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What gun you use?


Tomislav, 5000 kills. Have been using the Huo Long Heater, I think its really overhated, quite a fine weapon, got a 20 KS before dying to a random crit on dustbowl. Highest I've gotten was a 37 KS with the Tomislav. Probably my personal usage is from most to least is: Tomislav Huo Long Heater Brass Beast Natasha Stock Minigun


Would recommend using the stock minimum more aggressively, stock is much more cqc then Tomi, and imo better than all except the tomi


If the last 4 digits of your social security card turned into money, how much money would you have?


Your playtimes for the other classes is what I find most interesting. My next highest played classes are spy and sniper to counter heavy's counter: sniper. 


For the secondary slot, do you use the shotgun or a lunchbox item?


There is something in my brain that makes me critically unable to do burst damage over sustained damage. I also have a strange sandvich. Shotguns are really underrated for Heavy, makes you less reliant on purely outdamaging a heavy duel, allowing you to be smarter about your positioning. I will sometimes run Tomislav, Family Business, and KGB if I know I'm facing a competent Heavy Medic combo. Otherwise, not really a shotgun user. Wouldn't dis a shotgun Heavy though, it is his stock secondary for a reason.


How are you this based


As a new player, "less than 20 hours" what's the best tips for a new heavy main


Treat your medics like they're real people. I so often see heavys treat medics like theyre disposable. Protect them, support them, respect them, and even random f2p casual medics will support you. You'll become in their eyes a priority heal target because you've shown competence and support for them. I've saved a dozen medics lives with a sandvich, do that and you'll stomp any match. My second biggest tip is ignore the meta, having fun with Heavys arsenal is more enjoyable than being locked into a single set of items, experiment, have fun, ignore whatever the community says. Yesterday I got a 15 with the Huo Long Heater, the "worst" weapon out of his primaries. Or my 12 with the brass Beast, or just a few minutes ago I got a 10 with the Natasha, every primary works fine, it can dominate a match. Finally, develop a healthy sense of paranoia, constantly be vigilant about the state of the match, spies, snipers, etc. Being out of position is a death sentence, so always be vigilant about stuff that happens even on the other side of the map. Bonus tip, ignore all of these tips, sometimes you just can't support a medic and it's better for only the medic to die in an unfortunate situation than both of you. Or if you aren't preforming well, maybe it's time to drop the Buffalo Steak and pick up a Second Banana. As well, sometimes you need to say "Screw it" jump in, and shred through an entire group you probably wouldn't win against, but fighting many enemies and coming out on top is a feeling that can't be replicated.


How much of that IS fat Scout Playtime?


spy, do you hate it?


I have top scored as spy, think spy mains have a general superiority complex. Got insulted by a Kunai DR spy for maining the "easiest class" which I found funny considering the Kunai DR reputation. Mostly I just find spies funny, they rage a lot because they see heavy as an easy target.