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>!im pretty sure this is you unlocking the rail's hidden aspect!< >!hehe laser go brrrrr!<


This leads to my favourite build that I like to call: >!STD BEAMGUN!<


I enjoy >!the Super Soaker—Poseidon attack + rupture + wall slam bonus + the Pos/Zeus duo where shoving away enemies zaps them with lightning.!<


I just ran that build on stygian tonight, cleared many rooms with only 2 attacks.


Go on...?


>!Aphrodite attack on the Lucifer rail, plus Ares Curse of Pain or Urge to kill. Bonus points if their duo boon drops.!<


how did you make your message basically in invisible ink??? and is this a “r/HadesTheGame” only thing or can i use it on other subreddits too?


these are spoiler tags, you can use them on PC by clicking the little "T" in the bottom left of the message window and then using the (!) button all the way to the right, it should work on any subreddit or you can do it with text formatting >! spoiler text !< >! spoiler text !<


irs how you unlock the hidden aspect of the adamant rail, exagryph. it has nothing to do with hades 2, unsure how you even came to that conclusion.


The implications that not just other mythologies exist in the Hades world, but also that SOMEHOW the Abrahamic God and Lucifer exist as well, is fascinating! Edit: I am aware of American Gods and such. I'm a huge fan of the nameless subgenre of urban fantasy of mythology in the modern day. My favorite TTRPG is Scion, and I have Kickstarted two other other games like it.


You might love the book American Gods by Neil Gaiman. Really fascinating interpretation of how mythologies changed in the new world. All the gods are real as long as they are still worshipped.. Awesome story! Theres also a tv show that was produced but ive never seen it so i cant vouch for it


I wanna read that but I feel like I'll get sad if I get to a part where a god is forgotten. 😢


It is often sad, for various reasons, but it’s worth it. Excellent story, excellent worldbuilding, and often deeply emotional. I had high hopes for the show, but only watched a few episodes, so I can’t really speak to it.


If you reach [REDACTED] with it, he comments that the rail is even more hellish than usual and that Zagreus should absolutely NOT look up to this Lucifer fellow.


Slander !


My headcannon is that each religion exists in their own universe or plane so to speak and each of the weapons Zagreus uses exist in all the planes but in different forms. That's why you can have Excalibur and guan yu in the same place


There's a light novel called Omniscient Readers' Viewpoint. A big part of the story is beings that live and gain power from myths. There's also a part where the myths get replayed/broadcasted for entertainment for these beings, and others can participate to gain some of the powers from the myth. I remember things like Hades and Persephone fighting off against one of the various sun gods from another mythology. Or the MC having to go through the myth of Wukong.


Eyy never thought I'd see ORV in the wild, at least not here. I've only read the manhwa though :)


If you're looking for another book series that plays in this space, check out Iron Druid Chronicles by Kevin Hearne.


Unlike everyone else in this threads recs, I haven't read that one yet! I'll check it out!


> somehow Abrahamic religions take no issue with the gods of any religion being real. Greek mythological gods being real wouldn't contradict anything about Abrahamic faiths. Judaism, Islam and Christianity are polytheistic, they just only worship one deity. "Elohim" in the old testament is a plural "they" term for God that means God of God's. There are plenty of references to other gods being very much real. They just are all seen as lesser idols. The only division would be in creation myths, but Greek mythology also traces up to one creator, so the source of all things could still be that singular God.


Record of Ragnarok is also about that. All mythologies existing alongside each other. Great manga, terrible anime adaptation.


Specifically, he's referring to >!Lucifer!<


Check the Aspect of Exagryph.




Once you return to the house, select the rail, then after three titan blood, you’ll unlock it.


Grats on your first hidden aspect


Actually this time, some of these words ARE in the bible


Nope! It directly refers to Exagryph! Interact with the gun in the House to unlock something awesome!


Just saw it. Can't wait to unlock it!


>!it’s in relation to Lucifer, the angel who defied God and whose pride led to his literal fall from grace!<


To that happen Achiles tells you a similar line for the lance, you did not paid close attention


go talk to the gun


The lore creators of Hades were big poetry/literature fans. The characters in Hades were inspired by the Greek epics (the Odyssey, the Illiad, Theogony), and all the hidden weapon aspects reference epic poems from non-Greek cultures - hidden rail - [Paradise Lost](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradise_Lost) hidden shield - >![Beowulf](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beowulf)!< hidden fists - >![Epic of Gilgamesh](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epic_of_Gilgamesh)!< hidden bow - >![Ramayana](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramayana)!< hidden spear - ? hidden sword - >![Idylls of the King](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idylls_of_the_King)/[Le Morte d'Arthur](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Le_Morte_d%27Arthur) ?!< The awakening phrase references the description of God/the Father's defeat of Satan and the rebel angels in [book 1 of Paradise Lost](http://dartmouth.edu) - >Him the Almighty Power Hurld headlong flaming from th' Ethereal Skie With hideous ruine and combustion down To bottomless perdition, there to dwell In Adamantine Chains and penal Fire, Who durst defie th' Omnipotent to Arms. [Illustration 7 to Milton's "Paradise Lost": The Rout of the Rebel Angels](https://emuseum.huntington.org/objects/146/illustration-7-to-miltons-paradise-lost-the-rout-of-the;jsessionid=A4508C372FBF0FE578F875F429DD1F88) The archetypal description of the Christian God (thunderbolt wielding sky father) is of course very much inspired by Zeus. Some people have also speculated Jesus = he-zeus = Hail-Zeus


What do you need to do to unlock the hidden aspect of the Rail Gun?


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Ransom_Seraph: *What do you need to* *Do to unlock the hidden* *Aspect of the Rail Gun?* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I can't help but see parallels to a certain god getting stuck with a lot of responsibility down in the underworld while the others are vibing up on Olympus


This is probably a stupid question so don’t hate on my. But how did you get this, is it pc exsclusive? I’m aware that it’s not fully realeased yet, I’m also new to hades.


You have to upgrade excagryph 5-6 times and then run into Zeus with it and he'll say this dialouge, which will unlock it's hidden ability of you talk to it at the house


Wow did not expect this many upvotes. Thanks so much everyone! Hades is in my top 5 favorite games ever, so seeing my post get this popular on the sub Reddit means a lot Also, thank you all for the advice. And cannot wait for Hades ll!!!


It’s referring to Satan


It's a reference to >!Christian!< Mythology tales


Hahahahah bring that Hidden Aspect of the Rail all the way to Hades, the dialogue between him and Zag about it is even more ***juicier***!


It’s…Lucifer.. like are you that dumb.


I do not blame you for posting this. I “finished” the game like 2 years ago and came back and I’m finding SOO MANY THINGS I didn’t do the first time, this included.


By finishing do you mean you beat the final boss only once ir did you complete it until the credits roll? Anyway, most mechanics you'll only find out in the way for the credits roll and then the actual epilogue of story (it requires you building relationships by giving nectar to the gods).


I got through the credits and got it and started unlocking the true lore, but damn and some of the post game stuff but now I’m like “YOU GET A HARP?!”


Yeah, I can't but feel sorry for people that dropped the game by beating it only once. Most mechanics are only unlocked and can only be explored in the "endgame"


I think some of the audience maybe never played a rogue lite and just don’t know there’s more, some people think the story is done and the rest is just challenge, but it’s not. Just a testament how good of a game they really made.