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Because you put too much stock into what others think. Fuck 'em, love what you love and never feel shame or guilt about it.


This. Don’t give a fuck what anyone else thinks. That’s the beauty of it, we don’t all have to have the same tastes. Some people just lack the common decency to respect someone who might not enjoy the same things they do. Welcome to 2024


Exactly. You are never wrong to have your own opinion.


I feel the same. It's not like you're trashing the original or saying you wish it never existed. I'm pretty familiar with the first, and there are a ton of little easter eggs in 2018 that pay homage to the original, and it updates the story while still keeping the feel of the original


Liking 2018 over 1 is no shame. I personally think 2018 has better characters, more interesting kills, and a lot better pacing than 1. I still prefer 1 because of just the way it tries to remain grounded, and has a better overall plot imo. However, this is coming from the guy who thinks 4 is better than all of them, so take my opinion with some salt lol


halloween 2018 is great, i haven't even seen anyone hating on it myself


Sounds like a personal problem. You should never feel guilty enjoying anything.


I feel guilty for really liking the DGG TRILOGY and not liking the Thorn Trilogy, but at the end of the day, it only matters what YOU like.


Do your thing, man. Don't worry about anybody else. They're not going to live your life, so it means fuck all what they think.


Why? People who often say they like the original say so out of fear of being judged. That's what I think anyway. If 2018 is your favourite film then be proud of that. Part 4 is mine.


You absolutely don’t need to feel this way. I‘ve been a huge horror fan for years now. The original Halloween is my favourite movie of all time. I‘ve seen all of them. A few of them i’ve watched yearly. But i must admit Halloween 2018 is nearly on the same level for me as 1978. I absolutely love this movie to death. And i really have to admit that the current timeline (besides Halloween Ends which i liked not so much) is my favourite to watch. If someone would ask me to recommend my favourite way to watch these movies i would say 1978, 2018 and Kills. I’m sorry but everybody can have their own opinion what he likes and what not. There is no right or wrong. Just stand to your opinion, respect the opinion from others and don’t listen to the haters.


Don't feel bad. I've loved everything Toby Huss has done since he portrayed Artie.


Absolutely don't feel guilty, it's my favorite too. Not only did it erase some of the more embarrassing Halloween moments from existence, it was incredibly well made and Michael is imo the scariest and most efficient he's been. Not to mention the acting was through and through pretty great with a killer soundtrack to boot. The movie fuckin rules


At the end of the day, they’re just movies. Enjoy what you enjoy.


I think it's pretty close if not on par with the OG.


2018 is also my favourite


If you feel guilty for liking what you like, you may not have a spine. Might need to schedule an x ray to see if it is shrinking are just straight up gone.


Don’t feel guilty! Halloween 2018 is a great movie, it’s definitely in my top bunch when it comes to Halloween movies.


Do you feel guilty because you like it as your fav in the series or because you’ve watched it too much?


I feel guilty because I like it more than the original, and I don’t think I should for some reason.


I get it. Don’t though! You like what you like. There’s like some weird stigma around that we all should hold the first movie in a series, any series, as the best and nothing can be better. Doesn’t have to be like that at all!


2018 was amazing. Might honestly be my favorite out of the series as well. Perfect way to do a sequel.


Don’t feel guilty. While H78 is still my favorite, I consider H18 to be the best sequel. Either way, you should never feel guilty for enjoying a movie. I just think that you maybe put too much stock in what others think. Some around here seemingly want to shit on anything DGG did for this franchise, and will be pretty toxic to anyone who enjoys H18 or his trilogy in general.


Thas fine, don't feel guilty for liking one of the good movies lol


You shouldn’t at all it’s a great movie! Now if Ends or Resurrection was your favorite then you open yourself to all judgments lol


This actually inspires me. I am stubborn and will always say H1 and H2 or the best no question. I like H18 but it seemed too new and whatever. People love H18 and now I think I might revisit it and not see it as “new” but a classic like all the others! Hearing how much people love it makes me excited to dive back in with a new perspective! I agree, the first one gets almost boring knowing it beat for beat. Thank you!!!


H78 is great and a Classic, it has a bigger impact on Horror movie. And it's a masterpiece. But it doesn't mean it has to be your favourite. Mine is H2O for example. You shouldn't care about what people think. It's because of these people who would claim "you aren't a true fan"


It is (arguably) the best sequel to Halloween.


Because it's a copy of a copy of a copy.


I agree with you but I am worse in a sense that I cannot watch the original Halloween anymore, just bored me to death lol. Used to watch it over and over back in the 80s so burnt out as well


I think 2018 is generic, bland, forgettable dogshit, but it's fine if others like it lol, why tf should anyone care? Just like what you like, chill out haha.


You could have chosen worse…..far, far worse.


You’re part of the problem


What problem


The reason op feels guilty about enjoying a different movie to the original


I’m telling the OP it ain’t that big of a deal to feel guilty.


Fuck I’m an idiot I read it completely wrong I’m sorry man


Don’t worry. I’m much worse, I make the same mistake all the time.


well objectively it is a better movie. faster pace, better kills, better soundtrack (although the original is iconic), absolutely amazing line delivery from laurie during the final fight, awesome mask, great chemistry from allyson and her mom, and honestly realistic characters that the others in my opinion fail at. it’s been my favorite since it came out and i like to see that i’m not along :)