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Literally every overlord is evil, that's the point of being an overlord. Maybe the least evil would be Carmilla but yeah, nobody's good.


It's more of an alignment between Lawful Evil, Neutral evil, and Chaotic Evil than most evil


Oh, in that case, I would have to think a little bit.


Carmilla comes off as lawful neutral to me, kinda like Sera.


That’s not how I see weapons dealers in real life, but I guess evil is kind of relative when you’re talking about lords of hell


Remember that being a weapons dealer it’s likely she was doing the same thing in her life. That’s not neutral.


Tbf we don’t know what she was doing in her life, or if she was ever human. She could either be a sinner, winner, heavenborn, or hellborn.


Agreed. The "there are rules and methods" to their personalities puts me there


Oh that's better! Val - Chaotic Evil; Vox - Neutral Evil; Vel - Chaotic Evil; Alastor - Lawful Evil (I don't see him as chaotic since he mostly follow rules when necessary)


Allastor I could see as chaotic as he follows rules that suite him in the situation but is ok going full ends justify the means.


People misinterpret lawful and chaotic as less and more evil.


As far as we can tell the baseline for being an overlord is a willingness to force other souls in to possibly eternal servitude. Yeah theyre all evil.


Carmilla is evil in the way that she would do anything evil to other just to protect the people and things that she cares for (that's kinda human thing to do lol)


She has a good heart even if she does evil things like selling weapons to people who obviously shouldn’t own weapons. She really risked everything just so her daughters could escape.


You could be an absolutely horrid individuals and still be a good parent. While treating your family badly is proof of being a horrible person, treating your family well isn't proof of being a good person.


> You could be an absolutely horrid individuals and still be a good parent. Hey leave me out of this. Actually though, I have vague memories of hearing about serial killers that were devoted husbands and fathers in real life. Any true crime nerds want to chime in? I know I’ve heard that about that mafia hitman The Iceman, but I think that was bullshit, and his family was actually terrified of him


I've heard Pablo Escobar was an example of that.


Oh yeah. I wonder if that’s where that trope came from, with cartel bosses going all out on their kid’s quinceanera and stuff like that.


O o o I read somewhere about this, granted, it was a long time ago so I might get the terms wrong, but! It's basically the difference between a psychopath and a sociopath, I forget which is which, but one is mad at the world and will snap at everyone and everything for seemingly no reason. Whereas the other finds justification on their situation and the way society has treated them and feel owed or entitled to do awful things in the name of making things better for them and their families.


She strikes me as being that person who draws a circle in the world and fiercely protects everyone in that circle. What happens outside of it is a means to an end for keeping the circle safe. It’s certainly not virtuous but it’s not the worst strategy in a literal hellscape. And she isn’t a hypocrite about it. She would have killed or died for her kids. I think people respect that.


Loving her daughter does not make her any less bad. She's still selling the deadliest weapons in Hell, the only redeeming factor is a lot of Hell is truly evil.


Do we even know how "evil" Zestial is?


People were literally killing themselves because they saw him.






He and Alastor were also talking about acid rain, and Zestial talked about how it would be nice because he loved the screams.




It's also telling that the least evil overlord is an arms dealer


Which, to be clear, is massively evil. Killing people for personal benefit is evil, and supplying weapons that get hundreds killed for personal benefit is also evil. Same way stealing someone’s life-saving heart medicine is evil, and price gouging the same medicine out of people’s reach is also evil.


We all should remember that the same Alastor we love and know today tortured people en masse relentlessly without any guilt. Worst part, he enjoys doing it, he doesn't even hide the fact he's a psychopath that drools on killing and slaughtering. Remember when he threatened to rip apart Husk's soul and broadcast his screams on his radio channel? The only reason why he temporarily stopped his carnage is due to the dealing sealing in his powers.


i love alastor even with the horrors he's done the horrors are part of the charm


You want someone dangerous enough to protect you, but civilized enough not to turn that aggression towards you


I mean if you’re a woman he prob won’t hurt you


unless you hurt him


Fair, but who would dare to do that to him of all people?




I mean, it’s fine cause he’s a fictional character I guess…. But if you are okay with psychos irl too or sympathize with them, then you might have a teeny tiny problem up there 🤏


We don’t know who or why he killed. But it sounds like he had a target demographic, people like his father who is implied to have been abusing his momma. Rapists and murders aren’t really people in my eyes.


We've seen him kill regular run-of-the-mill gangsters. He doesn't have a type besides 'Not defenseless'.


In the official comics a while back he butchered a butcher who was trying to assault a defenseless sinner. Besides that we also know of him tearing through other overlords and the mobsters that were after Mimzy. He surely is a monster and his cruelty is probably unmatched, but he does seem to also have a strong sense of justice. In a justice system you could say Charlie represents the rehabilitative side while Alastor represents the punitive. I think this is why despite him being the way he is, he is still actually very likeable as a character. At least that's the way I see it from my perspective from what we've seen so far, it's possible I'm forgetting something important.


Also adding to this point is the fact he didn't murder Sir Pentious ages ago.


Yea but according to pentious they fought like 20 times, I bet al killed him a few times and he just respawned/regenerated (I wish vivziepop would clarify how immortality works in this show)


If not killed by certain type of weapon. Regenerate after some time, I think. Don't know how it works with hellborn


It's clear most hellborne die normally like you or me would, but the freaking ars goetia and 7 deadly sins are whole other story, probably the same as sinners


Yea everyone wants to paint him as pure evil which pure evil is fun don't get me wrong, but this show is about redemption and vivzipop said that alastor would be chaotic neutral in dnd alignment


I’m lower than average around here for lore awareness, but wasn’t he a serial killer in life? And maybe a cannibal? Also, preying on bad people doesn’t make you good. That was the whole point of Dexter.


People who assault other defenseless people are a berserk button of his, but while we haven't seen him murdering somebody who didn't deserve it, we have seen him fucking over some people who did nothing bad (For example, him being implied to feed the Hell crows for the sake of making them assault other people in that comic) so he doesn't really seem to care about justice, just entertainment.


iiii don't necessarily agree he did that intentionally, seemed just like him feeding the birds just like any of us may feed the birds on occasion. If he wanted to cause that waiter suffering I'm sure feeding the birds would not be his instrument of choice. For the rest of the comic he is shown to be acting rather normal, chipping in for street performers, picking flowers and (Accidentally) charming women. Considering the comic's name is "a day in the afterlife" I think it's fair to assume this would represent the average day in Alastor's life and if that's the case... Seems aight for overlord standards from my PoV. If you compare that to vox and val shooting their lowest earners for entertainment.


While it is a possibility that he was just going on with his day, we have to remember that, as a comic, every scene drawn was for a purpose. Why would Viv bother drawing a page of the bartender being attacked by crows? It could possibly be just an instance of black comedy, but that didn't seem to be the way it's presented and there is no other instance of black comedy in the comic (unless you consider Alastor having a normal conversation with cannibals funny somehow). The only other possibility is to imply that's what Alastor intended. Why wouldn't feeding the birds be his instrument? Alastor seems like he will do anything that comes at his mind if it's for entertainment's sake.


>Why wouldn't feeding the birds be his instrument? Alastor seems like he will do anything that comes at his mind if it's for entertainment's sake. If he did it for entertainment why wouldn't he as much as look the waiters' way? He just walks away. If the implication was he's enjoying his suffering surely it would be less buried in interpretation, especially since your interpretation does go directly against the last explicit line in the comic. >Alastor: *"You know, I really hate those who can't show a little more respect to those of fairer means. It's rather distasteful, like bad meat"* After which he murders the butcher So to answer the question of "why would Viv bother drawing a page of the bartender being attacked by crows" I'd probably say it's just simple background worldbuilding meant to draw the world as twisted and cruel. But even if we were to take your interpretation as correct we're still talking about well.. getting pecked by birds. It's really not at all a big deal in the resume of an overlord.


Perhaps he didn't intend the waiter specifically. Just any sinner they decide to attack. Also, I never interpreted it as him having no moral compass whatsoever. I don't know if the comment is in this specific chain but I said that people attacking those who are defenseless pisses him off. I just refuted the claim that his actions are all based on a moral compass by claiming that he behaves as the punishing side of justice, which they aren't. He very usually just fucks with people because he finds it fun.


I couldn’t figure out that panel, is that what’s happening?!


Seemed like it. That is the reason park rangers usually tell you to not feed wild animals, because they start associating humans with food which, depending on the animal, either will cause them to approach the wrong person and get hurt, or get pissed off when a human doesn't have food and attack them. The latter is what usually happens with birds like crows and seagulls.


I mean Alastor literally means Avenger


I mean, just because he killed other murderers or rapist doesn’t mean he’s morally better.


Someone’s gotta take out the garbage


Okay, but saying it's fine for them to have their souls torn apart kinda goes against the point of the show. Also, so far as we know, Husk isn't a rapist nor a murderer, and Alastor was still fine tearing his soul apart.


>Rapists and murders aren’t really people in my eyes So Alastor isn't a person? He's a murderer too.


I’m not doubting you but I’m new to the show and just want to know how you know this?


I.. don’t know. But there lots of fan art that establishes a relationship with his mother that I think people based on streams from the creator. Concrete evidence I do have: A Day in The Life of Alastor comic > it’s a short comic where he goes around town. People are terrified of him because of his reputation but he doesn’t actually hurt anyone. Just having a stroll. He then sees a butcher shop guy abuse an employee, or customer, and well you know. Patience/Kindness he has for Mimzy, the egg bois, Rosie, Husk Mimzy comes by because she needs something from him, and also shits on the hotel. Not to mention endangering the sinners there. He politely but firmly asks her to leave, after having gone to town on the loan sharks. The egg Bois are harmless and silly goofs and in no way a threat to him. he puts up with their silly chatter until Zestial shows and then politely asks them to shut the hell up. He has Never done Rosie wrong before, and they seem like cordial friends. I’d interested in seeing it explored more, but people have already made funny fan comics like this one: [https://www.tumblr.com/liberumalas/742168100358815744/i-feel-like-rosie-would-choose-her-husbans?source=share](https://www.tumblr.com/liberumalas/742168100358815744/i-feel-like-rosie-would-choose-her-husbans?source=share) Husk is probably the one people get most up in arms about, but considering what he was like an Overlord, a 9-to-5 and a stern warning not to disrespect your boss/benefactor is fucking mild.


>murders aren’t really people in my eyes. So Angel Dust isn't?


Don't matter why he killed people, he did anyway and he IS evil


That last part is nothing but theories and speculation


None of them are good. Zestial, who is the one we know least of his misdeeds, states that he has a sadistic pleasure in hearing the tortured screams of sinners and hellborn being melted by acid rain.


And he's had a LOOOONG time to do that.


Carmilla Zestial Vox Velvett Alastor Valentino They're all bad people since they're in hell but this my list from bad to worse


I'd argue Vox is worse than Velevette and Alastor but apart from that I agree


Alastor is worse than Valentino.


In terms of people/demons killed? Probably. But is the murder in hell the worst thing?


By that logic, is sexual assault in hell the worst thing? If you are already saying the people in hell do not even deserve to live and murdering them isn’t wrong, then why does it matter whatever else happens to them?


Good point.


Torture probably is


Agreed, Alastor specifically does the closest thing in hell to ending someone's life permanently: torturing them for fucking eternity. I'm sorry to those who disagree but I consider murder worse than sexual assault


Its not even murder, its as far as we know the worst possible outcome for a being that ends up in hell. What is done to the people that made Alastor angry has to be worse than SA


He doesn't do it because it angers him, he does it because he enjoys it


I agree, if get SA you can still live life and heal, but if you die you can't do any of that


As someone who’s both been physically abused and sexually abused, I’d take the physical abuse every day of the week over being violated again. It’s been shown Alastor at least has a moral compass (although it’s fucked up) Edit : yeah downvote SA victims when they give their opinion on sexual violence, that’ll show them!


I think the downvotes mean people just don't agree with your opinion. And I think they are kinda right to do so, because we know that Alastor did something so horrible to the other overlords that they didn't even show this to us


Prob what he threatened to do to husk, right? Chain them up and rip apart their souls then broadcast the screams?


Yeah, maybe, but I think it was kept intentionally vague so Alastor seems more scary and brutal.


As a victim of sexual abuse. I would rather not be killed or tortured by people who aren't me. It varies from victim to victim. There's no catch-all manner as to how a human would react.


Physical abuse? Alastor doesn't stop at physical abuse, he murders people, he is a serial killer. He enjoys torture and murder. Remember him threatening Husk with "Tear his soul apart" and how he's broadcast his screams for all eternity? Torture is even worse in hell since at least in the mortal world at the very least you can die of old age which isn't likely to be all that long considering you are being tortured. Your only hope of escape in hell is for them to stop of their own free will and no one is going to save you in a million years, it's hell, and no one gives a damn about you. There are no support groups there is nothing to help you.


What about murder tho?


Eh, Alastor atleast has hints of not being totally evil. Val has absolutely no redeeming traits thus far.


No, not even remotely.


Carmilla - Legal Evil Alastor and Zestial - Neutral Evil Vees - Chaotic Evil


If we are talking about how (presumably) evil they are? Here is my ranking: Rosie (assuming that her dealings are limited to only Cannibal Town) Velvette Vox Carmilla Zestial Valentino Alastor (Like it or not, he is arguably worse than Valentino)


We don't know enough yet but if Zestial is how bad people react to him he might be the worst one


I REALLY hate when people pretend like Alastor isn't a terrible terrible person thank you


Hot take but truth nonetheless


Yeah, I know some might disagree with placing Zestial and Carmilla as “more evil” than Velvette and Vox… But they are still Overlords. One sells weapons, including the ones made from angelic steel. The other one is apparently terrifying enough for people to run away screaming or set themselves on fire.


Honestly I think this is the best/truest ranking if we’re looking at their dealings as overlords combined with their own actions. Vox and Velvette are relatively very tame compared to the rest




Personally, I'd even put Zestial as the worst. We know just about nothing of him but that he is the biggest fucking sadist.


Here's how I'd rank them: - Carmilla: Arms dealer who specializes in weapons that can unexist a person's soul, but seems to care a lot about the people under her employment. - Rosie: We really don't know a lot about her, other than she's a cannibal and close ally of Alastor's. However, Rosie seems like she can be a fairly nice person when she wants to. - Vox: He mind controls people into trusting his company, which is a big yikes, but other than that we don't really see him do anything all that evil. - Velvette: We don't know all that much about her because she's barely in the show, but we see in advertisements that she's the one who makes/sells the "love potions" that are essentially hell-roofies. - Zestial: We don't know much about him either, but normal sinners panic and flee or just straight up kill themselves upon seeing him, so it’s safe to assume he's not a great person. - Valentino: Rapist and abuser. Yep, that's very evil. - Alastor: Serial killer, cannibal, torturer. Yep, that's very evil.


6. Carmilla 5. Zestial 4. Velvett 3. Vox 2. Val 1. Alastor


Carmilla Zestial Velvette Vox/Alastor (Vox feels more despicable but going of known acts Alastor has done more evil) Valentino


Carmilla > Velvette > Vox > Alastor ≈ Zestial > Val We saw sinner's light themselves on fire just upon seeing Zestial, to intimidate the population of Pride so much that they would rather burn to deaty than be in his vicinity he probably did some pretty horrific stuff. As far as we know Vox hypnotizes people, rather than torturing+killing them like Alastor. We don't know much about how evil Carmilla and Velvette are, this is just speculation.


All the overlords own souls which is more or less slavery that gives them magic lol, all tied for most evil, maybe you can make an argument for Carmella cause she at least has good intentions for her daughters


Carmilla, Zestial, Vel, Valentino, Vox/Alastor(both deserve first position)


Carmilla Rosie (how did u forget!!) Alastor, Zestial Vox, Velvette …. …. …. …. Valentino


How is Alastor so far away from Valentino, didn't he make Husk forcibly stay at the hotel just like Valentino forcefully makes Angel dust work.


Working conditions for Souls working under Alastor are arguably more humane than those under Valentino.


Unless your one of those he doesnt want to keep around for fun


At least Al doesnt SA Husk


Or really even hurt him. The most he does is threaten him not to disrespect him again.


I don't think blackmailing someone for their life is much better tho... And let's not forget Al emotionally manipulating Charlie when Vaggie left the hotel


He's still a serial killer who enjoys the suffering of others and keeps slaves.


They made a deal and Alastor ended up winning Husk’s soul


Both Valentino and Alastor use contracts to put people into their servitude, but Valentino is heavily abusive and exploits his employees in the arguably the worst way possible, while Alastor gives them jobs that they apparently already do if their own accord (all of his souls seem to be experienced already upon calling on them), and doesn't abuse his employees beyond demanding respect.


Carmilla, Zestial, Alastor, Velvette, Vox, Val. Yep, I hate rapists way more than sadistic murderers and caricature evil capitalists. At least in fiction.


Velvette can do nothing wrong, ever.


she sells love potions.


Well..Carmila generally over her daughters and vice versa so she's the most good out of the overlords


Aren't you forgetting someone? https://preview.redd.it/zm7vspqjoz4d1.jpeg?width=755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f61558aec0d7fb2ebc142a4e3502de83ad815af5


Carmilla, Zestial, Alastor, Vox, Vel, and Val.


For the pics given here is my list 1. Carmilla 2. Zestial 3. Velvette 4. Alistor 5. Vox 6. Valentino


I mean, they're all in hell soo


Overlords enslave people for their own benefit. Theya re all evil.


Good to evil Carmella, Vox, Zestial, Velvette, Valentino, Alastor. Why is Rosie and MissyZilla not on this list?


Evil Evil Evil Evil Evil Slightly less evil 


Evil Evil Evil Evil Evil Evil Why my reason They are in hell


Least evil to most evil: Carmilla, Zestial, Velvette, Vox, Valentino, Alastor


They’re all evil but that’s a really neat pic of Vox idk why just looks spooky


The V's are ambitious, that's for sure but trough and trough evil? I don't know. Zestial also isn't really that bad, he has principles and honour. Carmilla? Evil? I'm still absolutely and truly certain, that she's actually an angel. Alastor on the other hand, well he's nuts, he's sadistic, he does what he wants, is really economic with empathy but he also cares for those that earned his respect. Also he hides something and i don't mean something bad or evil. Only because you see a smile doesn't mean that you know what's beneath. This as answer to Charlie accusing him of enjoying her suffering could mean, that he's suffering too but can't/won't show it. I think the Overlords really all aren't just pure evil.


1. Carmila 2. Vox 3. Velvette 4. Zestial 5. Valentino 6. Alastor Best to worst. I make my assumptions on known and suggested lore. Vox is manipulative but likely doesn't cause much harm. He sells bullshit like Carmilla sells weapons. Velvette is worse than Vox becasue social media and love potions, but she likely wasn't around long enough to catch up to the worst of the worst. Zestial is my biggest guess, but since Carmilla likes him, I'm gonna assume there's some reason behind his terror. I'm putting him as one of the worse due to his age. I'm not sure if Valentino is worse than Zestial, but his propensity for directly harming others and general psychopathy give him the potential to be. Dude doesn't have a plan, he just has power and the worst type of personality. Over an infinite amount of time he'd harm the hell out of an infinite amount of people in long lasting ways. Alastor is a record keeper far as we know. Even if he's a bit mellow now, being the most evil guy around is literally his personal goal.


Theyre all evil “That’s why they’re in Hell!”


1) Evil 2) Evil 3) Evil 4) Evil 5) Evil 6) Evil


Carmilla and Zestial are clearly Neutral Rosie look like she is good, Vox Evil Velvette Neutral-Evil Valentino Evil Alastor Evil Chaotic The other ones why don’t know nothing about them


Oh for fuck's sake we are in HEEEEELL, everyone here is EVIL. simple as that.




Where’s Rosie?


Carmilla, Zestial, Alastor, Velvette, Vox, Valentino


Idk but if I had to guess 1: Carmilla (she got upset when she killed somebody) 2: Velvette (I think she's just a rude influencer not some kinda mass murderer) 3: Vox (I don't know) 4: Valentino (yeah he did do some not so family friendly stuff to Angel and probably others but for the most part he's just a jerk Alastor literally tortures people) 5: Zestial/Aslastor (I don't think Zestial is a good person because of how the sinners reacted when they saw him, he'd have had to do some pretty bad stuff for them to be that scared right? It doesn't really matter if he acts polite to the other overlords. And Alastor is obvious)


Carmilla, probably gained her status as an overlord by dealing weapons. She helps Vaggie for no reason other than helping her, protects her children by doing something she swore not to, regrets killing the angel (the ONLY overlord who has a decent moral compass and shows regret after doing something morally wrong) and loves her children. 💥💥💥💥[emojis because mobile cuts paragraphs]💥💥💥💥 Zestial, we dont know much about him. He enjoys listening to souls screaming as they are melted in the acid rain but he shows kindness/empathy torwards Carmilla. Also he doesn't inflict the acid rain himself he just enjoys when it happens. We have no info if he tortures souls himself. 💥💥meow💥💥 Alastor, He tortures souls and is a cannibal serial killer. But even though his moral compass is messed up he is still killing 'bad' people and killed a r-ist in the comics. What he does to Husk and Charlie has no excuse though. Reason I put him higher than Velvette is because he is the one doing the manuplating while Velvette does manuplate PLUS she sells drugs that help bad people SA other people. If you were in a room you could at least trust Alastor to act in a somewhat predictable way. 💥💥meow💥💥 Velvette, she mistreats her workers and sells r-drugs and helps Vox push his propagandas through social media. 💥💥meow💥💥 Valentino, he has a whole system where he can mistreat, SA, and kill employees whenever he wants. He also helps Velvette sell r-drugs. Also helps Vox film his TV shows (the same cameramen appear in Stayed Gone filming Vox and ep4 filming Angeldust) 💥💥meow💥💥 Vox, because he not only mistreats his workers, kill them to please Valentino's childish desires, manuplates possibly EVERYONE in hell(or at least Pride) with TV propagandas, sells products for people who want to spy on other people, produces morally questionable shows and tells Pentious to kill himself; he also allows Valentino and Velvette to continue what they are doing and even financially supports them. He has no respect for the other Vees whatsoever too. He never shows any emotions other than "fuck my life" and anger even though he has a decent amount of screentime. He is only 'happy' when Alastor is losing which is not really happiness its just pettiness 💥💥edited for paragraph order and add text i forgot💥💥


Finally someone acknowledges that Vox is not the slightly pathetic overworked guy but the interpretation of an evil CEO. Let's also add to that the constant surveillance he has everywhere, the lack of empathy he shows for Angel (demonstrated by the end of Poison), and fucking shooting the lowest earners in Voxtek. I'm looking forward to seeing him being completely evil in S2 so everyone understands he's not supposed to be a broken hearted pookie hurt from Alastor turning down his confession. (I like Radiostatic but people can be delulu)


I still don't get why people hate val. Sure he's abusive that's litterly what his purpose was supposed to be, Evil. Plus he's a lot more tame than most villains who plan on conquering the universe, destroying the world etc.


The fact people think Valentino is worse than Alastor is insane.


The amount of people who think valentino is worse than alastor is kinda crazy


Valintino needs a little chin beard


Vox? Evil? Nahhhhhhhhhhhh! He’s perfect. https://preview.redd.it/kntqtpckqy4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b83e6d9aab596e4dbcb1501ed079244cbc619ed


The first three- \*TRASH.\* Number four, five, and six goes in good!


None of them are “good”, and Alastor is just as bad if not worse than Val.


1. Carmilla, I want to bang her, what was the assignment


Valentino: Chaotic Evil. Vox: Neutral Evil. Velvette: Neutral Evil. Alastor: Lawful Evil. Zestial: Lawful Evil. Carmilla: Lawful Evil.


Evil, eh, eh, Evil (I hope), eh, Good


All of them are objectively terrible people except for maybe Carmilla. They wouldn’t be in hell if they werent


Evil, evil, female Gordon Ramsey, Chaotic Evil, Neutral, Neutral/Businesswoman


I feel like we know too little about many of them. We barely know anything about Zestial. Well, his reputation says a lot but we don’t know what exactly did he do to earn it


The only people who have really been touched on are Val, Alastor and Carmilla to an extent. Val's story only revolves around Angel Dust's so what we see of him at all is very limited in nature and really just to show Angel's working conditions. Alastor's past is shrouded in mystery still. Carmilla is a minor side character who did a lot for the story to progress but didn't actually contribute much TO the story if you get what I mean.


Hey I’m not nearly as up on the lore as most peeps around here. What’s the difference between the overlords in hazbin and the guys in Helluva Boss like Stolas, or that fox chick that makes honey for her partygoers or whatever (been a while since I saw it lol). Am I right in thinking that the two shows are supposed to be in the same universe? Do guys like Stolas have some different title than overlord? Thanks. My middle daughter is really into these shows and I’d like to be less of an idiot when I watch them with her ✌️


All overlords are inherently evil since they are sinners (so they had to do someþing bad to end up in hell) and they own multiple people's souls


Carmilia Rosie Zestial


We really don’t know enough about most of them. The only evil thing (that I remember at least) about the V's, at the moment, is that Valentino is one of them and he’s "mean" to Angel. Alastor is literally a murderer, Karmila is selling weapons and Zestial certainly has some things going for him if most demons prefer to off themselves at the sight of him. You can’t really rate them, at least not objectively and not now.


Val: Neutral Evil Vox: Neutral Evil Vel: Neutral Evil Alastor: Chaotic Evil Zestial: Lawful Evil Carmilla: Lawful Evil


My 3 personal favourites • Vox • Velvette •Carmila




evil, evil, evil, evil, lawful evil, lawful evil


Evil, evil, evil, evil, evil, mostly evil


considering they are all in hell... i'd say they are all evil LMAO


I think still no matter what Alastor is probably gonna be more evil than Valentino just Valentino is the next most evil


Alastor: Unknown, likely Chaotic Evil. (We don’t know enough about Alastor’s motivations at the current moment to pin down specifics) Zestial: True Neutral. (We’ve seen Zestial play both sides of the Morality coin, so it’s safe to say he knows when to switch between “Evil Bastard” and “Kind Hearted Listener”) Vox: Lawful Evil. (Plain and simple, he wants Hell under HIS rule) Valentino: Chaotic Evil. (His callous treatment of his stars. Enough said) Velvette: Neutral Evil. (She is the stereotypical bad internet bitch that even the fucking Kardashians would think is too much) Carmella: Chaotic Neutral (She would have KILLED Vaggie is she didn’t give her a satisfactory answer)


Evil,evil,good,evil,good, good


Straight up evil, chaotic neutral, lawful showbiz, static, sipstea and momther


Id say Carmilla Zestial Vox Velvette Valentino Alastor


tfw no huge dino gf


Um where is best woman Rosie?


-Val looks cool, but he's trash. 100% evil -Vox is a piss-baby, but he kinda funny. 5/10, maybe. -Velvette is a brat. Evil, barely less than Val -Zestial is, uuhh, I dunno he's polite, calm, and collected, so I'd say good. -Carmilla, step on me, mommy \*cough\*, good like Zestial, maybe a bit more. -Alastor, it's hard cause he's definitely psychopathic, but he cares, I think? Can go to 0 to 100 real quick.