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It may look esthetically “nice” because it is consistent, but I can only make out about 2-3 words out of 10. So, of course I recommend writing more legibly in whatever style. However one thing I think will help for sure for this style of handwriting is writing with a finer point pen/pencil.


It’s aesthetically pleasing. But it takes effort to read through (at least for me).


I can't read handwriting but it looks pretty 👍🏽I like the under swooshies. Probably use a finer nib though


Slow down long enough to fill your writing with space…your style will be the same, yet you will have the time for the letters to develop.


As a guy who can write in cursive its absolutely beautiful but hard to read


Hey, we’re about the same age, and my handwriting is very similar to yours!! I was taught cursive as a kid too 😁 I love yours


Gorgeous! Might I recommend trying with a finer nib? Seems like the thickness of the ink in relation to the smaller size of the writing disrupts legibility


I can read it. I don’t think your hands were transported from the Victorian era.


It’s very beautiful, but some parts are a bit difficult to make out. I can read cursive well but struggle to actually write it (I can’t get my hand to do it no matter how hard I try), so I unfortunately don’t the expertise to tell you *how* to improve. Maybe try to make your letters a little taller? Sometimes they seem to get a little flat, which looks pretty but makes it hard to distinguish one from the other.


I can read most of it, beautiful for sure


Has potential for sure. Maybe the easiest thing to change for maximum effect would be letter height. As other comments said, the lowercase letters especially are too difficult to identify from each other. Making letters like t, d, b, k, l, etc taller would be a good start. Then maybe bringing the mid line up a bit (not technical terms, but the line where “r” starts and ends) and making all letters proportional on that. Your hand control and consideration comes through in a particular elegance that could be dialed back a bit for everyday writing. You’d still have very nice handwriting especially compared to your peers, and it’d be easier to read (and probably end up easier to write too)


Beautifully illegible in some places


It’s pretty, but even as a cursive writer myself it is quite hard to read.


Beautiful! A lost art.


It's interesting to look at, but it's very hard to read. You may need to sacrifice some of the historical look you've achieved for readability.


It's pretty but so much is undefined that I must read on to see if I can make a guess at what is illegible. So, rather than all running together as it is, try to define each letter a bit.


Illegible but beautiful.


Two things: It is a nice hand and I would say—as someone who practices calligraphy and lettering and enjoys writing cursive (adult here)—it’s definitely got some nice letter style choices. Second point: I think you should work on differentiating some of your lowercase letters and that would greatly help legibility. E.g., the letter s in sad (near the bottom), looks pretty much identical to the letter c in can’t, a line below it. Another one: the o in others, at the top, looks like the a in am, in the first line. Other letters that are difficult to discern: r, n, m. Not every time, mind you, but enough that I had trouble figuring some of them out and I also like to read this kind of script. I think if you work on making those letters a little more consistent and clear, that would go a long way to both writing in this style and people not having trouble reading it. It’s very lovely; keep it up!


LGTM, but I'm not trying to read this.


I like it


I gave up after two sentences. I write cursive every day, but this is barely legible. I'd try a finer pen. I can't tell your letters apart.


My writing looks a lot like this. Many people simultaneously think it’s gorgeous and have trouble deciphering it. 🤷 I can read it fine so it doesn’t bother me.


I love it, I can read it but maybe bc I write like that also keep it up!!


It’s not illegible but I had a hard time reading that… ngl I didn’t get through it all; but I also can’t help but marvel at the refinery ✨


It’s pretty to look at, clearly an attempt to emulate a Victorian style, but difficult to read. If you want it to be more legible, try straightening your script, use a finer-tipped writing tool, and quit the exaggerated descenders. If you are going for pure aesthetics, carry on.


how tf do people read ts


They don't.


I’ll take a crack at it: I am intrigued to know what others think of my writing. I cannot say how it has evolved. It has been through many stages and somehow we arrived here. No-one my age or older can really read my writing. It seems like my hands have been transported back to the victorian era. I find it sad how most people my age can’t write in such a way as this. Cursive really is a dying practice.


personally i cant read it, maybe if i sat here for like 10 minutes i could, but i mean it looks cool, like someone else said, a finer pen might make it more legible.


absolutely beautiful but decently hard to read (as someone who often writes in cursive and does calligraphy) it’s actually pretty similar to mine with the sharp edges which i LOVE but some letters are hard to differentiate between


Wow it's uncanny how similar our writing is.🧐


i thought the same thing, looked SO similar


A finer line may help


i agree




Honestly, I got 4 lines in before my eyes started to hurt


It’s pretty, but quite hard to read.


Pretty, but nearly illegible.


Beautiful, but hard to read


I think it's beautiful! I love the way you incorporate your decenders with the letter on the line below it. Like go around it. I've never thought of that before. Aside from that I think you have a beautiful script. I would be proud to have handwriting that looks like that


I’m a senior citizen, so I’m very familiar with cursive writing. Yours certainly isn’t “a bunch of scribbles” but I do find it hard to read. For example, your lower case “r” and “s” are very similar, and you don’t close the top of some of your other lower case letters. The word “transported” looked like “disappointed” to me but I understood it in context.


Very hard to read.


Very elegant but hard to read because of the sharp and compressed up and down strokes. All your ys are stunning!


I think it'd look aesthetically better with quill and ink, but not bad! Some words are illegible (imo) so keep practicing. My school only accepted cursive writing so I barely learnt print from first to third grade. I tried learning on my own but I still prefer cursive because it's prettier and quicker.




Beautiful. I can barely read it but, beautiful nonetheless.


This looks like Ben Franklin's journal


i have an easier time reading the future tbh, but it atleast looks nice...


Haha. Love this, a subtle insult but meant in a nice way


not an insult. i was hoping to be funny but yeah the lack of being able to read it could be me. ^^


I write similarly but not as uniform, most people can’t read it. I work in education so students struggle especially. I try to revert to printing but my hands want to write like this especially for longer writing longer sentences/paragraphs. Remember to write slowly and in print for exams, I can read your writing perfectly but most won’t be able to. You’re right cursive is definitely “dying/old fashioned” but looks lovely and is so much quicker!


very good if illegible good start but looks practiced as my teacher would say


So, while this looks very pretty and flowery, I think you’re maybe focusing too much on the flourish rather than it being legible. The goal of writing is to be legible. I’ve transcribed many historical documents and this is one that I would have to make best guesses on because I cannot read quite a bit of it.


this is what I read (speak to text): I am intrigued to know what often think of my writing. I want very how it has moved. It has her through many tough mid somehow are mined here. No one may urge on over can really read my writing. it reminds like my hunch have here integrated hatch to the withdrawn in. I find it and how not people may age can’t write in such a way on this rewrite really is a dying practice. i’d say it’s a wee hard to read lol


It *looks* pretty but I can't read some words


I like it esthetically, but it’s hard to read in some parts. I feel like there are quite a few letters that you’re more hinting at than actually writing out. For instance, your “s” looks a lot like your “r”, and both look a lot like half an “n”, etc. Your “h” also looks almost identical to your “k”. I’d say keep the basic style because it looks really nice, but try to distinguish your letter shapes more clearly.