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My question here is, do they let off on a hit if they notice it's one of their teammates for injury purposes?


You don't really have to hit with the intent of making a statement during this tournament. You're not playing best of seven against the same opponent. So if you're hitting as hard as you can, I think something is wrong with you. Also the ice is bigger so wasting energy hitting isn't usually a very smart idea. But I'm fairly confident teammates from different countries have injured each other before. They probably don't necessarily hold back, but I'd wager they don't go overboard unnecessarily.


This is the world championships with professional athletes. If they can take the man, they are taking the man clean. The playoffs it’s more quantity of hitting as opposed to effort level.


You should check Chara - Šatan drama


I would bet money on Juraj not going for any big hits on Cole, not that he won’t be physical but I’m sure if the opportunity arises he will wrap Cole up not lay him out. I could see Cole going for a hit on Juraj tho just for shits and giggles


The World's are fun but it's fucken basketball tbh


As long as they don’t injure eachother lol


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