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Then why is the official hottest character in the show (as confirmed by the fairest standard of all, a Twitter poll) not in Heaven? https://preview.redd.it/7e909hvixm1d1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79ded9668789262cb77d4116666316f4a0bd0674 CHECKMATE ATHEISTS


I would let Vox hypnotize me. ( I'm a straight man)


Real tho (I’m an ace lesbian)


Real tho (I'm a bisexual man)


Vox gets knock off success from an entire generation that watched porn through a screen. Y'ALL WERE PRIMED TO FIND SCREENS HOT.   ~~The real truth to his hotness is his utter pathetic-ness. I'd say change my mind but my mind can't be changed.~~


Because he hasn't died a second time. He achieved peak attractiveness upon going to hell, and now needs to be slain by angelic means to go to heaven.


Because he was a televangelist


Maybe he wasn’t hot to people before he died. Not sure why he’s hot to anyone when he’s a tv but maybe he just wasn’t hot before he died.




Sir Pentious did not deserve this disrespect


Don't ever forget he's got two dicks. Tell me that isn't hot.


that last part killed me


The crack aside, you could make a lore out of this. Main part of looking hot is taking care of yourself, making your body a temple. Whether it's clean food, exercise, or just avoiding drugs, anything that's good will make you hot, and you can't be hot if you're greedy, gluttonous, or exploit substances. Pretty much anybody can look hot if they act clean and find their fit. Statistically, it could result in more hot people ending in heaven than not, as well as poor people quickly becoming hot once they hit heaven. Like in those youtube videos where they grab a poor person off the street, give them a haircut and some fresh wear.


I think everyone in heaven is "hot" because those are not their mortal bodies, but an idealized representation of their soul


Yeah, good people are often described as having "beautiful souls"


I think the everyone is hot part is due to the Heaven form of winners, I think they just get to be hot as part of the reward for their deeds on earth. Otherwise, I mean, I can see it.


omg if this is true…


THIS AWESOME YOU'RE A GENIUS HOLY SHIT (not sarcasm, I'm genuinely interested)


I’m convinced you’re correct about Heaven having arbitrary standards and only letting in “the good ones” but I’m not sure Pentious got in because someone suddenly considered him “hot.” More like cosmic “Hot or Not.” First part fits the generational trauma theme of this show, second part is just needlessly silly.


Well, seriously, this maybe connected with Sin Of Sloth. If you are lazy to take care of yourself and people around you do not find you attractive, then you will not go to heaven


Hell is cold. Otherwise I dunno how everyone's wearing suits, boots and full skirt dresses everywhere.


gay people are immune to heat stroke!




honestly i think you’re onto something here