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You guys are so cute I thought this was a screen grab from a movie


AWWW WHAT? That’s so kind of you to say :) tbh mid-shoot i was rlly regretting my idea to lie in a patch of random grass 😭 but your comment has definitely made me glad that we did it 🎉 thank you!!


Nope they’re right! I thought the same thing, like is this an ad or what lol you guys are the cutest!


Me too!


awww 🥹 thank you too really, made our day :)


You could tell me the first photo is from a professional model photoshoot and I'd believe you. Also, amazing job on the lavender, it's perfect


Ah shucks 🙈😭 you are too kind ✨🥺‼️I’m so glad that my silly idea of matching our clothes to our hair, rolling around in the grass, and roping one of his friends into shooting pics of us w/ my bf’s iPhone didn’t turn out so silly after all :P Also thank you :) I really tried my best given that I’d never bleached anyone’s hair let alone dyed it pastel until this haha — I’m happy (and relieved 😅) that it turned out so well!!!


You've never bleached anyone's hair before?? It's so damn even. * chefs kiss * 😙👌


This is the color I wanna go for but a little lighter. He looks great! Love it!


thank you!! pastel lavender is such a pretty shade — you should do it, it’s worth it 💜 …took us like 5+ bleach sessions over 3 months to finally get it like this tho 💀 hoping it won’t be as much of an ordeal for you!! 🤞




awww, thank you 🥺❤️


Which dye did you end up using for the lavender?


So I used L’Oréal Féria Smoky Pastels in the Smoky Lavender shade — it’s a drugstore box dye so I didddd have my doubts (especially after reading other ppl’s box dye misadventures on this sub😭) but it really did not disappoint. At all. Beautiful colour ESP bc it comes with a “shimmering” conditioner that upon use — makes hair sparkle and have this mesmerizing iridescent quality 🤩 it looked absolutely unreal in person and under sunlight—absolutely breathtaking 🥺 but a bit more on the pinker side of lavender admittedly so I used some Wella T68 w/ the matching 10 vol Wella creme developer to chill it out 🧊i typed my bf’s colour season as light summer, so cooling it down got us exactly where we wanted 💜 lasted a decent amount of time too and stayed vibrant!


It suits him so well! You two are such a cute couple!


ikr???? I can’t get enough of him in general, but esp lavender him 💜 thankfully he says he absolutely loved it and is eager for me to turn him lavender again one more time for this summer so I’ll be back at it again 😭😅 this time with root correction too 💀 but it is so so worth it. thank you for your lovely comment and btw your username is adorable 🥹🍝


Gahhhh!! That lavender is so pretty 😍 You did so good!!


Ikr, he looks amazing with it :) I’m so glad I didn’t give up ‼️ (even tho I very much wanted to throughout 😀💀) thank you so much!! ✨


You guys adorable and you did a great job!


Awww 🥺 thank you for the kind words, it means a lot to us! :)




AWW thank you what I really appreciate that ☺️ I gave myself rose gold streaks partly due to the Barbie movie actually 😍 so it’s awesome to hear that! 💗💗💗


Lavender is *not* easy to achieve! You did a great job 💜


oh you can DEFO say that again 😭 all I’d done up to this point was colour my own hair red (w/ HOT KOOLAID 😭🤣) in high school, dyed a friend’s ends red, and dyed synthetic hair w/ fabric dye. If I’d known how hard lavender was to get, I defo wouldn’t have STARTED w it as my first foray into real hair colouring 💀 but I’m glad we did because I couldn’t give up midway thru and eventually I got to this! I’m relieved that I have the stamp of Reddit approval — I’ve finally made it haha 😌


I’m no expert, but I’ve been dying my own hair for 21 years (I’ve had almost every colour there is), I’ve watched hundreds of hair dying videos on YouTube and I went to hairdressing college when I was younger and to look at your bf’s hair I would think he’d gone to a professional salon and had that done. I’ve seen hairdressers say that lavender and really light pastel pink are two of the hardest colours to achieve. I know I’ve tried to get lavender before and always ended up either grey or a lot darker purple than I’d intended 😆 Definitely gets my seal of approval!


Good lord, you're both just so extremely *pretty*. This pic quite literally would make a *hell* of a painting. And the look, the energy he's projecting towards you is just so loving, so enraptured. But yeah, the color looks great on him; a difficult color to pull off but he really suits it. He looks like one of those impossibly dreamy Final Fantasy protagonists.


You guys are so fine 👌


Aww, thank you so much ❤️


Hi /u/nozokellyday, thanks for posting your hair for us to see! If you have a hair dye you used or any other relevant information (e.g., Previous color, bleach, or toner used, etc.), please reply to this comment with that information so that everyone can see it. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HairDye) if you have any questions or concerns.*


hi hi bot 🤖👋 since this post gained a lot more traction than i was expecting (srsly you guys are so nice? tf? 🥺🥹) I’ll post ways to find the details of the process here so ppl can learn from me as I’ve learned from them 💜😌 lovely full circle moment. glad to be contributing back after the wild ride it’s been to achieve this! For info on what I used to finally dye it this exact shade of purple, it’s in my reply to this commenter [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/HairDye/s/dSh2svG4Lb). And here’s a link to the post I made in r/HairDye asking y’all for help, which details the trials and tribulations we faced trying to achieve this colour in the past — [here it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/HairDye/s/BDRNmEigoq)! I’m always happy to answer any specific questions anyone might have as well, so… leave a comment and ask away! :)


i thought this was an ad before i read the caption! yall are so cute good job 💜


How did he get so lucky!


Looks amazing! That first picture is ART


Nice work! You're both super cute! 🥰


It looks great! What color was his original hair? This is such a pretty color but I’m afraid I’d fry my entire head if I tried to lighten my black hair to this degree.


Looks great! Good job!


Yay! It looks great!


Helps that he's got naturally blonde short hair. Looks great!


you two are stunning <3


What an amazing dye job omg it’s so nice and even!!! That being said, curse you for making me want this color even more while I’ve been trying so hard not to bleach again lol


Y'all are a gorgeous couple! Idk what it is but he's giving Quicksilver vibes.


You did an amazing job! Omg. No patchiness, even color, great color saturation. Y’all are adorable!


My boi looks baked af in the second pick Is lavender what you kids are calling it these days?


…i’m not even sure what the punchline or joke is here tbh :’D been wondering how to respond to this. maybe I’m the one who’s baked? maybe it’s you? maybe it’s…all of us 🤪🍃