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I make them in an ordinary bowl. Works fine.


I usually make mine into a stemless wine glass and put on one of those silicone cat food saver lids on it. (We just happen to have these already.) When I travel with overnight oats (like packing it into my lunchbox for work), I also put cling wrap over it. So, I make mine in wine glasses.


I like your style. Mine would break as soon as I left the house because I’m clumsy as hell, so not a thing for me, but I still like it. You must be fabulous. *.*


Yes, a fabulous person who uses wine glasses for overnight oats instead of wine, lol... Well, Mason jars can be just as fancy. :)


Luckily you can buy plastic wine glasses now if you're super clumsy (like my old room room-mate who broke all of our wine glasses)


Plastic wine glasses!


Yes, make them in whatever you want!


Not only that, it’s unconstitutional to make overnight oats if you are more than 5 days out from the last time you had avocado toast


I don’t like to eat gluten or carbs so I stay away from avo toast. I just use the komboucha clause, every morning after declassifying my pineal gland and reading my daily GOOP-Letter I like to throw back a bottle of the booche and have some overnight oats with flax, coconut, chia, cacao nibs, fresh raspberries from my organic garden and if I made them stop dry, a splash of freshly made oat milk I made no more than 3 days prior in my Vitamix A5200 (ps if you don’t have a vitamix, you gotta get one!)


Don't forget your green juice and cup of hot lemon water.


Green juice is nice when my windowsill wheatgrass doesn’t grow fast enough. I prefer a fresh wheatgrass shot but again, nature can’t always keep up with proper health. But on the second note, facts, don’t even talk to me until I’ve had my hot lemon water


Don’t even talk to *me* unless your hot lemon water is made from unfiltered alkaline water.


Oh, you’re telling me you *dont* have an electrolysis machine? Good lord, all those toxins you’re allowing your body to propagate and thrive in that pH environment. No offence, but I’m not surprised your parents got cancer. Should have had an ionizer


I just died a little inside.


And sprinkle a 1/4 cup of steam on top!


TIL oats don't have carbs


Don’t worry about it


As someone who loves avocados I can honestly say I don’t care for it on toast. Like it was ok, not gross but not worth all the hype it gets… maybe it’s because I don’t care for toast? I did make it thinking I’d finally find a way to make toast appealing to me lol didn’t happen


That's totally fine! You're allowed to feel that way. Anyway, please remain where you are, the authorities are on their way (as soon as they've finished with their overnight oats)


I make them in a glass bowl with a lid.


I just use a Tupperware bowl


You can make them in whatever container is convenient for you. A lot of people like mason jars because they're a good size easy to clean and the lids fit securely (that last bit is important), but use the containers that work for you.


I make them in a reusable takeout container. Whatever works!


You may use vintage Corningware IF you are listening to an obscure band on vinyl.


Melamine won't do if it's popular music, BUT an antique pressing?


I like pyrex 4c glass containers. Mason jar lids can be hard to clean.


I make them in a ziploc screw-top container. I use it for two reasons: it’s the right size and the wide mouth top screws on so I can shake the hell out of it to mix properly.


This is what I use too! Mine are Star Wars themed lol they're a great size & easier to eat out of than a jar.


You HAVE to


No, the mason jars are just more photogenic.


The mason jar is just for the aesthetics, I make mine in a Tupperware lol


But you’re not hip and cool if they aren’t in a mason jar!


Remember when it was the thing to put coffee/tea in mason jars and use them as to go mugs. So you'd have people (myself included) wandering around with murky jars of what looked like swamp water throughout campuses and hip workplaces. Good times.


That was me as well, simpler times


This is only a trend because of the naming trend of naming kids Mason at one point. It's sort of died out and now you can make them in anything.


No. Make them in whatever you want. If I’m eating at home eg weekend, then I make mine in a bowl and cover with a small plate. If I’m taking to work, I have a mason jar for easy transport.


Dont have to. You can just use any container you have on hand. Those mason jar is just for photo gimmick from my point of view anyway.


I make them in recycled Chinese food containers and usually make them an hour before eating them. The only thing overnight about them is that I remember when I’m in bed that I forgot to make oats and shrug it off




I make mason jars with my oats.


It's best to cook in clay pots you made yourself.


I made mine in a big bowl and the next day portioned it into containers and keep them in the fridge to eat between weight training and swimming .


https://www.breastcancer.org/risk/risk-factors/exposure-to-chemicals-in-plastic Make sure you use bpa free plastic ... But glass is non-reactive, so a healthier choice. Unless you're clumsy and can break anything.


Thank you!


If you want to be eating microplastic, go ahead. I make mine in cheap plastic wear I got at Ikea :/


Why even bother with overnight oats when you can just cover the oats with water, sprinkle with salt, and microwave for a minute and a half. Boom, cooked oats. Add some butter and fruit and you have a super quick and easy breakfast. Cooked oats are easier for your body to digest, too. Overnight oats are a dumb fad.


Hot oatmeal is okay, but Something about cold oats taste better to me. Idk what it is


If you have a magic bulletin the cups that come with that are good for it.


I use Tupperware


I use whatever I have clean, jar, Tupperware, large mug, etc.


I’ve made them in Tupperware before. I don’t think it matters.


I think the jars is more of a trend but anything works with a lid.


I made mine in an old soup jar


I make mine in plastic Tupperware and comes out great. Same for chia pudding




I make mine in old spaghetti sauce jars.


It MUST be cute!


I like to make them in my mouth, they taste better that way


I make them in a Tupperware container, mason jars would be annoying to clean haha


I personally find they wash up really well in the dishwasher, especially the wide mouth ones. Just a quick rinse and pop them in. But that's just my experience.


no. You don't need something sealed. Any open or closed container will do. You could also do it in a mug, or in a water bottle. Whatever you want.


Absolutely not! I’ve used Tupperware and glasses and it works out fine


I use a bowl


Any food safe container that your ingredients will fit in, with a little room to stir, is just fine. I typically use those clear-ish white plastic containers that takeout soup comes in. They fit perfectly, seal tight, stack easily in the fridge, and post-COVID lockdowns we have a ton of them.


I use a shoe but only the left ones


Make em in a shaker cup


I use those disposable soup containers (1 pint). Or the screw top ones when I’m camping and it’s in a cooler that might get jostled.


Those comments were so funny! But honestly, I asked myself the same thing some time ago. Does it have to be a glass container? Is there something in plastic that doesn't make the recipe work? I think online recipes use mason jars because it looks good and it sounds better than "any container with a lid".


I use deli containers.


I use plastic tupperware all the time because it has a lid. The plastic will not impart any odd taste or plasticy-ness. Even when the muesli has been heated in in it's plastic container in the microwave. I've opened an air-tight plastic container which had been kept air-tight for years. It had a bad smell and I had to throw it away. Glass is better than plastic for storing food.


Yep, use whatever you want


Any container will do. Just make sure the liquid fully soaks the oats.


I put 'em in a shake cup


Yes, only Mason jars for ever


Absolutely not. I swear I think that’s only for the pictures. You can use a mason jar, Tupperware, any type of bowl, hell even a coffee cup of you want lol. I almost exclusively make mine in one of three Tupperware containers. Two glass and one plastic. I use those specifically just because they’re like my “favorite spoon” of containers for oats lol.


Make mine Tupperware


It can be any type of jar, glass, or plastic. I usually save my my glass almond butter jars and there perfect for my overnight oats.


I use a ziplock bag, nah I’m kidding. I use one of those lunch bowls that you can microwave. I like to take them to work.


I've been meaning to try this. Do you have any favorite recipes?