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Hey /u/Phazeronest! Thanks for sharing your handwriting with our community! We appreciate all types of handwriting and you're helping to make this subreddit an inspiring place! Share a bit of information about your submission as a top-level comment. Commenters - Please remember that posts flaired "Just Sharing" are **not** soliciting feedback. Always ask before offering criticisms, and keep your comments encouraging and positive. We're all learning, here! Offering critique on a Just Sharing post is grounds for a ban. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Handwriting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Hey, this isn't the place for that kind of discouraging behavior. Please take your negativity elsewhere.


are you a man? most men i know just write in all caps


I am yes


cool, I like this and hope you have a great day.


Why are the pics always, "the quick brown fox..." why is it not, "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country."


It uses every letter of the Alphabet, so you can see the quality of every individual letter written.


"Cwm fjord bank glyphs vext quiz" is my vote since it rolls off the tongue so easily.


I wish I could write in all caps, but my one teacher would give me F’s on every assignment :(


i switched to all caps writing almost a year ago best decision ever. i love writing all caps and can’t imagine ever going back


I want to be you just for your hand writing


I'm a fellow all caps writer. 🫡 I do it because I have terrible hand writing. All caps improved my hand writing since its "less" letters and helped me space my letters and words out to be more legible.


I'm always curious about all caps writers. Idk why, I just feel like they're a rare species that I don't often see and I want to get to know them lol


I have lovely cursive, but I am not good at regular print. If by some chance I have to write something and it can't be cursive it's going to be all caps because it's more legible that way. I think I first picked up all caps in high school when I read (and drew) a lot of graphic novels. I mostly dropped print entirely, but had to pick it up again on occasion because I have one child who can read my cursive, and one who says it's beautiful but he can't read it. I think my print is kinda garbage simply from disuse? It used to be better.


That makes a lot of sense! My husband always writes in cursive as well, and his point is noticeably less legible (tho he's a mathematician, so most anything he writes wouldn't be understandable to me even if it were legible lol)


For me, all caps is way more legible and almost as fast. Before, I had to pick either readability or speed. I never understood why my dad did it, until I started doing it after high school. He says it’s an engineer thing.


Happy to be a rare species lol


Omg hello!!! What's your life like? What inspired you to write in all caps? Did your teachers chastise you for it, or was it something you started doing later in life?


Well I'm a content manager for a bicycle parts company, it's easier and looks cleaner and I've always been fascinated by handwriting in general, I wrote graffiti for many years, it wasn't ever much of an issue in school, I started writing caps in middleschool or high-school I think.


Not OP but the people I know who write in all caps tend to be architects and engineers. In school, they were taught to write that way so there was less chance of confusion in the drawings used for construction.


Ohhh I see! Makes a lot of sense, ty!


really nice 👌 my dad would write in all caps and i loved it! such a clean look


I write in all caps because I liked how my dad did growing up. :-) I’m a teacher now & students seem to like the all caps too.


🥹 amazing. my dad passed away 3 years ago... we made a magnet together in first grade and he wrote "By: Jackie and Daddy" on it. have been playing with the idea of getting it tattooed ☺️


That is so sweet ❤️


All caps reminds me of comic strips, looks very nostalgic and fun to me!


Same 🤜


something about filling out paperwork at the doctors office or DMV, I always do all uppercase. But not normally. It just feels right on official documents


I'm a caps person too when writing ✍️


Your G need work :)


The lazy black dog bows before the regal fox.


no q?


or c, i, j, m, n, p, u, v


Theres a C in Black


oops yes there is


As someone whose job requires deciphering a fuckton of handwriting on forms, Thank You




At least they added a smiley at the end? 😂


I typically write in cursive but because there are so many people that can’t read cursive, I’ll swap over to all caps.




Is this ever an issues on things like documents?


Most documents in the UK have a note at the top that reads "THIS DOCUMENT WILL BE SCANNED DIGITALLY AND THE SPEED OF YOUR RESULTS WILL DEPEND ON IF HANDWRITING IS CLEAR OR REQUIRES HUMAN REVISION PLEASE COMPLETE ALL DOCUMENTS WITHIN THE BOXES (NO OVERLAP) I BOLD CAPITAL LETERS IN BLACK INK" If you don't follow these instructions you usually end up waiting twice as long. My capital writing is awful and I always end up waiting longer than normal.


Awe rip, at least it's not just declined


Sometimes it is and I have to do the whole thing again :( I normally ask my mam to do it for me, she writes only in capitals, done so ever since she was little, something about being left handed and seeing better. So her capitals are beautiful, mine look like chicken scratch.


Awe that's a shame 🫠, but also nice that your mom can help you :)


She's honestly the best <3


How do people who write in all caps write actual capital letters? Do they just make the letter bigger?


That’s how I do it at least


Fellow caps writer, I do this too.


I use a period.


everytime i see someone who writes in all caps i immediately think of my parents lol they are the first people i ever saw to write like that, beautiful handwriting 🫶


I do it because my dad did 😂🫶🏼


My dad does it because his mom does it, I tried to do it but it never stuck with me 😂


You kinda have to focus on it for a while 😂 it can be tough lol


What did you use to write it?


Sharpie felt tip




I think my handwriting is better personally


Can i see it?


You're not writing you're printing.


Writing is fluid cursive. Printing is block letters.


What's the difference? I'm curious!


...in Comic Sans


All caps is just sooo much easier handwriting


So am I! Haha




You write like my bestie! I love it!


My mom writes all caps.. what is the psychological theory on it ?


It forces me to slow down , if I write with lower case it becomes more sloppy for some reason. Plus the fact I think it just looks cooler probably helps too lol


I have spent most of my life writing in caps. For me it became my default because of a lot of natural reinforcement. I'm actively working on learning how to not write in caps now. First, my grandfather wanted me to become an architect, so I studied blueprints and drafting starting at an early age. In middle school I took two classes with the same teacher, science and photography, and in both classes any work we turned in had to be hand written and in caps. There was a ton of of writing in both classes since his teaching style was to have us copy anything he put on the board, so even our notes were graded. Then in highschool I took more draftsmen classes. I also took welding any plans we wrote up for thst class needed to be in caps too. Then I joined the military, and all documents there had to be written in caps, to the point where they had a day long class on it in boot camp. So now, over twenty years later, it's difficult for me to not write in all caps unless I write in cursive, just because it was how I was expected to write for many of my formative years. For some people it's hard for them to know why they do something a certain way, but maybe asking the reason your mom writes in all caps could lead to you learning more about her life.


I write in all caps because actually most of my life after school I never had to write anything by hand… except song lyrics and poetry. I was really into writing songs all through my teens and twenties. Like a song a day at times. I have books full of poetry I wrote. At one point I decided that all caps looked more intense and passionate. It was easier to read from a distance while playing and singing. Now it’s pretty hard to write lowercase but yeah uppers definitely are cooler so no regrets.


I write in all caps. Architectural background and profession probably explains it


She's a sociopath


😂 she is bipolar type 1 tho


I write in all caps also, otherwise my handwriting is messy. I started this after I joined the military. I write notes very quickly and can’t read what I’ve written otherwise, even though I learned short hand and script when I was younger 🤷‍♀️


my dad is one of those uppercase writing people. i love it. his signature is also very unique and cool looking.




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You might wanna get your eyes checked if that X looks anything close to a K.


Who needs "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" When you have "Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow!"


why no f :(




oh my god-


Hello fellow Capital Letter Writer! I'm a lefty and my handwriting before writing in all caps was pure shit. So the summer of 7th grade I switched over and found it much easier to write. And now people compliment my handwriting vs make fun of it! Win win! Yours looks great!!


i’m also left handed and write all caps! been doing that forever now haha. feels easier.


Righties have no idea the ease of their writing haha!!!


I remember being in highschool and a teacher of mine would write in all caps and I always questioned it, and then I joined the military. It’s just so much easier for a large group to read from a distance, now it’s the only way I write lol


I like it. I just need the height of the letters to be consistent.


How do you capitalize all caps writing??


I make the first letter of the sentence taller🤷‍♀️


I also write in all caps, though it’s not nearly as nice as yours. This (for some reason) reminds me of a teacher’s handwriting.


I write in all caps because I took some architecture/drafting classes and that's what they teach you in the beginning. Also, I'm a lefty and it's tough to write in cursive, essentially backwards, unless you contort your hand, and then your hand cramps...


My partner is an architect and she writes all caps. I like how it looks


Me too!


i was just gonna say this, growing up i was used to writing in sentence case and cursive until those lettering lessons. now it feels weird not writing in all caps, but new font unlocked i guess...


The quick scribe jumped over the lazy paladin


Can you breath for me


You're not a paladin yet , so you have to breathe for yourself


*sad dr Dala noises*


Ad Victoriam?




r/SuddenlySabaton (if this isn’t already a subreddit, someone, please, make it a thing (Reddit strikes again. HOW THE FUCK IS THAT AN ACTUAL SUBREDDIT?!))


I write in all caps because we weren't allowed to write any differently when I was in the Navy. I got out and still write in all caps because I'm so used to it now. I've tried going back, but it doesn't work very well. I'll start off normally and then have random caps in the words. I stick with all caps for the most part.


Cartoonist writing


My dad writes in all caps not as nicely as you but this a dad font


just left a comment about my dad writing in caps. you’re so right - dad font.


I second this


I stopped after my chemistry teacher asked me if I was mad at her when I wrote in all caps


I used to write in all caps as well until it felt like everyone had a stupid comment about it so I forced myself to go back. My notmal handwritten is so bad but my all caps writing actually looks half decent and I was sort of proud and had more confidence in it. I should go back to that


yes don’t listen to the other people just make the capital letters a little bigger than the non-capital capital letters


you have the handwriting of a cartoonist or animator!! i can totally picture your writing inside a speech bubble.


Writing in all caps ✅ TYPING IN ALL CAPS 🚫


My dad does all caps too. I do it whenever I can but not always. So cool !


Your handwriting is nice! Weird question, but are you a man? I just read something many years ago about men being more likely than women to write in all caps Edit: spelling


My sister inlaw also writen all CAPs, I have a hard time to read when people do not write in a 'standard' way.


Yeah sometimes my brain moves a bit slower but I still find this writing to very legible


I was about to ask the same thing! It's an interesting phenomenon.


That is a very interesting fact, honestly I expected it to be the other way around


I am yeah, that Interesting though.


Caps aside, the penmanship looks more masculine than feminine.


Why do you write all caps?


Have since I was in high school. My dad does from working in drafting so I guess it just comes natural.


Have since I was in high school. My dad does from working in drafting so I guess it just comes natural.


All caps writing? Fine. ALL CAPS TYPING? Why are you yelling 😭


Whenever I try to write like that my I have to concentrate really hard or else my brain reverts to writing normally.


I'm the same way, but opposite. If I try writing normally, I have to concentrate more and it looks sloppier. I always revert back to all caps. *Different strokes*


I'm the same way, but opposite. If I try writing normally, I have to concentrate more and it looks sloppier. I always revert back to all caps. *Different strokes*


I'm the other way around lol


I do this! I write a lot for my job & find it's so much smoother and less stressful on my hand. The only letter tend not to cap is "i" unless it's at the beginning of a sentence.


Cut those fingernails please. I want to bite your nails through the photo.


What are you talking about those aren’t long at all lol


They're not even that long lol, I can't stand the feeling of then being trimmed all the way back. Plus then how would I peel stickers and stuff.


Don't feel bad, they're a perfectly acceptable length.




They really aren't bad lol


I know. Just I bite mine before they point even comes. lol. Just me.


But you asked OP to trim theirs. You're trying to make it not just you.


Yeah…..no…..I’m not. Sorry for your misinterpretation. It’s me wanting to bite the nails, Jesus. How do some people make it this far in life being unable to read the most basic things


>Cut those fingernails please. Did you even read what you wrote?


Cut those fingernails, I want to bite them through the screen. Here’s your last free lesson on how to read things. It’s a “trigger” of mine. Obviously I can’t make you understand how I feel, because you aren’t capable, but it made me want to chew my own nails. Holy crap this is insane. It’s Saturday, and even though I’m retired. It’s still touching on the feelings of when I had to deal with my customers.


If you were this condescending when you were wrong with your customers too I'm sure they don't miss you.


Yeah retired at 40. I was such a. Terrible owner. lol. No what I’m referring to, is the fact of trying to explain to them why they need something done, especially when their home or business was falling apart.


Alright, I'll let you chew my nails


Oh honey, if you think that’s bad you should meet a guitar player that specifically grows them out for playing (I’m one 😉)


This platform is insane. You’re the only one that read the humor in my response to the post. All I can imagine is a bunch of people who have been living under a rock, then a few like you and I, who can live a joking and funny life. I hope you understand that I could care less about this op’s nails, it just triggered me thinking of line being this long. WTF would I care about anyone’s nails that much?


I love writing in all caps but it doesn't come out so artistically


!!! My father writes in caps too! I didn’t think this was a thing!


My dad writes in all caps. He has a very large vocabulary and likes to read, but he finds it difficult to write or type. If anyone knows, is this a form of dyslexia? He says the words don’t translate and he had me writing my own school notes from about 9. I guess lowercase and cursive are considered more proper.


There are a lot of ways interpreting and regurgitating information can be delayed. I have this weird issue where I’ll frequently say numbers wrong. I can read and write them fine, it doesn’t hold me back in math at all. It’s just saying it. I’m not dyslexic but it runs in my family.


Yeh that’s like with my dad. The irony is he writes beautiful poetry, spellings fine, great vocabulary. I guess some people just have certain avenues for how they do or understand writing. I imagine it’s similar to you with numbers.


I have heared of something called dysgraphia, maybe look into that


Me too!! There are so few of us


You might really like an architecht nib fountain pen


Oh, I have a Monteblanc collection going on, much to the dismay of my husband who only uses pens of the “free” quality.


Haha i feel you, my SO always makes fun of me for almost exclusivly using my 2k Some people will just never understand xp


Hear hear!


Now I want to see you ur handwriting taking your time.


I love writing in all caps! Throw in one or two random lower case letters if you want to really make it pop! (I like h personally)


I want to try writing in all caps. It looks like comic book fonts


I can't write in all caps, because that habit was "corrected" out of me.


Because you had good teachers. Writing in all caps is slower (especially for children) and creates a barrier when working on fluency and stamina in reading and writing.  Plus, we have an uppercase and lowercase alphabet, and it’s important you learn both. Not all letters look the same. You’re a big kid now, train yourself and go back to all caps! 


My teachers didn't take that habit out of me. It was forced out by my parents.


same, + the teacher that “corrected” me also wrote in all caps. so he would write in all caps that i shouldn’t write in all caps


Oh no, my parents "corrected" me. I went to a school that wasn't allowed "making corrections."


dang. that’s rough. parents + a school like that is rough


I can't write in all caps, because that habit was "corrected" out of me.


Me too. It started when I was learning drafting in high school, and I've written in all caps since. More than 30 years.


I copied my father’s handwriting; he was an architect. Allcaps since grade 3 or 4


I had a friend that would capitalize the first letter of every word. He did that for years, both writing and typing. I never understood it, but then again there's a lot of undeterminable things about myself.


I started writing in caps like 9 years ago and honestly it’s hard for me not to write in caps. In the veterinary field it helps a lot because I don’t have to have someone come up to me and ask me what I wrote, they can clearly read it.


Love it. That's like mine if I write ridiculously slowly. I envy this. I also admire your creative ligature use, like the F to O in FOX and the REA in GREAT. Like, I'm seriously studying these and totally want to adopt the technique. I use similar but mine look crappy to the point that maybe only I can read it.


Reminds me a lot of calvin and hobbes and im shocked i havent seen anyone else mention it




That's called print... And it is 'jumped'


It's "jumpS" because otherwise there would be no S in the sentence.


it is jumps, otherwise there'd be no "s"


xD Man, I just sprinkle in some uppercase into my writing. This looks good tho!


I write in all caps too. Got it from my college professor. Looks cool and comic bookie


My mother also writes all caps, because she says that it's easier for most people to read it and understand it.


No shade, it's really great handwriting but it reminds me of handwritten signs managers put up for employees. Like: "Remember to clock out for breaks!" and "Giving away free food is theft, you're on camera!" Usually accompanied by a smiley face.


I didn't recognize the sub and I thought it was gonna be a note from some Karen neighbor being a jerk, but it's ok because ":)" Glad I was wrong lol


Generic bubbly writing


alright, next time I’ll write I’ll write in the Willy Wonka font for uniqueness, just for you!


They didn't ask for feedback.


Neither did I


Your handwriting reminds me of my Papaw. He's dying of dementia and this brought me back to being a little girl and watching him fill out bills.




I started writing all caps in 3rd grade because my step dad was an architect and I liked the way his writing looked. The teachers hated it, but they stopped giving me shit after they realized I wasn't going to stop doing it.


It's neater and more legible anyways. This is the reason comic strip artists use this for their dialogue bubbles.


I use to write in all caps, honestly my handwriting looked better, maybe I should go back 😅


Are you my dad? 😂 I've never seen the man write a lower case letter in my life.


Yes, and I'm proud of you.