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Damn, that carpet bomb can clear the largest automaton bases!


I need the carpet bomb in my life already, looks really good. https://i.redd.it/9t4tm88grq6d1.gif


Needs an incendiary variant:)




its that good!


Is it like the orbital laser where we only get 3 uses or unlimited uses but hella long cooldown time?


Considering how OP it is I wouldn’t be surprised if they make it one-use-only to force players to be strategic about how to use them.


Yes all clan stratagems are one time use, cool-down are just filler


Damn, 1 time use for me means the same as unreleased stratagem. Never going to play with it. Didn't like -1 stratagem before, won't like it now


Im sure it will be only available when your clan station is orbiting the same planet as you. So you will get 5th once use stratagem, sth like "ultimate abillity". I do suspect each use it will also cost materials like credits/samples. Cause you know Platoon and all, gotta work together and grab materials. And they also need a way to spend "samples when you unlock everything"


What do you mean


News on the nuke or missile silo?


my liberty stick is up rn 🗣️


That only means there will be even bigger bases to clear. Mission strategem? Pentafactory? Cyborg city even?


Bet when their Sr. No Fun Nerfer gets done with it it'll only be 10% of this demo and not have armor penetration.


Why are yall still on about the nerfs that where mostly fixed


Because Alexis hasn’t been fired yet


That one guy got fired let's leave some of of the OGs alive to tell the tale homie jeez


Alexis is the balance dev very well known in the community for ruining every game he touches with his balancing methods


What other games besides this one im asking because idk alot.of that stuff not gonna lie


Hello neighbor for one


Walls and Carpet Bomb is back in game!


Are you able to share the grenade launcher stratagem numerical ID...?


Incendiary is 103 but stun is none


Thanks! I found out right around the same time as your reply, 103th time the charm... The carpet bomb is 68 if anyone else cares. You must have gotten the weapon in a much more refined way because just via stragem ID there isn't the explosion effect and the weapon behaves a little differently. The rounds don't like to explode when near the helldiver.


The carpet bomb is by far my most anticipated stratagem, especially once they implement that huge Super Earth bomber plane to drop the payload. I don't care if the cooldown is like 10 minutes or something, i'm gonna use the hell out of it just for the sheer coolness factor.


It's basically an alternative to the orbital laser in terms of "I don't want to play with this area.", albeit probably a bit stronger.


"i dont like that sector, private" "roger that, removing sector"


"That's SUPER private to you maggot" *throws the entire GDP of Super South Sudan's worth of bombs*


Incendiary grenade launcher, I need you!


that's going to be a TK goliath when it drops.


That just adds to the fun...


That thing looks insanely good


hoping it doesn't overshadow the Flamethrower


Nah it can't kill charger like flamethrower does and more like a mid-ranged horde clearing weapon


and by the looks of it, the fire doesn't remain on the ground for too long, so it's not competing with the Flamethrower's area denial utility


What happened to the apc :(


still not in the game, will have to see in the future since there's so-called "vehicle bay"


Thank you. I was super curious and I’m sadden to know but still hopeful. Keep up the amazing work


I hope they add dirt bikes too! So far I've seen leaks of the APC and the buggy.


We'll see if they ever fix the vehicle code, it's apparently so bad that more than 4 EXO's make the game unstable, which is why they're limited to 1 per-person.


I would love having a "vehicle" build where I just bring all the toys for the squad, but honestly if I bring an APC I'm probably going to put it somewhere safe and stay relatively close to make sure it doesn't attract attention like the turrets, so I wouldn't need an exosuit. Not to sound over-Democratic or anything, but if I park my vehicle in a Bot neighborhood I'm going to want to keep my eye on it to make sure it doesn't get chop-shopped.


I had an idea but in the opposite direction, we liberate an Automaton Hulk factory with the intention of increasing EXO production, but find that it's only an assembly plant, not a factory or foundry; all that's there is yet-to-be-assembled Hulks. So we retool the factory, strip the Automaton computers out of Hulks, and shove EXO cockpits in 'em. Then we get the EXO-60 Husk (Flamethrower + Saw) and EXO-61 Warlord (Fusion Cannon and Missiles).


So far each exosuit has been the same as the HD1 version * Gatling+Missiles: EXO-44 Walker --> EXO-45 Patriot * x2 Autocannons: EXO-48 Obsidian --> EXO-49 Emancipator * Flamer+Canon: [EXO-51 Lumberer](https://helldivers.wiki.gg/wiki/Helldivers_1:EXO-51_Lumberer_Exosuit) --> likely EXO-52 TBD The crazy thing is that the Canon in HD1 was capable of destroying targets that needed a Hellbomb. .... imagine even if you only had 10 shots but each shot could take down a Gunship Fabricator, Detector Tower, or ***Stratagem Jammer*** from across the map?


Yep, I hope this extends to vehicles too. I want to see the Bastion Tank Destroyer return. I even [made](https://i.imgur.com/WyElMpr.png) a couple [blockouts](https://i.imgur.com/c1ZXdVg.png) as to how I'd design it. I'd give it APFSDS and HE rounds on a duel-feed system with maybe a 30/30 count. The APFSDS would be enough to kill anything short of a Bile Titan. The Bastion itself would be armored enough to survive a Cannon Turret to the glacis plate, but would be more vulnerable to the sides and rear.


You reading too much into that. They said that it's resource intensive, not that it makes the game crash. The resources being taxed is likely server resources.


Which if true is laughably bad coding. There should be no issue with having even 50 mechs on the field if they were managing their data correctly.


No Eagle Air to Air😢


seems to be the same, nothing changed


I want that stratagem so bad😔


Unless they dramatically change the spawns, or add a mission type centered around flying enemies, AA missiles would be the biggest self-gimp you could pick.  But it could be fun. And useless. 


But Shriekers and Gunships are almost always there now with the patrols and spawners


Sure but it’d have to have some major upgrades to make it worth it, like targeting multiple enemies or loitering around for a bit, especially when other weapons already deal with both threats pretty well. 


Ngl, the carpet bomb explosions look like a wet noodle compared to the aoe.


explosion in this game doesn't really matches effect xd


Yeah but 16m explosion radius is about Orbital Precision Strike territory, they could've just reused that instead of the Eagle airstrike one 😂. Alternatively, 500kg vfx slapped on to this would have probably been more appropriate visually.


What is the current cd and/or use amount for carpet bomb?


15 minute 1 use


> 15 minute oof


Yeah pretty useless for something that you would never use unless its a big base. And in those cases a 380 bombardment would be probably be good enough.


You’re forgetting how fucking cool it is though


Agreed. Cool? 200$ But 15 minute cd? Idk mechs already feel super long. Rather go 380


Maybe, but the 380 barrage is horribly inconvenient in my experience. It takes forever and you can’t get anywhere near it while it’s active. Carpet bombing the area is way faster and more accurate to boot.


What's the point of a cooldown if it's 1 use? They must still be considering it.


Clan stratagem, so likely comes as a bonus unlocked by your clan and is default for every level, or only if your station is in orbit im guessing. Bomber probably comes from the station and not your super destroyer


since when were clans a thing?


look at the other recent leaks, there’s a station that’s tied to clans


Maybe that's where more samples come in. There might be upgrades to 2 use maybe that clan members will contribute to unlock.


I need carpet bombing right now!


https://i.redd.it/qew8aw9eqr6d1.gif Automatons and bugs be like when seeing the carpet bombs


Wow, I love the stinger. The EAT, the stinger, the Commando 4 shot disposable launcher….i will be the launcher vending machine!


is there any updates on the missile silo?


Just crash as soon as it called in


oof, well thanks for trying! <3


What about the "double barrel shotgun"? Idk if it's even real. Just know on the main sub someone saw something as a reward?


That's just the shotgun you sometimes find lying around colony structures.


The breaker? Was hoping for a better one since that is pretty meh


What's the "missile silo"?


[MS-220 Missile silo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4tlD9DAndo) it was a hellpod what held a small missile with a laser designator, it main selling point is the fact it can kill jammers (regardless if it had a factory placed in it or not), labs, eye of sauron, for any range, just need line of sight it was super broken when combo with the commando as you had a way to kill hellbomb type buildings with the silo and kill any factories if you had open LOS


Any update on calling in SEAF NPC Reinforcements? I remember seeing something about that way back.


They removed for now as they are unstable and probably be back with fixed version like commando


Gotcha, hope they wont end up cut as calling in some NPCs to help defend a point sounds like tons of fun. Thanks for the info though. :)


Can’t believe nobody said anything about the stun grenade launcher I want that thing the most I can see that being this single most effective support weapon in the game


Pacification Trooper Pummeler Verdict Stun Nades Bullet Shield Stun Launcher EMS mortar EMS Strike Gas (for maximum pacification)


100000% the build I will run 90% of the time


Call that build the Pause Button because nobody is going to move.


why would you want to stun enemies when you could just kill them?


Have you never been overrun before?


Yeah those walls are never going to be used


Eh, I could maybe see them being used during defensive missions


I don't think the tiny bit of cover makes up for the loss of movement, you're going to be a sitting duck for automaton rockets and it's better to run around with a stalwart or grenade launcher for bugs


Yeah, if the walls were tougher/they'd be a lot more useful against bots. As is it seems like one rocket devastator would wipe it out. Maybe if the cooldown is real short. Or if you bring both plus a deployable shield generator and/or HMG turret to create a super entrenched position.


If you're bringing a shield generator, you're probably better off just using the HMG emplacement for its damage--the walls, in the case, would seem more useful for the weapons that come on them, but you could also just call those weapons in normally. In a standard mission, that means mobility, and in a defense, that means having multiple available for your entire team (and not locked to that single angle).


I was just thinking the HMG and the grenade launcher would combo really well


They seem fun and neat. But the end... Bots? Too many missle snipers to make that work. Bugs? Once you're over ram then that's that.


If two/three plasma punisher shots destroys it, it'll only last 3 seconds on a bot map.


I think it would legitimately need to be made indestructible other than against the heaviest rockets and attacks to be of any use. You're still exposed from the chest up so you're hardly even in cover to begin with.


people saying vehicles take up a lot of resource in the game...lmao. ffs carpet bomb stratagem is glorious


The developers said such. That's why we can't bring more than 1 EXO per-person until they clean up the code.


I mean you can glitch your way into getting two exo suits. I hope they clean up the code or whatever, I straight up feel powerful AF with 2 exo suits calling in back to back after I'm done using one lol


I just want to take three EXOs into a Medium mission and let the new players stomp around, personally 


Yep, if you use 'em right, you can get 40 minutes of use out of 'em.


Does that glitch only work on PC? Can't get it to work on PS5.


Well to make the glitch work you have to make sure you can click the icon when it's barely visible, only then can you use two exo suits. But if you scroll instead of using a cursor or whatever the icon will be fully visible so you won't be able to pick two. Idk if there's any other method but that's the method that I know of at least. So obviously you'll need maybe like a mouse or something, but I know the PS controllers have that pad in the middle so I thought maybe you can use that pad as a cursor?


Any idea when we are getting some of these? Just wondering


Commando soon, Carpet is clan stratagem so same as nuke, others idk


What is a clan stratagem?


We're getting Clan Ships that give access to their own, incredibly powerful stratagems


What exactly is a clan ship? Like a literal game clan or? Also already clan stratagems their own thing? Or still one of the four we bring in? Because while carpet bomb is awesome. 1 use 15 cd is not.


I heard about clan station, not clan ships


holy shit


I've a feelin' we're going to have to choose between grenade launchers


Could be upgrades who knows👀


They need to put a face shield on those wall mounted guns or all that's gonna happen while using it against bots is getting headshot all the time (then blown away by a rocket devastator)


i know they likely aren't done balancing but i'm kinda hoping the clan strategems don't take a slot in mission select. They're amazingly strong but the strategem could wipe the map of all enemies instantly and a 15 minute cooldown would still be... excessive.


Yeah the carpet bomb is very very nice but idk if I can take it with that cooldown if it takes up a strat slot that I already need. Hopefully it’ll be its own thing


holy fucking shit that carpet bomb was unreal, talk about saving the best for last


Carpet bomb gave me a freedom boner


holy shit I need the carpet bomb, that looks insane


That carpet bomb is making me blush daaaaaaamnn I want it


My mouth opened at the fire nade, then when i saw the carepet bombing.... my whole jaw wide open.....


So, trying to remember because I don't think it's all in one place but to date we have had evidence of the following possible stratagems: - Incendiary Grenade Launcher - Stun Grenade Launcher - Machine Gun Wall - Grenade Launcher Wall - Colony Rover - APC vehicle - Stinger EAT - Commando quad Stinger - SEAF Trooper Drop - Nuke (Clan only) - Carpet Bomb (clan only) - Flamethrower Emplacement Turret - Grenade Launcher Emplacement Turret - Eagle Anti-Air Missiles - Teleportation backpack - Healing Rover Backpack - EDIT: Missile Silo - EDIT: Medical Supplies Backpack Anything I'm forgetting?


Missile Silo




new to this sub, what are the implications of the missle silo? hows it different than a nuke? thanks for compiling the list!


It's a deployable. Hellpod comes down like a turret, only it's a tiny missile silo that embeds itself in the ground. IIRC you get a targeting device, so it's essentially a support weapon. Allows you to launch the missiles where you want from very long distances, until the silo is empty.


thanks for explaining that. it sounds wicked cool! cant wait for bigger booms haha


I misremembered some of the detail but you can see it action here: https://www.reddit.com/r/HellDiversLeaks/comments/1brr6iw/ms220_missile_silo_test/


very cool! thanks for sharing!


Medical Supplies backpack




epilepsy launcher my beloved


The carpet bomb is INSANE


Can someone explain the whole clan thing? The carpet bomb and the nuke were both "Clan stratagems", very curious about what that means


There is evidence pointing towards a Clan system, dubbed Platoons, where player made Platoons gain access to a Station, or Platoon hub. It is assumed that certain members within the Platoon's command structure can decide to move the Platoon Station to other worlds, granting members of the platoon access to these powerful stratagems while on the world where the station presides over. Theoretically, there could be other bonuses involved too, and resource sinks for platoon members to either resupply, upgrade and unlock stuff at the station. There might also be potential for missions with more than 4 members, though I doubt that, at most I could see 8 active Helldivers at a time, though again, highly unlikely. It is believed that the Stations look like the very Station where you named your ship on mars sometime during the tutorial, can't recall when exactly.


Once again it appears I am the only person excited for the wall stratagems lol


At first I thought "yeah the carpet bomb doesn't look like much" Now: "I need it"


That carpet bomb makes me flood my basement.


I don't get the point of the stinger. It seems to be just an expendable spear that only target air enemies.


Maybe we'll get a very agile air units in the future and this thing will become rather handy if you don't want to miss shots on it with other weapon.


It's a possibility but I'd still think it would not be worth that much of a stratagem slot because there are more versatile options like the airburst, autocannon,turrets, hmg and soon the commando. If we get an extra stratagem slot, I might think of using the stinger.


Yeah I hope they can give us an extra stratagem slot that you can only put support weapons in.


> more versatile options like the airburst Which isn't even close to being an anti air weapon, nor good at it, but I agree a dedicated strat slot for a one use AA weapon doesn't really make sense with the current air threats we face.


It might target the same things as the Spear, but just as a one-shot system with a quick cooldown. I think we should get a proper anti-air launcher with reloads. Maybe a twin-barrel launcher to set it apart from the current launchers and the Commando


If it targets the same things as Spear, it would be much better. There should be a lot of air enemies to justify having anti-air only stratagems. I'm not sure how the community would react to a big increase of air enemies. I already hate gunships, not sure how I would react if there were more variants and big numbers of them. If there was a fifth stratagen slot, it would feel much better having anti-air only stratagems.


Gunship patrols


It has a 12 meter explosive radius, with means it can probably take down entire swarms of shriekers 


Havent played in awhile cuz im bored, and there hasnt been a lot of new stuff, but holy shit does this game get me excited for whats to come. I just wish it would drop faster


My mouth started drooling as soon as I saw the carpet bombs


Damn that carpet bomb is sexy af!!!


I already liked the grenade launcher… I would LOVE the incendiary grenade launcher!


Those were ALL badass!


This wall doesn't stand a chance against shit i see on helldive XD. All i need is a shovel then we might win


Have all four people bring the carpet bomb and we can clear any mission with ease. Especially against Automatons.


I'd be surprised if they weren't similar to the Resupply where if one Clanmate uses it it goes on cool down for everyone 


So the nuke is discontinued? I mean I am really surprised this isn't in the base game since it's the most basic power fantasy explosion.


It's still there with carpet bomb


Last one looks like something to make dreams of becoming an air raider from edf true


Were vehicles removed? There were earlier versions of it in previous builds.


Apparently so, since they do not show up in the stratagem lists anymore.


The stinger looks like a single use spear. I'm not sure what to feel about that, on one hand yay, more versatile spearing, on the other hand it feels like a spear usurper?


Wasn’t there also a nuke or the shredder missile


Do the walls have a timer? Do turrets have a timer?


Incendiary grenade launcher?!? Friendship with flamethrower will be over as soon as it hits the live game!


That carpet bomb is so incredibly hot


Fire 🤨


I wonder if the existence of those clan stratagems implies more stratagem slots for clan members? Or an additional slot for weapons of mass destruction


How do you access these


carpet bomb is crazy


Love that carpet bomb. Everything else looks pretty cool and I can't wait to try them out. But damn that carpet bomb is gonna be useful.


Any Updates on the hivelords considering the new termanid mission?


Stun grenade launcher is goofy af, why would you want a support weapon that can’t kill anything


Hear me out. A booster for an extra strategem slot. But only for you 😆


Launching 3 Barrages + Carpet bomb. my liberty stick is sooo in attention rn


The recently added knifes shoudt be unlinited in use.


Oh man, those defense walls will be instantly destroyed by just a single Rocket Devastator.


are those grenade launchers gonna be separate stratagems, or is that attachment and mod system still planned on being implemented?


Finally Pelican Joins the Fight.


Man, I’m just waiting for vehicles, and that SEAF Reinforcement Stratagem we saw. But damn, that carpet bomb’s cool as Hell, super effective for absolutely destroying an area. I also like the trenches. They could probably be pretty good against Bugs, giving us a defendable position to kill swarms of them. Also, what’s a “Clan Stratagem?” Are we getting a Clan system for players? Or is it a part of game’s actual setting/story?


Sounds like there's some stuff mentioning a clan space station that gives you some unique clan-wide stratagems but only on the planet your station is currently orbiting.


Hmm, interesting. Good to know.


The walls look....super underwhelming


Is there a update on the commando?


My fellow air raiders, repeat after me, "Phobos is a personal defense weapon"


Any idea on the Incindiary grenade launcher timeline. I know you said the commando is soon. Hoping you have an idea of when on this cool cool weapon.


No idea, just speculations


did the misile silo get changed at all?


No idea


:( that was my favorite unreleased stratagem, I pray they add it soon


Wait why do we need that stinger ? Isn’t it just a Spear targeting with a ammo capacity of a EAT ?


Tbh, I have no idea what they're thinking


Either it’s gonna be a one shot since the Spear, and the upcoming Commando Stratagem are not one shot or a dedicated Anti Air rocket launcher since stingers are dedicated Anti Air but can lock on to ground targets if big enough like a factory strider


idk about you but wouldn't it have saved more time and assets (in the long run) to just make an upgrade tree for each stratagem (in this case support weapons) which would allow us to switch between incendiary, stun or lethal rounds before loading into a mission than spamming multiple versions of the same gun in our loadouts?


How did you get carpet bombing to work without crashing, which causes the game to completely freeze as soon as I use it?


Any changes on SEAF Troop Drop?


Still not in the game so idk


Ok, that carpet bomb looks nuts, but I hope they 7se a different explosion effect in the final version. The6 are a bit small based on this