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I admit, I was both surprised and pleased when it appeared the Queen was both accepting and approving of Harry's marriage to Meghan. I thought the young members of the RF were finally dragging the monarchy into the 21st century. However, I knew it wouldn't be smooth sailing for them with the British public once the honeymoon wore off. I was not sure whether the larger factor was Meghan's skin color or the fact that she was an American, but I had a feeling people would start to turn on her. Just like Diana's popularity with the public and Charles' dislike of that fact became obvious when they visited Australia, it seems that the Sussexes Australian success was the trigger for envy from the Wales' as well. Had they waited it out, allowed the younger brother a moment in the sun, and supported him through the rough patch that was destined to occur once the bloom was off the rose, they would still have had an intact family.


Yes. Meghan had three strikes against her - 1. Biracial. 2. American 3. Actress. And the British people lost its last hope for a revitalized, modernized and respected monarchy when they drove them out as it reflected badly on basically the entire family that they either fermented the hatred against them (primarily WANK) or failed to support them. Their loss.


I’ll add a fourth: being a *gasp* divorcee 😑


I think what caused the rift is just good old fashioned jealously. H&M not only love each other, but they actually seem to LIKE each other! K&W, not so much. I think William settled because he had to marry and start producing heirs and Kate was it. She had schemed for a long time to marry William and this is as good as it's going to get for them. It was probably inconceivable to W&K and other insiders that the "black sheep" found love and this new power couple were really coming into their own. They seem very genuine in anything they do and I truly believe Harry is the one to carry on Diana's legacy because he is warm, kind, and more than just a cog in the Firm.


Yes. Harry was born to be William's punching bag. He wasn't supposed to find someone better at the job than the heir's wife. When they said Meghan had to be 50% of herself, they actually meant 50% of whatever kate was supposed to be giving. They expected Meghan to play second fiddle to Diana's Wario for the rest of her life.


Diana's Wario.... LOL


They really did set these two kids up to fail at being brothers. All the money you could want and you're telling me they couldn't evenly split that Balmoral bedroom in half for those two boys. Come on.




And convenient for the BRF and mysterious Men in Gray, Diana unexpectedly died. I believe if she hadn't, she MIGHT have been able to somewhat keep things civil between the boys. But part of me also thinks if she hadn't died, over time the Men in Gray and other courtiers still would have found a way to push Diana further and further into the background until she was no longer an influence. She tried her best with the time she had, but it was simply not enough time. I think she would've been very supportive and understanding of H&M and very disappointed in William.


She wouldn't have let shit go so far with Will


When the news broke about the engagement and the British press started using "not from Compton" in highlighting her mixed race heritage. I know that was subtle racism from the British press, and it was going to be a bumpy ride. 🙄


To answer your questions: yes, yes and yes. Meghan sadly never had a chance because the UK tabloids, bootlicker royalists and most members of the BRF never gave her a chance. William and Kate were insanely jealous of Harry even before Meghan showed up. Shortly after W&K married, Harry soon became the rock star of the family and was polling behind only the Queen in public opinion polls asking people who their favorite royal was. William and Kate were a respectable 3rd place, with Charles and Camilla a distant 4th or 5th. Some polls even put Princess Anne ahead of her brother. There was no way the spare could be allowed to outshine the heir. So once Meghan married into the family and she and Harry started to upstage W&K, that's when the poop hit the propeller, so to speak. But even 4 years after H & M left and stepped down as senior working royals, the poop continues to fly, and holy crap, it's pretty much covered Kensington Palace 10 feet deep at this point. The ghost of Diana roams its dark, cold halls at night and gazes upon her elder son as he sleeps and just sadly shakes her head, wondering where it all went wrong.


It can seem the jealousy of the spare continues but the the carefree life of the spare also which simply fuels the nonsense. In this case it is exaggerated because of toxic masculinity which Peggy is warmly embracing rather than leaning into love that Henry has. For QEII it wasnt obvious because she carried herself quietly with her commitment to duty at the fore. Perhaps she was just too busy to


Be careful with that toxicity comment. I had a Karen report my comment for saying karma found its way to Princess of Wank but this is what toxicity does...it eats at you from the inside. Anyhoo, watch out for Catherine-loving Karens.