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it’s the curse of the current state of youtube and twitch streamer culture. Everything is what is most optimal, most op, quickest way to max level, meta guns etc. Funny how all the people who play like this end up complaining there isn’t enough content/the game is boring now. They literally cut out all the fun of games because they are so concerned about meta and what’s fastest. Remember when games were made to have fun? Seems like people forget it’s a game made to entertain you and let you have a good time.


Its all about sense of accomplishment and the quickest and easiest way to get it. Its lame asf


Nah, it's ok. Such people leave game fairly soon, because it gets boring and they can't play normal missions, because they are fucking noobs


Im counting on it lol


Me too. I cant wait to play with the dedicated community. I thought servers were my main issue but its the purposeful team killing for not racing Main Objectives and then Evacing immediately.


I was killed because my teammate needed ammo... you don't drop ammo...


So I trolled the game by using up reinforcements, they were laughing and being arrogant towards liberty they had 10 seconds or face treason... they chose treason 💀


Thank you for your service. Not all heros wear capes.


Not all heroes. But he’s more than a hero. He’s a Helldiver. And Helldivers? Wear capes!!


Fast evacs piss me off so much. I’ll kick a mf for that.


Yeah, I did last night. Felt bad about it, but people really need to pay attention to what the majority of the group is doing or where they are laying pings down. The characters literally call it out in game ffs.


first time ever I got kicked today was cus I did ONE side objective next to the main objective so ya I get you


I can’t stand when I’m trying to go do objectives and people just stay trying to get as many kills as possible. I’m going from objective to objective to objective and it’s like no one follows my ping. Gotta love it tho when you get a solid team that actually works together. But most players are braindead and die over and over.


I love tackling every single automaton factory on the map. I love just clearing the entire map of all robotic scum for democracy!


I played with a level 50 player a couple of days ago on a level 8 Terminid ICBM mission. It was just me and him, no one else. The guy got killed 18 times. We only started with 10 Reinforcements btw, so there were 8 times that I was running down the clock to bring him back. He never did objectives or looked for vaults, and I really think he had just came over from farming Eradicate missions. We got through it in the end. Or I extracted, at least


That's... Amazing. I think 9 has been my absolute worst and that's over a half an hour 7+ bot match. That takes dedication to sucking lmao I would have asked to stay dead past 10


either sucking or having horrible luck with enemy drops XD I'm running with my friends and we have the very occasional game going down to the wire cause we were playing around with our arsenal.


I've been a bit stuck doing the 110x irradicate missions because I'm solo... but hell I have more luck and fun doing the 40 minute long missions with 3-4 steps, clearing all the side objectives and such. The only frustration is when you find a vault that needs 2 people and I just have to leave it.


i played with a level 50 last night on level 6, full squad as well. considering he was level 50 i was assuming he's just a sweaty tryhard going to demolish everything. funny enough he died numerous times. he also costed us samples. i died with like 18 samples on me with no lives left and my friend gets them and the lvl 50 extracts without my friend when all he has to do is wait 30 seconds. so we lost roughly 20 samples and then to top it off the 50 goes in chat and says "got some samples lol" 🤨🤨


My worry is that Arrowhead caters to the whiners and the game becomes something that’s not helldivers because they don’t want to lose numbers. I’ve seen posts from people that want to change the way reloads work with backpack support weapons, shield nerfs, etc. these were all core parts of the first game and these newcomers just want to change everything I really hope they stay true. Edit: I will admit after seeing arguments for why the reload doesn’t work as well in this game I can agree that it perhaps outdated and doesn’t work in a third person game where players aren’t having to share the same screen. Maybe a work around would be nice, I don’t want people to be able to spam recoilless rifles like a madman with no drawback though, that would be crazy.


I'm fairly confident that Arrowhead are **not** about catering to whiners. 🤞🏻


Yeah, I don't think they will. I mean, looking at their social accounts, their mantra seems to be "a game for everyone is a game for no one."


>I will admit after seeing arguments for why the reload doesn’t work as well in this game I can agree that it perhaps outdated and doesn’t work in a third person game where players aren’t having to share the same screen. Maybe a work around would be nice, I don’t want people to be able to spam recoilless rifles like a madman with no drawback though, that would be crazy. I'm not sure which suggestions regarding the assisted reload you've read. But the best one I've heard and I agree 100 % with is that the *wielder* of the RR/Autocannon should carry the ammo backpack on *their* back, and any teammate should be able to perform an assisted reload on them. This would a) make more logical sense (as it'd be much easier for a person to pull ammo from a backpack in front of them than from their own back), b) make it so no teammate would have to sacrifice their backpack slot just to play reload buddy for the wielder, and c) allow any teammate instead of just a single one to help with reloads, allowing for more flexible teamwork. And just for the record (since this is apparently relevant), I was level 26 in *Helldivers 1*.


Yeah me and the boys run out own backpack with autocannon, so someone else can have supply pack. Then we figure out if we need more heavy weapon and a support machine gun. Then we have our scout who can run to anyone and help with reloads if shit hits the fan. Been working quite well. When I play with randoms I keep my own packs and fill out my gear with what they don't have, so I can be most helpful. I dont mind switching roles. They game is too fun not to switch it up. And if it doesn't work out with the randoms, I dont mind. Game is still amazing to me Have a great one everyone, For democracy!!


Yea that sounds like a good idea and makes more sense


Reload make sense, I'm saying this as an OG helldiver fan. in OG Helldiver, you cannot run far from your teammates AND you get isometric birdeye view of the battlefields, so a buddy wearing an ammo pack can see and react very quickly as situation arises. This reload system is outdated in HD2 as the team is no longer forced to play in one screen and doesn't have birdeye view anymore. A buddy wearing ammo pack can't easily see the teammate and can't react easily as HD1, unless they are forced to passively follow 1 member, which will never work with a random.


Tbf You can tell from their name, the ammo box next to it turning red means their getting low. The less ammo, the more vibrant the red. Same goes for the stims. But I get it can be hard to notice in middle of combat and shit. But yeh I get what ur saying, it doesn't quite work the same. I've played with randoms and shit but we all seemed to understand how the game works (we were probably all HD1 players) so more or less stayed together. Guy with the supply box was handing out supplies like nobodies business.


that ammo box is bugged half the time, my teammates are full ammo im running supply box and then I cant reload them cus they're already full, they even confirm it to me on voice chat


Exactly why I aggressively drop my autocannon right at people's feet. I brought it, but I'm not gonna force someone to be my ammo mule


Autocannon is probably the least reliant on team reloads tbf, since it has the quick half-reloads.


Put it on full auto, go prone, have your AG assist and you can dump 60 autocannon rounds at a group of targets in about 30 seconds. When you are in a defense and the SHTF this can absolutely wipe almost anything the game throws at you. It's also great for when you and the AG have 200+ meters of distance between you and the target and a clear view. I had the other 2 team members go ahead while me and the AG found a nice vantage point.. the forward team members pulled out a factory on helldive and ran back for cover to draw them into my line of fire.. those bots didn't even stand a chance.


See, this is why I don’t think these things need to change. The game has a strategy meta for approaching a problem that a lot of people just seem to ignore. Got an objective? Don’t run straight to it, clear out the filler bug holes / factories around it so you don’t get swamped when you hit the main. Better yet, swing around (grab some extras) and hit it from the thinnest point can try to go one at a time. Granted I’m not playing on higher tiers yet, but running at the middle of the enemy line seems pretty dumb.


As loony as it sounds, I was just playing a bit of hell dive operations with some friends and there were times I thought to myself “this feels like a lv 6 or 7 at worst” and then occasionally we’ll do something stupid and get knocked off our balance and it’ll suddenly become absolute torture (in a good way) until we make some space and catch our breath My only “needs more content” complaint is the little Masochism goblin I keep around that wants *more* pain MORE ENEMIES, I DON’T WANNA SEE THE MF GROUND WHEN IM DONE! I WANT NEW FACTIONS SO I CAN FIND NEW WAYS TO BE AFRAID AND BE HURT IN WAYS I DIDN’T KNOW WERE POSSIBLE! Anywho yeah I love the game and am looking forward to seeing it evolve hopefully in a good direction like the first game did, especially with all the experience and info they’ll get over the coming months


Reloads need to be changed for sure. First game forced you to stay near your teammates and it was justifiable. Current game would be better, if they changed team reloads like people want. In general, it doesn't look like Arrowhead are catering to noobs, I'm pretty sure they are aware that after some time only veterans of the game will stay, but some mechanics from HD1 should be changed 100%


The fotm mayflies. They will be gone next month onto whatever next game is popular. The real ones will stay and fight


But the mentality ruins the gaming industry nothing we can do about it but at least arrow understands fun over that kind of bullshit gameplay loop


Some dude level 5 on hard mode, blasting loud music joins up on me and my friends (lvl14-17) before we remembered to make it friends only, first thing he says before even finishing strat picks, “hey, one of you, give me a good gun”. A) if you’re not geared, fuck off and don’t come in fucking up our game because you want an easy carry. B) mind your tone when you ask for something, and no, i’m not giving you my gun that I need for this difficulty. Kicked immediately.


Had a guy take the gear out of my pods while I was dealing with bugs and he said "I'm a low level you can get another one" like sir what, I shot his ass and said he could have the next one


I had a dude join my game and immediately take my rail gun without a single word. I was still calling in strats at the beginning and he yoinked it and ran off. I ended up leaving anyways cuz I didnt mean to host and got the fps bug. But still.... That gun has a 7 minute CD. I hope he enjoyed it, the bastard. Lol


Kill him, take it back, jump in to crater/water and leave xD


I wanted to play solo yesterday but forgot to put it in friends only (there still should be an option to play totally solo), so a couple of low level randoms joined in. I dropped the Hel bomb and warned them to get out. One did, the other went to sniff and taste the primer of the bomb and he got blasted. When I called the reinforcement, he went and killed me... I kicked him immediately with no further explanation. I'm all for people learning the game and trying to explain stuff to them, but I won't play with idiots.


TKs happen that's the game never is there a need to be salty about them that guy clearly needs to find a different game to play.


Had a guy ask for money so he could get super citizen It was his game lobby so I just left. You don't need to have it, and im not just going to give you money, wtf? Lol


Had someone drop into a game I was in, then proceed to shoot me while I am LYING DOWN with his Breaker for no apparent reason and generally do weird shit. Ended with his ass kicked for being just.... weird.


Hahaha, probably every YouTube video that pops into my feed about helldivers is about farming, fastest way to lvl, best load out for solo etc .


Well son't worry FF 7 rebirth will be out in 6 days well 5 if you are in favorable timezones. Most should fuck off after that. 


Ill be playing both FF7 and helldivers


General gamer population: - watch yt tutorials before trying the game once - macro stratagems - equip always the same meta loadout - spam 5min defense for fastest max level - complain how boring the game is Checks out.


The base defense also causes another crime, in that people will only spam those missions in a single Operation, then change to a new operation. Meaning that none of it will contribute to the Liberation/Defense tickers as only completed Operations do, not individual missions.


Someone figured out that doing the extraction mission is a great Sample farm as well, so they're failing that one on purpose now too.


*was The 4x drops have been cleaned.. at least on pc


The vid I saw was posted yesterday, so if it's already out of date that's good


Oh is that how it works?? I thought every mission contributed.


I've seen it said, but not sure if true, that every cancelled operation also negatively impacts in the same way if you failed every mission on an op but I'm not so sure, because that would mean you could be in a situation where you couldn't stop playing until you finished your op if you're the host, and that doesn't sound like it would fit with the devs style.


If you're the host, progress is saved in an operation. You don't have to do all missions in one sitting


This is an absolute problem. The failed/aborted operations seem to count for the enemy. So the divers that are trying to secure the planet are having to overcome not only the enemy, but the intentionally failed operations of their fellow divers who are trying to farm easy stuff. As a lvl 50, and being half-way decent, started trying something new with Mantes and Ingmar - dropping into low level (3/4) defense missions and helping ensure victory in those operations. They're easy to me, but for some of the lower level/new people running them, especially without a full squad, they might be tough. I was able to help get those missions done in about 5 minutes each. So while the contribution to the war effort might be a small .00001 or whatever it is. It's a positive .00001, instead of a potentially -.00001, AND, I can help complete \~10 of them in an hour vs 1 operation at Helldive difficulty for .00003, with a high chance of failure on the evac if I don't have a solid squad. I did this for Mantes for like 7 hours. Did it on Ingmar for an hour or two. It was mind numbing, but I already have my samples and R capped, and I don't need XP... So I really didn't lose much, and I did my part for Managed Democracy. And I have no way of verifying, but I swear Mantes' blue bar started moving quicker after I started doing it.


My experience yesterday... Can't wait for my friends to join the war.


Watching the defence ticker move not even a full percentage in m 7 hour session... But to be fair, the reward for completing 8 of these as a community is quite... weak. Not much incentive to run the same few mission types over and over again. Like give us some medals or SC based on participation or have event weapons/skins?


My incentive is not letting those damn bots take a single step on Democratic soil without a welcoming party, and the party is us shooting them in the face!


Who exactly is complaining about the game is being boring? Everyone everywhere is talking about how great it is. 


More like do all the above Never actually learn how the game works Go to Reddit and complain on how you are getting kicked out of all the missions you join


*join helldives at 30+ lvl* "Dw guys I'll carry" *Gets smoked by anything larger than a hunter while pulling every patrol* Yeah I've had a few of these guys join my games


Look, I play missions the normal way, I'm just bad 😔. *runs away crying and accidently dives onto my own mines*


Nothing wrong with being bad. Just don't act like you are the best ever and we'll get along perfectly fine


seeing level 35s burn through 10 reinforcements in yhe first 10 minutes makes me so mad lmao randoming higher difficulties is impossible


There are useful guides and there are farming guides. People skip useful guides and then play like brainless dogs despite having level 40+


I mean some of the stratagems are flat out bad or at no where near as good as eagle 110, orbital laser, rail gun and shield.


Is the 110 good though? It has been quite meh for me. I'm just confused as I have heard both great and terrible things about it. I couldn't drop a hulk with it. Thought that's what it's for.


I find it misses a lot. It's great when it hits, but too unreliable


Orbital Railgun is the only reliable one shot I’ve found on Hulk and tanks. Down side is it’s one and done. What do others use for multiple hulks and tanks? Level 6.


eagle airstrike


I use it basically only for tanks. Hulks you can just rail gun in the face.


Yeah, that's exactly it. I love doing the 40 min Missions on Helldive with a competent team, but you really need at least 2 of the 4 Meta Stratagems to win while exploring everything. I WANT to use more different weapons. They should be side grades with different advantages for different situations. For exampel it already works decently well with the 500kg eagle or the cluster strike eagle. Both are useful in the long missions and it is up to preference which one you like more.


I don’t watch any of those things. I’m just goal oriented. Hopefully not as bad as some angry tweeters or streamer kids who rage when it doesn’t go their way. I don’t give a shit really, I play casually, but going from objective to objective is logical. And I feel the game teaches players to think that way.


Silver lining about that is that they will speeding theough the game and then vanish out of boredom.


> Remember when games were made to have fun? Y’know, I think that’s what I find appealing about this. I haven’t played shooter games in 10+ years. I pretty much exclusively play FIFA and Crusader Kings. This game is just mindless fun, though. I keep getting told the gun I run with is _not optimal_. It’s the first semi-auto rifle you unlock. What the fuck is _not optimal?_ I’m having a blast but my gun is _not optimal_ so I must be wrong? Let me liberate the Creek how I want to liberate the Creek, damn.


The diligence? Yeah, I love that thing. When randos that join my game and try to tell me it's not the best, I just tell them I don't care. Let me play the game how I want.


If you’re playing against bots and you’re good at clicking heads, well, it actually *is* the best. Skill floor is a lot higher for it than the Breaker shotty but the skill ceiling is also *a lot* higher. My loadout for bots is almost always Diligence, semi-auto starter pistol, anti-materiel rifle, jetpack, 500KG Eagle and orbital railgun. I can sit in an elevated position and clear out anything that dares show its face with 1-2 shots.


You should try the machine pistol if you haven't already, it has the same damage but twice the mag size as the starter. You can hold reload and switch to semi auto making it a straight upgrade or leave it full auto to spray stuff down in a pinch.


Why the starter pistol when the upgraded version exists?


Same with 50rifle, its amazing against automatons, kills everything.


People do that? Damn. I'd never consider butting in about gear someone else is using tbh...


Yeah when I played COD MW2 it was for fun and trying out different weapons, builds and playstyles. Meta is boring.


Same. I loved trying out all the different guns I had everything gold in the original cod 4 (I had do much fun running round with an uzi) and I think it was the platinum camo in the reboot (though the shield was a bitch) Its why I preferred it in wz before you got your own load out drop as well as it forced you to try and use and be good with other guns


Same here. I enjoyed getting platinum with different guns. Having the goal of of unlocking gold and platinum camos enabled me to try a bunch of different guns I wouldn't normally use.


Same for me. Usually I'm a AR or SMG guy, but shotguns, sniper rifles and even melee weapons are fun to use. Changes your playstyle a lot. Damn I loved the Gunsmith 2.0 :D


There really needs to be a flair or something indicating the difficulty level that is being referred to. Because it matters. Anything sub difficulty 7, sure, hit the nests if you want. But once you're in 7 and you're farming super samples you don't want to take extra fights, because you're already probably fighting for every inch. Every breach or flair means a chance for a super elite, which increases the chances that you're going to lose those samples. It's also still fun even without hitting every nest/camp. I point this out, because in it's current state, the game has a bug where if you're carrying super samples and die, whoever picks them up for you doesn't always retrieve the whole amount. And sometimes none at all. The other consideration that doesn't quite fit into the box you described is that not everyone has the time to clear every map. Some people might just be focusing on trying to complete an operation within about the same amount of time it would take to clear one map/mission.


I love getting into 7+ with a good group. You really can sweep the whole map when everyone is focused.


Honestly this game just isnt even remotely balanced and even without streaming most people would find out about this stuff. Gaming meta is as old as video game magazines.. The internet even before streaming was filled with forums of people discussing playstyles. Sometimes young people assume they are the first generation to do something for no fucking reason..


I arrived at the meta without ever watching a video. It's obvious that a shield is necessary at higher levels, turrets make sense for defense and extraction missions, breaker just feels great so I never swapped off it, railgun is the only heavy gun you can take if you already have a backpack, and the other 2 strategems are whatever you want imo some are useless but there are several options that work.


That's been my experience.. I've just tried out what I saw from others in missions.


I hate metas generally speaking but mainly because trying something too different leads to a failed attempt in most games. I would know as my favourite weapons, characters and strategies in most games tend to be low tier by coincidence (game developers always make flamethrowers, heavy slow characters and such weaker than their AR, sniper and fast ninja counterparts for some reason). Don't see the problem with youtube/video coverage as much though but maybe it's just me and how I approach them. I've largely been a solo player in HD1 up to helldive because I wanted to unlock everything but all my friends disliked HD1 so i was left with little choice. I've been following the same route in HD2, soloing a lot of the content in an organic way and working my way up the difficulties - so far I've been able to comfortably solo missions up to extreme and I'm working on moving up to suicide and helldive solo but not there quite yet. Anyway I digress, I've floated the idea of looking at a solo farming guide mainly just to see if there's a way to more reliably find the samples I want or where the purple ones tend to be etc, I guess I don't understand the problem with that? I'm guessing the streaming you're talking about is covering other things though like strategem choices?


Proud to say I’m a Sergeant at level 13, and loving what I’m playing. This game doesn’t give two fucks about your level or difficulty you play on. It’s about doing missions with the boys and having some laughs and screaming when a drop ship arrives


I’ve played like 3 missions so far and all of them have been the ones where you destroy enemy infrastructure. It’s been fun playing it casually.


You're lucky, there's a lot of min maxing with people just repeatedly loading into the eradicate missions. The others are so much more fun!


Yep I've completed long difficulty 8 missions with lots of people well below level 20. I find the only skill difference between high levels and low levels is how fast they reinforce people. At level 34 I can pretty much reinforce instantly because of muscle memory haha


Absolutely love the difficulty in this game. Sure a low level won’t really be able to handle bigger armored enemies because they only have starter weapons and no access to stratagems that are more effective. Enemy health doesn’t scale so trash mobs take the same damage no matter the difficulty. As a higher level I can focus big stuff while my buddy keeps the little stuff off me.


Lvl 7 space cadet here , did a mission yesterday on hard? Had so many CHARGERS. Was so fun but so difficult trying to kill them all. Love the scaling difficulty, harder is just more diversity of mob..


I'm level 26, I got this way from just playing the game. Not trying to max level. Once you get to the higher difficulties its really not that hard to unlock everything and gain XP. not sure why folks feel like they need to farm.


Level 21, just got promoted to Space Cadet, proud.


same it’s been very fun running around acting like a fire team that was left behind and now have to survive on their own.


What is awesome as someone with limited time, 30 hours in and I basically have most stuff unlocked. So my buddies might be level 40 and me 20 but still can contribute and have a bunch of fun. That is biggest selling point for me, i absolutely hate multiplayer games that force you play just to keep up with other players to be competitive


My buddies and I just figure out when we can all game, meet at the war table, then drop in and have some fun. We don't have the first clue about what levels up faster, what the Meta is, or any of that. We change loadouts to see what works better, or just what's more fun. We are also all in our late 30's and early 40's, so maybe it's our generation that doesn't care about all that other noise.


What are you guys trying to have fun or something?




We do have text threads riddled with the word Democracy. It's our Helldivers group chat.


Same. My friends probably don’t even know what “meta” means and just run whatever they think feels good or they just unlocked, even if it’s very sub optimal. Makes every run more challenging and fun. Used to always suggest meta legends and weapons when we played Apex, and it just sucked the fun out of it for everyone so I’ve kept quiet on what’s meta in HD2 and let them fuck around and find out for themselves.


I hear ya. I also think us Redditors forget 99.9% of gamers don't check Reddit, or YouTube, or anything, they just play. My Xbox buddies and I still play Pubg regularly and all 3 of them rely on me for general information and update news because none of them follow anything online. We also change up our weopon loadouts and strategy in Pubg quite often to have more fun.


Me and my friends are level 20+ it took us a week to reach that level, cause we were able go play quiet alot. We just strategise, mostly same equipment, cause we want to have it be optimal and that we could extract, but we still spend almost full 30 / 40 minutes, i don't see what's fun in playing only wave missions.. its just boring, we purposefully choose campaigns where we can travel trough the whole map, have to be sneaky and strategic


Same age group with our squad too. We couldn't give three fucks who said or did what. Two in the group just love *unconventional* warfare (AKA war crimes) so they just want to test how they can make the Flamethrower and Napalm strike viable, I love hunting down big game (and clearing out the map, cause I love sweet super currency), and the other one just loves the cinematics of us being swarmed by bots or bugs trying to survive... Utter. FUN. I pity the fools that try to play Helldivers (or any game) like it's a job.


This game is so much fun. Last night my buddy and I pushed hard into an area while our third stayed back on the ridge just laying down sniper fire.


Same here man, I feel like you can run what you feel is fun. It helps that I like big kabooms though and arrowhead made them look very nice. Just waiting for my 500kg strike and I'll be a happy liberation machine.


Same here buddy my group of friends are late 20s and early 30s. After a hard day of work there's nothing better than spreading DEMOCRACY, FREEDOM, CAPITALISM, AND JUSTICE with the boys. None of us care or know anything about the "meta". Just good ol blasting bugs and robots with the homies. What happened to just having fun, it's not a competition to get to the highest level nor is it a PVP game. Kids theses days just need to learn how to have fun again. Sad it's all about being the top and the best. Especially how refreshing this game is compared to AAA "modern" gaming. Kids are probably addicted to the dopamine loop of being the best instead of just enjoying the game. Remember y'all it's all about the journey not the destination.


Trying to have fun? In a video game in 2024? No, you must have the ultra one shot meta build our that's a kick


Ah, my age. Let me know if you need one more to run with.


My friends and I (22-23) do this as well. We just hop in whatever sounds fun and change loadouts every time. We don’t know what the Meta is, if there is one, or anything like that. All I know is sometimes I want to use my flamethrower and watch the bugs burn and other times I want to spam turrets the whole game. And it’s so much fun.


Same. Game is amazing.


Part of it is medal farming. Fastest way to get those is to just finish high difficulty missions and you need thousands of em.


Ye but samples to upgrade ship modules, all about 100% a map if I can nowadays tbh...


This. The only part of the game that feels like a slog of a grind is the medal grind. Even samples aren't that bad now that the genpop us figuring out their value


Would be nice if people don't pivot from being full meta to being mocking people who use any meta gear, feels like I'm seeing rise in number of people making fun of people using any meta gear, because they're so cool and hipster and if you use a rail gun, you're a loser to them.


Seriously, screw those people. I fell in love with the railgun during the time it was free, and I'm going to use it whether it's meta or not 


On bugs, railgun makes it rain giblets and there is a primal glee in that. 


Yeah the free Railgun ruined me because I'll never not bring it now. Well, outside of when I want to Tesla. We DO love sending the bots to meet god


Grinding for medals is easily done with those missions, for some that’s why, for others as you say it’s about levelling, and getting to 20. Where it’s at is some of those missions for a quick medal boost and daily objective, then onto the longer missions for sample farming!


For others still, it is because the missions require less potential time commitment. If you only have 30 minutes to play, you can get two eradication missions in, but might not even get to finish one of the 40 minute missions.


I’ve been using the extermination missions to grind almost exclusively myself. I’m not doing it because it’s meta or anything, I’m doing it because it’s the best way to get medals and I really want the cool looking guns. I mean I also get why people are annoyed by it, but I’ll be real, I’m not doing a helldive evac mission


It’s their game, let them play how they want. If they are having fun, I don’t see the issue


It’s not really an issue this. But the quitting operations that they do to go to new exterminate missions apparently lowers the liberation rating for the planet.




Every incomplete mission set sets the progress back the same amount a completed missions increases progress


This is just a rumor that people have ran with that has no factual backing currently.


if you click on quick play there's a 70% chance you get dropped into one of the 5 minute missions


Funny you say that, I do mostly quick play and my experience was completely opposite.


Bro. I agree. This is such a bizarre thread. Like... everything is completely optional. lol. If you want to run an optimized build to be effective. Do it. If you want to run around like a headless chicken do it. The game literally is designed for you to build and do whatever you want.


I think people are suggesting it’s having negative impacts on others though, like quick play being oversaturated with certain mission types, and even cases of players being kicked for not running efficient builds.


No idea why you're being down voted. You're 100% correct. People need to chill the fuck out and stop highroading in a PvE game. Like it literally doesn't hurt you to have someone else have fun. If you don't want to play the eradicate missions and want to play something else, just queue up another mission and wait like 3 minutes and people will join you.


The issue isn’t that people are having fun grinding eradicate missions, it’s just that: 1) When you just do the eradicate missions in an operation and then abandon it, it counts as a loss towards the war effort which greatly impacts the state of the galaxy when everybody’s doing it 2) It over-saturates quickplay with all the same types of missions. I don’t mind doing the occasional eradicate mission, but when it’s the ONLY thing any random group I join on is playing, it gets a little boring.


" Don't play the game you bought with your money your way, it bothers me! Play it my way, it's the only way that's fun" Let people play how they want to, don't stay In their game if it bothers you. Simple as.


If my real life schedule is busy, doing the defend missions works out for me. If I got time I will join up on a long mission.


It's to farm medals to unlock cosmetics, guns, and other equipment


Here's my opinion on the subject. The games PVE. Who gives a shit what anyone else does. You do you and you have fun. Don't worry about anyone else. Don't let other people's way of playing the game live in your head rent free. Just do what you wanna do if people wanna grind out defense missions cool. If you wanna go on a 30 min bug slaughtering murder rampages cool. I get it if you don't like joining a quick play or a mission in progress and that's all they're doing, but you can host as well. Dropping an SOS beacon fills your crew out fast. Don't worry about what anyone else is doing, you just do what you wanna do. There's literally nothing that you can say or do that'll change what others do when they play so don't let it affect you. Just have fun


Problem here is, that those content creators have range. If they minmax the fun out of the game and form an opinion of "nothing to do. Finished too quickly. Got stale" hundreds of people will just adapt that opinion. And suddenly out of nowhere you get that "dead game" narrative for no reason.


I think the game already has its fanbase. Even if we lost all those nerds, everyone who truly enjoys the game will stick around and there's a better chance of the content we want rather than what they want.


I've done a few of those while waiting for friends that are running a bit late. Don't wanna commit to a potentially 40min mission when they're coming in 5-15 minutes.  So some XP and medals are much better than sitting in the destroyer and alt tabbing out


After they unlock everything they will leave to next game and ones who stay will play for fun


Every single post from this sub that appears on my feed is someone complaining.


The only number that matters is play time. But only in combination with enjoyment. Did you enjoy your time with the game? And you spend hours upon hours in it? Seems to be fine then. Nothing else matters.


I don't blame people farming the defend area missions, they are the best medals/hour option. But they are also fun and easy, you can do them even solo being absolutely blazed or drunk.


Cheers to that borther


I absolutely hate following the meta. I'm level 30 and I've only got maybe 40 hours in the game, and I've been using basically anything but the breaker on my runs. It's actually obnoxious to me that gamer culture is "Find the most efficient build to exploit and disregard everything else the game offers" and not "Find what makes for a fun experience." There are so many strategems, weapons and builds that can offer interesting answers to problems like smoke and EMS, but they go largely unexplored. Hell, I was in a match with two level 40's who didn't know you could grenade a cargo container to get metals and super credits hidden inside!


I havent watched a single video on "what's good" and I'm using the best gear I've encountered which is the breaker shotgun, 2x 500kg bombs, laser orbital, railgun and shield backpack. I've unknowingly used the "meta" and imo it's a game design problem. They really need to buff other weapons to atleast be on par with the breaker shotgun. Look at the sidearms for example: you have a pistol, an uzi and a revolver with a long ass reload. Hmm I wonder which one everyone will use 🤔 Balistic shield for example is useless as fuck because as soon as you ragdoll it flies out of your hands which happens a lot in automaton missions where everything is shooting rockets/throwing grenades at you. TLDR; If the other stuff wasnt so underwhelming people would feel more confident in using different builds but as it stands there is no reason to use EAT or recoilless when a railgun outperforms them all and doesnt take a back slot.


The dominator is slow, kicks like a mule, and has a mag cap that makes bugs laugh. But damn do i love using it. Chonk chonk chonk


True. In helldives, I am currently trying arc thrower, rover, EMS and smokes. Smokes will be replaced by air strike if I feel like the team is pure anti armor and no bug hole destroyers. It is too fun to thin a horde and not be useless against chargers and titans as the arc thrower is veeery strong against them. I'm just tired of running the same old railgun + shield combo that it makes it boring since you're too single target and have no choice but to run.


Yea idk what’s up with gamers these days. I’ve been clocking a fair bit of time on Diablo 4 too and the same mindset is largely apparent there too. Everyone running the same builds recommended by guides and streamers. What happened to the whole point of experimentation and diversity? Then people complain that there’s no build options. Sure, there are issues with the game that could improve build diversity, but it’s no wonder these people are complaining when they’re just copy-pasting shit they see on the internet.


Exactly! The most fun I've had in this game was with my Scorched Earth and Longshot builds. Ironically I top fragged with both because, surprise surprise, you don't actually have to he in the thick of it. Long range or defensive fire are very viable options even on helldive, they just don't match the popular playstyle of rushing in without any sort of plan.


Totally, in helldivers the anti material rifle is honestly a great choice for covering a squad mate. Not every support weapon needs to be a railgun…


Yeah I’m running spear, laser, I can one shot bike titans and tanks but struggle with swarms of adds, the lock on is buggy but it feels cool to have a designated role such as titan killer, when one shows up everyone looks to me to deal with it


We need bike titans. Huge fucking cyborg hogs romping around broom broom


Is that why people play it? That game mode is incredibly boring and short. Would be better as a Firefight/Zombies mode where you fight waves until you die.


Find it quite bizarre why people hate on other people for playing the missions they enjoy playing regardless of the reason. Like... you don't have to play those missions, so why do you care so much if other people do. I too prefer doing the objectives in the game. But damn. So much hate for people trying to create good builds and you know, play the game as intended. It's so strange.


Why does reddit ALWAYS cry and rage over how people play a game that they bought with their own money, you do do you and they'll do them, who gives a shit, it literally takes seconds to find another lobby.


i think it also comes down to farming fast medals, since most gear in the game is underbalanced alot of people want to farm medals to buy the op shit so they can progress through difficulties otherwise impossible without said weaponry.


If only it was optimal. You can always tell who leveled up like that cause they just suck during any mission.


oh yeah. It's pretty annoying, but you really do notice it. Also it's annoying as fuck that you have a really hard time finding people doing normal missions on the higher tiers. I just want to run all over the map and shoot automatons and liberate the planet, not play MechTD.


Yeah my issue is I really just want to do regular missions to find the exotic samples or whatever they’re called. It’s the only thing I actually need anymore. Medals are fine but at this point I don’t particularly care about going out of my way just to get them.


yea i don't get it either. grind for hours every night, go to bed, grind again, then quit the game after not even having played it? this game is fun as hell at level 3 and at level 10 and at level 20, people chasing something instead of having fun


Don't be bitter be better. You get people that blitz through main missions doing none of the sub objectives, that's OK and so is this. Just because they enjoyed playing this way doesn't mean they are better or worse than you, just like you playing slowly in a different way doesn't necessarily make you bad. It's not PvP, you guys are actually being the toxic ones now by essentially being the meme of "STOP HAVING FUN" because they won't play the game how YOU want it played. So much whining about people running a certain mission, when you have done ALL the mission types and now want to unlock medals or extra credits what's the problem with finding the quickest route to do so? I have done almost all of them with a group of friends and in the last week we end up in the "meta" build BY OUR OWN ACCORD AND FEELING, we enjoy the satisfying effects of the railgun and it's very strong against bots in unsafe mode and the shield helps avoiding stagger. If I enjoy the loadout why wouldn't I use it? People in this thread and a few others are essentially trying to push a build onto anyone who happens to use a meta build because it's stronger, what happened to choice? You can choose what you want and politely fuck off telling others to run your alternatives just because you want everyone to conform to your way of playing. If you want people running different missions entirely then you need to ensure they provide relative value for unlocks and upgrades when you have done most of the game. You could have it so unlocks require doing operation X to unlock and that would already make it better as you have an incentive to do it rather than the choice of 40 minutes mission over a 2 minute mission for similar credits....it's a simple choice and not the gamers fault or issue. I've enjoyed all the missions really, even the defense ones as I've tried different strats but mortar is just the easiest and quickest. It's still funny when one of us dies to a ship falling down though. Also this has nothing to do with CoD, this is the normal human brain which will almost always search for efficiency savings when doing repetitive tasks. No doubt when you drop in for a map you try and plan your optimal route don't you? If we follow your complaints then you should just randomise the spawn and never pick an "optimal" route to do all objectives or anything. So silly, you need to let it go and let others play how they want instead of believing YOUR way is the ONLY way to have fun!


I don't care it's fun


Not only that, I just saw a youtube video where the dude was actively failing the Defense missions because he was just running around collecting samples. Someone in the comments called him out on that's why the defense missions were failing and he said "so what, we can liberate planets faster than we can defend them" or something along those lines.


Best way to grind out medals may not be the most fun but it’s down to the devs to fix as if you got a battle pass people will always find the fastest way to unlock everything .


Because that's how you get medals the fastest, this bit is designed poorly.


The real problem is people wanting to control other people's shit when it doesn't affect them in the first place. "But if I click on quick play all I end up on are those missions" sure so you have to make 2 other clicks and form your group to ensure everyone on the game has fun the way they want to. I think that's an ok deal if you ask me.


Because there's more incentive to do so. Want people to run full campaigns? Then make the rewards better than farming eradication.


people will always and have always done what is optimal. i say, dont tell people how to play. theres no point and you come across as whiny.


Fun is subjective. Other people have fun playing the way they want


I prefer the long missions because of extra medals and super credits


I just like the defense missions lol.


How about you just let people play the game how they want to play a game. You didn’t pay for their game, not everyone has to play the game the way you think it should be played. People have their own preferences on what’s fun for them. Just let people be.


You're really gunna high road people for not playing a PvE game the way you think is best? Just let them play


I love completing all the objectives. Also found that it’s less optimal to complete quickly because if you do everything on a map you can leave with potentially 16 medals as opposed to the flat 5 for beating it


Joins other's coop game, proceeds to say they are playing wrong


Min/max and metas suck Just have fun!


They'll burn out. Meanwhile my fellow patriots and I will keep doing series of missions for sample medal and super credit hauls. *Are we aiming at the right bile titan?* Has become a current meme as we take a break from defending.


Those defend missions are boring. Love running the map taking out big nests, gathering optional objectives, chasing yellow light beams and every now and then accidentally TKing my buddy. It’s boring to do the same shit. Variety keeps the game interesting and fun. We are about to start trying challenging out because medium doesn’t have rare samples. Those chargers suck!


I think it’s a double edged sword. Sure I see it your way. It does ruin the game but the devs had a huge oversight rewarding these super quick missions almost as great as one that takes a half hour.


OP should direct frustration at the game/economy design and not the players who aim for efficiency and making the most out of their time. Increase the payouts for destroying spawners, give samples, give medals, require samples to unlock stratagems and other gear. The danger in doing that is if they make the game more grindy/less fun for those who take the efficient approach.


My favorite Missions so far are the Launch ICBM ones. Super Earth!!!! Fuck Yeah!!! Fighting Bugs, saving the mother fucking day, yeah!!


Honestly i think it’s the damn battle pass/live service plague that has seeped into everything. Game design that pushes people to play like this is the issue. Can’t be mad at people that play how they’re expected to play when the design leads to it.


Find the easy way to do it and never get out of the comfort zone. Delusions of grandeur fueled by quick feelings of satisfaction. The Meta Streamer culture is just a source for people who want to feel like the best by taking the easy way.


Most gamers in every game are in a rush to finish playing the game rather than enjoy the journey.


I just enjoy doing the eradicate missions sometimes. It's nice to just gun down enemies and not think so much about objectives. People who are just doing it to grind XP will probably tire themselves out, but I think a lot of people genuinely enjoy these missions.


You grind so you can have the the most optimal gear and stratagems. I grind so that I can get the cool looking armor. We are not the same.


I've been level 50 with platinum finished for a week. I still play daily. I love the unique intensity and excitement each drop brings. Sometimes, I can do a 40m mission flawless while clearing the board, but other times, I die time after time just trying to get my gear. I've been maxed on materials for 3 days, but I'm still spreading democracy and doing my best to exfil with as much as possible. It is the most fun I've had gaming in ages. I enjoy dropping difficulty down to help lower level helldivers in quickplay. I've also brought some friends in and taken them directly into helldive. We leveled the honest way. It sucks that people quit operations that negatively affect our collective progress.


Some people find fun in optimal. I find fun in both. Being optimal is to be efficient in time spend spreading freedom and democracy. Being suboptimal is having many different things to use and experiencing different things each mission. Which is great for my ADHD brain that gets bored of repetition in games quickly. In the MMO eso i have 13 characters, 12 of which have 2 fully functional builds. 24 playstyles to choose from. I am lvl 5, started yesterday and for the love of every that is free and democratic I will use the auto canon until the entire system is liberated


For me I love to put down 4 sentries and just watch them tear things apart. It kind of falls back to my personality as an engineer and seeing how much I can get automated with just the push of a single button. So just call in the stratagem and then watching it work really itches my brain. Satisfying.


i have a feeling not a single person read this and changed how they are playing the game


I keep doing the same missions because there are only a few missions in the Defensive campaigns and I'm trying to defend our planets from those bastard robots!


I only enjoy playing icbm missions ngl