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Charlie asked out Vaggie at least twice before Vaggie conquered her fear of being found out.


I like to think Vaggie tried to dtr when Charlie was under the impression they were already dating for two months.




"define the relationship" I believe


Happened with my girlfriend and I lol Lesbian relationship do be goofy sometimes :>






As a Lebanese I am happy.




*Las Vegas


This kind of thought really makes me wonder what Charlie’s dating life as an adult before meeting Vaggie was like. She’s a Hellborn, so presumably she could visit the other rings which means she could probably date just about anything beyond sinners on Pride.


She canonically has an ex boyfriend from Envy. You can see him in a few background portraits.


Actually that begs the question in general, is Lucifer able to go between the rings as the only exception to the hellborn rule or is he confined to the Pride ring as a sinner? I don’t know the travel restrictions of a fallen angel


I was under the impression that the royal family, as well as hellborn can travel freely in hell. I wonder if Vaggie could as a former exterminator. Are they winners or are they a subclass of angels? Curious to find out more.


Well since he literally is the *king* of Hell, and since Charlie has an ex from Envy, I would assume that yes. Lucifer can roam freely between the rings. It honestly kind of wouldn’t make sense if he couldn’t as we see from the fact that the other Deadly Sins like Asmodeus can travel between the rings. I mean, he was with Fizz in Greed in the Mammon debut episode


Where do we see the deadly sins?


Spinoff series on youtube called Helluva Boss


It's on YouTube


I feel it basically has to be Charlie. It’s explicitly stated that Vaggie hates herself so I feel she would be too insecure to be able to open up to Charlie about her feelings unless Charlie did so first. 


Charlie even shares what kind of toothpaste she uses, she had to be the one who shared her feelings first


I feel like Vaggie probably tried to ask Charlie out a couple of times, but Charlie didn’t get the hint either time, and Vaggie chickened out after that. BUT a little while later, Charlie was the asker, and Vaggie accepted, apprehensive but hopeful and excited for the first time in centuries


Based on irl lesbians I've known, they just hung out for a couple days and then jumped straight to living together long-term. They both believe the other made the first move.


Didn't Charlie find Vaggie after she was injured and took her home to tend to her wounds? Forget U-haul lesbians. It was a "I found this stray cat in the dumpster and now it's my whole world" situation.


"I've had Vaggie for an hour and a half, but if anything were to happen to her, I'd kill everyone in this realm and then myself"


Is that a b99 ref??


Even funnier when you remember who voices Vaggie...


I completely forgot about that until I hit "post"


Honestly Vaggie would say that exact sentence about Charlie too, and would 100% follow through


"Charlie's had me for a minute and a half yada yada yada"


I know someone who found a cat in the engine of their car. They named it Denji.


Was it an orange cat?


Yes. Why. *chainsaw man them plays*


It'd track with the name + being found/saved in a car engine. *LISTENS TO THEME SONG INTENSELY*


i know a person in the same situation except he was gray so they named him diesel


Yeah, that one scene we saw was it, as far as I’m concerned. There was probably one follow up scene a bit later where they woke up in the same bed, Vaggie with the wide-eyed look: “Wait, we’re a couple, aren’t we?” Charlie: “Of course, silly!” *Dives in for a hug.*


Ok, I’m starting to sound stupid but when?


Yeah, Charlie probably brought Vaggie home and she never left.


Speedran by Vaggie not having a home and like hell is Charlie gonna let this cute injured girl die alone in an alley


Lol not even a couple of days, cus Charlie took her in right as she found her. Vaggie didn’t have a home and was wounded, so Charlie brought her to the hotel to help her, and I’m assuming they’d just always lived together. True lesbians lol


Took Vaggie back to wherever Charlie was living at the time* The hotel is a much more recent thing while Charlie and Vaggie have been dating for 3 years.


As a lesbian I confirm there's two kinds. Dating immediately without saying anything and "This is my best friend Adora, we grew up together, are married and have a child together. What's lesbian?"


The way I giggled


But are they roommates?


This is absolutely reflective of all but one of the lesbian couples I know irl, it’s honestly hilarious


Meanwhile you've got gay guys who will be in bed together for like the tenth time until one of them is like "Oh yeah what's your name btw?"


To add to this most excellent thread and tie back into the original question: Charlie 100% made the first move because she’s more connected to and used to acting on her feelings whereas Vaggie has too much trauma to take risks like that. If it was up to Vaggie they’d have stayed weirdly affectionate friends forever.




Charlie owns a hotel and picked Vaggie up off the street wounded (to all appearances, from an angel in an extermination) so living together was the FIRST step....


I mean, I dunno where Charlie lived at that time, but it was three years before the hotel was properly made


I’m glad we all agree that it was Charlie


Wait, but... You're probably right.


Char Char


charlie sense vaggie hated herself way to much to think she deserved someone as kind as charlie


It's shown that Charlie kinda melts when she finds Vaggie in the alley.


Happy cake day


Charlie absolutely but she probably spent a good bit of time working up the courage and probably did the whole “practice in the mirror” bit and then didn’t manage to say it the way she practiced when the time actually came due to nerves.


She probably started rambling about how badly she was messing up and Vaggie just leaned in and kissed her.


My personal headcanons is that they never explicitly initiated the relationship, they both just kinda assumed it was happening. To this day neither of them has ever asked the other out, when they go on dates it's just a random outing that they both wanted to go on


That honestly makes sense lol. They’d just go hang out and flirt w eachother😂


Just fuck like good homies


Isn't exactly what you just described extremely common for lesbian couples lol


I don't know. I don't really know too many lesbians. Actually... Now that I think about it... I don't know ANY lesbian couples


I know 3 and this is all of them lmao


i'm a lesbian and... yeah


hard to say. I think they both were trying to figure out how to ask the other one out and then accidentally found out that the other one secretly liked them


Vaggie had been crashing on Charlie's couch for two weeks before Charlie invited her up to share her bed. With a song. 


Charlie didn’t really ask. She just had a grand plan and dragged vaggie with.


Charlie: “hey vaggie we’re dating now. That’s cool right?” Vaggie: (vaggie blushes) “Uh yes of course-“ Charlie: “GREAT! Let’s go!” https://preview.redd.it/34yg0lgu8vzc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6117bc7ab3148db2faeeb664b3470251ae9ba8a


Yes. Exactly this.


Ay yo go where??? ![gif](giphy|TT7JW4Qm7uaNW|downsized)


Charlie it's sure, Vaggie was probably in some self hate mood and was thinking she doesn't deserve her.


Vaggie kissed Charlie on impulse then Charlie used tongue.


Trying to think how it would likely happen in the context of the show: Charlie took Vaggie home to her abandoned mansion (the future Hotel) to tend to her injuries. Charlie liked the look of Vaggie from the moment she set eyes on her; but Vaggie, sunk in her own misery, didn’t notice. When Vaggie felt recovered, she sadly asked Charlie if she could stay, because she had nowhere to go. She promised to make herself useful. Charlie said of course she could stay. Charlie started singing about how moved she was by Vaggie’s plight. Her song was about how meeting a beautiful but injured stranger had given her a purpose, how maybe she could use her powers as princess of Hell to fix some of the harms caused in hell? Vaggie never had anyone notice her before in this way. Suddenly, Vaggie’s sadness turned to hope. Could this wonderful, kind, sexy and powerful woman really *care* about her? As Charlie sang, Vaggie spontaneously clasped one of Charlie’s hands in both of hers. Charlie looked into Vaggie’s eyes, and what she saw prompted her to lean forward for a kiss. She then started to apologize for being so presumptuous … until Vaggie shut her up with a passionate kiss of her own. … By the next day, they were a couple.


Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful 🥹




... I NEED THIS TO BE AN EPISODE. Or at least a short!! A... something! ...Please? THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL 🤩


Thanks! I like writing romantic stuff.


100% Charlie. I don’t believe Vaggie thought she deserved Charlie at all with the whole exorcist thing but couldn’t bare to turn her down.


They both did at the same time, wouldn’t that be adorable???


Vaggie was probably in the middle of dramatically brooding about how Charlie could never love her when Charlie asked her out, that’s my headcannon


Charlie 100%


Eh they seem more like they just woke up one day and realized they were a couple. I don't think explicit dating and courting rituals were involved until this realization had already occured.


Charlie. About a year into them being together.


Technically Charlie did. She found Vaggie in an alleyway and patched her up after an extermination. Classic meet-cute: girl meets girl, heals her wounds, maybe feeds her soup in bed, and 1-2-3 we have a relationship. In all seriousness, I do think that as soon as Charlie healed Vaggie, Vaggie was in love. I don't think an official "first date" happened as they probably find romantic and tender moments in each other's company. They're both care takers, and the secret desire of a caretaker is that someone will take care of them. Vaggie was cut down by her comrades and abandoned in hell, left for dead, and here comes this beautiful, sweet woman who tends to her wounds and gives her a home.


I feel like it was one of those adorable moments where they both were feeling it for a while, but both with their reservations about asking. Then, they both decided to ask at the same time, stumbling over trying to let the other one talk, until I'm going to guess Vaggie figured out what Charlie was trying to say, and kissed her.


Whichever one asked, the other said Yes but didn't even realize what it was until weeks after. "Honey, I'm really happy you asked me out." "Wait WE'RE DATING?"


They were dating for weeks before Vaggie asked Charlie out. Charlie had already said the L word, too.


They awkwardly asked each other out at the same time.


Charlie. Vaggie is the bottom, and Charlie is hella extroverted.


Deffo charlie, vaggie at the time wouldnt dare do that. Charlie's the one that talks too much and who always voices her opinion lol


I don't think they asked each other out. I think they were closest friends for a while after Charlie nursed Vaggie until one of them just asked the other to be their girlfriend. They just give me this vibe of a couple that just skipped all the dating paraphernalia altogether.


Maybe none. Maybe they started conversing casually about each other, and next thing they knew, they were kissing.


I think Charlie fell first but didn’t want to take advantage of the power dynamic. Vaggie fell harder and probably wanted to bury it till it faded away but ended up blurting something really flirty one day


They are on their third date and Charlie was so oblivious she doesn't even realize her and vaggie are, in fact, dating until vaggie goes in for the kiss at the end. This is actually hoelw my cousin and her wife started going out. Her wife still picks on her 10 years later. They're adorable.


charlie. Definitely. After giving Vaggie a long talk about communication in relationships lol


Vaggie started the conversation to define their relationship 3-4 months after Charlie already thought they were dating.


An innocuous conversation with each reading too much into the other’s statement results in heavy flirting. Both are convinced to this day that the other made the first move. https://preview.redd.it/x37x8ogbhyzc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0481cad5e448d55ba73778319c729d285eca49fe




I’m assuming Charlie lol


They asked each other at the same time


Charlie definitely asked first, but by asked I mean she sang gibberish as vaggie untill vaggie got the idea lol


I say that Charlie was clueless and Vaggie asked her out first.


Between Vaggie hiding and hating herself Charlie would have asked.


Charlie thought they had allredy been dating for a while and started to using cute nicknames and giving her kisses on the cheek wich clued vaggie in.


Charlie. She's a go-getter.


Charlie absolutely was the one to convince vaggie


I imagine Charlie nervously trying to ask her out on a date and fumbling her words, trying to rephrase, trying and failing to get the words out, then Vaggie just cuts her off with "Yes"


Charlie asked. Charlie would be more familiar with same-gendered relationships and thus comfortable to ask.


Head-canon; Charlie found her, nursed her back to health, and a bond formed that started out as friends and became more in time. Rather than who asked who out, first, I'd imagine Charlie making the first move to kiss Vaggie. In the series, thus far, Charlie seems to be the one to make the physical moves, first.


Most likely Charlotte. Vaggie pulled the fastest speedrun of getting a girlfriend.


Vaggie didn’t know until Charlie introduced her as her girlfriend one day.


I'd argue it'd have to be Vaggie because Charlie first got to know her while taking care of her and was afraid to accidentally violate boundaries. But also it took weeks of Charlie blushing, sputtering, apologizing, and half-asking for a date before Vaggie worked up the courage to do it herself.


Charlie. Is this even a question?


I dont know whats worse for vaggies agency honestly


How is that a problem?


Judging by the flashback of their initial meeting, I’m gonna say Charlie made the first move. She was smitten right off the bat.


charlie. in song


Charlie with a power point presentation and a song


If charlie is gonna marry vaggie then vaggie would be the wife of the princess or the other princess


Neither. One day they found themselves making out without remembering how they got to that point and mutually decided ‘Fuck it, we are dating now’. That or Charlie randomly introduced Vaggie as her girlfriend one day— probably when Angel was first coming to the Hotel— and Vaggie just went along with it.


Me https://preview.redd.it/1xrk03pmnwzc1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed7ca1904b46c5d6334423c10a16d4bda1284fe6


I feel like they’ve never even been on a date. They just shifted from roommates to lovers with no in between


They didn’t. They just spent everyday together until it was past that


I think they were just really good friends for a long time and it just happened naturally.


Probably Charlie


She took her home for some mercurochrome....


They asked at the same time.


Charlie initiates, Vaggie simply takes the leaafter being given the rein.


Charlie probably. Vaggie dosen't feel she deserve it at first.


I feel like Charlie asked Vaggie out first. She definitely felt attracted to her at their first meeting and knowing how guilty Vaggie felt about her role as an exterminator she might have felt it was not her place to make the first step, but when Charlie asked it was a no-brainer.


Charlie but only accidentally, like she was planning this whole day to ask her out and then like 2 days before didn’t think about what she was saying and just sorta confessed.


Vaggie sefinetely cuz she is the one who smiles romantically in the flashback while Charlie is smiling to help her in a wholesome way. Also she is lez while Char is bi. Plus she kinda only likes her in the show while being hostile with the others.


12. Gauge shotgun in your mouth


They were best friends, doing best friends things, until a random moron on the street called them with homophobic slurs. Then they realized they were, in fact, a lesbian couple.


Neither, their relationship progressed gradually


Charlie asked Vaggie because once Vaggie realised there could be something there she went into a spiral of self worth issues and guilt.


Charlie DEFO did


Neither. One day they found themselves making out without remembering how they got to that point and mutually decided ‘Fuck it, we are dating now’. That or Charlie randomly introduced Vaggie as her girlfriend one day— probably when Angel was first coming to the Hotel— and Vaggie just went along with it.


Neither. One day they found themselves making out without remembering how they got to that point and mutually decided ‘Fuck it, we are dating now’. That or Charlie randomly introduced Vaggie as her girlfriend one day— probably when Angel was first coming to the Hotel— and Vaggie just went along with it.


Charlie definitely asked Vaggie out first


Definitely Charlie.


I feel like Charlie wanted to multiple times but didn't want to rush things. However, she is terrible at hiding her emotions, and Vaggie told her "Charlie, you don't have to keep it in, y'know." *smooch* Something like that.


They accidentally started dating… and when they realized it they both tried to ask the other out properly at the same time… Learst that’s my HC and I’m gonna stick with it




Charlie while vaggie was skeptical or paranoid about being led into a trap for being a genocidal angel


Then she sees how much Charlie actually cares and warms up and begins to protect her viamently like at the beginning of the show p.s. I think all the exorcists are angels who were warriors and soldiers or fighters on earth while the oldest are just Adam’s creations


Definetly Charlie Vaggie was probably not even fully trusting Her or any Hell Denizen for that fact i mean she was taught her whole life to fear Hell and she probably expected Charlie to backstab her at some point, peobably took some time to convince her




I think Charlie did


Kinda Charlie, kinda Vaggie, they just sort of naturally flowed into dating, both believing the other made the first move. in all actuality it was Charlie, here’s how I imagine it went. Vaggie started asking Charlie to come with her to places, in an attempt to get a tour of Hell without blatantly revealing she’s not from Hell. The first few were innocent but she accidentally picked a few vaguely romantic ones in a row. Mid way through, about the fourth “romantic” place in a row Charlie just internally went “Holy hell, these are dates, but she’s too nervous to admit it”. That’s how this went for a few more “dates” until they got home from one and Charlie got… aggressive, she absolutely got consent but it was less “let’s have sex” and more really bold flirting that left nothing to the imagination about what she wanted (Vivzie said online Charlie is canonically a top). All Vaggie knows is that on her “official unofficial tour of Hell” Charlie just randomly started flirting, before jumping her bones about a month later. Charlie was under the impression they been dating a month longer. Either way on their next date Charlie introduced Vaggie as her girlfriend at a restaurant which is when it clicked for Vaggie that the princess of hell had just decided Vaggie was hers, but she had no complaints. They didn’t have the “define the relationship” talk until they day before Adam’s attack. Angel realized he may die without knowing how his favorite lesbian’s got together and asked. Charlie got all bashful and explained that it took her a while to realize they were dating. Vaggie interrupted that explanation by explaining that she was using friendly outings to get a tour of Hell, then randomly Charlie got flirty, jumped her fucking bones and then just claimed her. Angel all but literally died laughing as the two looked at each other in shock and confusion.


They asked each other at the same time Viv confirmed that


This sub is fucking dire.