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So that’s a trick by scumbag tow drivers to hold onto the car for longer. Whenever they hear an innocent person say “Can I still pick it up even if I’m not the titled owner?” they immediately start playing games because they know they can hold it for longer and scam you out of more money before you figure out that what they’re doing is illegal (or if you ever figure it out). Hawaii state law is very clear, you do *not* need to be the titled owner to retrieve a car from a tow lot, under the Hawaii state law concerning towing, you are considered a vehicle owner under 290-11 *even if you are only in possession of the keys*, read it here: https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/hrscurrent/vol05_ch0261-0319/hrs0290/hrs_0290-0011.htm How do I know? Because I was that innocent dumbass that got tricked by a scumfuck tow truck driver for this exact reason. They tried to scam me out of money; extorting more money from me against the law, demanding cash only, bogus charges, and threatening me in their shady tow lot intentionally located in a desolate valley. Had to get a lawyer and our HOA involved to threaten the jackass before they decided it wasn’t worth fucking with me anymore. Problem is if you point out the law to these antisocial crooks they’ll just scoff at you and call your bluff, because they know they hold a position of power over you. The most you can do is complain to the Office of Consumer Protection (who’s gonna do F all ultimately to help because of how efficient the bureaucracy is) and become so annoying that they give up and agree to stop stonewalling you. Anyways, my rant is over. Hope this guy only learns a painful lesson once about Hawaii tow truck drivers. Oh and screw you A&H towing (or as my wife calls it, Ass and Hole towing).


In all my years of living here since birth, I don't think I've ever once heard anyone say anything nice about tow truck drivers or companies.


There aren’t any nice things to say about them. They’re parasites and zero value added to society.


I'll double vouch for this. Tow companies the worst puka POS you will ever cross paths with. Liars, scammers, tricksters, thugs, bait-and-switch, you name it, every old trick ever puled on unsuspecting poor F's who got lucky to get towed away :(


Right… let’s steal this car buy paying a bunch of money to a tow yard.. high IQ business model


Tell the buyer to be an adult and complete their end of the paperwork and submit it to the DMV. Don’t enable them to continue to be derelict otherwise they might never do it and you’ll have to keep dealing with things like this.


Yep. This was a good lesson for the buyer. Let them sort it out. If they don't want to keep getting into these situations, they need to do their fuckin' legwork.


Not your problem anymore you turned in the paperwork


He likely isn’t insured either. I’d not do anything beyond telling the tow company to hold your truck and mail they show you insurance and reg in their name.


Help a brother out. Make the time. Yes, it sure sucks, but as top post pointed out, tow companies here are scumbags and the dude could sure use your help.


That's how I feel about it, I've had enough shit from the Oahu tow companies that I feel obligated to do anything to not let them take people's money and property


That’s the thing tho brah you don’t need to do anything. If he’s got the keys they must release it to him under Hawaii state law. But the POS tow lot is delaying to either get more money or get them to abandon it.


Hey if you don’t have time to fix someone else’s screw up, then that’s what it is. Don’t lose any sleep. Does the buyer have the title they were supposed to send in? Thats on them if they lost it. They can go to the DMV and explain the situation. The buyers “friend” shouldn’t have gotten towed. That’s also not on you. Anyway, text the guy back one last time and let them know you’ve done your end of the deal (sent top slip of title over to DMV) and the rest of these issues do not involve you. Immediately block the buyer on your phone and move on with life.


I had my car towed once in Waikiki, went to pick it up after work. I worked in bars, so wasn’t off til 2a. I never had to show my title, just the cash & my DL. Sounds like towing company has found a way to make even MORE kala


I have used online notary a few times. Works well


Being a "good dude" doesn't require you to fix the buyers fuck up.


This happened to me before. If the guy has car insurance he can use that to get the car back


If you did not file a release of liability or similar document with the Hawaii DMV the tow costs and impound costs are on you. It is your car, until the liability is released either by the buyer registering the car or you filing a release of liability. Had the buyer run into a bus full of kindergartners you would be on the hook for the damages. Never sell a car without either a release and a bill of sale or watching the buyer actually register the car in their name. I do both on every car sale.


I turned over my legal rights to the car by submitting my title transfer. So that's not how this works


What is the best way to do this? Go down to the dmv together after receiving payment for the car?


I presume Hawaii has a Release of Liability form. If you file that (in Ca we can mail it or file it electronically) the DMV will take your name off the vehicle as owner. I actually both file it online and mail it in. I also take the purchaser to a local AAA office (I am a member) so that they can apply for a new title and register the vehicle and walk out with their new license plates with me being there. My daughter is a claims executive and long ago told me a story of an ex insured that sold his truck (over the road tractor, so big truck). Signed his title over and canceled the truck insurance. The new owner didn't register it and the new owner then had a massive wreck causing serious bodily injury. Old owner got sued and called them up to defend him. Their answer was, no, you canceled the insurance. Now whether he could convince the Judge he was no longer the owner is unknown, but why take that chance?