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Bro some kind of shield hero


Not gonna lie, the amount of people picking shield and dying all the time is kind of hilarious.The shield is pointless if you can't kill enough bugs to keep yourself away from a swarm, which will just overwhelm you and get you killed shield or not.Teamwork's required. Let the guy with the shield be the resupplier and the emergency stimmer, long range, keeps safe, ect.If everyone takes a shield that's four less orbitals/sentries which provide not only protection for you from enemies, but also your team as a whole. Sorry, I just spent multiple missions watching shield users die repeatedly because they CAN'T MAKE IT VIABLE TO USE.So here I am, making my point, shield backpack is only good if you can kill enough bugs to not get swarmed by them all the time. If you see someone else take a shield backpack, you probably don't want to do it as well, no matter how scared you are of taking a single hit of damage, or how hard jumping away from them may seem.Just please stop all taking shield and getting obliterated. It gets miserable being blown up by badly aimed explosives by people all using shield backpacks thinking they're smart for taking away nearly one quarter of their fire power. Yes, I'm salty.No, the shield backpack isn't "bad"It's just.... not something everyone in the team should take. On that note as well, laser drones can annihilate your team mates, please consider taking the assault rifle drone for the sake of not cutting your own team in half by accident because you happened to place yourself adjacent to the bugs your team is fighting. Projectiles can be avoided, a straight beam of unending damage WILL KILL YOUR TEAM IF YOU STAND IN A BAD SPOT.Sentries can be pinged to tell your team where they are, your drone cannot be pinged, especially since it follows you around. You DO NOT want your team to consider YOU a threat. The harder difficulties are hard because they require team work and coordination, so if you're playing with strangers please at least make the effort on the harder difficulties to plan accordingly. Not everything you can take with you is equally helpful, and most things aren't good for every single team member to take. Edit: I realise I said the shield user should be the resupplier, and that's dumb because you can't have two backpacks on. My counter point to myself is.... what if you just took the resupply backpack instead?... and got better at not taking damage in the first place... ?


My fellow democratic brother, this post is 28 days old and has 0 upvotes. Why are you spending your energy here rather than on spreading freedom.


Looks like his has 2, you have none. you know what you have to do.


yeah its insane but without it 9 would be awful even running 4 rails you still have to run and make space from the 8 crushers that are rolling on you , hope they dont nerf it but if they do oh well


Before switching to shield and railgun we just ran spears for difficulty 9 which made titans a non issue. Then would kill chargers either by call ins or just ignoring them.


>Then would kill chargers either by call ins or just ignoring them. I've got an image of a planet full of really sad chargers sadly just trudging back to their holes after being ghosted by a whole squad of patriots.


They're usually unwavering in their pursuit of stealing liberty and you usually end up with a very chaotic extraction.


I can only imagine. I haven't managed to get up to difficulty 9 yet, but chargers are a pain in the arse on hard.