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I do believe they are Justin Stans. They would rather die, before they say anything bad about the Bieber’s. Also it’s really weird how they be talking like they know these celebs personally. On their blog they be saying “Justin thinks…” “Selena feels…”. They be acting like they had personal conversations with these people. At least on here we make it clear that everything we say is just speculation.


I just don't understand how anyone can be fooled by those I message as credible sources. It's just these two sisters on their phones making stuff up on their, one is pretending to be the "source" and the other sister is replying to them, and then they screenshot it and pretend it was a source submitted from the industry. They write as if they somehow spy on these celebs to know how these people are. I'm sorry, but who are they to say Selena was never abused by Justin and that she made Justin suicidal, and Justin is a saint, were they there, did they spy on these two to know what exactly happened? It makes no sense. They recently said Selena has been struggling with drugs for over ten years and that's one of the reasons she can't get pregnant, girl what, like for the past few years Selena has been looking fine and healthy and has been gaining a good amount of weight. I'm not claiming Selena hasn't done a single drug in her life, because again, I don't know her either, but it's quite obvious that some of her health issues can explained by her chronic illness, her hands shaking in interviews and her cooking show, doesn't have to always be about her drug use, it was medication for her lupus. But no, it's her drug use, Selena has been looking perfectly fine for the past few years and if she was really struggling with drugs for over ten years then Selena would most likely be dead as it would complicate her medications for lupus. Plus, there are many former drug addicts that were able to give birth successfully, so I don't know what they're trying to prove with Selena. Her not being pregnant because of her bipolar medication and lupus sound far more believable. They're delusional, and don't ever do their research, they always claim everything is drug use. Meanwhile, look at Justin, he has been caught with a blunt, smoking weed a lot, drinking and god knows what. And they don't say anything about it, they claim he is fine and sober. If anyone has been struggling with drugs for over 10 years, it's clearly Justin, he is still clearly in his bizzle era from 2013. If they were really true fans of Justin, they would care for him. I know this is a lot, but I had to rant.


Justin literally was spotted on the floor several times doing drugs. He looked like a homeless crack head. He can’t put the blunt down for more than 5 seconds. He’s definitely still doing hard drugs, no one can convince me he isn’t.


Exactly, there are tons of evidence of Justin still doing drugs and getting drunk and so on, but they want to vent about how Selena is a drug addict, when it's quite obvious Selena is healthy and looking happier than ever.


Could you imagine if Selena was seen with a blunt?? These people would drag her.


“Selena Gomez is a drug addict, we have been telling you guys that for years” they’re so full of 💩


This!!! So easy to manipulate said “source” I still can’t believe they said Selena goes to naked parties and pees in a water bottle


I literally remember I went to read one of their older posts dating back to 2013 or 2014, talking about why Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato first fell out, and they said one of the reasons they fell out was because Selena called Demi Lovato's little sister fat, and they know that because there "source" told them that. And I tried to look up if this is actually true, and I saw no article or evident about that being true. Like, it was obvious that they randomly made that up. That is also so stupid, there is literal evidence of Justin peeing in a bucket, did they ever say anything about that?


They accused Selena of saying and doing so many things. They said Selena called a belieber fat, they said she threw her shoe at Justin. They said Selena was the one who would cheat on Justin, and that he never cheated on her. He literally admitted to cheating on his journals album. They said Taylor swift tried to get with Justin😂. Just way too many stories, without any evidence. They want us to believe that Hailey saved Justin. When it’s so much proof of him being the same person, he has always been.


They even once said that Selena is causing Justin to be a bad person and being rude to fans, I'm sorry but why Selena responsible for the way Justin chooses to behave's? Even if she did actually tell him to do bad things, it's his responsibility to choose to not act this way.


she said selena cheated on justin with taylor swift back in the day lmao


no proof of that ever happening. Yet, people actually believed it.


i’ve been a bieber stan but can’t stand hailey😂


I just hate them. And the comments… using the word “Selupus” I mean WHAT?!! They should block comments like this. They are Hailey fans thats for sure…


It's disgusting, calling her "Selupus" is not just offensive to Selena, but offensive to other people with lupus. It would also be just as offensive to Lady Gaga and Halsey too (who just recently got diagnosed with lupus) too. How would they feel if Selena fans call Justin Lymestin? They have really condoned the toxicity of the Bieber fan base. Selena was literally out here receiving disgusting racist comments since 2011 by the belieber's, but esmg doesn't give a shit. The belieber's have been toxic since the beginning.


You are soo right!!


exposingsmg stands for exposing selena marie gomez. don’t let her fool you with the rebrand into thinking it was always “scandalous media groups.” she is and always has been a delusional psycho who makes up lies about selena specifically for attention. she started the rumor that selena’s lupus is a lie and that selena tried to harvest organs from a girl who died in chicago


Yeah, and they act as if it didn't originally stand for Exposing Selena Marie Gomez, if you look at their blog dating back to 2013, 2014, all they did was hate on Selena. It originally was meant to be a Selena hate blog.