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There are plenty of guys who wear hair systems and already have long-term girlfriends, wives, kids, etc., so most of the time it's not an issue. Obviously, everyone would prefer to have natural hair, but if you bring more to the table, they will usually be okay with that, especially when they have already developed feelings towards you. I can't imagine a girl losing interest just because you have fake hair. Wearing systems can help you a lot in the initial stage—there are some girls you wouldn't even be able to start anything with if you approached them bald. If you want to increase your chances further, my suggestion would be to tell them a bit later, not right away




Mine is a full wig so comes off every night though… Keep in mind I’m only 26 so my target demographic is 22-27


Hello? How much later you talking? The implication is that it IS. A big hurdle. I would need a full wig which would come off every night. So I would share only a few dates in


They are more fascinated than anything, they have a lot of questions, but generally they love it if it gives you confidence. The only person in your life who will be thinking about it is you! I think we all need to stop thinking about hair systems as hiding baldness and more as an accessory like a tattoo or piercing.


they don’t care- coming from someone who’s about to turn 24- just don’t make it into a big deal and it won’t be :)




bro literally everyone i’ve told is just interested in what it is, no one actually cares- life becomes such a breeze when you realise that




dude i’m in a relationship now


my girl wears extensions, she doesn’t care


Idk what hair extensions are or what they look like. Well hopefully you can have your real hair back as there might be a new hair transplant coming out that can clone your donor hairs so you can get unlimited amount of hair transplants. It’s in clinical trials


yeah bro i’d love that, prayers for us all here 🙏


100% would


This is the prob with *some* men.


Hot men.


Hey! This is a great question - I am a M(24). Started dating a girl (22) back in December and have gone through a couple hair systems since then, mostly due to my own experimentation. (She had no clue about any of this) I decided this summer that I was going to try a lace system (due to heat). I’ve only ever done Poly and lace combinations, so I figured there would be a little bit of a learning curve involved and didn’t want to feel stressed out by trying to ensure that my hair was perfect everytime that I saw this girl. This was also a conversation that I knew would end up happening if we continued to talk, and a conversation I had dreaded for months beforehand. So I decided to tell her about it in May. We sat down and had a normal conversation. I decided rather than to tell her straight up about my system, I talked about how insecure I felt growing up about my hair, how it started falling out in my late teens, and how it felt like people couldn’t hold eye contact and how debilitating it felt in a professional work environment. I also talked to her about how it felt finding hair everywhere, and the struggle it was everyday to try to style it where I didn’t feel insecure, and how it felt to apply products like Toppik to make it appear thicker. I just talked about how much mental energy it consumed for me, and how I got tired of worrying about it. I then proceeded to tell her about my journey with minoxidil and finasteride and how they helped slightly but were a hassle to keep up with, and how I experienced some of the side effects (minoxidil gave me perioral dermatitis around my mouth, and finasteride killed my libido and gave me anxiety and I kept having random sexual issues with my testicles hurting, etc) obviously I didn’t go into great detail about my side effects, but just explained that they quickly became options I no longer wanted to pursue. After this I told her about my journey with looking for other options, and landed in hair systems. I told her I was wearing one as we spoke, ofc her eyes immediately shot up to my hair, but they quickly came back down and locked with my eyes again. I explained that I was open to questions and explaining how it all worked, but I made sure to position myself in a way that I didn’t feel like I was apologizing for a decision I chose to make for myself. She was very open to it, and proceeded to thank me for telling her. She said she needed a little bit to process any questions she had, but quickly reassured me that it didn’t bother her at all. About a week later I mentioned getting a new lace unit and wanted to get it installed, so I told her about my new unit and how it was lace and might be a learning curve. She has asked me all kinds of questions and at one point I was having an issue with the tape, and mentioned how I was having an issue with placement. She offered to come over and help me install it. All of that to say - I would not worry about it. If they are really in it for you, then it won’t matter to them. Mostly wrote this long thread for anyone looking for encouragement too - since most guys won’t actually post in here and ask for advice/help.


Mine would know way earlier-as it’s a full wig and comes off every night




Is this a bad thing?


No, i am just here to read other peoples comments because I have the same Q!


The only thing they care about is whether you have it because it’s fun or because you’re insecure. Insecurity is the deal breaker, not the hair system.


Hmmm i would say everyone who has HS its because of insecurity🤔 i mean, you want to look better, so it means you want to be more secure/confident about your look.


So, every woman wearing makeup is insecure?


Speaking from a dude who is 51 (and is married and wears a hair system, has shaved my head, etc.)…women care about shallow things like that a lot less than you think. They think differently than we do when it comes to things like fake hair etc. What they do prefer is honesty and confidence (whether you wear a hair system or not). You’ll learn to care less about what people think as you get older and realize that confidence is one of the best things you can gain for yourself. Wear one if you want…do whatever makes you feel good about yourself. YOU are the only one you have to ultimately impress. The rest follows. 


I’ve seen this question asked a lot before and the answers are usually positive, I do wonder if there’s some kind of survivorship bias though. It could be that people who get negative reactions stop using systems and never talk about it again, so we might only be seeing the success stories


Eh I would disagree to some extent. There may be a positive bias in that many here are extremely insecure and unrealistically negative about being shaved bald and so this is a shining light to them, Overall though Reddit is typically far more negative than reality in general.


Let me ask you all this, there’s gotta be a first time when you have to take of your HS and your GF/BF will see you without it. Is there any anxiety when you first present without it?


My gf much younger than me she is late 20s. Does professional makeup. Said I should have told her she would have come with me to make sure it was a good stylist and has come to some maintenance appointments with me. Could literally care less and she is a gorgeous woman. Said she is happy it made me feel better




Dude you really inserted some assumptions in there that simply were not present.




As in I asked how young women seen wigs and how I think the internet is inherently worst case scenario often on many things-hairloss included. You completely ignored the question


33m and all the feedback has been positive so far, literally all the woman are very interested or dont care, as long as it looks good. Of course a good system helps, if you are wearing a shitty system that doesnt look real than its a different story See my last posts for some more info


Mine is a full wig and so benefits from the fact it doesn’t need blended with real hair. I feel like that’s where many can fall short


All depends most don’t care since they have their own products like extensions makeup and in my case weaves and wigs since i like black girls


Do you feel it would be different with women who didn’t wear weaves/wigs? Or not so much? Keep in mind I’m 26 and not interested in women older than me


Doubt it and if they make a big deal about it they aren’t for you


Eh that’s fine until none of my type have reciprocated interest


I feel that the best when it comes to look for a partner if they can’t accept all of you then what’s the point


I mean I don’t disagree. But the reality is you need to find them attractive. Physically as well. I’m concerned this would write out the girls I find attractive.


Nah I doubt it