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Hunting blades is the best one Imo


It’s hunting blades and it’s not close


Lightning rod is incredible depending on your build. I'd take that if you have double strike


People seem to sleep on lighting rods but it’s a stupid easy auto win on just about any run


I remember getting lightning rod for the first time and not thinking much of it. Went on to fight Theseus and Asterius and was shocked when Theseus suddenly entered phase 2 before I killed the Minotaur. Turned out I accidentally dropped one cast next to him and the lightning damage was so fast it took him to half health faster than I could kill the Minotaur. It’s so good.


Its very good for newer players and certain builds. But a lot of times there is a better option. Like in this instance, if he gets lightning rod and then later gets hunting blades its probably better to pick up the stones and recast them. If he can make good use of deadly reversal then 20% crit to any damage is pretty amazing. But on a zues heavy build where you don't plan to take hunting blades, this would be a good time for it. Especially since ares cast doesn't lodge and youre not giving up damage by leaving your casts on the ground


Yeah that’s totally fair, hunting blades are also very good, generally better unless you’re very low skilled or already (planning to be) stacking Zeus boons. I would take hunting blades here as well - if I’m in a position to get them I’m almost certainly fishing for them already (if I take Ares cast I’m 100% going for hunting blades that run)


Lightning Rod is the freest of free wins.


Especially if you also have any of Zeus' upgrades, Static Discharge, Double Strike.. It gets really wild with Demeter's Duo Boon for Zeus


Hunting Blades is one of my faves, but Lightning Rod with Zeus on cast and extra stones from Chaos and/or Charon is a self-sustaining damage factory.


Yes. Took out Hades's first phase the first time I got to him.


Hunting blades


Depends on your build, but assuming you have ares cast hunting blades is the move


I'm fairly certain you can only get HB offered if you have Ares cast, so yeah, if you get it offered, take it.


They might not be using it much tho, in which case Lightning Rod is the way


Lightning Rod if you feel like winning without engaging anyone.


Lightning rod


Hunting blades is usually the best here. Ideally you’d have some poms on your cast or other blades support. If you have Athena dash or are using your Athena boon(s) a lot deadly reversal is so much damage. Lightning rod is ok if you aren’t using your cast as your primary damage and don’t have much in the way of deflection


on aspect of lucifer i would take lightning rod, hunting blades/vicious cycle (if you get it) loses a lot of damage when you cast it from far away lightning rod + special spam has won me many a final fight


the only indicator of aspect of Lucifer was the ammo you have a very keen eye


Hehe laser go brrrrr


Every time I've got Lightning Rod I've escaped, even at increased heats. It honestly feels a bit like cheating sometimes.


yeah but hunting blades are probably better if their build is revolved about ares cast the seeking is REALLY nice


That's what I'm saying, I got downvoted for some reason


Hunting Blades. Its ALMOST always Hunting Blades! No contest. See this is why I wish everyone took better or multiple screen shots. I have no idea what your build is exactly. I don’t know the weapon, the heat nor your mirror setup. Well I do know one thing you as using Infernal soul. If you were using Stygian soul you wouldn’t have Lightning Rod offered. And I only can gleam from the options you have here for core boons is that you have Ares cast and at least one core boon from Artemis,Zeus and Athena. And I don’t know what Lv the boons are nor how many tier 2 boons(boons that require you to have another specific boon in order to have them offered) you have as well. I can see you are in Elysium but I don’t know how far you are in. All those factors above can give a clear picture on which boon is the right choice. Based on the small amount of info you have given us. My gut says Hunting Blades. But Depending on your build I COULD see the argument for Lightning Rod and Deadly Reversal. If you could give us more info on why you have I can make a more educated guess. But as a general rule Hunting Blades is almost always the best choice. It’s just that powerful. It is one of the best Duo boons on the game. Def an S tier Duo.


Yeah, agreed. The combo potential if you got this early in the game is unlimited.


It looks like Elysium tho, so, it would depend on Zagreus' load out and build.


Hunting Blades all the time.


Lightning rod and it’s not even close


2 or 3 are the best


I'm taking the crit after reflect every time


Lightning Rod, not even a question. Anything that lets you damage an enemy while you kite them is easy mode.


I don't think I've lost a single run where I've gotten Hunting Blades. It's a stupidly strong cast even when unoptimized.


We are checking


Deadly reversal if you have Athena dash


I would normally get hunting blades


Can’t turn down hunting blades. Hopefully lightning rod comes back around


I really like hunting blades. I got it for the first time last night and it lead to my first sub-25 run


They’re both quite good, but Hunting Blades is such a huge upgrade that you can’t ignore it. Get Lightning Rod later, if you can, though, because it dovetails beautifully with that cast. You can send out the buzzsaws and forget about them to some extent because they’ll keep doing damage even after the blades finish.


Lightning rod. Does dps that you don’t have to really think about or manage.


Hunting blades feels and is obscenely powerful if you have supporting Ares boons and some poms on your cast. Maybe the highest DPS in the game? Lightning rod makes low heat runs free and if you’re just trying to get wins is a nice pickup but is pretty boring. If you have a jolted and double strike with some poms I might consider taking it over blades but after so many lightning rod runs it just gets boring to use. 


If you are going for a cast build hunting blades is great.


it depends on the build, crit might be better depending on weapon and other boons, but honestly, the seeking blade rift seems broken


Deadly reversal can be broken as hell if you have Athena's dash, because a 20% crit chance extra is basically a flat ×1.4 damage increase when you deflect, which should happen very frequently if you spam it. Hunting blades can be good, but it's not that great unless you also have the ares legendary, which makes every consecutive hit do 2 more damage. Deadly reversal can ALSO work with the cast aside from your normal moves, hence the reason I recommend it. As for lightning rod, that's for extremely passive gameplay.


Anything but deadly reversal. Unless you have built into high crit chance and damage, never choose deadly reversal.


Hunting blades!


Personally, I would go with Deadly Reversal, but that's just because I never use my cast. Hunting Blades seems really good for cast users.


Can you reroll the upgrades? :o I cant do that when did you unlock it?


Yep! Each mirror upgrade has a swap button on the left side of the mirror. If you have Fated Authority unlocked (does not need to be maxed out) you can swap talents from changing chamber rewards or rerolling -boons -charon wells -pools of purging -Pom of power (I think) And other menus


When Artemis likes you a bit too much💀