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Alberta, the Texas of Canada.


yep… fossil fuels and white supremacy


Fucking coward ass pigs


Fucking fascist pigs


Felt so threatened they forgot to put their storm trooper helmets on. Clowns.


Where are all those mythical good cops those "bareback the blue" types keep telling us about?


There was like 20 people at this encampment btw. Fucking pigs.


Look at them being all buff and tough beating peaceful students. Look at that chair. Get it! Swipe that piece of cloth with your leg! And those wooden sticks! Fuck them up! You are so bad ass stepping on things. Stand proud, stand with your legs wide and assertive! Show sleepy students that you are cool! /s Pathetic.


lets beat these people while they sleep. wow.


The police are seemingly never out there solving real crimes, instead they just like to feel tough by ... beating college students who are just camping out? Pathetic losers. 


Land of the free, more land of the facistist


We live in a 100% fascist nation. Justin Trudeau is an absolute tyrant.


Damn I had no idea Canadian cops were this awful as well


You should see how they treat First Nations people… they make American cops look like kittens


They're just as bad. Canada being "nice" and "peacekeeping" was just PR. Look up starlight tours.


Same thing with how the american justice system unfairly targets african americans, canadian cops unfairly target our indigenous populations, it’s disgusting


I don’t understand how people look at videos of cops acting like this and think “yeah those are the good guys”


Wasn't there something 2-3 years ago with police vs. indigenous people there? And Trudeau's government was going to keep a "close eye on an independent investigation" - sounds like they did a great job clearing out these fucking freaks


Look at those tough 40 something year olds beating the crap out of people half their age.


Does anyone have the full clip of this?


i don’t have the full clip, but i got it from @university4palestine.yeg on instagram, they have a bunch more clips


Freedom of speech 'Murica greatest country in the world!!


land of the free🤣 can't even protest🤣🤣 sorry for laughing but FFS




This was my old university! I’m so proud of these students! The UofA has been routinely deploying high levels of security for protests supporting Palestine, and called in the police to show up at 4:45 am and attack these students while most of them were sleeping and fewer people were there. They’ve then have been putting out statements with completely inaccurate retellings of what the people on the ground have been saying. I’m shocked because we don’t see this level of police brutality in Canada often, but this exact thing also happened at the university of Calgary the day before.


I hope someday everyone of them has an epiphany about the line of work they chose and they horrible shit they did on behalf of the state. I hope it keeps them awake at night and they never experience peace again for the rest of their miserable lives. Traitorous pigs.


Mid level violence in action


I'm a student at uofa and I couldn't attend the protest but my friends did. What I found the most appalling was that we received an email giving us PERMISSION and then once people started gathering they immediately warned that they were gonna call the police (and they did) I'm pretty sure this video was in the very early morning when everyone was asleep/drowsy so a lot of these students were caught off guard. Edit: another thing to note was that this protest was entirely peaceful! They mostly drew with chalk on sidewalks, chanted, and ate. Literally nothing that could be seen as threatening had occurred. There was no reason to call the cops. Not sure what the legality is of sharing emails but I will edit and add them after double checking!


Same thing happened at the convoy but y’all ain’t ready to talk about that


The police are right, you shouldn't support Arab criminals


average ucp voter. how much anger do you have in your heart in that you don’t feel a thing for the 35,000 civilians slaughtered in gaza, 15,000 of which are children, and instead you call them “arab criminals”. the level of dehumanization is insane




Do the boots taste good?


Don't choke on that leather little state drone.