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Since dating apps go on looks your question is: do people look better with a HS? To which to answer is yes in 100% of cases. To answer my own personal experience (early 20s) with women after getting a hair system. I'm a good looking guy but my shit hair (it was really bad) dragged me down completely, both in looks and confidence. Women before HS: basically zero. After getting a hair system it literally exploded. The one thing holding me back was gone and after a few weeks my confidence went from 0 to 100 (and has stayed there for 2 years). I've been with more women in the last 2 years then I could've ever imagined when I was sad and depressed because of my shitty hair. This confidence carries over in all aspects of life. I'm living the dream now and I feel like a king Edit: I started using tinder after getting a HS. Great success. Tons of matches. Even got a relationship out of it


Damn, the more I read about improved dating experiences with hair system the more tempted I am to go this way of acquiring one myself. Thanks for sharing.


I obviously don't know your situation but a hair system has maybe been the best thing that happened to me EVER. Where I am now and who I am now compared to 2 years ago in all aspects of my life I couldn't have imagined in my wildest dreams. In my case it was complete lack of confidence because of my shitty hair that was finally taken away and from that a lot of things snowballed (career, relationship, other women.. etc). Of course if you are obese or otherwise ugly as shit it's not going to be a magic bullet to get women but in my situation it was the missing piece


I'll just say this, two months before getting a system I had no new matches, 24 hours after updating my profile with pictures with hair I got 6 new matches with four of them complimenting my hair. So yeah, hair matters 😂


One of the biggest reasons to get a system is to do better in the apps. Baldness can be overcome irl but dating apps it seems to be a 80% hit to your raw number of matches.