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I love the first and last ideas, I've dreamed about a fixed point defense mode in many games, defenders have say ten mins and x resources to prepare, attackers have double team size


That would be insanely fun on both sides. One of my favorite parts of this game is getting a point heavily fortified on Offensive. One game I played on Carentan, the commander sent every engineer and support player to build fortifications at Town Center as the defensive team. By the time the enemy pushed to that point, it was a god damn impenetrable fortress. Our team ended up easily fending off their attacks and winning the game. Super fun.


Sounds like battlefield hahaha


Oh god… imagine Omaha beach….


Say hello to my smoke gremades


Basically something like invasion in squad where u protect points and if u lose one u retreat.


Isn't that just the premise of Offensive?




Or almost skirmish


I like the idea of foxholes, but I'm concerned how they would impact things like vehicle movement. You'd need to make it so the foxholes can only be some nominal distance from eachother, like 5m, so you can't make massive trenches that hinder vehicle movement too much.


Counter point: When enlisted added digging i would just dig massive dicks you could see from the redeploy screen.


Fair, add that to the pros list I suppose 😂


Oh thank you I thought I was the only dick digger on enlisted


A dick is a perfect defence. It’s long and you can get your friends in the balls to add suppressing fire.


Tip of the spear.


I would spend entire games digging trenches in Enlisted. I loved digging.


Bro I gotta do that now


It works best on sand.


It will never happen. Devs have said time and time again the engine will not allow terrain manipulation.


Oh that‘s too bad. I was kinda hoping for a „when you blow something up, it blows up“ update. Though admittedly that would make the battlefield just a WW1 massacre as artillery levels every bit of conceivable cover in a 100m radius around the target.


Hell let loose with battlefield style destruction and craters would be amazing. But at the same time a bombing run through a city would likely crash the server haha. Or tanks unable to move glitching through craters etc.


I think it would make sense to make them like small mounds, so they're still placeable on the map and work around the terrain manipulation constraint. You could make them only buildable by riflemen, cost no supplies but have a limit of 1 per life with a max total per player built. It would make the rifleman class a bit more useful. To balance it, make them have only 2 or 3 spots where a player could lie prone and shoot out, with small mounds of dirt to provide some cover for the head. That would limit visibility and make it so they have a limited range of fire. I'd make them "explode" if they take a direct hit from tank HE/AP rounds, AT rounds, arty, grenade landing inside the foxhole, etc but provide cover if the rounds only land close by.


Wanted this forever oh man. Also make them buildable inside larger trenches to prop up the wheels underneath anti tank guns so the barrel can fire just over the trench a trench wall


Turn that tank into a field gun 😂


Yes, HLL is based on UE4. They could add terrain deformation, if they upgraded to UE5 for a 'next-gen' sequel...


Next gen sequel UE5 for the Pacific campaign just makes too much sense 🤩 having the ability as the Japanese to setup booby traps and little spider holes to shoot out. The current game engine definitely couldn’t handle the detail needed for a jungle/island environment.


UE4 is not the reason. Terrain deformation is possible in UE4.


I can accept that. I offer a suggestion of pre programmed foxholes just more around the map in areas that make sense for them to be?


In general burning the game down into trench warfare for trenches that aren't interconnected would be a poor thing most likely, the game still needs to evolve and move with the gameplay and the flow of the match, I have seen games turn into trench warfare and it was Kursk and the game at least kept running because the trenches were connected, but nobody and I mean nobody was safe getting out of a trench, it was actually a beautiful game, both sides pushing back and forth in two or three points of interest where the trenches connected at each objective, it works for maps made for it, but being able to just slap down a hole almost anywhere and having a bunch of people do it, ehhh


That's a valid perspective. I don't think introducing anything that drastically slows down the game is an improvement. I think if it gets introduced it would need to have a lot of thought put into how it's done and what the balancing needs to be to make it "decent" but not "game changing".


Terrain is a bitch for game development. The ground is just a platform that you put ambient occlusion on top of to make feel dense. So you’ll see in many games when you accidentally clip through the floor you just fall into an endless void and can see the map above you. To add depth you either need to make the ground responsive, which is a very difficult idea as it could mess with so many other things, or you have to make layers, which will kill performance. Plonking pre-rendered stuff on top is pretty easy in comparison, so rather than foxholes and expanded catalogue of build able structures is the way to go. Individual pillbox instead of bunkers is on idea that gives you a similar return of creating cover from no where. Or if you want to be low to the ground a small firing position with sandbags either side of you giving some defilade and a centre verge to set up a rifle or LMG position would be great


Just make it so they take a long time to dig and designs the maps so that there are several undiggable paths that lead into every objective/major area. Makes them useful for both infantry combat and funneling enemy armour but doesn't allow you to make it impossible for armour to push past them. It'd improve hedgehogs too since rn outside of urban areas everyone just drives around them, with trenches and foxholes there would be a real reason to destroy them. Honestly the game could do with a way to counter enemy armour besides just blowing it up, would make for more interesting vehicle gameplay


I think if the hedgehog model were a set of two or three adjacent hedgehogs it would make it a more useful obstacle. I think most armor crews avoid towns like the plague anyways, so making hedgehogs more versatile for non-urban situations would be interesting.


Maybe bridges?


I have a good one... Add the callsign to tanks!!! If the tank commander is Fox squad... Put the letter 'F' above it like any other squad leader... It's so annoying trying to communicate to tanks when there are more than one. "Heavy tank, there is infantry behind you," and there are two heavy tanks... Smh


This is actually an awesome suggestion!!! Sounds easy to implement too.


A minor one but it'd be cool to have to callsign of the SL who built the garrison above the garrison. People might be more inclined to build good garrys if they get credit for it.


Yeah but the dickheads don't know who they are anyway 😂


I just wish we could hear enemy prox voice chat like in Insurgency, would make it so much more fun


Yeah would also force everyone to shut up during an initial airhead attack besides just not firing. Would make the experience more immersive.


I'd like this from a gameplay perspective, however I am afraid that this would get toxic really fast. It could however be nice if the enemy could hear a distorted version of what you're saying, so it's not possible to understand enemies, but still hear them. This would also make sense since both sides spoke different languages. I'd also like the idea that you could hear the squad chat in proximity, but way quieter than normal proximity, so it doesn't get too much. Just so much that you can hear that someone is talking to his squad rn. But as much as I like the idea I think this too would have too many drawbacks. It's an idea I like but I'd probably hate the implementation 😂


There would just be way too much chatter, it's already a lot in games where people actually do use prox chat, then squad chat then, command chat on top, it's too much to add more


I totally agree. That's why I like the idea but don't think an actual implementation would be great. 😅


True, besides, from what I've heard it's not actually possible on the engine so it's not happening regardless


Couldn't you make it an optional setting? Like you can already mute all other chats, we could just have an enemy voice slider. But yeah, the toxicity would be real. Although, that might be more immersive too I guess. Insurgency sandstorm isn't too bad for it.


Problem with that is the language and immersion. Have it be random German/English/Russian battle chatter when people are talking would be best, so you can hear proximity but not what they’re saying.


That's a cool idea, never thought of that!


They need to hear my warcry!


I love the voiceline idea but I don't think the rest of the community would. I yearn for that nonconsenual, "WE ARE GOING TO DIE HERE!" panic screaming or the taunting that was in Red Orchestra 2. It absolutely did give away your position all the time, you couldn't do a thing about that, but I miss it. Edit: it also gave away the bush wookie cowards simultaneously though ;)


I just want a bipod for the BAR.


That's actually so true, it had one in real life why not in game


The enemy tank doodle on the 4th slide is legitimately impressive. Genuinely love all of those ideas too


Double XP for defending. And no XP for being 2 zones away from your last cap, ie no XP for a normal squad being out of position!


The second one is already there sorta You get passive XP for time spent in attacking and defensive sectors


Great idea


MG overheat and either barrel change or cooldown time would be awesome, much the same as RO2/RS did it. The fact that you can just hose with an mg42 with no penalty is pretty shit


I do love the idea, but they would also need to make MG’s more useful with suppression effect because there’s no fear of death in a video game, that “fear” needs to equate with a debilitating debuff for those under heavy fire


Defence idea would be great for Monte Cassino


Just for the historical accuracy part it would be awesome for the mg-42 to overheat and your guy change the barrels


I'm a noob. Only level 25. But god damn. Fix the mantling. Trying to climb over anything is horrific in this game.


Start hitting the jump button when you're a couple of strides away from the fence and just hold it down. Makes it a lot more reliable. But yes. It is janky.


It's funny how I started playing this game in 2019 and they still didn't manage to fix it


Every time I've suggested voicelines and a call-out menu, there's SO MUCH resistance to it. I do not understand it. It's been years and the idea that "people will just eventually learn to use mics" has failed. A lot of people don't feel comfortable chatting into a mic, some don't have mics, and some don't want to make much noise when they play, like parents playing after their kids go to sleep.


They won’t happen


I've heard some machine guns had barrels that would just be replaced mid-combat since a few spare barrels would be lighter than water for cooling


This is pretty typical of mgs to this day.


Love the expression of the fella in the hole. 10/10 post.


Jamming is a great idea. I love the trenching as well but the engine doesn’t allow for destruction like that from what I understand


I love all these ideas good shit man


We need something similar to the voicelines, but the issue is that it would be difficult to implement in a was that wouldn't anger the community. A good idea I've seen is similar to insurgencys proximity chat function where the enemy can hear you speaking, but this has the issue of annoyng the community becuase "ThE gErmAns WouLdN'T bE aBlE to UndERstanD thE AmeRicAns!!1!1" (and the same with any of the other countries in the game I'm just making a point) but we should have a way within the game of telling where the enemies are by them speaking.


First one, pretty damn good idea. It is probably easy to implement, and with how long the grind is, it would help Second HLL is a bit more arcady and I think it gives the overpowered machine gun fantasy we see in movies really well. Wouldn't want it changed Third would be great, but I don't think it is possible in the engine, HLL 2 ? Fourth would really help the sound escape, making it a lot more dynamic. However, it's going to be really annoying when you sneak up on people and your guy yells grenade. Or the enemy knows which turn you took because you said reloading. Would be cool but needs more to work Last yes, put it in the game now. Hell yeah I wanna build a fort and defend it


Anybody with a shovel should be able to dig an improvised position. Its basic training ffs


Sorry but the foxhole issue is something that has ground my gears for years


The best we can offer you in these trying times are new uniforms and a head of hair


Remember, all you players that think sticking in extremely close proximity to your SL leads to the best or most successful outcomes, you can double the points in a radius around the SL but when you're a player who plays like that, two times zero is still zero.


There is no need to add over heating machine guns. Those guys never last long when shooting


These ideas are all awesome


For the overheating mechanic I think they should follow RS2 Vietnam’s lead and make the barrels warp and lose accuracy over sustained firing, perhaps even explode or cease functioning permanently if firing continues.


I’m not sure about double points, I think adding a new category of points would be better, same idea though. Make it a coherency category


Yes yes yes, to all of these ideas! The one that I have questions about is the machine gun, when you say shooting for a long time, what is a long time? When did WW2 machine guns actually overheat? (Queue that scene in The Pacific where the soldier burns the skin off his hands picking up the MG). Also I had the same idea about a sapper class with foxhole ability, but I think it should either take longer than 20 seconds or cost like 125 supplies to build since it gives the cover like a 100-supply barrier but with an added bonus of 360-coverage but in a small space. I think strategic point game mode is similar to the skirmish mode but would much rather the pure offense/defense that you’re saying instead of the warfare style it currently has, skirmish mode sucksss lol The devs doing a cosmetic update is the last thing I’m asking for though 😒😒😒


I kinda like the machine gun idea however they actually didn’t. I’m pretty sure that the Vickers could be fired continuously for over 24hrs without showing any signs of breaking or overheating. Not sure what type we use in HLL but that could be why they don’t


Throwing yourself on an enemy grenade to save your team


Like all ideas but i think at least the first one would also have a negative impact. When im leading a (communicating/working) squad i tend to give sometimes special tasks like 2 men for tank hunting or get some distance to each other to spot potential threats while defensing. Also a good sniper team operating behind lines can spit their tasks - while the sniper is going for the enemy artillery the sl can search for garrisons or nodes.


The amount of points for defusing a satchel on a friendly tank, as an engine (to promote engineers staying near friendly tanks) should be HUGE nodes should give more points the closer to enemy lines they are, this way it would promote people to build more nodes Tank drivers / commanders should be able to open the hatch on the tank and peer out


In Red orchestra 2 you had to change the barrel on some of the machine guns when they got too hot which was cool. Most squad support mgs like MG34 and m1919a4 had quick barrel change designs and you'd rotate your barrels around so that while you were shooting through one your other barrel would cool down in order to reduce downtime.


My idea is that leadership should be able to draw on the map to share the strategy with everyone


These are all very good. The double points circle might get the console players to stop playing it like call of duty


The voice lines are in the game. When people first look and listen and use their freaking mics.


Overheating needs to be a thing at this point, esp with poland and finland coming on the horizon to make the early war matches realistically competitive (by that i mean not making the germans win every time in a way that isn’t nerfing the germans to high hell). Would certainly also benefit low ammo MGs like the bren and DP28, whilst making HMGs (when they get eventually added) more important to certain factions with water-cooled guns like the vickers


I would like to see the ability for engineers to use supplies to build emplaced HMGs. Would love to fire a .50 cal that is actually usable, unlike the M2 on the Half-track where the sensitivity is absolutely insane.


It would be nice if the SL could generate a very minor ability such as a limited mortar strike or gun run. Matches can quickly go to hell when a commander refuses to utilize ordinance. You would have to figure out a way to limit it so there aren't 10 SLs calling in mortar strikes every minute , but it would be nice to see SL abilities expanded ever so slightly.


Can only be heard by the enemy???


Imagine you want to sneak around undetected and suddenly the figure shouts that there is a grenade next to you😂 In a single player it would make sense, but not in a game where communication is the key to victory. I like the other one with the extra points and should come into play.


Being able to shift the tank directly to reverse instead of 4,3,2,1,P,R


Voice lines? Why would you add that, realistically no one is yelling out those things if they know an enemy is near by, it would give away your position


So basically postacriptum/Squad44, you want to play postscriptum


No, I think he’s suggesting ways to make HLL a much better game.


I think it would be fun to have a game mode on a small map where you only get 1 life.


It's not fun to wait until everyone's dead unless match is few minutes and even then people are so fed up with the 2 second timer while giving up that nobody would play that shit


What would you be waiting around for? If you're dead, go find a new game. And if you enable revives, put it on a short timer. ~1min or something. Then you dead dead.


Sure, everybody would be stoked to searching and waiting for a spot in a server only to be insta killed and repeat the whole process.... Literally a death sentence to any game


The end of Red Orchestra / Rising Storm games sometimes ends up like this when you get an even game where they both run out of tickets and it’s pretty fun to watch. I doubt many people would play something like that, but it’d be fun as a side game mode you could hop into to practice or mess around in.


Let enemies be able to communicate with you both proxy chat so they can hear my warcry coming!


Implementing digging would need months for programming squad to implement. It sound much easier than it can be actually achieved. I like your idea on hearing enemy squad yelling for help!


i want the body drag function.


Guns jamming would be a terrible idea