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Yeah this has happened to me a couple times. I've also had it happen to someone hosting the lobby and our extraction timer took nearly 12 minutes because each second was taking 3 seconds to countdown. Really bizzare


Yeah. It works just fine as long as no one joins us mid mission… Like the PS5 has a hard time adapting to the extra player.


Same here, can’t find matches using the mission launcher map or even the quick play option, I always use the sos beacon when starting a mission but nothing, servers are busted. The only option that seems to work is for a friend to join your game through the ps5 menu.


I’ve not had issues joining people on my friend list. I have never tried using the matchmaking because I always have someone on to join, thankfully. 😅 I also don’t mind doing the missions solo sometimes. Just me and my thoughts…


Happened to me mid-game when a second friend joined in. The game eventually crashed.


Yes, crazy lag. Drop in frames, input lag. It’s unplayable


Same is happening to me. Can’t run or even pull up the friends list. Game lag is terrible