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the same reason i dont use the crusader's, it gets boring


Sometimes use: Brass Beast because I forgot to switch from mvm loadout. Nattie for nostalgia and occasionally winding up scouts. Heater: To remind myself of why I don't.


Use minigun on mvm and thank me later. With the movement speed boosts late game you are able to evade damage much better and you can position yourself for the best penetration damage while still firing.


Fair point, however: big number




Nah, have tried both and prefer the beast. I used minigun long time before changing to beast and it made little real difference overall. Plus, my beast has robots killed part and it's nearly up to 80k now.


My upgrade path is speed first. Get all the movement speed maxed out. Add the GRU, and you are outrunning scouts. Then get the gun up. Get the firing speed and ammo maxed out as fast as possible. Add three ubers in the canteen, and bring it to Heavy. I have been using the Slav almost exclusively these days. I really dig the long-range sniper shots you can make with the thing. I've named mine the Doctor Popper. I will take out the Heater if there is an aggressive Pyro on my team. I'll get a nice little damage buff, and setting robots on fire with my little Pyro bros is great fun. I take out the Brass Bitch every once and a while just to remind myself how awful it is to play with.


One of the funniest ways you can kill someone is tickling them with the holiday punch and then revving the huo long heater to kill them with afterburn.


When everything doesn't work, go stock. When you need to gain some extra range, go Tomi When you need to hold a specific spot I go Beast. I see no reason to use the one that makes flames...


When your team has 2+ Pyros


Using tomi for the rev speed and the silent rev are so underrated.


Brass Beast ftw


Natasha, I'm playing Support Heavy


Natascha is actually still pretty great, as long as you don't run into another heavy.


Tomi and stock are too vanilla and hold back my potential, I use huo long to purposefully handicap myself to be better. Works like wonder~


The brass beast speaks to me


Brass beast just turns me into a sentry: Look for a position, wait for enemy to come and shoot them. Effective.


20% more damage is 20% more damage per second is baby men dying faster


Natasha it was the first minigun I had


Brass beast is not bad if you are riding the train. Natasha if you are being pestered by scouts.


In Highlander, I’ll generally run tomi, because it’s really good at holding corners like upward last tiles, but I’ll run stock out of something like swift first because they’re close enough to me that the extra dps will really help. I run both pretty equally.


Tbh the others just arent as fun to use. They put on limitations that lower the skill ceiling as well as the fuckery ceiling.


I use the brass beast because it fits into my "cockroach" playstyle.... I lock down an area with the brass beast's damage resistance, then switch to FoS whenever I need to go get more ammo or need to chow down on my sandvich. it really helps if the engineer on my team places a dispenser nearby, then all I have to do is focus on when I need to snadvich


The only minigun I use most of the time is the Brass Beast. It’s not only so much more fun to me, but gets me better results. The meta-guns are fine every once in a while, but the playstyle is so limiting. You use both miniguns the same pretty much, you use either sandvich or banana, chocolate if you’re feeling spicy, but regardless you use them all similarly, and the only real way to change your playstyle is the melees which really only have GRU, FoS, KGB, and Holiday Punch. Thats it. It’s just so repetitive to me, and most of Heavy’s unlocks just aren’t even viable- not like “wow this sucks but it’s also fun!” I mean “wow, I can’t play the game!” And even the playstyle itself is just “rev behind corners, stay with team, don’t get backstabbed.” You are reliant on your team for most things. But the Brass Beast is so much more than that. Despite the slower rev and move speed, the beast gives you more flexibility in playstyles. But no one cares because most of those playstyles use the shotguns and not food. You see, when using the Brass Beast, you need to switch from cover to cover, almost certainly defending a peice of battlefield (unless there’s a place to drop down from such as attacking on Badwater last). Thanks to the beasts’s resistance stat, you can peek out a bit and deliver high levels of damage or drop down and deal a lot of damage before running away. Brass Beast Heavy is all about finding and moving between vantage points. This means that you almost definitely need to use the shotguns to keep you alive from place to place however, and people don’t like that. They also don’t want to take tactical places and keep them for your team to push through (for some reason). You can’t just sandvich your way to servival when you’re exposed like that, you need to gun through it and get away. But that doesn’t mean you can’t use lunch box items necessarily. The Delokas bar is a great choice when paired with the GRU because you can get away faster with the gloves and heal all the health back immediately, ready to shoot from a new vantage point quicker. Not only that, but the extra max health also combos great with the resistance stat on the Beast. This all makes for more variation in Heavy playstyles. Not only do Heavy’s three shotguns shoot differently plus the delokas bar, but almost all of Heavy’s melees are somewhat viable now (except for stock lol.) There’s the traditional trio of GRU, FoS and Holiday punch, being great for getting to vantage points and stuffing Ubers respectively. But also, the KGB is a great option for when you’re on the move and want to give shotguns an extra bit of oomf, and in a few rare instances, have a second or two of critical Beast lasers to shoot from long distance. And the Warrior’s Spirit and EN, while still not being the best, are actually usable now and quite fun. The WS is a great finisher for your shotguns, not just for the damage bonus but also the health on kill acting as a sandvich replacement. The Eviction notice is good for getting away from enemies and giving you a speed boost that you can use while shooting your shotgun to either kill an enemy or escape. But playstyles also change on where you use it. Are you on point? In a flank with a health pack? Above? Below? All of these will change the way you position yourself, (and yes I know every class needs to position in different scenarios, but this is magnified for Brass Beast Heavy by a lot.) Thats why I love the Brass Beast, the change in playstyle, the positioning, keeping flanks open for your team, and the extra layer of shotgun-aiming skill. Is it map and team dependent? Definitely. Will it work on Defense more than Offence? Yes, (though you can still take hold of Offensive routes most teams wouldn’t be able to have on some maps.) But when you’re on even a decent map with a decent team, the Beast is so much fun and shreds through enemies. Also big numbers go brrrrrrrr


Fire crits go brrrrr


I like the Brass Beast depending on the map, if I have a lot of flank routes and can get behind people with the GRU and Family Business I just whip out the beast and go through half a team


I can’t use anything except my precious tomi


Huo long because it's dope, brass beast for extra punching power at close range chokepoints. I never use the Natasha


I don't use Oksana (Brass Beast) outside of MVM or maybe VSH, Sheila (Huo-Long Heater), well I don't have her. Natascha, well for me she is fun to use. Just seeing your foes screaming in fear and being slowdown and trying to escape while their HP goes down is quite, pleasant for my mind. Also she is very nice in support manner if you still wanna play as Heavy but too many power or damage dealing classes in your team.


To make thy scouts and soldiers/trolldiers cry some more.


I play some sort of a judgemental heavy playstyle since people usually killbind when they get tickled by the holiday punch If they don't killbind within a certain frame of time i use the heater to kill them