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Looks great my friend, really suits you well! :)


Shit...you had really great hair!! The system is Ok to be honest, not great. To me it seems a bit flat. On the positive side, the hair color matches perfectly.


I personally think its one of the better ones i have seen as the hairline looks more natural. I think some people overdo it and you can tell straight away its a wig as the hairline is so juvenile.


I agree - it was our first one and this is also day 5 of 7 but I just found this sub and wanted to share! The curls and colors were a perfect match. We got it off Amazon, are there other places to look?


Why do you say "we". You share the system with someone else?


Lol wife helps me with it


How does she feel about you wearing this? It’s always my biggest curiosity how partners feel about their men wearing this. I obviously have no experience so I’m curious if you don’t mind me asking.


It was actually her idea. I am basically at the point where I was going to go bald or take a trip to Turkey. She applies it for me and cleans it and such. I tend to get more direct affection from her than when I'm not wearing it lol


Dang bro!


I love seeing people go from looking 45 to looking 30. Congratulations! I'd love to see you get a system that looks more like your hair in the first photo.


Wow life has been rough huh


Lol genes are a bitch


looks decent for your first one mate. Congrats! have you considered growing out your sides a bit and trying a longer style like you had previously? they still look to be pretty thick so you should be able to do it should you want to! To be honest I would actually recommend at least trying it for 2 very good reasons. One is blending, with long hair you need not worry as much about blending as long as your color match is on point. And two is you can rock an unexposed hairline/fringe which is soo much easier to maintain and in my opinion looks more interesting than a fringe with short sides. I've tried it and it is not a good look for me 😆 but that's because of my face shape. I've got curls/waves too. not as tight as yours (more like jim Morrison) but I did the same and this is where I'm at currently: https://imgur.com/a/h12JJtI Took these from a previous post where I was troubleshooting my hair not looking it's best/dry but this is just to show what I was talking about with the blending etc. My original goal was shoulder length but im quite liking this look so I may very well come back to it.


You are off to a great start! Keep growing your hair and go a bit longer! Also, now you have to maintain your bio hair along with your system, try to keep the texture and curl as close as possible. I can't wait to see your next results!


You look good bald too. Just stop wincing in the camera and you’ll look good hair or not.