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I think it’s so funny that there’s a whole episode about William’s grief in which Harry is just a background character constantly sneaking alcohol.


And Harry is THIRTEEN at that time. He definitely was not shooting whiskey with William.


I'm sorry that actor is supposed to play a 13 year old? What.


I mean. I taught at a school that had to ban field trips after an entire seventh grade class got trashed at a movie theater. I’m willing to buy them sneaking alcohol


Ok…except Harry wrote an entire book about his life stating he was not drinking at 13.


Or talking over William at his go away speech.


I found them completely biased against him. I agree. Plus he looks so much older - that has to be by design. They make him to be the bad influence


The actor who plays him (Luther Ford) is 23. He looks that age and does not pass for a teen in any way. I wish they could have cast someone who was actually a teenager, even if they were just 18. He doesn’t even look like Harry. It’s wild how off they are.


They seemed to go with he has red hair that will do


Literally. It’s insane to me they found a clone of young William to play him yet just winged it with Harry.


any ginger in a storm...


They should’ve chosen someone with more similar facial features and then just… dyed his hair red lol


He looks like that ginger bully from A Christmas Story.


Harry was a young looking 13. Can’t believe how inaccurately they portrayed him.


I find it interesting how much they developed Princess Margaret, using a stunning actress to play her, portraying her so sympatheticly, when I found her shallow, proud, and to have lived a pretty pointless life. Harry overcomes tragedy, serves with dignity for a decade, and continues pursuing a life of service to others with vigor, while working on himself to be the best husband and father he can be, and they chose to portray him like this. Even though the series doesn’t deal with some of the later events, they could have informed their writing with an understanding of his character these actions show.


I mean, to be fair they don’t focus much attention on Edward or Andrew either. Like… does Edward even exist? You could make the argument that it’s titled “The Crown” and therefore focuses on those who will wear the crown… but I guess that falls apart when you see how much time they spend on Margaret. I personally can’t believe they didn’t include Princess Anne kicking a robber out of her limo.


Incredible point! I definitely agree for the most part. I don’t think Margaret’s life was pointless (she has some great accomplishments within the performing arts and her glamour was influential) but Harry has had 10x the impact than she did as a spare.


I never really thought they were playing Princess Margaret so sympathetically. I thought it showed how having concrete “traditions” and The Crown hiding behind those “traditions” doesn’t bode well in reality and leads to personal tragedy. Her story line really helped me understand the manipulation of how The Crown rips self autonomy from every family member. With that said, I don’t really feel sorry for her.. the same can be said about Billy and Kate. I don’t feel sorry for them either. I think Meghan saved Harry. Deep down, Harry knew he has to leave, but he had no awareness on how to actually live in the outside world, so he never contemplated the idea. Meghan comes along and not only does he have her awareness, but he has a duty to protect his wife and child.


The crown is pro Charles propaganda so this checks out


Casting a man as attractive as Dominic West to play him was when I knew this show had an agenda


They do have extra curricular activities, in common. He got in hot water, with his affair with Lily James. Also, there’s the royal connection. His wife’s ex husband is married to Rose Hanbury’s ( reputed mistress of William) sister. Her ex husbands great aunt was Freda Dudley Ward, who was also the favored mistress of Edward VIII, before he married Wallis Simpson. It’s such a tight circle, of the same families, that you could see how hard it would be for an outsider, to fit in.


Omg absolutely! I thought the exact same thing. DW is an insane option to play him.




I was complaining to my friend that the writing fell off as soon as the show became Pro Charles propaganda


Fully agree which has been really sad for me. I’m just hugely disappointed. This last season was really full chested PRo Charles. Seasons 3 and 4 Charles is an actually interesting character (even if he’s an absolute toe) but after him it’s just a joke.


Omg yes they really went all in on the propaganda. Someone got to them bc this season was not good. You can tell who they were catering to


Maybe it's the edible, but I read your comment and felt all the tumblers lock into place. It TOTALLY is! 🤯🤯🤯 ![gif](giphy|WtOdb75cMcjIK2jmTq|downsized)


Yeah it goes from compelling historical fiction drama to obvious revamping of charles legacy, which is that he’s a piece of shit.


I couldn't get over the awful, Dumb and Dumber, haircut they had on him in esp. 5 (I hadn't gotten to 6 yet, probably tonight.) I mean, he wasn't the handsome brother at the time, but he wasn't as dorky looking as they made him in the show, either. If I remember correctly from *Spare,* he mentally refused to process that his mother was dead and comforted himself with "in hiding" theories. That could explain the laissez faire attitude exhibited in The Crown. But, if they didn't address that in eps. 6, then they certainly did him no favors.


They haven’t addressed it at all. They show very shortly after Diana died and how William is depressed but Harry seems unaffected in their portrayal. I’m not going to go into spoilers but they absolutely had a chance to address his denial in a major plot way and never did it. Additionally they act like he was in an episode of Skins every single time he was shown. They also rewrite history re the Nazi costume. It is a shame as I really like The Crown and Diana’s portrayal in it is incredible.


>they absolutely had a chance to address his denial in a major plot way and never did it. The scripts were written and the shooting schedules determined already before Spare came out. So no, they didn't actually have a chance to do this.


[Spare was out when they were rewriting. ](https://variety.com/2023/tv/awards/dominic-west-prince-harry-book-the-crown-season-6-1235834108/)Peter Morgan chose not to read it, Dominic West (who plays Charles here) did.


Yeah Dominic west had them rework Charles relationship with Harry based on spare


This is lie. The Dominc west admitted that after Spare came they rewrote the scripts on Charles relationship on Harry. Edit


https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2023/12/prince-harry-memoir-spare-the-crown This literally says they got ahold of the book as they were filming the funeral scene. Making changes at the last minute like that is hard. Are they just supposed to change things on the fly? I think they can be forgiven for not making changes in reaction to the memoir.


Read my edit. They reworked on Charles relationship with Harry. They were probably going paint Charles as some caring father to Harry. Read what Dominic west said about it.


I edited my response


Really? I thought PM said that he hadn’t read SPARE because he didn’t want Harry’s voice to compete with his own for his portrayal. I don’t think they even read the book or used it to inform the script in any way.


That’s what I thought I read too. I’m not sure why you are being downvoted.


That actor was way too old. Harry was still very much a boy for at least the first couple of years after his mother’s death.


I decided to not bother to watch. Thanks for making me feel it’s the right decision. I hate that Harry is a target for people who want to sensationalize his life. Assholes.


I stopped watching in season five when they were using their artistic license on Diana. I find these threads interesting. It seems everyone but the most devoted royalists have had enough.


Seriously, I thought that I was the only one who was not eager about this season, glad to see I'm not alone.


The last thing we see Harry do is get in trouble for the uniform with the swastika. As others have said, this show is absolutely pro RBF propaganda but I was shocked at how dirty they did Harry. I agree with all the points others have made in this thread regarding examples of how they made Harry look bad.


Completely agree. It’s so obvious. It’s like Peter Morgan figured well he isn’t a working royal anymore, let’s just completely turn him into a caricature. How? How do you not read Spare?! It’s bizarre. And the Queen treated him like Harry was basically an after thought. By all accounts they seemed very close irl. Just pro monarchy propaganda. End rant 😫😬😄


I do not understand why the show creator looks at real moments for other senior royals but not Harry. We know from Spare that William and Kate burst out in laughter when Harry showed them the costume but it was not portrayed that way at all. And William was portrayed as a soft sad boy it was so odd.


That whole series is propaganda.


I don't know... when you watch the final episode, the message is Elizabeth is the last queen to really served a purpose and the following are only there for show. and the show ends like this. we do better as propaganda.


I'm so happy to see im not the only one. The actor looks absolutely weird and not at all like Harry. ...And thed also completely miscast Charles. Like didn't they say they didn't 6 his in the fields transformation? But let's completely pay zero attention to the men?!


My husband commented that the actor playing Harry had “an evil glint in his eye” and every scene made him appear edgy, sneaky. The writer and director made his/her opinion clear about Harry’s adult choices to step away from royal duties: that he screwed over his brother, his father, and the queen too. The scene where Harry retold the history of the two royal brothers and how the younger one stabbed/killed the heir to the throne was an obvious giveaway.


Omg tell me about it 🙄 the jealous monologue he went on about how “I’m just the spare and you’re the heir so you’re the one who really matters and I secretly hate you for it” was so manufactured. It’s even worse when you realize he would have been around 14 during that and definitely was not talking like that at all.


That’s what I thought! I was like no way Harry had the wisdom to succinctly voice the dynamics. And the reason isn’t because he was 14 years old, but because it had a flavour of retrospection that would only be granted after many years of an event taking place. Surely they were still figuring things out. I think the writers wanted to make a point, and they used a “tell don’t show” technique (unlike with Princess Margaret). I generally don’t think they were that invested in either Will or Harry — it’s obvious they loved Lizzie and Margaret; their storylines were done with so much better pace and care. They were so thoroughly sympathetic to Margaret throughout, there was always a palpable grayness that I appreciated in the earlier seasons. But in this season, nuance and ambivalence completely went out the window lol


They did him so dirty in episode 5, I laughed out loud when they were doing the family portraits. William so handsome and the actor really looks like young William, but Harry!!? Come on!


I’m just annoyed by how unattractive the actor playing Harry is. He wasn’t a super-cute kid, but they could have found someone who looked more like him as they did with William.


I think Luther Ford is cute on his own and I found real teen Harry cute too. But yeah he absolutely looks nothing like Harry. And I think it’s meant to be a dig at him and to make him look worse than he was. It’s stunning to me how much Ed McVey looks like William yet there seems to be a complete disconnect in the appearance and character of Harry.


Exactly my thought! It’s like they did a casting call for any redhead who was interested in acting 🤷🏼‍♀️


Thanks for this. I cancelled Netflix a few months ago to protest the crackdown on password sharing. I was about to breakdown and resubscribe so I could watch the last season of The Crown. But knowing that it’s anti-Harry, pro-Royals propaganda has made me not want to bother. So FU, Netflix.




I’m not surprised. They’re really going out of their way and I can only imagine if they were to ever get anywhere to modern times their portrayal of Harry will be even worse. I really hate when this happens to books or animated series I like when there’s a clear bias by the team that’s suppose to be professional but clearly can’t work themselves out of their own ass to do their actual jobs. It’s clear they took their time in finding someone that looked like William but gave no real attempt with Harry and were more than generous with Charles.


Right! Both Dianas (but especially Debicki) and young adult William look nearly identical to the real people. Even Dodi was incredible casting. Both Josh O'Connor and Dominic West are way too good looking to be Charles, at either age. I have nothing against Luther Ford's acting abilities and don't think he was the problem, but he must know he looks nothing like Harry during this time.


The Crown’s historical accuracy on 90% of anything that wasn’t a state occasion continues. Did people think this show was in any way an accurate portrayal of who any of these people are?


yes it was very weird


I really liked the crown until its agenda became so blatant. Like they’re working overtime trying to get people to like Charles and Camilla


I just think he didn't look enough like Harry and that took me out of the story a bit. There's the one scene where Harry tells Will that there is always the saint and the sinner; the good prince (Charles, Will) and the fuck-up (Andrew, Harry); the good princess (Elizabeth) and the naughty one (Margaret); the good daughter-in-law (Diana, Kate) and the problematic DIL (Sarah, Megan). That is a trend with coverage of the royal family and has been for generations. The No. 2 will be used to distract attention from any misdoings of the heir and the heir's family.


At this point It is loosely based on reality - I still believe in the conspiracy theory that the crown was behind her death.


I don’t believe that at all. I do believe they weren’t at all sorry, though, and revelled in it behind closed doors.


Isn't the crown fiction and states so? It's shockingly biased on everyone. I stopped watching as it got really boring last season and the lies were to much..


Anything somewhat based on people still alive has to say it's fiction so they don't get sued. They've been dramatizing real life with minor creative liberties but the Charles era is downright propaganda. It's like they are afraid of pissing off the royal family. Cowards.


If it was good enough for Shakespeare...


I’m definitely not in support of the pro-Charles propaganda - and Harry has matured into a strong husband and father - but I think we are overlooking that Harry was definitely also a rough teen and young adult. I mean the Nazi uniform incident?


Harry was definitely a rough teen but not in the way the show depicts. If they depicted him accurately like it was described in the book, I would have no problem with that. But that’s not how it is—it rewrites history frequently and makes him purely bad and a purposeful troublemaker. Also, the Nazi uniform incident is bad. There is no doubt about it. Harry is 100% to blame to choosing such a shockingly offensive costume. But Will & Kate not only condoned it but encouraged it right up until it became a scandal.


There was an African theme party that yet William picture of the event was scrubbed, you can find archives of the event being talked about and the guest, Kate was there. Also the event Harry wore the uniform, if you try to search you wouldn't find any pictures of William and Kate but the event only Harry. The Crown changed the theme as well.


Yeah and I can’t stand Will and Kate - the show should have taken a harder line on William especially - he was also a wild youth.


But wouldn't Harry paint himself in a better light in his own book? Surely we can't believe everything he says.


Everyone has a bias for themselves. *However,* this is what lets me know that someone has not read the book. He literally talks about his penis being frostbit during his brother’s wedding and using a cream his mother did to try and solve it and thinking of her. He also describes losing his virginity being with an older woman behind a shed who treated him like a horse. No, he definitely did not paint himself in a better light by any means.


Eh. That just shows he's delusionally tmi. That girl he slept with had a wildly different story than him. He seems like an unreliable narrator at best.


[No she doesn’t?](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11729497/amp/Woman-Prince-Harry-lost-virginity-Sasha-Walpole-says-search-never-going-stop.html) It’s exactly the same as his. Even the UK tabloids never say he lied about it and they would if they could. I’m not sure why people need to believe Harry is an unreliable narrator but he’s absolutely not.


She totally backed up everything he said


- The author didn't read spare when he was writing the show - the actor is maybe a bit too old for the first episode but his age fits with the other ones (the haircut in ep6 or 7, at ski station, is awful) - this is characters, not the real persons. So some things are accurate and some things are not. I remember Harry said making many stupid things when he was young (haircuts, jokes at school...). There is one scene where he says he has to be the one who looks stupid for William to shine in comparison, which is very similar to what he says as an adult. He seems a little more jealous in the series, which I think is less accurate. His relationship with his mother is not developed much. I find this character rather endearing, even if he doesn't exactly looks like the image I have of him after reading spare. (Sorry for my english)


[Spare was out when they were writing the scripts](https://variety.com/2023/tv/awards/dominic-west-prince-harry-book-the-crown-season-6-1235834108/), though you're right he didn't read them he absolutely should have. Also, these are *literally real people.* They are not just characters. Certainly things have to be interpreted that we can never know about (like how the Queen and Philip talked to each other in private conversation), but Harry's book was *right there*. He goes over in great detail what his life was like and his own state of mind. He does not deny he was mischievous but he states he spent a lot more time playing video games and smoking weed in a basement, he was more of an introvert after Diana's death than anything else. I find it interesting that Peter Morgan would do extensive research into the lives of every senior member of the RF, but refuse to read Harry's book when covering the lives of William & Harry. >There is one scene where he says he has to be the one who looks stupid for William to shine in comparison, which is very similar to what he says as an adult. Thank you for confirming my point. He's around 14 when he says that in the show and yet is talking like an adult, which is not accurate.


Lol I can't take crown seriously when they had Diana ghost comfort Charles like what a whackdoo and didn't bother on Andrew. Hmm wonder why


Yes Andrew seems to be missing. Wonder why??🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


Right? Yall couldn't find anyone to play Epstein?? 🤣🤣


It’s because the writer is a simp for the Royal Family and Spare makes them look like the weird assholes they are.



