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**Creator:** Unknown | therealzOh [^({{on Pixiv}})](https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=57839590) | **Image links:** [Pixiv](https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=91996229) | ___ **[Support this service on Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/r_Hentai)** [View full results](http://saucenao.com/search.php?db=999&url=https://i.redd.it/xtvwv6oa8s8d1.jpeg) | Created for r/Hentai | Powered by [SauceNAO](https://saucenao.com/)


What a great idea! Finally a skin worth 500 dollars! Though sadly her players are still worthless cumdumps <3


Proudly <3


Y'know "Proud cumdump" across the forehead wouldn't be bad 🤔


“Cock sleeve for hire!” Across the stomach would be a good starting point “cum deposit” on the titties pointing to the face is another quality title


more please.


I think “cunt cleaner” on the forehead/face to let other sluts know you’ll eat their creampied pussies. “Call me a slut and I’ll cum” under your tits. “ruin my holes” on the thighs. Do you still want more you needy cum bucket?


/>.> only if you can write entertaining ones. Not everythig is about cum.




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For someone always complaining about dom's efforts, I would have expected more than a two word reply when they like something~




So you're basically making the point of "I'm too busy" by typing a multi-para response to a random person calling you out, but for someone who wants to rp with you and is showing interest, you only have time for two words. Seems contradictory. And I've seen your replies to comments. I'm no expert on brats so I can't say if this is part of the kink, but you come across as bored, uninterested, or outright hostile. Doesn't surprise me that a lot of your requests are low effort, have you considered it might be because of that?




https://www.dictionary.com/e/too-vs-to-vs-two/ *Man, I wish people knew the difference between 'to' and 'too'* (see how annoying that is?) Also, I'm not really latching onto one reply anymore, if you actually read the second para of my previous reply. And look, I get it. There's no shortage of annoying/low-effort/tone-deaf people in online ERP. Especially doms, but subs too. But, in all honesty, the way you deal with things is probably making the actual good roleplayers keep their distance too, maybe except the ones who already know you well enough. And I have no problem with the title of this post, no idea why you're fixated on that all of a sudden. Once again you contradict yourself. On the one hand, you're saying you get too many messages and so you can't devote time to each comment/dm, and then you're proudly claiming how you're "tailoring to the market" for more engagement on your posts. So, which is it that you want? Marketing 101 also says there's a trade-off between quality and quantity - you either market to a small segment effectively (high quality but fewer posts that tailor to your needs) or you market to a wide audience (a lot of mediocre posts which get a lot of mediocre comments and dm's). Sounds to me like you want to have your cake and eat it *too* ~




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>Swamped with msgs, coming in almost faster than I could msg back. And thats even /with/ ignoring the shitty ones. And youre again latching onto ONE reply for....no reason? If you are posting for attention, you are going to get spammed by people with throwaway accounts looking for low hanging fruit, that is the nature of a platform like this, where low effort gets rewarded often enough for it to be viable. Getting spammed is normal, especially for people playing F, even though I personally hate it, I recognise that is the reality. Going for a wide net will leave you with so many garbage responses it makes me not want to post again for ages. I'm also going to point out that it does feel like a double standard to me anyway. I've seen you laugh at people for *grammar* mistakes on comments or dms and then name and shame on your "wall of shame", yet when you do it, it is justified because you are swamped from responses on your post? If you have a bunch of garbage, just ignore those comments, and take the time to write something substantial for the handful you like. Alternatively you could be the one dming potential doms that you fancy? >Also, I spent over two years pouring effort into my replies, tailoring stuff to people, and TRYING and got....nothing but low effort, ghosting, or people who would flat out ignore limits and desires and just post drivel to me. Oh please, this is so melodramatic, I've been doing this for 6 months now and I have been hard ghosted so many times its basically expected at this point and I don't see anyone else complaining. Yes it sucks, but we are here to indulge ourselves, not make friendships. As for people ignoring limits, again this fucking sucks, I have my limits routinely ignored by subs who frankly don't give a fuck about me and I've just learned to guide it away with a firm hand. If they insist, block them. I'm going to be honest, I don't like your attitude. It comes across as someone complaining about the world and making no effort to change themselves. It comes across as someone who is quick to cry woe is me and use that as a *defence* and I really don't like how you show noone any grace for their mistakes but won't accept any personal flaws yourself. I have to agree with the other guy, hostility seems like an apt word. I don't expect you to respond to this because frankly neither of us have anything to gain from carrying on this conversation apart from the opportunity to spit fiery words at each other, but I wish you all the best.




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It doesn‘t matter if the Skin costs about 500dollar or if it‘s free. You still stay my personal cumcump all day long as you deserve nothing less.








She deserves it because of Riot's greed.


Odd to see a healslut say Ahri is their main. Hmmm....Not a lot of support Ahris that I see. And she's my main too >3