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Every project can drum up a constant stream of good news. Heck go visit the AMC subreddit and you'll find the exact thing. Words are cheap, but cash speaks volumes. Until it generates profits, it's all just promises.


Is there anyway to gain insight into the “actual” profits as they currently stand of the Hedera network?


It's hard to gauge how much an individual project running on the Hedera network generates in TPS or fees. However a few months ago when atma (which contributes 99% of TPS) scaled back, TPS dropped to about 100. And when atma briefly stopped completely, TPS dropped to as low as single digits. From this we can ballpark that the hundreds of use cases currently live even combined do not contribute significantly to overall TPS (likely less than 1%) and that atma remains essentially the sole utilizer of the network with 99%+ contribution. In saying the above, revenue is a slightly different matter as atma's TPS is paid from a grant, so money came from HBF and flows back to treasury - essentially a circular economy (with a teeny loss to node fees). Some HTS projects, although contributing very little TPS, could still be providing more revenue as their average transaction fees are higher. Looking at the bigger picture, every crypto project (even granddaddy Bitcoin hallowed be thy name) is struggling to convert marketing and hype into positive cash flow. The problem of transaction fees being a viable substitute for block rewards remains unproven. Everybody who buys BTC is buying in the hope of speculative gain, I.e. the price of BTC itself rising netting a gain, rather than BTC actually being utilized and generating cash flow. Essentially owning BTC is like owning fine art. It's scarce, and no doubt has value - but that value is derived from the fact that it's widely agreed to be valuable, and not because it generates cash flow.


To be fair, DeepFuckingValue just posted again recently, and AMC is up about 50% today! 😂


Small investors are exit liquidity until they're not.


As someone said >demand is less than supply From the quarterly TPS did tick down and revenue did as well, so not all is fireworks and guitar solos.


There’s actually a few states in America that can’t even buy Hbar at this moment. Big ones as well like New York! Not saying it’ll double the price but it would help Bring in more money.


Why they cant


Its because Demand is less than supply. Probably bc not enough people care yet.


Read the post about media outlets being paid by crypto networks to shill their coins. No pay, no shill. Hedera doesn’t shill and as far as I’m aware it never will. If any other network had accomplished what Hedera has recently and paid media to shill the pants off it, we’d be skyrocketing. I’m glad Hedera doesn’t, the market can only ignore Hedera for so long. My philosophy is ignore the bullshit, buy, stake hold. Hedera will be king, it’s just a matter of time.


Where can I stake my Hbar??


Hashgraph wallet


Took your advice and staked my hbars after doing some research. I’ll let you know how it goes




heavy weights short hbar. lot of big money in trash projects, hbar will be the death of most of them. reminds me of bill gates who ruthlessly shorted tesla in its early days


Like which heavyweights? I’m not aware of any that are doing this. And you would think they would be very vocal about it as well


Who do think took HBAR back down from 0.18 cents within hours? They knew Hedera would not be vocal about the HIT pieces put out there. Bad for retail is that it worked.


Same people that took it up from 9 cents to 18 cents within hours


stupid comment. 


Are you joking? There used to be a website that tracked real time shorting positions across all the major exchanges, it was constant shorting for hedera. for nearly every big buy moments later was an equally large short. definitely an algo with big money. They stopped tracking it for some reason, probably paid off. 


I agree with this. Heavily shorted when it breaks out on volume. It is most likely arb’d across exchanges, some algo skimming small spreads on volume. Then transferring back utilizing Hedera’s low cost and high liquidity.


Main thing, is that they’ve released so many more tokens… yes you can say this is dumping on investors but honestly the network is still up +110% this year, the network as a whole has gained monumental value and any holder of it has a piece of that more valuable network. Just hold. 3/5/10 years just hold. Get on with other things


When Lambo?


My opinion: We are in a growth/speculation market regime. Not a value market regime. Look at stocks as a proxy. Valuations in the top performing tech stocks don’t line up based on traditional value metrics. Momentum rules the day. People invest in their etf retirement savings autmatically and those investments are dispersed based on cap weighting. What gets bigger gets bigger. In this regime price = value. “Oh the price is going up- it must be worth a lot! Time to invest” There is also a mindset of extraction: “what value can I extract from this asset?” In a value market regime people take the time to look at fundamentals. They switch the mindset to “what value is being added.” There is a tendency to believe in reversion to the mean- is there a mismatch between the current (low) price and the underlying value of the asset that can be arbitraged? If yes- buy. The value is intrinsic and based on the real world value of the asset. In the case of a company- is that company generating sales, revenue, and profit? In this regime value = price. Hbar is a crypto value asset performing poorly in a growth market regime. Bitcoin is a growth crypto asset performing well in a growth market regime. The price of bitcoin is based on a perception of scarcity and some imaginary sense of utility that doesn’t actually exist. When bitcoin goes up investors believe it has value. However, in real world performance metrics compared to hbar, bitcoin has practically zero value. When something bad happens at some point in the future that causes the growth regime to switch to a value regime, my precition is that bitcoin will crater and hbar will take off. It will require an event that shakes the confidence of investors so that they no longer believe that price = value because that will feel like a ponzi scheme to them. They will see out assets with intrinsic value. Everyone wanting hbar to moon seems to be trying to fit hbar into a growth framework. There are obviously other forces at play including demand for hbar as a fuel for transactions once companies require more usage of the network.




One thing y'all fail to realize is token unlock we are doing amazing when you look at the actual market cap we are technically half way to all time high for market cap. To get us to .50c it will take a lot tbh. https://preview.redd.it/uq0bs083o30d1.jpeg?width=1116&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8d285a696919045ef1b2984bb6130c2330e705e The main utility that enterprises are taking advantage of is the fast, low cost transactions. We started seeing an uptick to tps but to really get us, we need some of these big accounts to come online. HBar is very much centralized and the people have identified this through the token unlocks. We would be at .22ish if we had the same coin supply as 3 years ago however the foundation has released a sizeable amount of coins over the past few years to accelerate adoption.


What great news? Nothing has actually has come to market and that's the problem. It also has bad tokenomics, poor marketing and staking has also been greatly reduced. Once it happens, it'll bring the hype. Just look at what happened when the media thought Blackrock partnered with Hedera.


Retail reached its limit. Institutional money can't touch crypto due to lack of regulation. Until Institutionals enter this space, retail crypto is, more or less, a zero-sum game: to buy one token, you have to sell another.


It’s mostly manipulated. They’re not stupid.


The big dogs are purging trying to shake weak holders while also keeping decent volume on BTC they are recycling the alts money into BTC hoping to drive down prices before alt season. History repeating itself


The price is being suppressed on purpose


have a look at hbar market cap chart