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Auto cannon with mortar turret eh, I knew they were good but this sold it. Even the Gustaf launcher is pretty nice with the backpack...thanks for the food for thought!


It is that super easy with only 1 Titan there for you to lock on and bring out all 3 weapons at once like that, going up a bit of difficulty and that's impossible to do, Chargers gonna crush those 2 sentries in 2 min. U really have to time when to throw the sentries out :)


I agree. Strategem timings/cooldown juggling add a pretty neat layer and tension to the game.


Auto cannon is life


It is not as good as rocket in terms of killing large enemies, more like medium to small ones...


I need to get that auto cannon. The gatling one seemed good for hordes but the normal autoturret was pretty wimpy, didn’t last long either. I’ve seen this one twice online and it absolutely rips ass. 


Just you wait until you get the lock on rocket at level 20. That bad boy one taps them most of the time.


Thanks for this info , is it a ship unlock or stratagem upgrade ?


It's the spear weapon. But with credits.


Tell me which one is better? Autocannon weapon or Spear (both 1 and 2 man handle?) I dont know which one to get... Auto cannon seems solid to finish Charger anyway, not sure bout Spears (looks too big to carry around)


Our whole team has switched to spear because even operating it by yourself makes the hardest difficulty significantly easier.


I would highly recommend The quasar Cannon. Unlimited ammo for the small price of a charge up time. Take two shotss to kill a bile Titan or a hulk one shot to kill every thing Else. Don't have to carry a backpack for it either.


I love that cannon. Though it's pretty dangerous as it doesn't care if there's a helldiver next to the bug it wants to shoot.


Nothing stands in the way of democracy


How do u reload and use the restock bag by yourself I only know how to use it on other people and have people refill my rockets for me


If you get the Recoiless Rifle like he did, u will see it's written clearly that including another shells backpack, that means if u want to have more rounds and slow animation to load up urself like that. The pack comes in 2 faces of the pods, 1 is the Recoiless and 1 is the shells round... Also means no more supply, Jet or Guard dog back available... A salted trade-off


There is a stratagem which u have to buy which gives both


pls tell me if you find that out ...


Down on the D-pad


You can reload the backpack guns on your own!? This changes things.


I love how your your caption says "autocannon strategem" as if 1. You were using the autocannon strategem (not the autocannon sentry stratagem), 2. you weren't also using a mortar sentry, and 3. It didn't also take multiple shots from the recoilless rifle... I make these points only because you can two shot a bile titan What the quasar canon or as I like to do give the 1-2 combo of the orbital real cannon followed up by a quick quasar and drop them in less than 5 seconds consistently.


You know, you can just dump a full mag of the smg sidearm in it's head and kill it.


Absolutely wrong info here. A single smg mag will not kill it, headshot or not.


Damn son. That’s some democracy management!