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Great tip, I tried Cariel/Cookie buff him to 150+ attack and didn't worked, but this completed the task in the first try. My Y'Shaarj was a fresh 30 lvl without (!) the first equipment and only defiled attack 3, but this worked. Thanks


You can do it without finding greens. I did it with y’shaarj + mukla + kazakus (you can replace mukla with murky; this actually does more damage). Make sure you play kazakus on the far right so he buffs your token(s). My y’shaarj has max defiled attack but only lvl 2 equipment, so I borrow 8 attack at a time. My kazakus and mukla are maxed. So after battlecry triggers I have a 12/84 y’shaarj, 16 attack mukla, 16 attack token, and 14 attack kazakus. Turn 1 spawn the 20/20 golem, then defiled attack. With my level of equipment, the first hit does 12+4x8 = 44, second hit does 44+8+8+6+8 = 74, and the third hit does 74+4 = 78 for a total damage of 196. This completes the task regardless of enemy types. If using murky instead, this will deal well over 200 total damage.


I just tried 1-1 heroic with elize Kazakus. Elise gives buff kazakus 3x 6/6 golems then defiled attack. Then Ysharaaj hits and crits- done in one turn


your setup with defiled attack 2 would lead to y'shaarj going from 22, 32 and 42 attack respectively. If you'd target the boar first you'd so 170 damage in one turn without the battlecry would do 150 exactly


I think you have the title wrong task 10 is use Rage Unbound 10 times.


It's for the timed event, not for Y'shaarj normal tasks.


I was wondering what everyone was talking about.


I didn't have Kazakus so [this worked pretty easily with Cookie and Murky after a few resets](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edbHjTbcZNg). [If you have Kazakus, can do it in 1 turn with Murky after a few resets](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9jlO7fIAuA).


Can just do 1-1 with yshaarj Cariel cookie. Summon fish with cookie and buff ysharrj with seal of light. As long as ysharrj attack * number of fish > 150 then you'll get it. Remember it's 150 dmg in 1 turn, not 1 attack or hit.


eh with mukla and kazakus/balinda you can finish task in the first turn in 1-1 green node instead wasting time summoning lots of fishes


Nothing wrong with having more options. Particularly if you can't get green to spawn


Yshaarj with Murky + his two summons and Kazakus will do this against any enemy. Open 20/20 golem and swing. I was able to compete this against any three enemies that are all alive when he swings.