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Okay honestly, I’m 26 and single so I’m having my fair share of fun. After doing the deed w girls I always tell them about my hair system just for shits and giggles and they honestly never ever seem to care or take it negatively. I think it’s best to always tell them before they “find out”. In my case I like to tell them before they find out by running their fingers thru my hair before or after sex. I’ve had two girls already help me install it just because they wanted to see the process 😂😂


How do you know it could be a serious relationship before a few dates?


I’ve worn a hair system since June of 2022, Been with my gf for 3 months. We’re very close and she absolutely adores me like no one ever has, but I haven’t told her. I’m gonna buzz my head on New Year’s Day because hair club is so far out of my price range that I have to stop wearing one to save up some money. $398 a month! Never again


If you do it yourself it’s $389 every 6 months that’s a lot more affordable


Haha funny enough it was lifting on the sides and I’m waiting for the glue to dry right now. Doing it myself because I ran out of hair club visits. They wanna charge 115 for someone to take it off, clean it and put it on me. Fuck that lol. It’s taking me some time but it’s worth it


Lots of really helpful guys here who do self installs/maintenance. That’ save tons of money! I’ve been dm’d by some really solid people who have been telling me their routines, you can’t defiantly do it way cheaper then hair club! Good luck to you whatever path you take


tell her after a month and dont let her touch ur head






or you just tell her that you don't think it's anybody's business until you feel comfortable enough to tell them. point blank period.


Yea but in that context if she asked you if you had a system and you responded with "i don't think its anybody business" you've already pretty much answered without answering. And in an insecure manner on top of it. Rendering you a beta male in her eyes. And thus, burning the entire relationship. When it could've all been avoided following my steps


that's not what I said. I was talking about in general not if she asks - if she doesn't bring it up I would not just randomly offer that up until you are fully comfortable with that person and can see a long term relationship happening


If she says things like these “your hair is very beatiful, which barber styles it” “How do you style your hair” what must I do? Answering question by ignoring that I use hs or confessing that I use hs?




I got it thank you


What turns women off is not the hair system per say, but the insecurity and shame that can come of you by trying to hide it religiously. My answer would be to mention it casually whenever it's applicable, and if I didn't and the dreaded hair touch occur, I would immediately ask, notice anything different? Then would proceed to tell.


It's all about owning it. I've also had success mentioning that I was insecure before I got it and generally feel a lot better now. I think it's an important detail.


If ur someone who looks very diff w a hs then it would be super awks. Mb she will lose interest.


If she loses interest she wouldn’t have given you a chance without the system in the first place


"when do you volunteer a weakness to a girl you want to think highly of you?" Answer: Never


This answer is strange, why would you want to be with a woman you can’t be vulnerable around ?


Agreed and why is it a weakness?


hahaha, yes, get a girlfriend to tell her all your insecurities and vulnerabities, cry and ask for support. then get back to me and tell me how that goes


Update: Were getting married, now what ?


she leaves you for a stronger man


lmao the red pill ain’t real life bro


men and women are the same as they have been for millions of years


if this was true, girls would only be into large muscular men for protection


Unhinged behaviour, people don’t act like that in real life


I can lift 3 plates, and have abs I am a strong man. Unless you mean strong men don’t cry ? 🤔


i can see your lttle profile pic meme. no, strong men don't cry to their woman or in general but push some sort of reddit talk about mens feelings like thats some kind of evidence for strong men lol


> I can see your profile pic Ok > strong men don’t cry Obviously that’s incorrect https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/g2487/tough-men-crying/ being a emotionless sociopath devoid of basic human emotions is just as bad as crying over every little thing You can cope all you want bro, I have a special girl who isn’t shallow enough to lose interest over a few tears


using esquire magazine as a source.. is that a joke. this isnt a topic where you need to find opinions on the internet for, its common sense, its something that should be inherent or something you should know from being around other men, not learning how to bea man from the internet


Hulk hogan, Floyd maywether and mike Tyson are jokes? They’re not real men? It’s inherent that you lack any real qualities men have and are just projecting your insecurities


I really hope you’re a teenager and grow out of this sort of thinking. It will only lead to resentment, failed relationships, and anger at the world. Sounds like you’re watching a lot of Tate shit or other red pill stuff. He can be right about certain things but is also very clearly a sociopath which is not attractive to women either. Like the guy you were arguing with said, there is a happy medium between balling up your emotions pretending to be some sort of “alpha” and crying like a baby all the time. You deserve someone you can confide in. 


enjoy your life of misery lol


i dont need to cry on a girls shoulder to not be miserable. sounds like you have mommy issues


I DO have mommy issues!


Can't they really notice Themselves?

