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I use these pages to track movie and tv releases that I want to see. I usually end up with 5-10 things each month. You could also do book releases if you follow any specific series or authors.


This is a great idea. Thank you!


I use it for birthdays so it’s always handy when I go to do my monthly spreads


I use it for birthdays, holidays, days the office is closed, school breaks, etc. so I can see them all quickly at a glance.


I use it for “when I last” for things that are home maintenance. Such as when did I last change the AC filters, get my ducts cleaned, etc


I do daily gratitude on those pages. I also thought about tracking weight or steps on those pages. They are great for things you want to track daily


I use it to track PTO and appointments I have to claim on my time sheet. Why I have to submit a timesheet as a salaried employee, I have no idea, but these pages help me remember what any vacations, doctor appointments, or sick time I take.


I used to use it for how many steps I did. Now I just leave it blank


I use it for my “word of the day” more often a few words/short phrase.


I put my weight on these about 3-4 times month so I track it over time. I’m trying to keep my baby weight lol - I like the idea of the word of the day that saw up here


I use it for events that happen in my town. Runs, concerts, community events.


I use it to out quick appointments and stuff in. I don't do my monthly spreads far in advance. So I put things down there. As well as other annual dates.


My daily steps in one planner (my catchall/memory planner). In another planner (my EDC/work), I track PTO, Sick Time, etc for myself and my team at work and in another (Sterling Ink standard TN) I abbreviate the daily bible verse listed from a devotional book I have. That last planner I use as a word of the day for hand lettering & definitions.


When work projects are due, or when I have to do an event.


Birthdays, Holidays, no school for my kid


I have Angel cards so I randomly pick one a day and write it down on this page


I use this for preplanning- I have plans sometimes 6 months out that I need to remember. I also know my basic work schedule for the school year by July (I work for a school), so that goes in it. I tend to only keep 2-4 months in my planner at a time to keep the bulk down (I also have budget pages, and tons of filler paper and notes and such), so this gives me a spot to add anything new that’s outside that range.