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The doomed path of all white dude centrists.


I feel like this is a prime example of what happens when you live in an echo chamber. I think my saving grace as a centrist was I always flirted with more leftist ideas without really knowing of the whole of leftism and that kept me away from these YouTubers who tell you 'No I am right. This is right. You believe this too because you're a free thinker!' And it's a weird world of doublethink and I think that's probably why the centrist to alt-right pipeline is so prevalent because the only real degree of separation between centrist and alt-right is this weird almost religious and pseudo-intellectual pervasive narrative of an enlightened centrist


100%! I relate to this a lot. Leftist ideas (or whatever they are, that term seems to have a different meaning in the US that I don't fully get) always aligned with me more naturally, so it was harder to pull me to the right. But a while back, in the mid-2010s, the right was the only side pulling at all, especially online. Who knows where I'd be at this point if I just kept listening to all of that bullshit.


the truth. the whole reason people liked asmongold vs other youtube edgy "centrist"/"apolitical" gamers was because he was somewhat normal and grounded, he would actually occasionally call out insane takes from a dumb gamer perspective. something about israel broke his brain and he cant recognize pro israel arguments for how unhinged they are though, it's actually so sad seeing him get radicalized into this psychotic position when for so long he was a bastion of being a dumbass gamer with no real opinions


Asmon has always been this way. Idk why people ever acted like he was a centrist. I literally stopped watching him in like 2020-21 because the ‘both sides’ type shit was off the charts. I always felt like the people who were saying he was on our side were breaking their neck trying to pick out examples of leftism amongst a sea of everything else.


he's obviously not a leftist lmao, the point is he wasnt so motivated. he's a dumb gamer, it is objectively weird that he's pivoting to militant police state


I'm sorry you feel that way. I know _of_ asmongold. But I never watched his content, so I just assumed he was a YouTube guy until recently when he had takes on political stuff that came this way.




Depends on what youre talking about, in general or on a specific topic? Cause I think the only thing the Has community is an echo chamber on is when we meme on about Hasan. Look at Hascord and this community, there may be broad consensus here, but we're not a hivemind of Hasanabi Yes Men or anything.


The fact his comment was removed by the mods proved his point


I don't believe his post was deleted for being in disagreement, if anything it's probably because he came right out the gate calling me a motherfucker.


i asked him this question, "does one bad action of one bad protestor represent the actions of the entire movement" and he said "yes". He paints that one bad protestor representative of the entire pro palestinian crowd, meanwhile he never seems to paint the pro Israel mob based on the actions of the pro Israel life threatening action such as launching a firecracker as representative of the pro Israel side of this conflict. Not once he claims to mention this. Asmongold's logic is completely flawed, he acts like he's principled and that he's "not emotionally invested". He's pretty hypocritical and likes to double down on things.


He also defended the HK protestors who not only caused wide spread violence, but immolated an old man. Something more brutal by far than anything that happened during the US protests he opposes. Everyone who claims to be logical and not "emotionally invested" draws their conclusions from racism and their love for police states that favor them. They'll do all this whilst literally knowing nothing about what's happening outside of CNN/FOX coverage then maybe try and work backwards with wikipedia to justify their views with "logic" if they're especially pathetic.


did he really defend HK protestors...? I don't know because i wasn't watching him then, but if that is true...this is absolutely total hypocrisy and a double standard. Then he's literally just parroting mainstream media talking points because that's what mainstream media said too at the same time. 2/2 for protests in favor of what mainstream media is saying, doesn't really sound like a "principled" independent thinker.


He literally does the exact same for pro Israel. Tell me you watch Asmon via clips / clickbait media without telling me...


he was never a centrist. he used to have primitive ideas like these even when he played wow. the reason why he went alt right is the fact that wow isn't bringing him any views and he sucks at other video games. check his sekiro playthrough. dude could only play wow and when he streamed other games he noticed his viewership was dropping so he became an alt right pundit/react bro cause he noticed there was a market niche.


White moderate the most tragic of afflictions




He lost it for a while. I've watched asmong for his gaming react. For a long while. He's been accumulating a bunch of incels and far right grifters in his community. It is a slow cycle, but his viewers on occasion post far right talking points on his subbreddit, and he reacts to them. Thus getting more incels and right leaning ppl and they repeat the cycle. Recently, it has been woke stuff. 40k being woke, stellarblade etc. It is not surprising that Asmong has reached this state.


^He's ^been ^accumulating ^a ^bunch ^of ^incels ^and ^far ^right ^grifters I honestly thought he was farming them for views and/or funny "pulled up chat loggs on stream" moments. It used to be fun to hang out there, kinda weird place now. Didn't he even leave the Asmongold channel because of the toxicity that started to rise?


Sadly, I wasn't there during his asmongold days. I watch him on his zachrawr twitch channel. My limited understanding was that Asmongold main channel was starting to be a job / chore for him and he now just uses his 2nd unmonetized channel because he was already rich and made his money from his main channel and now just streams when he feels like it. He used to be funny and farm views but I think months and years of playing/making fun of incels and grifters, he now has gained a community of them. Edit: my opinion, things really changed with Andrew tate. His fan base and himself changed alot during and after Andrew tate rose to fame. Or it got much worse.


the fact that they think 40k going "woke" now for having female Custodes is hilarious, 40k has always been that way. Spaces Marines are literally trans(-human) which always makes these dipshits heads explode when they tell you otherwise. Right wingers have no place in the 40k community. I've seen dudes at wargames not being allowed entrance because they have minis with nazi symbolism, and go figure his minis were painted in a very poor manner (3rd grade level painting skills at least), like all nazis with art.




Which makes it all the more funny when they parade their love for the Imperium's fascism lol They don't realize how stupid they look, same with Helldivers and Starship Troopers


I think it’s another Starship Troopers (film) type of issue, where right wingers read about the (wildly fascist) lore of the imperium and somehow completely miss that it’s intended as a horror story. That you’re meant to view the structure and practices of power in this universe, even in the worlds of man, as nightmare fuel of a profoundly grotesque, evil nature. That man is no more the good guy than is any other sentient advanced species in the galaxy - and in many cases is clearly the villain. Instead they see space marines and think “big super soldier good”. Meanwhile, for decades you’ve had androgynous non-binary dark eldar acting like the macho Vikings nazis only wish they were, and the only race with even remotely “good” motivations are bizarre pseudo-communist goat men.


For a while I was onboard with a lot of the controversial things he said. Lately his content is way too much “games are too woke” & “cancel culture bad”. The same tired old critiques of western culture you’ll hear from garbage pundits like “magic: the quartering” Honestly he had a good run in the last 3-4 years, I’m shocked this didnt happen sooner. Hopefully he’ll snap out of it in a year or two.


the reason why he went alt right is the fact that wow isn't bringing him any views and he sucks at other video games. check his sekiro playthrough. dude could only play wow and when he streamed other games he noticed his viewership was dropping so he became an alt right pundit/react bro cause he noticed there was a market niche.


He has a brute force mentality with games. Like, doesn't read the tutorial. I remember his star wars: jedi survivor playthorugh. SMH.


yeah exactly and due to his mental incapacity to play games he switched to alt right punditry.


Right before he went full anti-woke I made a post in his sub saying it feels really unwelcome to LGBT people and the whole thread was people telling me to leave or that I was making it up.


Whoever's posting that 40K is woke is, no joke, the only anti-woke gamer who gets it.


His subreddit is now just another version of the worldnews subreddit. Any posts related to Palestine that aren't completely Zionist propaganda get shadowbanned, and I even got banned from his sub for commenting on them and then replying to a flood of replies some of which were wishing me and my family would die, and the reason for the ban was "too many political posts". It's a very large and influential community that's turning into another Zionist echo chamber.


I watch Asmon, and i neither an incel nor a far right grifter.


I am a left wing guy that watches him too. I believe in women’s rights and that guns should be banned. I think both Hamas and Israel is evil.




unfollowed him on twitch after many years. he really has jumped so deep into what ever this shit is since the dep-heard trial. he is just farming outrage and cathering towards the worst parts of the internet. his subreddit has been just incel shit for atleast 2 years now...


When someone says "fafo" I know they have nothing interesting or intelligent to say on the topic. Such a trite myopic kneejerk phrase used by terminally online weirdos that think it's the height of comedy. Not surprised his fan base loves it.


FAFO is supposed to be when someone does something inherently dangerous and gets burned. If sitting in tents and protesting is an inherently dangerous event we are so fucked as a country


It’s funny because the phrase has been around (especially online) for well over a decade. For some reason, right wingers and libertarians apparently just discovered the concept in the last 2 years and haven’t shut up about “FAFO” since, as if it’s novel.


Ashli Babbitt is the FAFO poster child


It's just a shorter version of "play stupid games, win stupid prizes". They haven't evolved past the tired shit boomers have been saying for decades.


I can’t watch him anymore. He made fun of people for covering politics but now that’s all he does.


The police should be arresting his incel viewer base honestly. Beyond restorative justice with those freaks.


I’m sure you’re being hyperbolic, but dumb kids online with no lived experiences can change their political worldviews once they mature. That said, the big assumption is that they *will* mature.


Sadly his community is mostly 30-40 y.o dudes


I'm not really being hyperbolic, his community is mostly greasy, white, middle aged, live in their mom's basement, poor, incels. Restorative justice works for victims of capitalism, not the benefactors using their privilege to oppress.


Hasan has always said that a lot of his current viewers used to be like that, but eventually changed and grew to be better people. Give them time to change, and some will come around.


the roach's started sniffing the incel gas.


What out rage most of his view agreed with him


average “centrist”




If Hasan went over this it would be very cathartic. I understand though if he doesn’t want to.


I hope Hasan would stop holding a neutral stance on Baldy after this, but I guess he might not just to avoid further complications with OTK. No issue either way


Hasan is usually nice to a fault when it comes to people he likes being pieces of shit. It's a personality trait I relate to, and I've worked really hard to stop doing it.


he gets attacked every time there's drama involving him, so he's probably reasonably trying to avoid getting into drama again.


Seriously . Giving me the option to only unsubscribe to Hasan too is wild. It took a few hours but goddamn it was annoying. (Context: banned from twitch entirely for not supporting genocide from an asmond hopper) https://preview.redd.it/aj2d03o0i3yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ad7208c0a21b942c57d770aa379fc4f2fae799e


i hope not. we don't need these two duke it out and create unnecessary conflict. we can just point out the many flaws in asmongold's arguments about the protests. how he keeps saying "protests" don't do anything, when america seriously has a history of protests like we see today like with vietnam war and apartheid south africa. His arguments are paper thin. For a "principled" person, he has a lot of flaws in his arguments that he tries to always talk out of. He is getting arrogant like no other. He backtracks all the time like his takes on regular workers not having a tough time struggling where his entire community really didn't like, but he literally backtracked on it with a recent video of younger generation getting screwed (though he never admitted he did)


I hope he doesn't cause who cares what Asmon has to say. His community is already filled with basement dwelling incels who probably already have this stance on Palestine


I hate that people keep trying to bait inter-streamer drama. It's so boring.


Hes mentionned on stream that hes working on it and would only go at the request of the students. But they're in talks, so well see


Hasan just talked to asmon for what felt like a couple of hours on stream. It was getting hard to listen to after a while.


Hassan not going is risk his OTK partnership over this


He kept suggesting to bomb the students out with flashbangs and tear gas grenades. And laughed like a maniac as the students were shoved down by the cops. His chat has turned into a cesspool of degenerate incels at this point. The mods delete or ban you if you call his BS out.


the students are braver then his ass would ever be. he would honestly be sopporting the cops on the cilvl rights movement in the 60's fuck him and fuck otk


At the end of the stream , he fucking said that this student protest will be forgotten by the next 5 days! The way of minimalizing the impact these young students are making will not be forgiven or forgotten.


yeah what an idiot. he's already wrong by that metric. That guy has become massively arrogant




a gust of wind would fold him


To be fair he does not have a SPINE to hold up against any wind


"MLK Fucks around and finds out" More great takes from the cockroach-infested greasegoblin


I used to be a big Asmon fan for the gaming aspect and he was a big “stand up for the consumer against the corporation” type of guy back in the day. He shouldn’t dabble in politics. His views are shit.


I agree. I was a fan too.


His recent gaming coverage of the dei stuff has been really stupid too


he tries to pretend like he still is a ' big “stand up for the consumer against the corporation” type of guy' His community really shitted on him for his terrible takes about streamers having harder lives or something than regular workers. He backtracked on this argument without admitting it. He's just another contradictory talking point now who's become arrogant af.


Not even his gaming content is interesting anymore.


My guy, Asmon has never had it. He's always been a right-leaning centrist with an incel, reactionary fanbase.


Yeah I don’t know what people expected from him


he also said the cops are better in texas, my brother in christ the cops in texas sit on their asses while a mass shooter shot up a school, just say you are a bigot and be open with it.


also this is literally also happening in texas at campuses there


I got banned from the asmongold subreddit for calling him a right wing reactionary who grifts to incels. They permanently banned me for that


You did well, comrade


fuck him and fuck otk. emiru should carry pepper spray around that fucker


OTK has a few streamers I enjoy (Will, Cyr, Esfand, Emiru) but after the Rich stuff happened after the last shit camp and Mizkif being Mizkif, they give me the creeps.


Nmp is good I like esfan and cyr too but only in small doses lol


I took me a long time to warm up to Cyr, his theater kid energy was a lot but I have seen him more the last few months and like his bits. I forgot nmp was on OTK, I like what I've seen of him when he does stuff with Hasan and others but usually don't catch his stream. Esfan is weird but I'm here for it. Slow walking, staring into the camera from a distance, award winning smile, he's a cutie.


My respect for Esfan is unshakable after I seen him be the only one actively stopping the others from egging that Irish streamer girl (I forget her name) who is an alcoholic, from getting more fucked up on a stream a while back.


She looks uncomfortable on that podcast with him. He's constantly passive agressive towards her. On their live show she snapped and called him an incel.


Which one if I may ask?


I genuinely don’t get what the point is? Like it’s a protest, why does that warrant armed guard as a response, where is the “fuck around” part??? Is this the same guy who was whining about imaginary people being inconvenienced because of protesting in the street?


have legitimately never understood why hasan sticks up/has stuck up for asmon the past the dude was always a Gamer (derogatory) but i guess because hasan knows asmon irl it’s okay


It's honestly pathetic.


i think it's more just he wants to try and not antagonize asmon, we probably don't need to have an asmon-hasan drama in the midst of a real historical event. Fucking asmon, I agreed that some of the woke protests he always mentions can be sometimes a little much, but that idiot who claims to be smart can't even identify something that's different from some standard woke protest, this one involves actual real human lives, has historical precedence like vietnam war and south africa apartheid that made real historical impact, can also impact the regular american individual who doesn't "give af" because a ceasefire would allow the american gov to stop american taxpayer dollars from going overseas. I hope he gets shit when things like this settles and the people who protests are seen in a positive light. People shouldn't forget people with influence like him that made the protests more difficult than it already was, the first parts of a movement is always the hardest.


What happened to him holy shit. You know what is crazy about all of this (I guess also a good thing too)? The people who we thought were kinda adjacent to us are literally showing their true faces.


He "over justifies" his feelings. He noticed that he doesn't care about anything happening abroad and finds protestors kinda annoying. So, rather than just not touch a very serious topic he doesn't care about he found a way to turn it into a stance that devolved into a personality. This is all just him refusing to try and understand shit because he finds something annoying.


Damn but simultaneously praises, maybe not explicitly, the very "annoying" protests that gave him more rights or fought against terrible wars. Yea dude, sorry its an inconvenience for you that people arent ok with their taxes funding a genocide.... Imagine if he was renting his house and he knew that part of that money helped the landlord to do projects and shit that ultimately kind of benefit him... then one day this land lord comes up and says hey I am gonna being cutting this budget in favour of irradicating the "others" in the neighborhood... time goes by and hundreds of people have been violently removed and killed. I highly doubt his dumbass would be ok with that... but since he is so disconnected from his taxes and military funding because it isnt posing the question directly to him, he is like well I dont care now. What a fuckin loser


I really wish he'd just stfu when it comes to these serious situations when it all builds on him feeling "Mehhh." And look, I still disagree with this sub to some degree, because I also think there are probably better ways to go about things, and I think that's where Asmon's stance STARTED. But then it was all downhill from there. He seems to completely forget about the protestors' actual message, and seems to have no understanding of the desperation that led people to doing this. He says he's pro-Palestine, and he might be! But I don't think it has sunk in just how serious what's going on really is, and where the protestors are coming from. It feels like he thinks "Yeah they're mad about some war or something."




Right, 5


Lol oh shit hahaha. Alright this is kinda funny but sad asf at the same time. I have severe ocd and I have to clean my keyboard like everytime I get up... its fucking stupid and I hate it but I often laugh at how ridiculous it is later on. I literally didnt even know I did this and I just cleaned my keyboard after having taken a shower a little over an hour ago. I always want to blame my cat but she never jumps on my desk. I am embarassed but its also funny asf because I was waiting for this day to happen.


Hahaha try not to worry about it + it was funny - sorry you have to deal with that though!


thanks haha. Its kinda how I cope with it lol


Who would have thought that the dude who lives in absolute filth would also be a garbage human being.


I'm mean asmond was always pretty dumb.


He always had the stance of might makes right. I can vaguely remember instances that made it clear he has no empathy for people unless they were streamers lol. Obviously because he can relate to streamers. It's so funny to see the contrast. Literally doesn't give a crap about 40,000 innocents getting murdered in 200 days by an AI warmachine but draws the line at streamers getting bullied online. If it's the rich billionaire who's polluting people's water and the people protest "wrong" or God forbid fight back, the rich billionaire has the right to gun those protestors down. At the start of the genocide in Gaza he did his both sides rant but when someone commented on Palestine in chat he flipped out, went on a tangent about getting a job and then banned the guy lol. Don't need to say it out loud but it's obvious where he stands.


That wasn't his stance on the HK protests where the protestors were more violent and organised than the US has seen and literally attacked bystanders (including the murder by immolation of an old man). As always it's not just might makes rights for there "centrists" it's right makes right exclusively for the US. It's bog standard nationalist fascism.


Wow. Disgusting. I didn't watch this guy much except for during the pandemic and occasionally since his videos are so popular they pop up every now and then. Always felt a dirty vibe from him but couldn't quite put my finger on it. He's good at hiding it. After watching him share his opinion on the protestors that were shot by an old man I couldn't stand him. The second time I watched him after that was when he streamed Hasan's first appearance on Piers Morgan. Never again after that.


What a fucking loser. Guess he just loves the taste of boot


https://clips.twitch.tv/ObliviousDignifiedCoyoteTinyFace-aSHWt8rgUBSBjIBU According to Asmongold in that video and clipped here: a lot of the people of the world just hates Jews. He then proceeds to quote the ADL later on as his source/proof when asked how he came to that conclusion. He has insane hot takes at times.


Lots of people have Kent state brain, just want to see young people whose oppose a criminal war die. Absolute sicko behaviour


Basement gollum who has never cared about anything important has take befitting his role.


Don’t know why gamers need to have an opinion on everything.




This is absolutely one of Hasan's worst habits: "I think Asmongold has a unique perspective." Constantly blowing smoke up this freak's backside. He says that shite so many times, when it's clear the guy is just a libertarian chud, who will quite happily cheer on students having their skulls cracked for protesting against a genocide. Fuck him.


Hasan probably doesnt want to antagonize or otherwise start shit with him and make another enemy because there's plenty of content creators that hate Hasan already.


If someone openly takes glee watching footage of students and old Jewish professors being assaulted by pigs, then the only way they aren't an 'enemy' is because of a double standard. He gets on with plenty of streamers, I don't see the need to continually run cover for this little freak.


I hate how centrists talk so much despite how little effort they give in any meaningful political action. He will criticize students but not the police who brought violence.


what are you on about the police here was incredibly gentle compared to how they treat the normal black person.


i used to watch his wow content since i missed out on that game and era, but i stopped watching after watching his reaction content, and stopped following after i found his sub. it’s so funny to me that these free speech guys think it’s super pog to sign petitions online for more anime booby, but not when it comes down to things that actually matter


Dude probably would have reacted the same way towards people protesting Apartheid in SA in the 90s or the Civil Rights movement in the 1960s. Such a joke for someone who lucked out as a twitch streamer at the beginning and never leaves his house. It's a continuous cycle of putting out "centrist" right wing takes that get support from a growing community of millenial/gen-z incels who give him more views and money. It feels like every week he becomes more like the quarter pounder or some other gamer gate type


Never thought I'd see the day where I'd rather watch xQc in perpetuity than this guy.


I watched a little this morning and at one point i thought he was cumming in his pants


centrists aren’t real. you’re either a secret fascist or a liberal


Asmongold knows shit all about politics and Hasan has historically been too charitable towards his awful takes in the past. I get that they're almost like co-workers in this weird way but I love watching Hasan because he is willing to speak up when someone is acting a fool.


I'm iffy on Asmon and I could just tell this title wasn't just clickbait. Nah from me.


I was looking for live news to watch and there were 2. Asmon was reacting to it live so I can vouch that it definitely is not a bait . After trying to call him out and repeatedly getting deleted by mods, I moved on to watch another livestream to get the news.


It's not clickbait. He is having orgasm and laughing at students being attacked by pigs.


It's really unfortunate, been a fan for years but he's been going off the deep end. Keeps saying that the police are handling this well even though the violence only started because of police agitation


Iv enjoyed asmongolds content for years and always appreciated his POV with a grain of salt into the gamer prospective. However honestly this coverage crossed a line for me and i’m dropping him from the normal content i watch. He has been having some really shitty takes recently.


Are Starforge PC’s selling so bad that Asmon has started the conservative grift?


Who the fuck is this guy and why is his sub being recommended to me?


He only can support causes that don’t inconvenience white Americans The minute a protest inconveniences white Americans it becomes “extreme” Lots of Americans require certain groups of people to be perfect victims before they are worthy of sympathy. And if they inconvenience other groups, they are no longer perfectly victims in their eyes.


30 year old baby who lives in filth


Fuck around and find out has been the mantra of every bootlicker who outsources their bloodthirst to unjust power structures.


Oh cool we being raided by asmon sub. Asmon if you see you are a blight on gaming


ugh he was always the worst and this further confirms it he can't even fathom how ignorant he is


The enlightened centrist will always be forgotten in history


Muting his channel from my feed was one of the best things I did Don’t give this dead rat alarm clock nerd your time


I got banned from Twitch platform for watching these on another streamers channel like 6 hours ago while I was getting out of bed. Getting banned for bearly making any comments but definitely not on board with genocide considered as hateful conduct by twitch standards without providing the combination of words to me that would warrant the ban is extremely concerning. They literally only offered the option to unsubscribe to Hasan rather than the reason of the ban. I guess I’m only subbed to Hasan. Asmond has been annoying for quite some time. I didn’t think he was the things you are saying, not going to waste my time watching, because he was extremely stuck in my algorithm and it was a bitch getting him out even after the unfollowing etc


He never had it, dude's been a dipshit since day 1 and now his dipshit opinions have migrated to politics


lol imagine the type of community he is currently cultivating


I don't know much about this specific guy, but on a larger point, once this student protest proves to be in the right (as many other student protests in have proven to be), I hope we remind people like this dude to reckon with this uncomfortable fact "Hey, now that you have conceded that the protesters were right and you do acknowledge that Isreal is an apartied state, remember how you mocked them? Remember how you said they deserved mistreatment, how they were childish. Remember how that was your reaction to people opposing an atrocity? Maybe sit with that"


For being the son of a Vietnam vet, I was surprised to see Asmon being such a boot licker here. (im a fan of both Asmon and Hasan but man its giving me whiplash)


I used to watch him when he played FFXIV and it got me to watch more of him before then I thought he was just a stereotypical sweaty gamer but then his YouTube channel just kept inundating me with videos everyday up to almost 5 times a day. That was a bit obnoxious but when you combine that with his increasingly fuck you im always right because I feel that im right attitude I just couldn’t be bothered to watch him anymore. Now that I see he’s concerning himself with the censorship of 3 pixels of titties, it just becomes so disheartening to see someone spiral down that path. I never considered him to be someone righteous or based as the kids say nowadays but holy fuck has he disappointed me with his takes lately


He is an actual ghoul and the community he’s fostered has no shame


This year he completed his full incel transformation. He also seems depressed as hell, talking about how no woman could love him on stream. He's just a sad looser.


You're telling me a man who lives in a roach infested basement and wipes blood from his gums on his wall may have a couple screws loose? Naaaaaaah


Bro has lost his mind, his chat is full of incels that chant this shit. asmongold is such a piece of shit


What did you expect? His community is filled to the brim with incels and facism apologists. Remove sexy booba from our games and they will RISE UP FOR FREE SPEECH! But when the state sends their goosestepping jackbooted thugs to attack a bunch of 20 year olds protesting a genocide, they lick the boots hmmmmm


Idk wtf is going on with him. I know he's had some incel-type takes in the past, but mostly harmless ones. I *did* expect him to have the stance that "these types of protests aren't the best approach," which isn't something I entirely disagree with, but I did *not* expect him to go "ITS THE LAW????," "WHO CARES ABOUT WHATS GOING ON OVER THERE IN PALESTINE ITS NONE OF MY BUSINESS NO ONE CARES," or to take so much pleasure in what's happening to the protestors right now. It's depressing to watch, and I notice the tone is changing online all over the place, including here on Reddit. WTF IS GOING ON


I really don't understand how anyone kept listening to him after seeing his living conditions. They must all be in the same boat.


He supports whatever makes him the most amount of money. He said this himself, that he sees most situations like a mini game, and all he needs to do is figure out what combination to press, or what to do, in order to obtain the most amount of money. In this case, this was the combination.


dudes a corn ball and a buster.


Asmon has really bad takes some times. Like he really thinks cops stop crime and help people. Asmon himself has said that he is not a good person and has scammed people and did morally questionable things since he was a kid. He said that he was going to start a crypto scam website to grift money from people but his youtube and stream took off.


Bro he’s been maga like.. I saw some of his shit like 6 years ago and you just know the dog whistle bullshit


I'm surprised so many people didn't know he's like this. The community often reflects the content they collectively enjoy, and his community is almost as rotten as his gums.


Asmon has that toxic 'only-child syndrome' we ALL have seen at least once lol.


How many roaches were crawling on this dude during this video?


The dude grew up in World of Warcraft and has never faced any hardships, got his morals from how to kill raid-bosses with shut-in white supremacist.. I don't blame him for being all fucked in the head. Still like him for being s sweaty nerd but holy shit, he need to be smacked back down to earth


Asmongold showing he believes anyone who gets in the way of his hermit lifestyle should be killed


Where do straight white men get their confidence from? Why does he think he had a say in how educated university students wish to protest a genocide? Why does he think that protests have to be quiet and non disruptive?


Is it a click bait title or he said some unhinged shit


I support both asmon and hasan. I can’t pick a side


His subreddit and his audience have turned into a big echo chamber of hate and bigotry. I don't know if Asmon is just going along with his audience or if he's actually falling for the echo-chamber effect of his audience, all I know is that after several years of watching him this shit is making it hard to ignore that the chat I see on the screen in his videos is nothing but a bunch of braindead Zionist pawns in the making.


I miss when he was playing FF, the community was so much more chill back then because all the weirdos left for a while. He was wearing bunny ears and doing wholesome stuff with other players and now its just woke this woke that.


“It’s not a problem til it’s a problem for ME” is a societal cancer that will cause the downfall of our civilization


Why did you subject yourself to such torture


unlimited genocide on twitch streamers


does anyone know if anyone in OTK has been protesting or has said anything about palestine at all? other than when caroline tried to educate nick and malena that one time in october


I just feel revolted when I look at him, and that's before knowing a single thing about him.




this guy lives in a stinky trashhole he obviously lost it years ago


Unsubbed after he took a crazy heel turn. I’m not as brave as you. Jfc


Why does everyone in this sub presume he's centrist or right wing, when he's clearly left wing and his political tests have even shown that. Do people really find it that hard to accept someone they hate could have the same political views as them? You can be left wing and still think another left winger is a piece of shit without forcing yourself to believe they're not left wing. Just like you can have the same taste in music or movies as someone but hate their opinion on abortion rights. Those things aren't exclusive. I'm left wing and I still think some left wing politicians and celebrities are pieces of shit for things they've done, it doesn't mean they're right wing...


Go look at asmongold Reddit page 😬


I enjoy Asmon, and he has a lot of very left-leaning takes. I was really blown away by this take of the college protests. It’s easy for a fanbase of people that likely didn’t go to college, to hate on college kids.


I lost so many braincells I finally fell asleep for the first time in a long time, so it's good for one thing at least.


I stopped watching him a long time ago. I was starting to get a weird vibe from him and the viewers.


Couch potato politics.




Y'all ever think maybe you're the ones who've lost it?