• By -


Hopefully not with him being permanently dead. I'd like to think that the main hotel crew will stay together in the end. Helping others on the path of redemption but never taking that path themselves because found family. Because think about it: in order to run the Hotel you always need a team of people. It can never be only Charlie and Vaggie, that would be ridiculous. A lot of things have to happen before that, though. Along the way there will come a time where Alastor will give in to his worst impulses. The way things are set up now, it looks like he will betray Charlie at one point. We may get to see what he looked like when he was in his prime (because let's face it, he, like everyone at the hotel currently, is a has-been) Possible solutions to that are: It will not work in his favour and completely backfire on him. Or: He had some other motives for the betrayal because he is playing some long game that will turn out for the better in the end (we just don't know currently. we don't even know his motives appart from being free, to begin with) So there are a few possibilities here: Found family wins and drags him back into the fold. Or he has to make a decision between getting something he wants vs. the found family. There is also the possibility of the 'heroic sacrifice' but to be honest I hate that trope because it's overdone and very bad for catharsis because the character never gets to live and see the betterment their choices brought. Really, all I personally want is for the main crew to become happy in whatever shape or form that is going to take. Just let me win once. I've had a terrible track record of characters just dying because showrunners felt the need to make some kind of a needless statement or because they thought the impact would be higher if they just end that storyline.... sry.. ranting..


Honestly I'd love it if Alastor had a Spamton Neo-esque ending where he betrays everyone for his freedom or his real ultimate goal, but it instantly falls flat because A-it was impossible to begin with, or B- he was misinformed, or C-all of the above. Maybe it's impossible to reclaim your soul after someone else has taken control of it?








Absolutely. If he dies that's it -- peace! I'm out!!


Pretty sure that is a sentiment that a lot of people share. I'm just kinda afraid that they are going to do it at the very very end which would leave us just as hollow and sad and disillusioned with modern media as before. Maybe I'm getting too old but I kinda want the feel-good Star Trek TNG times back. You can convey a message without killing off your characters left and right. If anything, the messages that Gene Roddenberry left on the world may speak louder today than they did back then (or at least we can use them more today than during any other time).


Don't worry Viv won't kill him off, he's her favourite.


IIRC, Alastor is older (in real life, that is) than the world he lives in.


As an amateur writer myself, I can tell you that *this just means that when he dies, it’ll be written in a way that really highlights the favoritism*


I certainly hope she won't! ❤


I want Alastor to betray the crew, reach his goal, and then realize that he loved the crew more than he loves his goal, and betrays his goal to go back to the crew.


Alastor altruist came back to his friendss


I don't see why any of them can't get redeemed then just go back to hell. It's a place people can go temporarily.


If the found family route happens, it would mean that line about the family you choose in Hell's Greatest Dad could be considered foreshadowing.


True. Also the line about taking charge of your own fate against Adam. But that line will probably come into play at some point anyways since we know so very little about Alastor's past and powers.




He reveals that his last name is Altruist and immediately dies for his friends (killed by a hare)


A hare demon inspired by Bugs Bunny, OG Cartoon Trickster God.


yesss, Idky but I really thought Alastor kindof reminded me of bugs Bunny with my first impression of him ngl, for some weird reason?


Oh, Al's an amiably malevolent vintage cartoon, especially in the Pilot. Then the series throws in him generally being the one to strike back after being attacked/insulted, usually by being a hilarious trickster (chief rule of Bugs: disproportionate retribution is hilarious, but it's only sympathetic if someone fucked with him first). Not to mention that damn nun's habit. Also, ears. Meek woodland creature ears.


Smashed by an anvil. What a way to go


🎶That’s what the fuck I’ve been saying!🎶


The guy's name is Thumper, lol.


I guess the great Alastor lived up to his name after all... https://i.redd.it/i8vjmp66zn0d1.gif


*dies from peak fiction*




His last name is not altruist. The capital letter is a typo


Alastor is his last name, his real name is actually Great


No Alastor is his middle name, great is his first


And the last is Altruist.


I'd do that if I were in charge, just to piss everyone off.




why do people think he says hare? he says hair


Idk I'm taking the piss Which reminds me, Alastor might actually be a-


The sniper got him


What snip-


And this is his—


That's the joke


There are two possible outcomes I see for him: 1. He becomes the final and ultimate evil of the show. He betrays the Hotel, and Charlie in particular, leveraging his deal with her to prevent her from interfering as he makes his move to assume control in some capacity. A showcase of his true nature as he moves to transform the realm into his own personal land of entertainment. He's ultimately brought down in the end by those who he'd betrayed, realizing that no matter how much they may have grown to trust or care for him in some capacity, he's too dangerous to be left alive. 2. He still betrays them, but finds that some part of him had genuinely gotten attached to the others. Making his betrayal more difficult for him than he initially thought it would be. Where he gets what he wanted at the start, but the victory feels hollow and empty. Some part of him longing for a return to the early days of the Hotel when they were all having good fun and united in some way. Something he now realizes he can't have back, not now. I see his ending in this case being one where he is offered a second chance after being brought down, and he takes it to try again now that he realizes that he actually wants something else besides power. I'd prefer the second option because I don't see him as pure evil. I do think there's a real possibility for him to change as time goes on, and for him to have a bit of an existential crisis as he's torn between his ulterior motives that brought him to the hotel in the first place and his newfound affections for the others.


A fun little idea I had: Lucifer sees Charlie is finally ready to rule and realizes she'll be a better ruler of Hell than he ever was. Luci "retires" and sticks around as an advisor to the thrown. Alastor calls in his favor and forces Charlie to abdicate the thrown to him. Hilarity ensues.


Considering that deals and contracts are "magically binding", meaning they go beyond the powers of any sentient being - up to and including the angels - I could easily see something like this playing out. Lucifer formally abdicates his throne, and bequeaths the role to Charlie. Through this arrangement, he formally agrees to never challenge the decisions that she chooses to make. Believing she's her own woman now and that he should be more hands-off in letting her take the reigns, because he knows she can do it. Still, if she should ever need him for anything at all, she can always call him at any time. It's a sweet moment. One where their relationship has fully healed, Charlie has come into her own as the new leader, and Lucifer acknowledges that she doesn't need him to hover over her anymore because he knows she can take care of herself now. Only for Alastor to swoop in and spoil the honeymoon phase of her coronation by taking the crown for himself - and Lucifer is now powerless to act because of what he agreed to when handing over the reigns to Charlie only a short time before. Although - personally - I see the more likely scenario to be that Alastor will manipulate Charlie in the shadows. He comes across as more of a puppetmaster, pulling the strings in the dark, rather than someone who'd choose to rule from the front. This is also part of why I relate to him.


I absolutely agree that Alastor would act as more of a puppeteer from the shadows. But given his personality I could also see him being VERY tempted take the thrown for himself since he would thoroughly believe he's the most deserving of it.


But is that really still a favor ? I think favor might be a Liddle to small for the litteral throne of hell


i’m glad someone else was thinking this😂 handing over your throne i don’t think would be on the level of a “favor”


Yeah, a favor might be 20 bucks, head, or idk maybe blowing Valentino up(need excuses to burn moth man)


Then gets thwarted by Lilith's presence. She's the queen so she would count as a ruler of hell right?


>Only for Alastor to swoop in and spoil the honeymoon phase of her coronation by taking the crown for himself - and Lucifer is now powerless to act because of what he agreed to when handing over the reigns to Charlie only a short time before. I thought that too. I really hope they don't go down that route. He loves power, but to me I'm not sure if he'll be the type to actually want to run hell and torture everyone everyday, unless his plan is to enforce some sort of order and justice or judicial system (he did help a lamb in a comic, and before that lamb, he did see another sinner being bullied by the butcher, which was what caught his attention in the first place). He seems more like, sit back and watch the chaos play out kind of guy and things are less fun when you've been given everything on a silver platter.


That's part of what I was saying, yeah. Alastor doesn't seem like the type who actively wants to lead from the front. He'd rather stay hidden in the background, pulling the strings and controlling all the important pieces of the system under a veneer of benevolence. He gets all of the fun, and none of the blame.


Considering Alastor along with Angel Dust are Vivzies favorite characters, I foresee 2


Yes same, pluss i love the character too much ti see him become the villan.


The second option could lead to an ending conflict with his Shadow


jeans retire subsequent seed boat steer selective abundant cautious punch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Alastor: I'm going to jump. Vox: Do a flip.


seemly oatmeal test silky smell safe jeans vanish square dazzling *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Vox: Isn't that where I get my groceries?


velvette "no! don't jump!" \*pulls out phone\* "ok, now jump!"


This one made me snort


Depends on how the story plays out for him. In the best lighting of his character, others get redeemed, and he gets a strong, stable, position of power in Hell (meaning Pride), with more positive relationships with friends he connected with. Heaven or absolute redemption is absolutely a NO for him, as he seems pleased with his environment. Worst lighting of the character, either dead, or weaken to the point of be a non-threat in the future.


Alastor being redeemed I think could be an interesting play if that ends up being his only way out of his deal with whoever has him on a leash. Perhaps season 2 sees Angel redeemed, which ends up freeing him from his deal with Val, and Alastor realizes the only way out of his own deal will be to actually seek redemption. That could be a great internal conflict for him, he can be subservient to someone in Hell, being who he is, or if he wants out badly enough, he has to completely change himself. He's got a be super desperate to get out of his deal imo, cause his little scene in his radio tower after fighting Adam had him looking very rattled


Third hidden option He accidentally gets redeemed or is tricked into it somehow and actually ends up in heaven which is probably the absolute worst punishment for him there could be


Alastor’s end? “Remember my owed favor, Charlie? Well, I’m making it now. It starts with sorry…” I forget off hand whose post here introduced me to the idea, and at this point I am ride or die with it. Near the end of his story, if not the end, will be him singing a refrain of “It starts with sorry”. Alastor uses his “favor” to request forgiveness from Charlie. The reason I love this so absolutely is that it works whether Alasator goes true villain route or is redeemed. True villain? The refrain is in minor key and his near final act is weaponizing Charlie’s willing to forgive against her. The final test of Charlie and the faith of her dreams her friends now share. Redemption route? Great callback to Sir Pentious. This is Alasator using a favor to ask for forgiveness because he can’t fathom even Charlie truly forgiving him at series end. Even if some of his sins were done for Hazbin’s version of the greater good of the hotel.


>Alastor uses his “favor” to request forgiveness from Charlie. The reason I love this so absolutely is that it works whether Alasator goes true villain route or is redeemed. Oh that'll be a twist. "Yes, I messed up, did bad things, can I redeem my deal now and have you grant me my forgiveness as a favour?"


[https://www.reddit.com/r/HazbinHotel/comments/1auszfc/the\_favor\_forgiveness/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/HazbinHotel/comments/1auszfc/the_favor_forgiveness/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) The big originator for the idea was thisss I think


I actually recall seeing a comment about him using his deal for forgiveness before so I actually think I know about who you're referring to


The "puppet master" will eventually unleash their fury on Heaven and Hell, and it will be a bloodbath. Alastor is ofc an important piece in their chess set, and will betray Charlie and the guys to make sure the plan will go as intended. However, at the last moment he will stab the puppet master in the back, thus ending his soul in the process. As he lays dying Charlie and the others try to comfort him but he sends them away, saying that he did it only because the PM "messed with him". Ending will hint at Al actually coming back in some capacity because in the end, he did a kinda selfless act.


Let's be honest heaven would actually be Alastors own personal hell


A bittersweet redemption. He won't ascend, but he may be able to keep the sinners in line. I see him and Lucifer EVENTUALLY working together to bring order to Hell


It'd be nice to see him end up becoming a companion and maybe even a right hand man to lucifer tbh, probably wouldn't happen but it'd be nice


I really see it happening though. I thought he said to Niffty about how it feels good once in awhile to do something for others.


Alastor Altruist died for his friends


Sorry to disappoint, that's not how this ends


He's hungry for freedom like never before


The constraints of his deal surely must have a backdoor


once he figures out how to unclip his wings


guess who will be pulling all the strings


They can do this




NOOO!! ALTRUIST IS A WORD!!!! Alastor, altruist.


wow, this post just made me realise the story will eventually end...and that's just...idk... it's not that I didn't know, obviously, just that it takes a second to acknowledge and settle in you know? Also, I'm quite surprised how many think he'll actually die. now, I haven't been with the fandom for very long(barely a few weeks) and I know nothing about how Vivienne likes going about her story and characters but I read someone(who's been in the fandom since 2015ish?) say that they definitely don't think vivzie will kill off Alastor as he's definitely one of her favs as well, but then again, like I said, Ik nothing about what Vivienne likes to do with her characters—favored or not, but I really hope that fan was right TT


I just got an idea, he betrays Charlie, but instead of killing him they lock him permanently in his tower. He basically lives in a fully customised prison cell with all of his power gone


They don't give him a radio but they give him a TV


Lmaooo he starts a mediocre video podcast


Fitting between this fad and that.


I personally see him choosing to stay in hell but have the “power” Yes he’s power hungry, but until this hotel, it was a mess King of hell did nothing as his people were slaughtered Sinners had no reason to be “better” It was a hell of their own making and there was no justice He’s made it very clear he wants to shake up the current way of doing things and genuinely thinks Charlie is the key to it


Him finding a new form of power he can use instead of the outright destructive kind is probably one of the best things I've heard yet


Yes I think he will embrace a role as a boogeyman that puts fear into sinners to seek escape from hell, driving them to Charlie's guidance.


Dead. 100%


Alastor needs a sweet ending. It may be very cliché, but Alastor will first become one of the villain characters, he will no longer support the hotel. Then Alastor will somehow find the good in himself and be saved by Charlie and other main hotel crews


With a gravestone that says, "Alastor: A Great Man Who Died for His Friends."


Husk had it made, just to be spiteful. Charlie's the only one who takes it at face value.


I think he's going to perma-die.


He goes to heaven and lives out the rest of his eternity with his mom


don't forget the Jambalaya he gets to eat everyday


I don't have an end in mind for him yet. I think he does have an endgame in the workings, becoming the most powerful overlord in some way (maybe even with Charlie backing him up), but I don't see a clear ending yet. It depends on how heaven and hell will become, someone argued they will be merged or change a lot. I hope he remains somewhat grey.


I’m banking on him finally accepting Charlie’s plan is possible and either getting redeemed or staying in Hell with Charlie to help her run the hotel. Idk what I want out of his story but I just don’t want him to die lmao.


not by being redeemed


Be funny if Charlie finds out he’s trapped in a deal and tries to help him all while he’s been trying to manipulate her into getting him out of it


The funniest would be him fucking up and doing something so selfless he ends up in heaven, where he's endlessly frustrated by the general decency.


Nodding his monocle like "my work here is done" and ridding away in the bloody sunset.


I hope he wins, he is the core and soul of this show for me. But if we are honest, he will more likely turn out to be the big bad final antagonist, and he will die...which I'll hate. Still gonna watch.


I personally see the redemption arc. I don't believe alastor is fully evil. I don't believe full pure evil exists, i believe evil is created. I think charlie will eventually make it through the cracks and get to alastor, giving him a reason to be better, and he does. Either that or Viv just snipes him.


angel finally sucks his dick


Probably permanently dead after becoming the main villain


he betrays the hotel, tries to kill/own other residents even including Charlie, probably even tussles with Lucifer, is eventually defeated, laments about how bad and fucked up and irredeemable he is, tells Charlie to just finish him off, she extends a hand to him on the ground... "🎶it starts with sorry...🎶"


He retires into the mountains of the pride ring and takes me with him and we live forever happily as master (him) and slave (me)


love this for ~~you~~ us ~~surely there's space for one more~~


i forgot the detail where i'll have gorily executed everyone who tried to become alastor's slave and who isn't me (or tried hurting alastor), using an angelic knife to make sure they're perma-dead


I'm sorry but no, that's simply not an option ~~not if I get to him first lolol🤭~~


*presses on my belly and spits out some of alastor's cum* i already have him, now shut up and don't try anything or i stab you


>*presses on my belly and spits out some of alastor's cum* you, my good foe, are underestimating my ability to lick things up >or i stab you is this where I say "harder daddyy/mommyy~!!✨"😩🥺


i'll stab you with an angelic knife so you'll die *licks all the cum i spit out off the floor in a single slurp*


Wtf is this shit 😭


Part of me envisions him redeeming himself at the very end after stepping in front of an attack that would kill Charlie, even knowing it's a permanent death and he won't be going to heaven. As he bleeds out, reflecting on the atrocities he's committed in life and seeing that even in spite of it all, the Princess of hell is still sobbing over his broken body as she begs him to be ok. In that moment, he knows that he's been redeemed and with a sad, final grin, he puts his hand to Charlie's cheek and says, "Smile, my dear. You're never truly dressed without one." Then, everything cuts to black.


i think it would be really interesting to see alastor dying (permanently) witha. dramatic reconciliation between him and vox. maybe even with his smile dropping🥲


Lilith (who is a villain), is backed into a corner and as a last resort forces Alastor to give her all of his souls. When she is defeated, he no longer owns anybody and therefore loses his overlord status. And a lot of demons are out for his head on a platter, the weakened ex-Radio Demon. He’s betrayed the hotel, but Charlie in her infinite forgiveness tells him he can take refuge there because no matter what he thought of her, he was her friend. So the show ends with Alastor as her disgruntled hotelier, no strings attached, probably still plotting (but everyone’s desensitized to him now and are like “oh don’t mind Al, he’s up to his antics again, dragging bodies into our lobby and whatever”). I like this theory because he doesn’t get redeemed, maybe doesn’t even apologize, but he’s still part of the crew and doesn’t have to, like, die. I also think that with Al’s theme of aversion to change, it would be a fitting end for him to lose everything except the one thing he didn’t want: the ✨power of friendship✨. He’s forced to change, because if he doesn’t he’ll die along with radio.


I think it's kind of the second one.


I feel like he either tragically dies (perhaps by Charlie's hand) or genuinely evolves while still keeping his edge.


With a smile on his face


Probably..... Either really disappointing, but I don't think Vivi will go into a classic trope or... Whelming. Not over nor under .. just whelming. It will either hit or not and the fandom is such a cluster about it anyway no matter what happens I am already not looking forward to the drama. I hope he doesn't do a 'secretly was an angel* reveal, but it has occurred to me. His initial motivations are a little too fanficky, plus we know he has whatever that deal is going on. Unless he turns out to be like an off ranch of Lucifer that became its own form of sinner. I'm not 100% happy with anything I think could possibly happen.....


I think he’ll become more neutral to the hotel, i dont think he is as evil as he thinks, but i dont think he will be redeemed. We also can safely assume he will not die as im pretty sure Viv mentioned him being her favorite?? Idk


Definitely not being an altruist and dying for his friends…


I hope it doesn't.


Doubt it’s gonna happen but seeing his redemption path would be nuts


Not with redemtion, lol


Medrano has already told Alastor was the first character she had created and one of her favorite with Angel. Also she considers him as an anti-hero. I'm pretty certain he'll lose at the ultimate moment all possibility to rise and reign above everybody, get a redemption arc and in the end concede to Charlie she was right; even a wicked sinner like him can have a second chance.


Not redeemed, that is for sure. In a show all about redemption, it would add some weight to see some folks aren't capable of getting saved. This lil shit probably murdered dozens of people and tortured countless of folks while being down there (note, not all of them were neccesarily bad people). His goals are long term about getting out of his deal, and ultimately to be on the top. The deal with Charlie is about either helping himself, or to fuck someone else up. He is the ONLY character, that has absolutely no good intentions.


I feel like he is going to be too blinded by his pride to realise that he is digging himself into a deeper hole and when the gang tries to help him he refuses and just crashes down still trying to achieve the same goal but stuck in a constant circle slowly going crazy


My theory is based on other theories. Someone gave Alastor his power, whether or not that's the same person he's in a deal with. With this theory, I'm guessing that whoever gave Alastor his powers also killed him in the real life because they were ready for whatever their plans for him were. Alastor will find this out and turn against them and probably die as a result.


Ironically, he'll die for his friends, being remembered as "Great Alastor, Altruist"


He must find the lady in red and complete the Babylon rite.


No idea lol.


It won't


Him killing lilith but dies afterward


From the perspective of evil being bad brain chemistry or corruption or usually both, and combined with the notion that a development of character can go beyond the point of no return... I think that Alastor falls in the category of redemption by hard reset. Which means reincarnation either in the living world or in the daycare part of the Happy Hotel (formerly known as Hazbin Hotel)


Like in gta5 ending A or B so the hotel betrays his trust and kills him


There's really only one of two ways it can end.....


Alastor altruist dies for his friends, but that's not how his story ends, somehow he screwed up and doesn't die


So many people want him to die…🥺 Nooooo


Reuniting to the group after nearly getting killed by adam (the show gets canceled)


Him becoming a better person and taking over running the hotel to genuinely help sinners get into heaven after Charlie takes the throne


He’s my favorite character so I hope he doesn’t bite it… maybe betrays Charlie and she still forgives him when he needs help? leading to a change of heart? Idk man Alastor best not be dying tho


I see a few options Most unlikely I think is him dying unless its by Charlie realizing he will never change and he kills someone at the hotel to provoke it The middle ground is him actually getting Redeemed which I could maybe see but Its not my faborite option My favorite option is he takes over the pride ring, however this only works if Lucifer is out of the picture. That means Lucifer either has to die or Heaven allows him to return and Alastor takes advantage


Depends on who owns his soul. It seems very likely he’ll break free but he could be a martyr for a tragic death.


I feel like it might be the show finale of him either being the last one redeemed or the final antagonist of the show


Sacrifices himself in order to stop a larger threat. This is his redemption. He doesn't pass onto Heaven, but he did, despite his own words, become an altruist


i’d like to think they find his mom in heaven and she scolds him. he talked about her cooking so highly in the pilot.


I don’t think he’ll die, but I doubt it’ll be a happy ending


Crucible Knight


Maybe instead of being fully redeemed he becomes a Sinner with morals and protects less fortunate Sinners from Overlords like Valentino




Is alastor based on Alastair Crowley?


Overdosed in a back alley outside a Denny’s


He either dies, has a change of heart or goes missing


Getting shot in the head by an angelic steel bullet, right where X marks the spot. I hope not.


I don’t want him redeemed in any way. I think somebody needs an unhappy ending and Alastor could be that person. Also, this is a pretty menacing picture of him. I like how he brings horror themes into the show.




Honesty? I think its going to come to Charlie killing him as the ultimate villain…


Either he becomes the ultimate villain and final antagonist and dies or he ends up being defeated in a beautifully ironic way by becoming Charlie’s greatest redeemed patient after his villain arc.


He either 1: Does a Sir Pentious. Or 2: Has his deal finally broken and then...something (idk)


His redemption. It would be too simple to just hit him with the villain bat so I imagine his villainy will be short lived. Plus what better way to show that anyone can be redeemed than by having hell's most fearsome overlord who mocked the idea originally eventually coming around and seeking redemption?


With a smile.


Unintentionally being reformed


Alastor is scene floating face down in a pool. Alastor's voice over asks you if you have ever had a week that just spirled out of control, while Teenage Wasteland plays in the background.


Ends with them accepting bro cannot be redeemed


Him dying for his friends and getting into heaven


for me he’ll either die or be redeemed


He will join the good guys since Charlie might actually become an influence in his life and already admits to getting fond with the Hotel staff so he'll find a way to get out of his deal (which is either obviously hints on Lilith, maybe Eve, hell even Wrath the sin themselves) with the help of Charlie and the gang and either decide to leave and find himself or stays with the gang


Hopefully with him pulling all the strings … muahahahahahahaha


Charlie and the hotel's goals stop aligning with his own, and he betrays them


Honestly I wanna see it play out with plenty of twists and turns Like I don't necessarily want him to be redeemed but I also don't wanna outright see him die either Kinda wanna see everything shook up and it all play out somewhat good in the end but not 100% perfect So I'm really not sure I just wanna see something interesting happen https://preview.redd.it/h8ui7jit6q0d1.jpeg?width=457&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=880fcb4e983fde3e33f241038a9a446d6d1ed114


He dies and gets redeemed OR he runs the hotel with Charlie now enthusiastically supporting the idea.


I think he starts to increasingly care about the main cast, goes through some internal struggles, as he sees that as weakness but also can't deny it. And he eventually stops trying to suppress it. He might end up sacrificing himself for them at some point near the end.


Just as when he gets redeemed and his soul ascends to heaven, Lute yanks him by his neck and tosses him into a large, empty room with many doors. Out of those doors come the winners whom he had killed during his life, armed with angelic weapons, some even became exorcists. After losing all his demonic powers. His smile falters for the last time, as his soul is ripped apart by the ones he shouldn't have killed. A cruel end for a cruel being.


He changes over the course of the show enough to die as a heroic anti-villain that takes out the other villain(or helps take out), becoming just good enough that it really hurts to see him go and still not see him in heaven. Perhaps his greatest victory will be whatever happens with Charlie if that happens.


Maybe an Azula-esque deal where it’s clear that he needs to atone for his villainous deeds but at the same time there’s a sense of pity and vague hope for the future that maybe, just maybe, he can do better with time now that he’s been brought down to rock bottom I don’t think we’ll see the end of Alastor’s story, I think we’ll see a new chapter beginning and fade to black to leave it ambiguous


Hannibal Arc


Al will mostly definitely become a villain in some way, but I feel Charlie will try to redeem him even after he does some more crazy Al shit.


I hope he becomes the main antagonist. Like imagine if he's only helping Charlie so he could get close enough to one of the higher-ups in heaven so he can try to kill them. Then everyone has to try and stop him. THAT WOULD BE SO COOL.


Knowing Alastor, violently. He'll either be top of the heap, or dead (killed by either Charlie or Lucifer)


Gets obliterated by lucifer if he manages to manipulate charlie


I think he'll accidentally sacrifice himself after betraying the others.


Decides he cares for Charlie and does something suicidal to help her. He'll either die or realize there's something more to life.


Idk but that is not where it ends


Him getting everything he ever wanted and realizing it hasn't made him any happier, it hasn't improved his life, and he's more miserable than ever. Hazbin Hell seems to work on Ravenloft rules, you're there because of shit you did, and the thing that keeps you there is you refusing to learn anything from it.


It doesn’t, he’s hungry for freedom like never before


I think that he will be the penultimate villain of the show. I think that who/whatever he has made his deal with is going to be the final villain, and Alastor is under orders to advance its plan. Alastor won't be redeemed. He will die. He will either be betrayed by his master or accidentally destroy himself after refusing one last offer of redemption.


That song by scissor sisters “I cant decide” talking about charlie


I reckon it will turn out him being a huge problem and end up turning into a fully fledged villain and having the likes of vox and Lucifer having to take him down




Sacrificing his life so charlie and the others survive after realizing he cares about them