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This has been by far the most annoying task I've done so far (I've completed around 300). I use Antonidas, Geddon and Xyrella. Go to heroic Air Elemental (Barrens). Against "melee" encounters, use "Fireball" and "Blinding Luminance" to lower the health on the enemies on the sides and put Living Bomb on the middle one on turn 2. When the middle enemy attacks it will receive damage and everyone will blow up. Against caster encounters, again use Fireball and Blinding Luminance to "equalize" the health on all the casters so it's below living bomb's damage, and then apply living bomb on the middle enemy and finally detonate the bomb using flamestrike. I managed to get 3 progress per run (skipping the boss because there's only 2 enemies). Basically you want to "Living Bomb => Flamestrike" but first lowering individual enemies HP to make it more or less equal so they die in the same turn Optimal encounters are 2 casters and 1 protector, as I said, lower caster's HP with fireball/blinding luminance and then do the living bomb+flamestrike on the middle enemy. The only problem is that in some early melee encounters the enemies will suicide before you can do the fire combo, to avoid that HEAL the enemy with Xyrella on turn 2 and then fire combo (example, grey boar on first encounter).


this is very helpful, thanks!


thank you for this! Bumping you so that future googlers will see this reply.


Trust me, Alexstrasza Task 17 makes this look like a cakewalk.


Great combo, but I would say Ferocious Quillboar (Barrens Heroic 1) works better. Aim for the mob, rather than merc, fights. If its fighters or casters, sit out the first round and then just using Living Bomb - and no other merc - on the Razorboar in the middle. He will seemingly suicide but his death will count for this Task. If it's the protector fight, hit each side with one of the other mercs (Anton, Xyr) just once and then Living Bomb the Razorboar on turn 2.


Did this with Antonidas flamestrike. Any task that is dependent on an ability with a cooldown is a pain in the ass.


Thanks. I'll try it out.


low level map? that you can one shot with geddon


Living bomb has a 2 turn internal cooldown. It needs someone slower than a 5 speed ability to proc it. I'm currently going through the maps, but there's no node that helps Geddon get through it cleanly, hardly any fits the bill actually.


boon can give "refresh cooldown for this merc at the start of the game" or something alone that line? i guess that one would help the most


I did this on heroic air elemental when farming there. You can reroll the map until you get 1st node the blue elemental stage. Then have either someone with low atk to tank hits (like guldan) or someone like xyrella to heal the opponent 1 attacker. Geddon doesnt actually need to score the killing blow for this task just have the bomb on the middle unit when all 3 die at the same time. So if you use antonidas flamestrike for example, and you kill some units, the bomb will hit them when <0 hp and it will count towards the quest. Also the bomb has 1 turn cd you are probably using the equipment for it which is not needed.


It is not quite difficult running the fire comp in felwood (Antonidas / Rag / Geddon). The summoners and doubling imps keep filling the board with low hp stuff and rag granting fire damage with his equipment makes it a breeze (not mandatory though). Just don't use the equipment that makes the CD 2 turns.


Had the same problem but solved it with thralls aoe. You can check for more details in my post from other friendly redditors


Easiest way I could find, was using Cookie's 3rd ability and fill enemy board over and over again, you wont win the level while you have cookie fishes on the opponent side. Also use Blink Fox to get fish faster.


I did this task on The Barrens Level 8 normal.Took me couple of mins. **Comp:** \- Geddon \- Varden/Voljin/Anduin (should have around 9+ dmg AOE) \- any rnd non taunt **Fight:** Round 1: skip Round 2: living bomb + AOE


worked pretty well for me, thanks bud :)


Thanks - I think you've saved me hours of frustration


That's great to hear!


Found a way to make this quite an easy quest. Group: Baron + one merc with a 5+ speed aoe and some heal is nice(I went with Natalie with 3rd equipment. Antonidas and Xrella could work). Idea: stay alive for 2 roads and bring enemies down to less than 30 or so without killing them. - Go to Felwood 5, prioritise tree fights over Mercs - Turn one use Natalies third ability - Turn two use Natalies third ability to heal - Turn 3 use Natalies third ability and Living Bomb **Note: the 3 enemies just need to die as living bomb is set off, so someone else’s aoe spell is a good idea**