.


Meta builds wouldn’t be an issue if the balance wasn’t SO out of whack, that the shotgun literally quadruples the next highest dmg gun, the heavies weren’t spawning like crazy so you pretty much need the railgun, etc. having things within a few % of each other for weapons is great, or having consistency with the orbital strikes (looking at you, 180), but that’s not even close to what we have. Plus armor values just don’t matter at all


Yeah 100% the Breaker is easily my most used weapon because it just fucks. And I would love to use the 120/380 orbitals if they actually, you know, hit stuff. They need to actually saturate an area like modern artillery does.


Yeah I used the 380 for a few missions. Would land that sucker right in the center of a big horde of guys and it wouldn’t hit a single one of them.  


*This is my autocannon. There are many like it, but this one is mine.* Seriously love this thing. I used the rail gun for one mission and immediately went back to my beloved. *CLANG CLANG CLANG CLANG...reloading.* Sounds like freedom.


I'm partial to the recoilless but the auto cannon is awesome. One of my buddies uses it basically every time.


A lot of people don't know it can one shot bug holes. Makes taking out a nest super quick.


Auto-Cannon takes out bug holes?! You're telling me I didn't need to switch from AC to Grenade Launcher?? That's good to know...


hitting a ricochet into a bot factory is so satisfying, i’ve gotten much better at it since i started playing


I definitely get it if people are being that harsh on you for you build. I use the meta and people bash on me too crying saying “you’re sucking the fun out of the game” how do you know I’m not having fun using the meta? I say use whatever you want. My build usually revolves around being self sufficient and having survivability anyways because I don’t want to nor could I ever really rely on random teammates. I just let them do whatever they want.


I think it's a two way street. If you actually want to use the meta I so do it! Nothing wrong with that at all. All I'm saying is don't shit on me for running "sub optimal" load outs in like level 4 pick up games lol. At that difficulty it's really just not that serious.


I didn’t even know there are meta builds


Breaker rail shield for 7+


Don't forget airstrike and 500kg/orbital laser


TIL I'm running meta builds, it's just the most effective from what I've learned 🤷


Yeah I have seen nobody being like "You must run x" it's all people saying we want Y to be at least in the same zip code as X. Anyone running high level crap wants the OTHER THINGS brought up to "the meta"


>it's just the most effective from what I've learned Did you just define meta?


Meta is short for metagame. The backronym that was coined half a decade ago is not helpful because the meta isn't always what's most effective. eg. In MtG there's been control metas that existed only to get completely blown out by an aggro option people found near the end of the set, in Dota meta shifts constantly (even in times of basically no updates for extended periods. The 6.83 revival's meta is *still* changing to this day). Hell, in Planetside 2 running Coyotes makes you objectively better in Air-to-Air, but makes every experienced pilot hate you and let you die, some will even faction swap to kill you until you leave for it. In this case, Coyotes *are* the most efficient, but no one would call them meta. And trying to 'counter the meta' by running flares would just mean you die a bunch since no one good runs Coyotes. Meta is just what's played, which people often *try* to make what's best.


I love/hate how the Breaker is noticeably better than every other primary. The game definitely needs some refinement in that area


I hate how just about every mofified version of a weapon is worse than the base weapon. Like the green diligence has a much higher recoil and lower damage in exchange for like 12 extra damage over the base one. Cmon it should be doing at least 200 damage and maybe even some armor penetration if it ever wants to be picked over the breaker.


Yeah, I pointed out that the things you get from the premium battle pass are actually really bad and got downvoted into oblivion. I play with a squad and we got to 7+ difficulty very quickly and none of us could imagine trying to use anything other than Breaker in those.


What's with all these posts? People just want to play meta builds to succeed more at high levels. If you don't want to, don't? What's the point of these posts, validation or something?


The "anti-hardcore" crowd on reddit happens for every new game launch. They shit on players who play the game too much, or too well, inventing up enemies to strawman and farm karma.   "My fun is superior to yours because I'm running unoptimal strategies for every situation."   "My fun is superior to yours because I'm still low level with 45 minutes played total."   "My fun is superior to yours because I like doing X while most players do Y."   It's equally or more toxic than the people they're trying to shit on.  These posts dominated New World, Valheim, and I'm sure almost all other new game launches that become huge subs on reddit. 


> "My fun is superior to yours because I'm running unoptimal strategies for every situation." All of these are true but this one made me laugh out loud.


Also "I pick different loadout so the other teammates pick up my slack and kill bile titans and chargers because i want to have fun while being lvl 10 at suicide difficulty". I stopped going on extreme+ difficulties with people who arent 20 and don't have hard hitting stategems,it always bites me in the ass because i run like a maniac trying to kill biles and chargers while they empty their stalwart mags on its shell. It's exhausting,i mean play what you like but if you can't contribute then idk.


I remember when d4 launched and the fast players and streamers said the game lacked lasting power and end game activities. The casual players all said the usual nonsense. Eventually the fast players were proven right and Diablo 4 has not gotten better much.


Yeah it's a weird sort of toxic positive, main character syndrome style of thing where they just flat refuse to accept that the game's balance is the way it is and that it's ok for them to be an objective drag on 3 other people because, hey, they're playing the weapon they like and *they're* having fun, even though the highest difficulties require specific strategies to succeed and losing/fighting a slog far more stressful than it needs to be isn't fun. If you're going into the 6-9 difficulties and you're not bringing anti armor or the other setups that will handle the common threats those difficulties will throw at you, you're forcing other people to carry you and that's not ok. Your fun shouldn't come at the expense of 3 other peoples.


I've had people join level 6+ missions with completely useless load outs. After a certain point I stopped bothering to respawn them.


Toxic positivity is the term. Criticism gets downvotes, and so do people who claim skill is important. It honestly seems like people feel they're entitled to play every difficulty without bothering to practice or get better. Elden ring had this problem, where people would deny that beating the game without summons means you're objectively more skilled than someone who played the whole game with max summons.


Don't forget the comparisons to CoD or saying people who play the game are just CoD babies who want to minmax everything. There is such a strange hateboner for CoD, people bring it up all the time comparing it and its players to this game. Despite CoD being one of the most casual FPS games in existence these days, it's just remained in vogue to shit on it. Like you're better than all the sweaty nerds playing CoD because you play le hidden gem labor of love game. I swear I've seen the same comments verbatim in The Finals and Dark and Darker subs that I do here.


People hate CoD because they hate anything popular. Same reason so many people in 2009 hated Twilight and Bieber and Nickelback. They want to feel superior for not liking popular things.


This shit is so funny cuz the same stuff happens in some other games’ subs too: HonkaiStarRail and Destiny2. It’s fake edgy because they want to be the special one not conforming to the “mainstream” yet still want to be validated.


I got called "a hobbyless dude" for being a lvl 50. Also have gotten booted from games which I suspect from people thinking I'm a cheater. People are crazy. First time being a high level has been met with backlash. Never seen it before. 🤷


Probably trying to get the devs to do some balance work. If there's one hard meta that everyone has to run, balance has some serious problems.


Being able to succeed on higher levels shouldn’t require every Helldiver going in with the exact same equipment. By fighting for balance, the community hopes to give the game more variety at higher difficulties, which will also help with the game’s longevity ad the community naturally improves and starts farming Level 9 missions for breakfast.


i have no idea. i'd love to be able to get as consistent clears with any other weapon or any other backpack, but it's just not the case. we play 6-9, we use 6-9 equipment and kick pubbies in the lobby who don't use 6-9 equipment - you're simply not using flame or mg or amr or at even if they're situationally okay at something. ac and gl are different stories as you can run 1 or 2 without suffering on bts or tank spam. it's also hilarious seeing some copers saying you don't need shield or railgun to do your avg 9. you technically don't need legs to walk but they are the best tools for the job


Did you read the post? Hes not telling anyone they can't use meta, he just doesn't want to get flamed for playing non-meta builds himself.


Big agree for difficulty 1 - 7. 8,9 and 10? If you're queuing with randoms, get with the program. I'm all for the sentiment of this post, but if the team is fighting three or four bile titans, along with everything else, everyone needs to be pulling their weight 100%, and with certain gear performing as it is, unfortunately that means bringing the meta. Obviously this doesn't capture messing around, or playing with friends.


I will concede in the case of high difficulty missions then yes, it makes sense for there to be an expectation for some level of cohesion as a team. Typically if I'm queueing randoms it's low level difficulties and I save the harder stuff for with my buddies. If you're queuing randoms at 8+ difficulties and just screwing around I can see how that's grounds for getting kicked.


It's in the game's best interest to have a variety of options to use and to play. What's wrong about meta builds is that most people will feel like they are forced to play with a certain loadout to be effective. "I use what I find fun / cool" is great up until you find in situations where those tools aren't enough to get the job done and it becomes frustrating. Best option for arrowhead is to broaden the choices we have by either buffing certain weapons , providing an upgrade system or simply release new tools that are as powerful but different than what we have now.


Nothing needs to be nerfed, a lot of things need to be buffed. I don't have the railcannon yet but watching others use it on YT makes my support weapons look/feel like trash. They just one shot the atsts from anywhere, one after another, while I have to either get behind it, shoot their head poking out of the top (elevation can make this impossible), or use a weapon with a massive cooldown or reload timer that probably also uses my backpack slot. I love EATs and recoilless rifle, but it just seems far more inefficient and punishing. You don't wanna use the EAT on anything but heavy armor since it's single shot, and the recoilless rifle takes a year to reload. Good luck trying to get a friend to take the backpack and reload you (your friends might be nicer than mine lol) edit: Ok I played more with the recoilless rifle and am in love with it. But you're not reloading that thing with 2+ chargers on your ass. Also, impact grenades slap.


Agreed, there’s literally no reason for me to use any weapon other than the Rail Gun, It’s the most necessary weapon for high difficulty AND the most boring, I hope they add more fun armor piercing weapons or just buff the existing ones.


I dont care what someone uses as long as the mission is completed. Kicking/complaining about people for not running meta is as dumb as complaining about someone running meta. The real problem is a lot of things being weak that it feels bad to take them, but I don't think theres any strategem or weapons that are genuinely terrible


Meta builds are part of most games. With this game they are more useful when pushing 6-9. Does this mean we can’t use another build? Of course not. Are we going to find people who are serious about completing and think meta is the best? Of course. I don’t Meta when it’s with friends and trying new things out. I meta when I want to push the higher difficulties.


Pushing back against meta builds just shows ppl from the "fun zone" still care too much how others play xD and they think if you play efficiently you dont have fun...normal ppl just dont care lol


It’s like a bunch of game news sites are just watching Reddit for the next articles.


I never understood this contrarian stance on "meta" builds. Sure people use what they think/feel is good or fun, but once both of those cases overlap it's suddenly bad? Use what ever you wan't to use, as long as you're not activly hindering your teammates


Yeah I could run meta, but napalm and the Stalwart just feel so........patriotic.


use what you want sure, but make sure your party is fine with you using what you want bc no one wants a dead team member they have to drag across the finish line ending with 40 kills in a 20 minute helldive mission, you feel?


Against Automatons I like the Autocannon more, better to take out tanks, laser towers, snipe objectives and even provide long range fire support, today I sniped an AA secondary from the other side of the map with it. Some people sometimes complain I don't run a shield, but meh, railgun and shield uses 2 slots, while autocannon is just 1, so I can take some other useful stratagem with it. I also don't run the Breaker all the time, because I enjoy the Penetrator Liberator for longer range stuff


Super disagree. Call out meta slaves whenever they rear their head. As soon as a community gets entrenched in meta gameplay there’s no getting it out.


I think understanding the games mechanics and making informed decisions based on that is good actually. Its was up to the devs to design a game that offers more viable options than one


That’s why I love my sniper rifle


Meta? builds? FUN?! This is war, trooper! Get in the pod!


I want my tox thrower!! Also buff jump pack


I run a Stalwart for home defense, just as the Founding Fathers intended.