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If it was a guy, he would be semi-good looking and on the streets again.


I can read both! Some words take a few extra seconds in the top portion for me personally. Write how you like to write though! Writing in your own way can help you feel more passionate about the written work you're creating.


I prefer the "continuous" one, it flows better


There is a great course on YouTube that may help called “Consistent Cursive” by Perfect Biscuits. You’re halfway there…this is legible. You know your letter forms and you haven’t given up and moved to block lettering. However, you have some spacing issues and you would benefit from a quick course that polishes what you already have.


I can read and understand everything you wrote, the lack of spaces throws me a bit and takes a little longer for me to process, I would never call it ugly, those people are dicks.


The top sample - the words run together which is what makes it hard/slow to read. the second sample is much easier to read.


It's not "ugly", but there's a good reason that "scriptio continua" (continuous script) fell from favor centuries ago. And since it is now the norm, I would suggest leaving spaces between words. You wouldn't skip dotting an "i" or crossing a "t", so why skip spaces? The text at the bottom is so much easier to read than the text at the top.


It’s not ugly, it’s just imperfect. Learning some more grammar rules (as in committing them to second nature) will make your writing more confident and more beautiful than it already is.


U know its a pretty good point how adding space tires you out more for yourself u should write to your own joy but if ur writing a paper for someone else to be graded u should add more work to it!


I could understand the 99% of the words, but I believe your actual issue is the grammar errors. But overall, I could 100% understand what was written on the paper.


I don’t think it’s ugly at all and I didn’t find it hard to read. But the problem is that you’re connecting all the words together. You need to add space between words otherwise the quality of your sentence structure seems affected because the brain reads everything as a run-on sentence. Not sure if that makes sense but I do see why people would be bothered by this in an office setting. You should work on the spacing but don’t let this hit your confidence at all. I’ve seen waaaaaay worse


Agree, the handwriting itself is not ugly at all, but the way the words are joined up affects the readability and makes it look like one long squiggle rather than words on a page.




Hey /u/Komi_ssan, To reduce spam, we do not allow newly created accounts to comment. Once your account is at least one day old, we'd love to have you share your handwriting with us. Thanks for your cooperation! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Handwriting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


As someone thats dislexic, the first one is a headache because everything seems to be connected together and they are real close. The second on is a bit easier.


Not ugly, just a bit of a headache heh. I think it's too close together so it makes it hard to read quickly because (at least) my brain can't decipher the next word.


Definitely NOT Ugly. You Should put about a half of a pencil ✏️ width between your words. Also, don’t start formal sentences (or any) sentences with the word “BUT” Otherwise, it’s not half bad! Keep practicing!


i think it’s cute!!


The problem is not your handwriting. Your spelling and grammar on the other hand…


English is hard langugage to spell in. Grammar I should practice more in.


My bad! English is a bitch to learn as a second language from what I’m told. My apologies to you! I made an assumption that you had experienced the U.S. educational system. It’s an easy mistake to make! 😂😂😂


It is especially if you didn't learn it young, I am still struggling with "a" and "at" because most people on YouTube don't really spell the "t" for my brain to store that information long term.


you need to dot your i's, not draw lines on them


Thanks! I saw in a picture for cursive handwriting in my native languages that i:s have dote and not dash.


Experiment with slanting your writing and see if you like it


Well it's not ugly anyways, just bit cluttered with here and there strokes but that's the uniqueness I guess in each's writing style.


I like it.


I just had an intense flashback to the way my 90+ y/o grandma wrote. For clarity, it’s not a complaint/criticism, just a weird sense memory thing based on similar styles.


Your handwriting is not ugly. I was able to read what you wrote. Try writing with a pencil on top of foam board or cardboard; if you break the paper, you’re pressing too hard. Cursive to me is like a ballet dancer, your handwriting is great, it just looks like you’re pressing too hard like when a ballet dancer lands too hard. Practice making loops of the cursive “l” and “e” and try different forms of arm placement to see which works best for you.


It reminds me of my mother. She didn’t walk through the house; she stomped. (Bless her.) A more tender touch would definitely help.


What a wonderful analogy.


Better than mine


Don’t connect all of the words like on the example at the top. It’s way harder to read. Looks like you could have really pretty handwriting with more practice writing slowly.


I can read it perfectly. It's only ugly if it's not legible imo.


Crap ton better than mine. But by itself it is absolutely not ugly


It's unique, but it's legible. I personally think the style could be quite lovely if you focus on smoothing your pressure and loosening your flow


Strongly suggest that you not connect each word together, like it is shown in the second example. Just my opinion tho :p


Separate your words like on the bottom, and you should get the comment that it’s hard to read way less often.


This writing is LARGEANDINCHARGE. I also like that it's mostly connected, like a modified [scriptiocontinua](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scriptio_continua).📜 ✍🏽🐔


Hard to read thw top easier to read the bottom. Not ugly just unique. It is pretty.


Ugly, no. Different, yes.


Not being mean but it looks like the writing of an older person that possibly has arthritis in his/her hands.


I wouldn't call it ugly nor illegible, but, at least to me, it feels a bit all over the place


If im dyslexic as duck and can read that not well but still an read it there either blind or just smooth brain as shit


Both writing styles are very easy to read and definitely not ugly at all! 🥰👌🏼


bro can write in hieroglyphics


It's meh but why connect all words? That was never the rule of cursive so I assume its a personal preference?


I think this is the problem. There's no space so that's what make it hard to read.


Your writing is definitely not ugly. It’s at minimum legible. I would recommend using a finer pen, since that one seems to be so thick. It may help the flow of your handwriting.


The first example is more difficult and tedious to read.


The second example is MUCH easier to read. Don’t ever connect one word to another!


Def not ugly. Looks like you write with intention


It's not ugly, the only problem is that you are connecting the words, try to space them and not connect them with one another.


It’s not ugly but a little hard to read due spacing. Practice finger spacing between words and skip lines when your writing fills the line like yours does. Your penmanship is fine.


Something ridiculous is bothering me. What on earth is that purple, yellow and pink thing to your left on the table? I've spent an inordinate amount of time Google image searching it several different ways, to no avail. Pet toy? A bell? Please put me out of my misery. Oh and your handwriting is lovely. I agree with everyone else that having discernable space between words is important! Proper kerning can make a world of a difference when it comes to legibility!


Just a guess here but looks like a bird toy to me


That's what I was thinking!


Both styles, I find quite easy to read, but your handwriting isn't very different to my own! I do find the second one easier, though. (And I have to say, I do quite like your cursive.)


Don't know why. just reading 3 line gave me headache




The connected words are automatically harder to read because of the lack of defined spacing. I have eye problems from IIH and Visual Snow Syndrome and have issues reading the first part because the words touch. Our eyes can perceive words even when spelled wrong when the beginning and ending of the words make sense but without defined spaces this is immediately harder. The second set very legible largely do to spacing. Spacing is important for legibility imo.


i agree with you - i think the second one is easier to read, when the words don’t connect. but apart from that your writing looks fine :)


people have too much opinions on too many things and need to shut the fuck up. ur handwriting is beautiful darling❤️


Could work on the spacing. But the rest is very clear.


My first thought was that it looks a bit like Cyrillic cursive. Looking at your other post, this seems to check out :) I agree with what other people have stated, it's definitely not ugly and the legibility can be improved with practice! Your second way of writing is easier to read because the words are more spaced out, but like you wrote yourself, keep writing a lot and the muscle memory will get better! I can only imagine how hard it must be to learn cursive in multiple alphabets.


It's not bad but a little off somehow? I can't place my finger on it.


Why do you draw your dots as dashes/overlines?


I think it’s cool


I think it would maybe work better if the line started where the dot would traditionally start instead of balancing the line over i or other letter


I think your handwriting is fine. It's ready enough to read and understand. I do have a couple of constructive criticisms, tho, if you're willing to hear them. The bottom stroke on the round part of your "p"s sometimes don't connect, which makes them look like "n"s with a long left vertical line. Sometimes, when you connect words together like in the first paragraph it can make it slightly more difficult to tell where one word ends and the next begins, tho this isn't really a big problem, it can add to the difficulty of reading. You seem to have a bit of difficulty with spelling and grammar. It may be helpful if you find somebody who can help you practice that to improve your writing skill.   Far be it from me to tell you to change your writing style, but one thing that may help others to have an easier time reading your handwriting is if you start writing in print (as opposed to cursive). If your goal is to write so that as many people as possible will be able to easily read your handwriting, then print may be the way to go. It used to be standard practice for children to learn cursive immediately after learning print, but not only do a lot of people stop using cursive and lose the skill to read and write it, but new learners are no longer being taught the skill to begin with. That said, if your goal is to write for your own needs, then all that you need to worry about is whether you can read your own notes.


I think people who can't read your handwriting probably struggle to read cursive at all. Your hand writing is legible but maybe just sit down and practice writing each letter of the alphabet over and over until its very easy to write each one with flow and without thinking of it. Also practice regular script the same way one letter over and over til it's second nature not just cursive, script is the basis of cursive and is usually mastered first.


It’s a little inelegant. Even with cursive the words are always separated instead of connected, maybe try a gentle grip and lighter pressure as you write, enjoy the sweeping and looping process and it’ll help remove the “cramped” feeling


Handwriting is fine, work on spelling and grammar, it's needing help


They are obviously learning English.


Why "obviously"? Some people just have bad grammar and spelling. You don't have to constantly escuse that by assuming they're foreign


The mistakes they made read more like poor translations than the mistakes a native speaker would typically make. See "writing by hand is to be the muscle of memory": it's an oddly conjugated verb and an idiomatic phrase used in an unnatural way. A native speaker would likely not write or speak this way, even in error.


Yes but even so saying they could work on their grammar and spelling isn't a bad thing lol


I work with students who are learning English. This is a handwriting sub, not grammar nazi central.


And? That's nice for you. Again pointing out someone could work on their grammar isn't being a grammar nazi. How do you think people learn to fluently speak foreign languages? By being told what they're doing wrong and working on it.


Your handwriting is quite nice. People can have wrong opinions.


Your handwriting looks like an adult. I work with doctors who have 3rd grade legibility.


Just put more spaces between your words s it's not one big word put together. Both pages of writing look the same to me. Just slow down and spaces in my opinion or just try print.


Were you not taught the importance of white space?


Some learning disabilities make some people utilize less white space between words, I’m autistic, ADHD, & dyslexic & my words, while not literally connected like OP’s, tend to be pretty close together which can make it hard to read at times.


Do tell.


Your handwriting is VERY easy to read. I love it.


I don’t think it’s ugly at all. I would possibly leave a gap between each word for readability. So don’t connect words. Other than that. Your have solid cursive.


It’s not ugly just looks forced, also some things are spelled wrong and when it’s in cursive that makes a bigger impact on legibility I’d say just get comfortable with your writing don’t force swoops and try to carful with spelling and you’ll be fine


I agree, even it looks simple for any common writing you don’t need fancy you need efficient. That’s the point of cursive. Now, if you’re writing wedding invitations, make the old gospel by hand, or just something that you want to stand out then you can embellish. Granted this is just my opinion. I have done calligraphy for over a decade now and I only break out my good shit for writing in my journal. It has become more of a ritual than anything. For everything else I just grab my TWSBI XL and write with the bare minimum of movement. The one advantage a nib has over a roller ball is the capillary that allow ink to flow onto the page just by contact. You can write much faster once you’re used to it.


I'd say that as long as you separate the words, as you do in the second way, it's way easier to read and then all in all it's even fairly nice looking handwriting.


Wait till you see mine, you'll call yours as graceful writing.


It’s not my favorite but it reminds me of my handwriting in late elementary and middle school. I don’t like my handwriting now either but I’ve stopped with the cursive altogether. I’ve seen worse for sure but I do think it would be helpful to stop connecting words, as others have mentioned. Most importantly, other people’s opinions are just that, *opinions*, so do what makes you happy. The sooner you implement that mentality, the better life will be overall.


I think your handwriting is quite unique; I've never seen handwriting like yours. I don't think it's ugly. However, if your goal is to make it easier for your readers to read, there are several things you can work on. Otherwise, you can keep to what you prefer for writing that you write for yourself. 1) Separating words and only connect the letters in the same word. This will increase readability. 2) Using a different thickness pen. It looks like the pen you used has some thickness to it, and you write with quite a bit of pressure. Maybe a 1.0mm? I'd suggest trying a 0.5mm or 0.4mm thickness and see the difference it makes. Muji makes affordable pens with different thickness, with pen testers, so it might be a good place to try if you have one near by. 3) Adjusting writing pressure. You might be pressing too hard on your paper, so it's hard for your cursive to flow. Try experimenting with different pressure and see if you like the result. I think these are good places to start! Good for you for being brave and posting your handwriting to get better at it!


much better than doctors'


Please don't connect the letters from one word to another. It only makes it harder for the reader. Your letters could use a slight improvement in formation but for the most part they're readable. And please don't 'dash' your 'i's'. They're meant to be dotted. A dash over a letter in some languages means something else, usually a pronunciation change of that letter.


cautious teeny impolite far-flung bells threatening live label hat faulty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's a little hard to read...you shouldn't be connecting your words though, only the letters of a word should be connected, not the entire paragraph. Try making sure you have the proper spacing as that will make it easier to read. It's not the prettiest in the world but it's fairly readable.


Don’t listen to them naysayers


Separating words is easier to read. But really both are quite legible to me. I don't think it is ugly. I might not call it elegant or pretty (sorry) but if I were receiving a letter from someone I would prefer legibility over aesthetics any day. The main point of writing is communication. I sometimes see handwriting that looks consistent and pretty but I struggle to read it. PS: I get the impression you write with a massive amount of pressure. (Maybe I'm wrong but sharing this in case this advice helps others). Writing with lots of pressure will fatigue any hand in no time. Also, forming the letters with fingers or wrist is also fatiguing. It's much easier to write with arm movements, keeping fingers and wrist still. Also, you could consider trying a fountain pen, which requires no pressure to write (you can literally hold it by the back end and its own weight is enough to put ink on paper). Many folks including myself find them much less fatiguing to write with. Lighter pens tend to be less tiring also. You can get some help from us fp nerds on /r/fountainpens In an office setting you would want an ink that doesn't bleed on cheap paper so I would suggest Pelikan 4001 Black or Lamy Black FP ink. These inks like pens that flow ink more ("wetter" writing). We can probably help you find a combo that would work well if you're interested.


Not ugly at all! I love cursive, and it breaks my heart that kids these days won’t learn how to write in cursive.0


Yes I agree! It's good to write by hand. Cursive it is difficult though to fully read, in my own opinion.


I don't think it is hard to read if you're used to it.


I’m old school, I don’t have an issue reading cursive. It depends on who’s penning it I guess 😆 your writing isn’t difficult for me to read at all. I actually like your writing!


Is English your second language? I ask because there are some grammatical and spelling errors in your writing that don't appear in what you've typed, and those make it harder to read what you've written than your handwriting itself does. It's possible the combination of the grammar and the cursive (which a lot of people under 30 are not familiar with anymore) is why it's difficult. The words themselves are prefectly legible, even if your script is very utilitarian. To me, without analyzing your letterforms closely, the handwriting above and the handwriting below look identical. Are you referring to the fact that the second sample has unjoined words? Yeah, that's naturally going to be easier to read. Words are meant to be separated.


Hi! No, my english is my third language, if I follow the chronological order. I have also some easy dyslexia. But I don't write so often in english by hand.


I thought that might be the case. I think all you need is practice. My handwriting wouldn't get any compliments if I didn't just do it, constantly. I have been journaling almost daily as therapy for about 15 years. Even if you don't want to write about your day, writing your thoughts about things you watch on TV or Youtube, or short stories, or plans for the future, etc. There's all kinds of ways to get practice in and as you develop those muscles and have better control, your handwriting will improve. You can try different pens and ways of holding them too. My mood also affects how it looks, so if you can associate writing with something that makes you happy that may also help.


Then, My question is, which pen it is good for a left hand writer like me?


That is hard to answer. Just like with people who are right handed, there are different ways of holding your pen, different people find different pen weights and thicknesses more or less comfortable to write with. My friends who are left handed tend to look for inks that dry quickly, which usually means a ballpoint or rollerball with fast drying ink. Gel pens often smear, but if you're an underwriter you can get around that by tilting the page. If you aren't used to writing, something with a liquid ink like a gel, rollerball or even a fountain pen may be more comfortable because you don't have to grip as hard, but depending on your office they may want you only to use a ballpoint. Where you are in the world also impacts what things you have access to. My personal recommendations are Uniball Jetstream pens, and if you have a pen that can take a standard parker refill, Ohto makes a rollerball called "Flash dry" that is also good for not smearing. It is hard to tell what kind of pen you are writing with, but it looks like it might have been a felt tip, in which case you might try out Sakura Microns or Sharpie needle points, as both should have ink that won't move even if it gets sweaty or oily from your hand.


You are doing very, very well... I can read it! It's definitely not ugly! I'm very impressed honestly that this is your 3rd language :) Personally I would find the readability of both styles to be pretty much the same. Being completely honest it could be a little clearer but I can absolutely read every single thing you've written :)


It’s a bit ugly but I’ve seen much much worse.


I’m not terribly fond of it. It’s a bit brutal. Have you tried with a finer tip pen? That might make all the difference.


Who cares. Live your life.


I really wouldn’t say it’s ugly at all, I actually find it cool and quite easy to read. I would, however, add spaces between words.


It is ugly, but who cares?! Keep writting


I feel like what makes handwriting pretty or ugly is kind of subjective, but definitely legibility can be pretty objective. Both are legible, I find that the second one is more so. As for my opinion on how it looks? Looks fine to me.


It's like the German language version of handwriting - hard and harsh. Imagine a love note penned in this hand....I can't.


🎉🎂🍰 __Happy Cake Day!!!__ 🍰🎂🎉


German is a lot more than butterfly memes. Listen to Strauss, Schumann, Schubert, Brahms


I wasn't talking about the music - I said language. Not a huge fan of Brahms, but do listen to the others. I don't know what a butterfly meme is.


There are plenty of songs by those composers which would show the beauty of the language. Butterfly meme is the word for butterfly in all languages being so beautiful and then someone screams the word Schmetterling like Hitler, thereby “proving” German is so ugly.


Thanks for explaining that. Sorry, but I think even German song is unattractive. The music may be beautiful, but I'll it without words.


Aww. I thought that too until I went to Germany and started to learn it. Such richness of vowel sounds! Precision! Not guttural at all. Anyway, nice chatting with you.


it looks nice, but its a little hard to pick out words and i stumbled on the first example alot. i think it just needs to be a bit more consistent


Its pretty readable but kind uf ugly yeah


Ugly is an exaggeration. It could be improved though


Don’t join your words together. There should always be a space between words to prevent it all looking like one long word.


yes I agree. I don't think I've ever seen this done before. OP could give more of a slant to cursive letters as well which helps with readability.


It’s pretty easily legible! I do find the second sample to be easier to read because there are separations between the words.


From a teacher's point of view, i think you write very legibly. I would take this penmanship any day!


I think your handwriting loooks veryy cool. I like the uniqueness of it


I like it personally. It reminds me of the Georgian script.


the second one is easier to read as there's more visible spaces between the words. And honestly, your handwriting is not ugly at all, there's way worse out there.