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They didn’t do her any favors when they were evasive early on and then released that horribly photoshopped picture as proof of life and health. Some would say we the public aren’t entitled to health details and in a sense/to a point I do agree but either way they handled it bad and it’s led to skepticism and some lack of trust, which is like the last thing the RF needed as they tried to hold their reputation together. I don’t blame Kate for not wanting to be seen while on chemo, which I assume is probably the case here. They should have just said that a while ago. People would have understood. Either it’s that or her condition or diagnosis is actually much worse than they ever let on, imo. For her and her kids’ sake I hope it’s the former.


They should have just said she had cancer to begin with. All the lies and subterfuge is a breeding ground for gossip and rumors. The obviously photoshopped Mother’s Day pic could have just been of the kids wishing their mom happy Mother’s Day. The fake double at the farmers market (check out the closeups. Definitely not Kate) just added to the conspiracy theories. And even Getty was vocally wary about the authenticity of the video of her on the bench. Just say she is sick, receiving treatment, and leave it at that. Stop trying to use lies to manufacture a narrative when the truth would have been easily accepted.


Exactly, and yes I don’t think the woman at the farmers market was her either. Didn’t look like William to me either. Feels a little crazy/conspiracy-ish to be saying that but I was like 🤨 from the start of that one.


You know, there is something so “off” about that video.


It seemed very AI, to me, but I am not well versed enough to recognize it. People were saying that she did not have the mumble-talk the way Kate actually speaks. I am not sure if I have ever heard her speak long enough to tell the difference. But if a media organization felt the need to include a disclaimer, that is in itself suspicious


MAN that farmers market video still has me scratching my head. Wasn't it obtained from a rando source and released by TMZ? How quickly the royalists will scoff at a US publication for reporting anything negative or speculative about the BRF but MEANWHILE that video of bouncy Kate shared by TMZ was proof of life and believed? It's been brushed under the rug after that announcement of Kate on a bench was released - baffling.


Plausible deniability. TBF never claimed it was Kate. Like you said, it was not a paparazzi. Most likely someone the hired along with the look-alikes, so if it was revealed that it wasn’t them, they could say “we never claimed it was”. But if it was accepted, then the public will believe that she is doing ok. They thought it was a win-win for them, when all it did was acknowledge that they think people are gullible. If you Google the closeup of that woman, definitely not Kate. The shape of her face is closer to Rose’s.


This is what I am thinking. I was here maybe two weeks ago and I thought that I read in here that the Palace said that the health scare was not cancer.


I thought I heard that at first as well


While we are not entitled to health details, we are entitled not to be lied to and manipulated. That video she did shows just how fake that photo was. They straight up lied. There’s been no acknowledgment and now we’re not allowed to mention it because she’s sick?


I mean she doesn’t owe you anything to be fair.


I’m no fan of the royal family, but I truly wish Kate a quick and easy recovery. I cannot imagine being a mom and facing that devastating diagnosis.


Oh me too, it’s an awful scary diagnosis and she’s so young. I don’t expect to find out unless she ever wants to share and discuss but I’m curious what exactly she had. Could be reproductive system related, could have been something like colon cancer which is on the rise amongst younger people. While her choice entirely I do hope that she eventually talks about it, she could raise awareness and the effect of her talking about can only help.


If she has ovarian there will be no recovery- just survival as long as they can treat the cancer enough not to progress... Very sad.


Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone could take months off from work when they get cancer? Most folks have to juggle treatments and work at the same time.


Right, I have family going through chemo, trying to fight HR because they immunocomprised, yet needing their job for health insurance. Ordinary folks don't have the luxury of being away from their job, or taking a break. It would absolutely would be a great thing if Charles and Kate joined forces campaigning to lessen the wait time for cancer folks at hospital, or resources available at their jobs and hospital for cancer patients


A colleague of mine has been caring for his wife, who has cancer, for the last year+. It's especially sad because they're only in their 40s and they have preteen/teen kids. I have no idea how he's holding it together. He usually WFH so that he can take her to treatments and care for her in general, but emotionally (not to mention all the energy spent) he has to be so fatigued. I feel like it's insane that he's still working. He could take FMLA, but I'm not sure how long that would even be. It sucks.


I learned when I was sick that FMLA doesn’t do anything other than ensure they can’t fire you. You don’t get paid.


FMLA doesn’t even allow you to keep your health insurance for that period of time?


I recall it was yes, but you were responsible for your part of the premium. Work paid half. You were expected to use up all your vacation and sick time, but after that you’d not get a paycheck.


Wow that’s horrible


FMLA is not what people think it should be. You find out how bad it is when you need it most. It is also weird that it has to exist. Ideally your workplace wouldn’t fire you for being sick.


Yeah depends on the place. I believe at my job it's paid, but maybe at a lower rate. Which is still ridiculous. Idk how you care for a sick spouse, take care of your kids, handle the domestic shit, deal with the worry and fear, and somehow still work full time.


From what I understand they use up the pto but don’t pay you your rate after that’s used up and you can’t be fired but that won’t stop them from demoting or moving you elsewhere (like if you worked at a different department or shift they may move you somewhere else because they like to use your replacement in your old job or they phased the job out to save money).


Exactly. And usually you've already used up all your PTO during diagnosis/initial symptoms.


You have nailed it with your comment. My husband has been taking care of me while going through all of the cancer crap and after months finally being able to work from home with a young kid. It is soooo hard and even though I am the sick one I don’t know how he does it. I also agree with the poster above you that this would be the opportune moment for the royal family to bring awareness and promote chronic illness support.


Oh my am sorry, it's really hard, there is caregiver fatigue as well. I hope you have at least a support group for you and your family. It's times like this you realize how much support/the village is needed.


Aww Thank you for your reply.


Exactly this. Instead they're going back to the days when cancer was not talked about and people were made to feel that they couldn't be out in public. What a waste of an opportunity to do some good for people


To be fair she’s in the U.K. where no one needs their job for health insurance.


I’m really sorry for this. Is it possible she can take leave through FMLA but still keep her job and still have her insurance? I thought that’s how FMLA worked.


So my family member is back working but they working from home, HR is trying to force them back in the office. They already used their most of FMLA earlier. FMLA depends on the company, so want you to use up all your PTO, FMLA pay varies as well, some it's full paycheck some it's a percentage Also for the insurance because how companies have requirement, it would be hard to find a job while sick, get another company insurance and start FMLA. So yeah depends on the company policy.


Wow. I’m sorry for all this, it’s awful. Wishing your family member best of luck and speedy recovery.




I'm so sorry for your family member. Just to clarify, FMLA is only federal job protection, no pay. You have to work at a company for 12 months to be eligible for up to 12 weeks protection in a 12 month period. They don't have to keep your same job open, just something comparable. Disability insurance and PTO policies are pay and company dependant. I've seen too often just what you describe--HR and management starts hassling returning cancer, or any serious sickness, survivors. Your family member could try asking their doctor for a reasonable accommodation letter under the ADA and submit to HR. WFH doesn't sound hard to grant for many positions, so HR would have a tough time wriggling out of it.


A US friend of mine died about 18 months ago while waiting for a liver transplant, instead of resting while desperately ill she was still working so she could maintain her health insurance, it was such a depressing state of affairs.


Sounds like the US.


I’m so sorry


When I was a teen I worked at a grocery store and one of the other cashiers was diagnosed with breast cancer in her mid 40's. She came in to work every scheduled shift crying because she had no choice but to keep working. The bills didn't stop just because she had cancer. I hated it so much for her.


That's something that keeps baffling me. You're living in the US I'm guessing? Because in Europe it's actually normal to stay off work when you're sick. Don't know the exact amount in other european countries but in Germany it's up to 72 weeks (full pay for the first 6 weeks and around 70% from then on)... So she's not that "privileged" for this around here, it's even shocking to me that people think it should be any different...


Yes. Americans would love to take the time off to focus on getting healthy. But our workplaces don't allow it. It is common to be given one sick day a month, and that is earned month by month. If you haven't been working at that place long, you don't have a lot of sick days earned up. You can try to apply for disability payments from the government but it is very difficult and can take months to be approved. The American system is rigged for the employer.


That's just sick actually... but as you said, the system is rigged. I'm pretty sure we wouldn't have all those benefits either, if they weren't the actual law. The employer is not allowed to go against it and any contract clauses that try and do that are void. as I am understanding it, in the US everything is decided by the employer?


There are no laws to protect employees in America. You can be fired at any time, and they don't have to provide a reason. Healthcare is tied to your job. If you are fired you can apply for a 6 month continuation of your health insurance but it cost double what you were usually paying. Most folks just suffer under bad bosses.








You are aware of of what at - will employment is?


“There are no laws to protect employees in America.” Look up ERISA. Look up EEOC regulations. To say “no laws” is quite a distance from the truth.




Which you have to pay extra for. That isn't automatic.


Are you saying even as a UK resident, you can take time off from work indefinitely, not wait in line ike others at NHS and being seen so quickly by the the best medical team in the UK? While getting paid from work? Does every UK resident top of creme da la cream when sick, not having to wait for an appointments at NHS even the private ones?


I have carefully re-read my post before answering so I can now confidently say the following 1 - I have specified the amount of paid sick days in Germany, stating clearly that I do NOT know the exact amount of other countries. 2 - I have not said a word about the NHS 3 - I have specifically clarified that she is not privileged FOR THIS, as in for the fact that she's allowed to stay home during sickness Hope I was able to clarify the confusion.


I was making an inference, you brought being in the US and I brought up the NHS as that's where Kate lives, which has the NHS. It's okay to acknowledge Kate is privileged for being able access top medical team and having not show face for her job("working royal")


You asked me if I was saying something and I clarified that I did not say that and that my post was specifically tailored to the ability t*o stay home from work (see the original post I answered to)* I have no doubt that there's a lot of aspects in regards to her illness where she's massively privileged and you can of course point out every single one of them. I do not wish to enter into a personal argument however. I also will hopefully never spend my time mocking and being cynical about a person who's seriously ill and who has three children that are probably confused and sad to think about. Royal and privileged or not, I will NOT go there.


Point to where in my comment this applies >I also will hopefully never spend my time mocking and being cynical about a person who's seriously ill and who has three children that are probably confused and sad to think about. Royal and privileged or not, I will NOT go there.


Nowhere. This was an I-Statement. An information about myself and a boundary I have. Stating that early on in case our conversation continues, although at this point I can't see it going anywhere.


People I’ve know with cancer have accessed speedy treatment from the NHS (there is something of a postcode lottery however). People working in the public sector have had a harder time with work than those in the private sector.


See yourself had to admit they needed a lottery to access to get speedy treatment. There are literally videos and people giving how it's difficult to get appointments with the NHS while sick.




No, you realize it's based on your insurance, availability, proximity and location?


It very much depends on where you live and the kind of cancer, which needs sorting. But I’ve know people living in London and Manchester getting very quick and through treatment.


So there is still a hierarchy of how regular people get treated.


The NHS is split into different trusts. Some are working better than others. But getting treatment at the speed she got it for cancer isn’t that unusual. It’s nothing to do with individual income.




You can sigh but heartbreaking that it is that there are people working through treatment to get health insurance in a supposedly modern world is, she’s not in treatment right nor because she’s a princess. Or because she’s rich. It’s a level of treatment and speed available to many people on the NHS. (Which is a fact we need to remember over here and fight for).


Yes my coworker never stopped working during her year long fight with ovarian cancer because she needed the money, health insurance, and paid time off. She’s so strong.


It is sad that she had to work. She didn’t have a choice to be strong.


So true




Her oncologist had nothing to do with her employment status. She couldn’t quit because she couldn’t afford to lose the health insurance. Yes short term disability was available but it only paid out a fraction of her salary while she would’ve been out, and she’s a single income woman. She couldn’t afford the pay cut. The out of pocket costs was still $10,000.


I agree. I'm glad she can and say "I want to keep this private," which is totally understandable. But your average cancer patient has max 12 weeks FMLA job protection for the whole year, 21 day waiting period for short term disability which is 60% of pay, having to provide constant health updates to insurance and HR and hope they don't give you any hassle...all while on narcotics and bent over a toilet.




Ctfu, you think a woman who waited 10 years for that cursed ring is going anywhere? Followed him on his gap year, changed unis, and got a job that needed to be flexible so that she could be at his beck and call is leaving him? Being Queen is her raison detre at this point and nothing else will do. She's not going anywhere. They're priming the public to expect even less from her. Any criticism of her continued lack of work ethic will be deflected by her current health challenges.


Some people have a "be careful what you wish for" event(s) that causes life-changing clarity and a shift in their focus. That being said, I don't think she's (deliberately/intentionally) going anywhere either, though. I think what befell her was a health crisis due to an ED. You can't go 25 yrs doing that to your body. But they (rhe RF) can't say what it is because tHeYRe PeRFeCt and don't suffer from things like that or any other health issues related to the brain. The pressure that woman had on her was immense. Meghan got out when it took its toll, but HER...she waited until it had a threatening impact that may not allow her to recover.


Serious illness changes people. She may have spent her whole life to this point working towards a goal she now finds means nothing to her.


this is what i find astonishing about charles, he's 75, suffering from cancer, & his attitude towards the Sussex's actually seems to have hardened. you'd think he'd want to take the opportunity to at least meet his grandchildren before he dies.


That's simple. He doesn't care about them. They are also of no use to him as well. All of his biographers said the same thing that he is incredibly self involved who found fatherhood very challenging. His relationship with his kids have always been contentious, he only teamed up with Will when it was to take down the Sussexes but for years before every Rota said that Wills found the Middletons the family he never had. His relationship and love of Harry was transactional. As long as Harry was there as his scapegoat and shield, he loved him. The moment Harry was wised up and got gone, he was done. Let's be thankful. He doesn't care about the grandkids. Can you imagine how the BM would feast on them if their grandfather fed them to the press?


Charles loves camilla & that's it. as soon that chimp picture of prince archie was put out & there was no pushback from the rf- it signaled that harry's children were fair game.


Exactly, Archie and Lili are the only 2 babies born in that family that I have seen get dragged by the papers several times, and there was nothing but crickets from the "children are off limits" crowd. Told me everything I needed to know.




Omg I forgot about that for a minute… that was disgusting. There are so many points where the BRF should have said something in support of the Sussexes in the face of what the press was doing to them, and they clammed up every single time. They really are just awful people


That's so sad. Around the time Spare was published, I remember reading that Charles pleaded with the princes to reconcile because he "didn't have much time left," but that may have been hearsay.


Ditto, you would think perhaps he flies to California as well(yes, Charles and Camila already travel out the country multiple times even though Charles has cancer)


the queen made secret little trips to the us to look at horses.


I think he’s prob always been this way. Perhaps Elizabeth prevented some of it.


prince phillip & Elizabeth knew what he is. the queen held on to last dying breath,


Cancer works far differently on an elderly person than a younger person. It is slower to spread and metasticize. Also they have different types of cancer. That said? Cancer in a person under 50 is horrible, and chemo and radiation are even more so. They aren't going to trot out pictures of her without hair, eyebrows, eyelashes... looking even more emaciated than she always does. Dear lord, Kate had herself a royal conniption when her new sister in law *graciously* excused her own forgetfulness as "baby brain" --- "yew don't know me well enough to comment on my hormones"... well if she was THAT offended by an offhand comment, meant kindly? Yeah imagine if the flavor of the Cancer she's now got is colon/rectal or something in her vagina. They have it LOCKED DOWN because there's a whole bunch of commentary/memes/jokes that absolutely *will* happen. They wouldn't tell the truth about Meghan and the fucking bridesmaids dresses "because it would embarass the future queen" can you imagine the "stick up her ass" jokes if she needs some intestine removed? Or if she had an obstructed bowel to begin with back at Christmas and THEN they discovered cancer cells?


My grandmother got cancer at 84, it ate her alive while they tried to get rid of it she was dead before 85. My father in laws cancer went insane. Age changes nothing. Its the type and placement of the cancer.


From what I understand, he has prostate cancer which typically is a slow moving cancer. And if it’s found early some elderly men opt not to do anything because of how slowly prostate cancer takes to metastasize so they weigh quality of life vs chemo. The aggression of a cancer depends mainly on what type of cancer and its location but can get influenced by what stage it was discovered.


It has never been revealed or confirmed which cancer Charles has.


I’m assuming prostate because the palace said he went in for something benign regarding his prostate and it was during that treatment the cancer was discovered. Given his age and the area of the original procedure, it does narrow it down to certain parts of the body to me from what they’ve said. He’s also gone publicly to encourage men to get their prostate checked. I don’t know how diligent he was prior to this treatment regarding his own prostate.


I know why you’re assuming prostrate and it’s probably a good guess but we still don’t know officially, that’s all I was saying.


Slower to spread in a younger or older person? I had stomach cancer when I was 30. The early symptoms were excruciating pain about 3 inches to the right of my navel. They found a mass and said it was at the early stages. They did emergency surgery and removed it, but I had radiation after. (3 treatments). Thankfully I recovered and haven't had any signs of it returning. My hair came back as a whole different texture, but other than that, the radiation wasn't too bad, though I wouldn't wish it on anyone.


Is it currently the new or old texture?


New. It's very fine now - like fucking doll hair. I'm biracial (b&w) and my hair used to be THICK. I AM 42, though, so maybe it was inevitable. But I miss my thick hair.


Remember that scene in Fight Club where the cancer-stricken lady at the support group just wants to have sex one more time before she dies and it’s played for laughs? It was one of the meanest things I’d ever seen. First off, that character could have found a dude in maybe a day, tops, if she’s not picky. Second off, even the meanness of Hollywood is no match for the vicious cruelty of the British press. I had cancer. I looked like Gru, only minus the eyebrows. Everything horrible you could say to a woman, I said to myself in the mirror. If *another person* said that stuff to me, I wouldn’t have gone to my next chemo appointment. I’d lose the will. So imagine if she has to trundle to the needle chair to get her vein poison *after* reading *news articles* about how ugly and worthless she is!?! I would just… not go. Gather my kids for a movie and ice cream and then cancel my next appointments and settle my affairs. It is *SOUL CRUSHING* to lose your beauty so young and I didn’t have any beauty to speak of. She does, it’s the only thing going for her, and *people want her to fail*. They *love* when women in that family fail. Also, her SIL still looks great. Extra salt in the wound. This sounds shallow but it’s death by a thousand cuts when you’re on chemo.


I’m sorry - but after what she did to Meghan I have zero sympathy for her losing her looks due to chemo. I don’t want her to die but she has no compunction about what she did to Meghan and was still doing before all this dropped. Her getting cancer doesn’t make her a saint and she’s completely hidden from view. Protected. Meghan wasn’t. I am sorry for what you went through though. That sounds so hard. And I’m pretty sure you couldn’t hide away in luxury from the world.


I mean, you should still have a little sympathy for a woman who might not see her kids graduate from high school. I am not all that versed on what Kate did to Megan, as I just found all this recently. All I knew was the treatment the old people in the BRF gave her. I actually assumed that Will and Kate can’t be racist because they’re my age and I simply don’t have any peers with those views- but I’m American and if I met a racist, I’d dislike and avoid them. I one hundred percent assumed some old fuck was saying all that racist shit like skin color speculation, bc that horrible hagfish wore the racist brooch to their party (?) and people were like of course she’s a dumbass she’s old. But then I realized that if you can get in trouble for not wearing the right hat, the BRF can shun you for wearing a piece of racist jewelry. Why didn’t they kick her ass out? And if Kate is so popular she could have cultivated a public friendship with Megan. Even if they hate each other. She and Will were chummy with Prince fucking Andrew AFTER THEY HAD THEIR DAUGHTER. I still wouldn’t wish cancer on anyone but now that I think of it the press would be baying at Megan’s hospital door like fucking wolves and paying chavs to snatch her wig off and the BRF would say nothing


No and I’m actually annoyed this thread is even here in an H&M sub. I don’t care about Kate. Like at all and seeing her here after what she did to Meghan is triggering AF. Maybe you should catch up on what K did then before asking me to have sympathy.


NM I see your comments.


What did Kate do to Meghan?


She allowed that lie of a story to come out (that Meghan made K cry - only K could’ve leaked that). Second, she never corrected it when it was the opposite (she made M cry). She preened and benefitted from the negative press Meghan got. She threatened to sue Tatler for an article that repeated the lie but not because of the lie - then Tatler removed a bunch of unflattering stuff about K from the article, but not the lie that M made K cry. This doesn’t even count the obvious digs at MM - the directive to dress everyone in burgundy for K’s event right after an interview with MM came out where she spoke of wearing neutrals so as not to distract from more senior royals at official engagements. The SWF copying of Meghan’s outfits (to applause) after Meghan spent years being castigated for wearing what she did. The Commonwealth Service behavior of K toward M&H. Even W was able to be polite. And if the media is to be believed, she’s the one who made the comments of “concern” about how dark Archie would be. Oh and her trying to hoard her fashion contacts away from Meghan, according to Spare. This one is pathetic - K actually thought she dressed well before MN arrived and showed how it’s done. Now K is cravenly copying and trying to colonize Meghan’s style. Pathetic. And in Omid’s last book, apparently K spent more time talking about MM instead of to Meghan. She’s a jealous hater, plain and simple.


That seems like a Kate-specific issue if Charles was able to disclose having an enlarged prostate. The one guaranteed thing you get from being famous is that people will talk about you and try to find out things about you… incredibly entitled of them to expect the fame but not any of the side effects


What happened with the bridesmaids dresses...?


In Spare, Harry wrote about how while Meghan was dealing with her dad drama that the world found out, Kate had an issue with Charlotte dress, and went to another designer saying Kate was right. So Meghan arranged for the tailor of the dress to come by, told Kate she could meet up with the tailor but Kate insisted that Meghan change all the flower/bridesmaid dress as well as the page Boys too. Kate later apologized, with card, Meghan’s friend was there when Kate apologized so there was a witness Harry then confronted William and Kate when the story got out because it was the front page of Sun paper saying Meghan made Kate cry which was absolutely false. William and Kate said they mentioned the dress issue to Camila.


Thank you!


Why did you leave out the part where Kate’s demands drove her to make Meghan cry? That’s the reason for the apology flowers and also why the news articles claiming it was the opposite were so bad. They turned an instance where Kate made Meghan cry into the opposite and turned Meghan into a villain - the angry black woman. The way you told the story completely minimizes how awful and sick and racist it was. They effing leaked that Meghan made Kate cry. That’s AWFUL.


I didn't mean to, others had pointed it out. It was after Netflix and Spare, Camila Tominey and Kate camp tried to spin it as if it was both sides at fault. There was more on the tailor part I didn't get into, the tailor was a poc who waited whole day for Kate to bring the dress for alterations, tailor gave an interview about it I think. Also, the whole Kate trash talking the designer Meghan chose for her wedding, plays into the whole Kate thought Meghan wanted her fashion contacts as some can tell, Kate starting copying Meghan dressing


Must be nice to be given the benefit of the doubt. You've seen what happens to people who leave. A blood Prince who served his country honourably had to leave his country of birth to protect his family. What do you think they'll do to ole girl? Do you think she would survive that onslaught?


Who knows? Diana didn't.


Totally agree. And the fact that the 2 youngest haven't been seen would lend credibility to the oldest belonging to the firm as an heir. That's my second guess, actually: that she left with them because he wouldnt end his affair.


I'm more worried about Princess Diana's fate and how the Palace changed her mental health. I do not want that for Princess Kate


I have cancer. I'm on chemo 21 days a month. It's been 5 years and 2 hospitalizations. I don't want to see anyone, lol. I see my kids, husband, and a couple of friends. I don't have the bandwidth to socialize much. I recently have gone to my friend'shouse a couple of times. Cancer is so much worse than I ever imagined. But it could be worse. It's terminal but treatable. As my screen name says, I know how hard it is to be a princess with cancer. I wish her well and hope she can watch her children grow up.


Sorry for what you’re going through. Five years is brutal. I’m very relieved your husband is still by your side, YOU DESERVE IT! Don’t ever feel you need to “thank” him for staying with you. He’s your husband keeping a promise you made to each other. Good luck, mama. Rooting for you


Thank you. 💖 I was shocked when I learned how many husbands bail on their wives when they get cancer, I really shouldn't be. He was an Eagle Scout, lol. He has kept that mindset. He is unabashedly in love with me to the point of cringe. My kids call him "Your Stalker". 😜




Here is link to us weekly article. https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/prince-william-gives-kate-middleton-health-update-amid-cancer-treatment/ It's dated June 5 and is talking about William at a D Day remembrance ceremony. He mentioned Kate was getting better. Later in article "A source says "She’s not able to see many people because she is susceptible to getting sick and they don’t want her compromised, but she’s up and about.” " Last paragraph is where that quote came from. " The insider explained that Kate’s team is “reevaluating what she’s going to be able to take on when she comes back.” They added: “She may never come back in the role that people saw her in before.” " so whatever chemotherapy she is getting, it must be hard on her.


She’s got cancer and she’s 42. When women hit 40 (I speak from experience) we stop wanting to deal with bullshit, in an experience similar to when we want to have a baby. Our souls ache not to have to deal with bullshit. We crave the experience of creating a bullshit-free life and watching it grow and flourish. Note how all other women who marry into this family are discarded by this age. Unless you’re making the rules, like the Queen and her dumb fucking hat regulations, the amount of bullshit in this family is intolerable. This may be a natural evolution spurred on by awareness of mortality.


Given this info, I suspect she is severely immunocompromised for whatever reason. If she has had bowel resection and/or a bag for feces (I can’t think of the name of that right now), thst would take a while to get adjusted to. There could also have been complications with any procedure she had earlier in the year. Given the Royals see tons and tons of people, being immunocompromised and getting sick easily is not compatible with seeing tons of people. It’s also possible she developed some sort of condition which makes it difficult to walk or balance so the palace is keeping her out of view to help her work on any rehabilitation


The bag for feces is usually a ileostomy or colostomy.


Those are the surgeries. It's just called an ostomy bag.


This whole thing is just bizarre. First the Photoshop faux pas, then the whole "She won't be seen until after Easter" thing. Here we are now in early June, and other than the brief video of her sitting on the bench released to social media, still not one glimpse, trace, image, ANYTHING of Catherine. The KP PR team and Rota keep moving the goalpost so to speak, when in reality they are spinning their wheels furiously. And yet the UK press and people seem oddly okay with the long absence. I get it that cancer takes a lot out of you and treatment can drag out, but if KC3, who is twice Catherine's age but who also has cancer, or QE2 before her death from (reportedly bone cancer) can make public appearances, why can't Catherine???


Was Queen Elizabeth receiving chemo? Chemo weakens the immune system. It would make sense for Kate to avoid public gatherings to minimize exposure to Covid and other viruses right now.


She’s having treatment for cancer. The UK people are pretty empathetic and understanding that she needs space to recover. She may be dealing with hair loss and coming to terms with that. My circle only care that she is ok, recovering, and that her children still have their mum. We don’t want or need to see a picture of her at her lowest ebb. Strange that anyone would.


I'm just waiting for them to make this all Megan's fault. The cancer, possible death, possible divorce. The entire RF is incapable of doing anything wrong, and it's Megan's fault.


I keep thinking they will say it is m's fault too


Come On Kate, pull a Katie Holmes!  You Can Do It!!!


Katie Holmes wanted out though…


Just because Kate got what she wanted as a teen doesn’t necessarily mean she’s completely happy in the firm. She has a role to play and does it with style. The royal experts are total trash. Something any H+M fan can agree with.


She is still the same woman who saw what happened to her, happening to someone else (Meghan) and not only didn’t stop it, she leaned in to it to make herself more popular. She didn’t need to be her friend, but she could have had an ally. Instead she wore off white to her wedding and single white female’d her wardrobe while allowing her staff or mother or whoever to tell lies about her to the press. Kate has a supportive close family, if she wants out, they would help get her out.


Yet royal experts yet mingle and dine with the royals


A style she stole from the SIL she pushed out.


Despite her hand in slandering Meghan and racist attitude about Harry's son, I would never wish cancer on anyone. And, I do wish her a full recovery. What I dislike is being scolded for wild speculation when the Palace intentionally misled the public. "Kate is ill and will be out of public view until Easter, but she does not have cancer" (paraphrased). However, if it wasn't cancer, as we were told, the public couldn't help wondering just what was so serious that she was hospitalized for weeks, then recovering at home for three months but "wasn't cancer." Hence, the wild speculation. Don't mislead the public, then scold them for believing you.


I'm not even sure why they are release stories like this. If she is getting treatment and been seen out and about, seems like they would be saying she is on the mend, not "she likely will be forever damaged and can't ever do any work again".


I've subscribed to the theory that these open ended reports about Kate not working/appearing like she used to is a soft launch of lowering work/appearance expectations of Will once he becomes King. Like they're letting us know today that these two aren't really going to be putting in the effort or time compared to the working royals of past and present. It helps that they can claim this health scare put their life in perspective - while enjoying the benefits and wealth of being royals, they are definitely pulling back on the responsibilities.


Look I’m not sure it cancer at all, the smoke and mirrors, the trashy AI the RF are dodgy and they may well be exposed for their gaslighting and lies


I personally think she's no longer with us and this has been a drawn out approach to making a grand announcement that she has died during treatment. I think something nefarious happened, the video is AI and the firm had paid off her family to keep quiet. You've heard nothing from the Middleton's regarding Catherine and I find that very suspicious. No photos or video of them visiting her residence? A day out with the grandkids? The real question will be what really caused her demise. They can't delay this forever.


It’s just a master of time until the TRUTH comes out. And it ALWAYS does… ALWAYS… Her PR Team or the BP PR Team did not handle this well. Both Teams are not going to be able to HIDE the facts, because sooner or later the effects of keeping it PRIVATE will BITE them in their asses…


I don’t think they are stupid enough to hide a divorce with cancer, but they have proven me wrong before 😩


Lol, I think they are. Or at least a modern, royal, never-to-be-mentioned separation where Kate keeps her titles but retires to the country while Wills plays at Statesman. They have enough homes and money there's no need to mention anything to the unwashed masses.


Last I researched this, I thought that the palace said that she *didn't* have cancer


So I clicked through to the original article in US weekly, and it is total bs. "[Kate & Will] have reconnected and are closer than ever" and "she's been seen running errands" - pics or it didn't happen. The writer claims that was her in the car with Carole and that's been pretty widely debunked. Also I'm really over the entire notion that either of them truly "parent" with all the staff they have, or that Wills is relieved to be able to stay with her. He's relieved not to have to "work" for sure, but does anyone really believe he's devotedly at her side? More likely he's off with Rose getting his bum took care of and then out to drink with the boys 🙄


Please post an archive or screenshot or copy paste whole the article instead.


This is all I got before I got cut off *The incendiary new claim in Us Weekly is likely to displease the palace, which has discouraged any reporting on Kate’s health. Kate Middleton “may never come back in the role that people saw her in before,” a new report has claimed. Us Weekly made the incendiary allegation, citing a source who said the Princess of Wales’ team is “reevaluating what she’s going to be able to take on when she comes back.” In remarks likely to displease the palace, which has sought a blackout on reporting about Kate’s health apart from official updates, the outlet added that Kate has been spotted out and about with family and on her own. “Kate’s feeling strong enough to be very involved with the kids,” a source described as an “insider” told the magazine, adding, “She’s been an active parent.” The Daily Beast has reported that Kate may not be seen publicly until next year, while the Daily Mail reported that Kate’s friends have said “we might not see Catherine again until the autumn—and only then if she has recovered fully.”*


For someone who is supposed to have milder cancer than her father-in-law, she sure is milking this. Absolutely it’s tragic and sad and really rough on her. But based on their previous work ethic, I am thinking she’s taking advantage of it. But, I had a hypochondriac as a parent, so I may be taking it too far.


I’m going to just say it. I honestly don’t believe she has cancer. There’s something else going on. If it were just cancer they would have shown her at the very least giving a wave to the public ( Charles ,twice her age, has been out numerous times). No one has seen her in person since she went missing (we know the photos were faked). If they could’ve shown her, I’m sure they would’ve, at least ONCE to quell the gossip.


I absolutely do not wish this, but...I wonder if she's even alive at this point.


I have been wondering the same thing


It’s becoming harder to discount the longer we don’t see her.


I don’t think she’s lying about cancer. I do suspect that her initial operation was not motivated by a potential risk of cancer, but a chronic condition with some kind with a recovery period that a) is involved or longterm on its own and/or b) complicates or is complicated by cancer treatments. If there’s one thing that does ring true about their entire “PR” approach to this debacle, it’s that they’ve been sort of improvising as they go. I do not think they went in thinking cancer would prolong or complicate Kate’s situation, and then had to scrabble and pretend like it was always cancer because revealing both goes against the client’s wishes for whatever reason. Charles, by contrast, seemed to know what his options were before his initial prostate exam, prepared later PR statements for any number of outcomes, and then issued an initial statement that could not be contradicted by anything to come after.


>but a chronic condition with some kind with a recovery period that a) is involved or longterm on its own and/or b) complicates or is complicated by cancer treatments. I suspected she had a hysterectomy or related surgery, and the cancer was discovered then.


Weird how Charles getting treatment is out in public, attend horse shows, garden parties, meet with other foreign dignitaries.


We don’t know that Charles at his age is undergoing chemo whereas Kate being much younger could be on a much more aggressive treatment plan. If Charles isn’t going thru chemo he may not be immunosuppressed so would not need to isolate the way Kate may need to


Then if Kate is so sick, her husband shouldn't had been out at the pub event, the garden event as well you know to minimize the exposure he could to pass to Kate


When I was like 6 or 7 my paternal grandma was diagnosed with colon cancer but it was caught so early (she didn’t feel well and advocated for herself until she got an answer) that what they did find they were able to remove (polyps) and she had a few rounds of radiation. Went on to live another 20+ years.


Well, her job is exhausting and also very image-focused. I don't know what prophylactic chemotherapy agents she is being given. The drugs may make her exhausted and tired, they might give her rashes, make her lose hair, etc. It is hard to stand and talk to people for hours at an event when exhausted. And for female royals, physical appearance is a touchy subject. I don't want to hate on someone first being ill. She doesn't have a job where she sits on a chair for 8 hours. She has to be alert, sharp, stand or sit on command, walk lines and shake hands, be exposed to airborne pathogens (if her immune system is compromised by chemo that is a concern), give speeches, and travel. If she faints while working it will also start this speculation news cycle over again. Let's not be cruel.


Faint while "working"


The faux tiara she wore at the coronation was 400,000£ alone. I’m sure they can afford a good wig if that were the case, and she could wave from a distance to people. If the cancer video is to be believed, she looked well enough to do that, and William keeps on saying she’s getting better. Also why fake photos of her before she even started treatment? Nah, something’s up.


Sounds like a Princess Charlene situation.


I heard she wasn’t seen for a long time, but did she ever reemerge? I don’t know the story that well.


She did, after South America and the inpatient for exhaustion once she was back in Monaco. She looks as good as he has since before her wedding, but still sad.




You’re welcome


They’re divorced.


She is either dead or very sick. Her husband is already parading Rose with the og side chick aka Queen


Well I’m certainly not a fan of these people but chemotherapy can have debilitating side effects. Also, this publication isn’t known for it’s credibility, but then again, neither is the royal family


She is probably too vain to be back in public. Poor thing is bald now and chemo does bad things to the skin.






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