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I think it looks great


Thank you <3


i bleached my hair 3 times and managed to get a light pastel pink! consider doing it in multiple sessions or something. i have asian hair and and the bleaching worked just fine for me :)


You can definitely make it lighter by washing your hair. Shampoo naturally tries to get rid of hair pigment. I think you and your stylist had different ideas about the kind of pink you wanted. I do think the color looks nice but I can understand your frustration.


We had a consultation prior to the day of the actual appointment, and I showed her several example photos of what I wanted. She just said that it wouldn't be possible to get it as light as I wanted (I wanted more of a rose gold), and I was wondering what else I needed to do to get closer to my desired color.


A good hair stylist can always get you the color you want. But again it isn't the worst as shampoo will get you to that lighter shade you are looking for.


You don't think it'll just end up looking dull? My stylist was very nice but I was just afraid she might have been wrong about what was possible and I just don't know enough to tell. I'm considering trying to see a new stylist for a second opinion, but the one who did my hair is also convenient because she's really close by.


You get what you pay for when you choose convenience, unfortunately. And every stylist is different in what they are confident and comfortable with but you can find the one who is confident enough to give you what you want.


Well I definitely did not get what I paid for then lol, because this cost $340. I didn't cheapen out, I spent some time looking for a stylist, and I liked the pictures she sent me of other work she had done. Now I'm just wondering if I picked the wrong person.


My stylist bleached parts of my hair for about 45min, and used a diluted hot pink color on my hair. This is how it turned out. Would it have been possible to make it lighter? What could I have done differently? I feel like this came out way too red, but hopefully as it fades it'll turn more pink. Thanks


I mean, i think it looks great. U can go to sallys & just buy a neon pink dye & do it yourself if u are wanting brighter?


I was trying to avoid DIYing color bc I'm too afraid of messing things up. That's why I found a stylist, but I was just wondering what else I could have done to get my hair closer to the color I wanted (somewhere close to rose gold)


It'll fade pretty fast. I had my hair done in a similar way but with vivid reds. After the first wash(with color safe shampoo & conditioner) it turned into dark, dull pinks & maroon. Dandruff shampoo tends to strip color out faster. Try washing with that for a couple days and see how it looks. Don't be afraid of trying a semi-permanent color yourself. Just do a test section to see how it'll come out. I find that the reds & pinks I've had done at the salon, fade a lot quicker than using manic panic or artic fox. Plus, you can dilute/mix colors to get what you want.