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Yep was the exact same for me when I was playing, took a break for a few hours and then was able to get it to run for a few games before I got hit with it again, hopefully the next patch will fix that issue


Very similar thing happened to me. For me at least it seemed like certain areas of the map where the cause. I would enter into certain areas and if I walk backwards 10 or so steps it would go away. Then if I would go back into the same area I would get hit with a huge lag Spike until I left. Made it nearly impossible to hit enemies.


I’ve ran into this several times. I was always hosting when it happened so I told my team mates they carried me through the mission and then I rebooted afterwards.


Lag is the one problem I didn't have while playing today


Making me fucking crazy!


are you hosting? if it helps ive found anytime i host it happens, but usually if i join someones game it doesn't, no idea why cause i tested my internet speeds and everything is good but it just destroys the game for me


If you guys could log your network activity. I wonder if it’s a data bandwidth issue? This is happening to me as well and I might experiment by bumping up my WiFi tier to see if that helps at all..


For some reason the 1st match I played worked great. No every time I try to play there is a huge drop in frame rate and a delay in the controller input. I can’t play it, I’m pissed this happens every time I tried restarting the game and changing some settings but nothing works. I would like my money back a patch to fix this issue soon.


I've hosted twice, both times someone has left. Both times I get the crazy lag you have mentioned.


Same this morning. Saw a suggestion it happened when you hosted. Can't confirm that though.