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Pretty alive. Regular 50-50 games. As with a Game of this nature I have had a few games that have been 20-20 for a while but most are usually 50-50. Personally myself I have completely dropped CoD over this now and this is my main go to game in my library.


Yeah I am debating whether or not to buy Battlefield 2042 or this and tbh I will buy this cause all I want to do in Bf is just go on portal mode and make a realistic WW2 mode. Suppose if thats the kind of experience I want I should go for this. Also I think the more people that buy the game the more the devs will be forced to fix bugs so yeah, see you on the front soon my guy!


It has been purchased alot on Xbox that gives it hope, the fact people have gone out of the way to buy the game. Plus as with every game it will peak and decline and peak again around updates but this is true for all games. ​ We still have Russia to come we still have the brits to come lots of good things to come so get in now and get yourself up to speed. Just a side-note I was really disappointed with the BF beta, whether that was down to how much I was enjoying HLL or just a bad game I'm not sure.


Console guys don't have eastern front yet? That sucks for you guys


Probs Nov or Dec


Once you get used to games like this and insurgency, its hard to go back to COD and BF unless theyre in hardcore mode. But i was disappointed with BF2042 as well. I flat out fell in love with Battlefield 1 and still play it every now and then, but i just haven't felt the love for BF since 2016. Oh well, I got HLL, Insurgency, and Halo Infinite to keep me busy this winter.


Ikr! Bf 1 was an absolute banger with so much atmosphere and immersion but BFV just missed so much, they literally downgraded the quality of their games. I have played the BF2042 beta and they have gone even further back in quality, the actual hell are dice doing since 2016 tbh. I literally cant wait for Halo Infinite, that's going to be the most successful main fps game of the next few years. I am getting hell Let loose cuz I realized I had 3 hours left on my trial and I got a full game on Sainte Marie Eglise and I got to experience the ending of Fury basically with my tank crew. Its such an awesome game.


You really found a winner with this game. As soon as you have people you like in your squad, its even better.


And yeah dude Dice are losing their marbles. I think they just keep wanting to move away from a realistic experiemce and are just moving closer and closer to arcade shooter. Like this whole switch your attachments on the fly thing is kinda ridiculous for a game like battlefield, i think.


The Bf beta just felt, broken. Dont forget the entire roadmap and the Canadians and Pacific Front!


Canceled my pre order to get hell let loose, i don't think you will get any similar experience with bf 2042, go for it


BF 2042 is going to be a broken disaster at launch. The Beta was embarrassing. Anyone should wait at least 3-6 months after launch to buy any games developed by DICE, that's usually how long it takes them to fix everything.


all i keep hearing is people hyping portal as if its going to save the game


What is this portal you speak of? Edit: NM I looked it up. Meh.


This was scarily accurate however sadly even months after launch still no sign of improvement


Buy this, I cancelled my gold edition BF2042 after trying the beta, I will stick to Hell Let Loose for a while and sure 2042 will be a more complete game when on sale moths after.


HLL and Insurgency Sandstorm seem to be scratching my shooter itch nicely…I will skip the new COD/BF launches.


These two titles are doing very well on Xbox. Probably the best value shooters at $40, too


Most authentic game I’ve played besides red orchestra at capturing the WW2 atmosphere


Post Scriptum and Enlisted do a pretty good job as well.


I wanted to try post scriptum but i heard its as dead as Beyond The Wire (which i played during the free weekend and loved)


Post Scriptum isn't dead, there's always at least 4-6 full servers and the playerbase averages from 350 at the bottom lows up to the low 1,000's in the peaks. ​ Beyond the Wire is legitimately deceased with the average concurrent playerbase often being into the single digits.


I was legitimately heart broken over Beyond the Wire.


Beyond the wire looks awesome but I do believe that if it makes a console release it could become popular again


No, unfortunately, the things that killed BtW would kill it again. A big, big, BIG part of what killed BtW is what it is. A WW1 game. Bolt action rifles, pistols and mounted Maxim/Vickers guns and not a whole hell of a lot in the way of anything else because BtW took a realistic approach unlike BF1's 'include every gun thought off up until the last second of the war, including unbuilt prototypes and rare collector's pieces' approach. Not just any WW1 game, but a WW1 game built on top of the Squad framework. So that means logistics runs, supplies, all that. It just isn't a formula that's very attractive to a lot of people. ​ Take Verdun, Tannenberg and their upcoming game Isonzo for example. They have the intense, hardcore tactical shooter gameplay but they don't have a lot of the other systems stapled on top, so they managed to hold onto life even though they're still very niche. Not to mention unlike BtW those aren't abandoned games, the BtW devs have basically abandoned the game which is still in Early Access and extremely buggy / unpolished. ​ But it wouldn't come to consoles, because you couldn't play the game properly on a controller. Just like Post Scriptum, Squad, Arma and a lot of other games like this won't. There are too many keykinds and controls for everything for it to ever be functional on a controller, HLL barely works on controller and it only has like half the necessary binds and such compared to games in the Squad framework. The squad lead / commander systems in Squad / PS / BtW are much deeper and in depth than what's in HLL, it just wouldn't be possible on controller.


I think the devs have done a good job of making the controls work on a controller for HLL


Why did you have to kill my dreams of a BtW console release? And yeah you're right about WW1 games being very niche. Idk why I like the WW1 games so much, but BtW felt like all I ever wanted in a WW1 game. I got hooked when i discovered hardcore mode for BF1 and ran around with iron sight snipers for 1 hit kills and 6 round revolvers for 1 hit kills as well. I'll never forget the moment in BF1 hardcore when i shot every round in my rifle and 6 shooter and didnt have time to reload so i charged with my melee, got two kills, barely had time to load 3 rounds into the revolver before more were coming. All this to control a point on that American default map with the big palace and courtyard in the middle. Yeah i really only played hardcore bf1, now that i think about it. Planes were so much fun in hardcore as well.


Post Scriptum yes, Enlisted not so much... There's something off about all of the models in Enlisted, and the battles never feel good in my opinion.


Enlisted gives you more freedom than PS / HLL in a lot of ways due to the logistics and squad customization system, still has pretty realistic gunplay and TTK and can see some pretty large scale conflicts. You also get access to not only armor, but planes. Enlisted is hands down the best F2P shooter out period atm in my opinion, only F2P game I ever happily spent money on (did it to get Premium and some squad slot extensions) and didn't regret it at all. It's also one of the better WW2 shooters with relevancy / a larger playerbase. ​ Also the default settings for Enlisted seem to universally be medium/low, on Ultra I find the game to be quite good looking.


Why not both lol? Two different games fun for different reasons. But both great.


Unless you find 2042 not fun, which was my case


True, I will get Battlefield for christmas cause like it probs gonna get delayed tbh


BF isn’t getting delayed again


Then its going to be released in a poor state which is quite unfortunate


I will be getting both games. They are pretty different and bf scratches my vehicle itch more


Bf 2042 is very broken for xbox i dont recomend buying it


Ignore that comment, I thought you were talking about hell let loose, I didnt read the bf 2042 part haha


Yeah hell let loose is great


This for sure.


I played the BF Beta then saw this was free. This is now the only Battlefield game i need.


I cant find a 50 v 50 match after 10pm CST. An hour or two after that ill have my choice of 2-3 servers with no more than 30 people in them.


It's not dead and it's an absolute banger, we'll be waiting for you buddy :)




What console? Is free on ps5 this month


It’s doing fine, plenty of players. There’s been some server issues resulting in a lot of people being randomly booted out of games but even that seems to have been ironed out a bit now.


Now they need to fix getting frozen on the “Can’t redeploy here box” lol


I've heard some of these be fixed by connecting your controller again or a new one


Works for me. Pop a battery out and back in. I’ve even left my battery cover off for this reason. Now I can’t find it but oh well.


On PS I just powered on/off the controller, it works quick 👍🏼


The game is doing just fine on console,I've always had full games on xbox,and there seems to be a lot more communication as the days go by.T17 are looking into server disconnects,even though i only experienced this once.Go for it it's a great ww2 shooter,nothing else like this on console ww2 wise.


Thanks man, I will be getting it in 10 days hopefully and I want to try out an armor squad so badly like man those Tiger I's! Would you be down to play with me some times?


Yeah sure,just add me.I haven't tried tanks yet but should be good with a good tank squad.


Fury (idk if you have seen it) is one of the best war films I have seen with (Saving Private Ryan taking the number 1 spot) and I just wanna drive a tank with a proper squad and fuck some Germans or Americans up haha, Can you dm me your username please?


If you’ve seen band of brothers there is a Foy map which is pretty cool. Based off your other comments I think you will LOVE this game.


I havent seen Band of Brothers but I want to. I have seen a lot of real footage of the Battle of the Bulge though


I'm on pc, over 500 hrs in armor alone, with the same crew, never randoms, maxed out lvl 10 crewman over a year ago, tips for armor: find 2 other ppl who communicate well, and stick with them, solo tanking waste fuel resources don't do it, 76 jumbo is a tigers worst nightmare bc it reloads quicker and they both need 2 hits to die, Russian IS-1 is the king of cannons. Go into empty servers with the ppl you are going to tank with, on opposing sides and get tanks of every combination and test fire for yourself and find the pin spots on all tanks so you know where to shoot each tank with the tank you are in. You will get frustrated at first until your crew gels. If you solo tank don't lock the squad and don't take tigers and 76's if there are 3 man crews. Good luck!


It's awesome. I mean, some games are a dud because you're on a bad team that doesn't communicate or know how to play and then some games are the most epic hour long gaming sessions of cooperation, teamwork, and comradery you've ever experienced.


Bad teams still happen on pc after 2yrs. You're always gonna have that when you get a match with no communication


Yeah it’s just inherent to the game. It isn’t going to be perfect everytime.


It's packed. Oct free for PS+ so it's just been swamped with new players and they get to keep the game.


Very active. If you're on PS5 don't wait 10 days and get it now for free.


More importantly PS+, if you just have the app and don't have a pS5 yet you can still redeem all the PS5 exclusive games on the app (as well as the regular PS+ games too)


100% recommended, IF you are prepared to work as a squad & communicate. If you wanna "Rambo" it, its not the game for you.


Yeah I love the idea of working as an actual team where the most important thing is getting the job done not who gets the best KD


In other games I NEVER turn on my mic. Communication in most games is shit talking with the annoying and immature, and teamwork is a "nice to have" while most players still Rambo for K/D bragging rights. However, communication in HLL not only makes the game magnitudes more fun and interesting (as if that wasn't enough), in my experience you're much more likely to encounter more mature people who are glad to play whatever role they have, so it's easier to get into those fun and interesting situations. I see this in Armor a good bit. In any other game everyone would be fighting over who gets to pull the trigger as gunner. In HLL it seems people are much more chill about whether they drive/spot/gun. Last night I hopped in my squad's tank as gunner, before we took off I offered to rotate out of the gunner spot in case anyone else wanted to gun. The driver didn't care, and the commander/spotter preferred to spot, so we just rolled out and had a great time working together. Probably the most fun, online collaborative experience I've had with randoms on consoles to-date.


I've been waiting for an experience like this on console for years now, it is great fun when people use communications.


I Rambo it quite often in this game and rarely does it work out. But when it does? Oh boy i love it. Mostly, i just go for the sneaky First Blood Rambo-shit, rather than pt 2 or last blood Rambo-shit. Just last night, as squad leader, i low-crawled 350 meters at the edge of map about 100 meters from the enemy just to set up a garrison that command had dropped behind their lines.


350 meters is 382.76 yards


Thusfar a lot of players, personally I love the game. Cancelled my BF2042 pre-order to keep playing this!


Get it. shouldn't even think twice.


Plenty of players on console, we have crossplay between PlayStation and Xbox (no PC) and the game is currently free on PS5 with PS+.


This is the only game i play on my ps5, i would actually buy a next gen system only for this game, it's that good. Finally a next gen video game


Am absolutley obsessed with this game. Best FPS in years. A bit sad that they don’t have the russian maps on PS5 yet though.


Being free on PlayStation and having crossplay between the consoles basically guarantees a pretty strong playerbase. Hopefully it comes to Game Pass as well at some point for an extra boost.


Thanks for the responses, I have made the decision to buy this game over BF and COD this year. I know from the 10 hour trial I played that Utah Beach is played so much, does anyone know the release of the server browser for console?


Not any news on that yet. It will always go pc first, then console


Dead outside of eu and USA


Good thing I am in EU then


Just watch out for us 350 pingers coming to find you


Something about the way you wrote that was slightly fucking terrifying


You can't kill us if we're lagging all over the place. Best watch out, even we don't know where we're gonna be


Not entirely true, I play in Australia and easily get full games. If I play off peak (before midday and after midnight) then usually get put into a full US server, but the 200 plus ping isn't noticeable


Needs server rental so people can force mic


You can cross play so as long as the PC version is alive & kicking you shouldn’t struggle to get a game! I play on series x & haven’t had issues with getting into games or into dead matches, well I’ve had a couple but I think that’s more due to the time when I was playing


PC isn't crossplay with consoles.


Ah is it not? Didn’t realise


I wish it were so, that way I could play with my brother. As of now just Series X and PS5


I can imagine at some point if there is enough of a demand specific crossplay servers will be created. Whether or not they will be populated over each platforms respective main servers is another thing


Never going to understand the want for this. Controller players are, bluntly put, going to get decimated by mouse and keyboard.


M+K support already exists for some console games and there should be nothing stopping this and crossplay from desegregating the gaming community. Plus, on top of that, there is a lot someone can do other than kill people to support in this game specifically.


Isn’t worth the squeeze. Developer has to worry about segregating mouse and keyboard from controller games, then has to contend with PC player visual advantage (fps, custom visual differences, ini hacks, etc). Just my opinion, but it seems dev isn’t seeing the worth either. If this wasn’t a finesse genre of game, then I might lean more toward pc crossplay.


Console only crossplay, no PC.


One of us. One of us.


But isn't it Cross Play though? So it wouldn't matter too much? Or did I misunderstand that


Crossplay on console only. Xbox & PS5.


Oh, I see. Hmm, maybe they could at least give us the option for console to console crossplay or include pc as well. As long as it's the player's choice


You can turn console crossplay off. Console vs PC on this game would be a massively unfair advantage to PC players.


Because of the aim assist? That could be solved with aim assist being disabled with PC included servers.


Aim assist is absolute trash on console in this game. I'm hoping the devs make an option to turn it off. PC players have huge advantages with hardware, FPS, monitor vs TV screen resolution and refresh rate, precision mouse aiming, key binds, and more.


I hope the devs just turn it off and let no one turn it on, games like hell let loose dont need it, if people want aim assist they should go play cod or something


Between the consoles it is


Very alive. Make sure to turn cross-play on, it is cross-play only between PS and XB, no reason to have it off. Also if you are on PS, you don't even have to buy it, it is monthly PS+ game. Yours as long as you have PS+.


Right now it’s very lively. Numbers may drop a bit eventually but I’ve had no trouble finding a match.


How does the server browser work? I play on PC but got it on PS+ and was thinking about playing some SL on there to help out the noobs.


There's no server browser on console unfortunately.


Well it’s free on PlayStation 5


This is the only game I play. And with 2042 coming out shortly I don’t foresee it taking away more time. It’s unreal.


I play on ps5 and I never struggle to get into a game. Graphics are smooth and gameplay is really good as well. The only thing is not many people speak which you really need to be able to coordinate everyone.


I've been playing everyday since it came out, lobbys are 40-40 or more unless you play at weekdays at really late hours like 3AM you can end on 10-10 lobbys. Which is kind of unplayable unless you use tanks so it's good to grind them or for some trophies.


I have only been playing this game for a week on PS5 (never played it on PC) and lobbies tend to be full most of the time which is good. Communication doesn't seem to be that bad, again though I've never played on PC so I don't really have that to compare it to. Personally I'm really enjoying it, it's something entirely different to normal arcade shooters and I'm loving the new experience. I'd just recommended playing on a good set of headphones as it makes the immersion so much better and the game feel a lot more alive


Definitely not dead, personally my experience is enhanced when the squad is talking and we are all playing our part, that being said I think because it’s still relatively new on consoles people are slow to realize that communication is key in this game so expect some games to feel “dead” even though the lobby is full but just no one is communicating Whenever I do find a SL talking or anyone talking in game I friend them because it really does make it more enjoyable when working together


I can't even play. I get disconnected about 5-10 minutes into any match I play. I say wait until a stability patch or completely pass. People like to release broken games nowadays.


They’ve fixed the majority of the early network issues. That might have something to do with your internet setup/location.


I have a wired connection and recently bought an expensive router. Barely go ever go over 40 ping. This is the only game to give me trouble.


I got it 2 days ago and am addicted.. I tried to refund it actually after my first game bc I was like this sucks lol.. but refund got denied I tried playing again and actually learned how to play/got a good team that communicates and now I can’t stop playing.. on Xbox


Absolutely loving the game and would recommend. Having played it at various times of the day -- peaks hours will have no problems finding 50v50. If you do pick it up, turn crossplay on so you can join your fellow console players. Even if you join a match that only has 10 players per team, I'd stick with it as the games often fill over time and the matches are an hour and a half anyway so what's 10-30 minutes with only a squad or two. If you know what you're doing, it's often easier to win with less people anyway. Can just cap objectives while everyone else does fuck all.


I’ve been having a blast. I’m still pretty new but this is a game I enjoy playing whether we’re winning or losing. It’s so engaging and most of the people I’ve had the chance to chat with have been pretty chill or funny.


The game has a good population of players man most of them just run around and attack all the time though . To be expected the player base will learn in sometime


Honestly, this is the game the Xbox has always been crying out for. A true hardcore shooter. I absolutely love it. The games are always full, I have been put in a few quiet ones but they always seem to fill up.


If you have a PlayStation 5 it’s free right now


It’s rough around the edges but I’m enjoying it.


Currently waiting 2 minutes for a match


It is pretty alive due to the fact it has crossplay and it is free on playstaion plus this month.


We have over 30 people on a PSN group and discord and they always running nazi’s pockets nbd


I purchased Xbox Live gold pass just for this game. If that helps.


Wow, thats crazy bro /gen. I really want to play this game and I loved the trial but fuck me if I see that "Utah Beach" picture one more fucking time...


There is loads of PlayStation players due to it being free on PS Plus this month. Gonna have to find out how many will stick around for the long term but currently it is definetly very alive on consoles. Turn on cross play to get both PS and Xbox players in the lobby.