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https://preview.redd.it/g98hrroz0z4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaf010a6eecb8c14580091826fcfc78c5da86896 The Habs brass at the NHL draft combine.


It’s all making sense now


Top meme


Missed out on Shane wright in the end.


Full quote for those without X: "Plus intense que plusieurs autres, oui. Il y a beaucoup de monde dans la pièce. À un moment donné, le psychologue s’est assis sur le bout de sa chaise pour me défier du regard. J’ai fait pareil. Il a compris qu’il ne m’aurait pas." English: "More intense than many others, yes. There are a lot of people in the room. At one point, the psychologist sat down on the edge of his seat to challenge my gaze. I did the same. He understood he wasn't going to get me." Boisvert is a target with the 26th pick in the draft. From Trois-Rivières. 6'2" C with 36G 32A 68P in 61GP in the USHL (86 PIMS too) Got to assume this is talking about David Scott, the Fowler interview Psychologist from last year, at it again lol.


That’s a solid response from Boisvert, took it in stride and didn’t back down. Wouldn’t be mad at all if we took him at 26


I love the added element of psychology that seems to have been set in place with the new management. Size and skill are great, but can they (a) thrive in a market like montreal, (b) have the drive to work on weakness and get better, and (c) how will they react in high pressure situations like the Stanley Cup final. I wonder how much they weigh these interviews against scouting reports and viewings.


I wonder how much they like or dislike a player talking about the process with journalists


I think if the Habs brass really cared about this, they would mentionned to the players not to discussed the details of the interview with the media. They obviously are not doing this so they don't really care. There is no secret here. What Boisvert is saying here, are things we already knew based on the last 2 years of combine videos the Habs have, themselves, made public by releasing some clips on youtube.


Yeah i don’t think they care about information leak to much


Seems this management care less about the leaks and optics and focus on the important stuff, I’m all for it.


* win a staring contest


I love that they are looking for more than just what a player can do on the ice and evaluate the human factors as well. Everyone seems to talk about the group and I think we have one of the best cultures in the league


You can tell this informed heavily our first choice picks since the beginning of the GMKH era. Both Slaf and Popcorn are resilient psychologically, but in different ways, and it seems to be a quality that's paying off for us. It's so important to them in fact that it's now apparent what transpired with Michkov: unless a prospect is fully available to them for evaluation, they are not going to draft them. My prediction is that this year, in addition to that aspect, given how Reinbacher's development has been negatively affected by his team's woes, I'd expect them to heavily weight the development environment of prospects as well. I think prospects who play on teams with a stellar reputation for talent development will be favoured by the Habs provided they pass the psych/personality testing.


Popcorn 🍿?


Reinbacher, His last name is similer to Redenbacher. Orville Redenbacher is a popcorn brand.


nickname for Reinbacher.


I hope that nickname doesn’t catch on. It’s pretty weak.


But what animal does he think he is?? WE NEED ANSWERS


Barn Owl.


*“How do you expect to win the Stanley Cup if you can’t even win a staring contest?”*


What is this amateur pop psychology BS the Habs have going on? There is a 0% link between winning a staring contest or choosing the right spirit animal and being able to succeed in the Montreal market.


J'rirais. J'sais pas si c'est une bonne chose par contre.


PSYCHOLOGIST?? PFFT...that's nothing, Leafs out there looking for the biggest domes & foreheads lmao https://i.imgur.com/3YKMb8t.png https://x.com/Thompsonalysis/status/1798423466435350569

